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Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:23 pm
by Bouncy X
ah they're back!! they released the original Prime with the first movie, the movie Bumblebee with the second movie but nothing with the third. and now these will likely come with the 4th movie.

i would love to have them all but i simply don't have the room but it works out because Starscream is my fav character and i'm very glad they finally made one of him. figured he woulda come with the 3rd movie so better late than never.

and i love that he's G1 inspired and thats a cute gimmick where he can "transform" into a jet.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:30 am
by Rated X
GuyIncognito wrote:
Rated X wrote:Its stuff like this thats the reason Hasbro is such a joke. Back in the 80s they didnt waste plastic on crap like this.

Quit being such a Grinch. These are cute toys. And Hasbro wasted MOUNTAINS of plastic on crap like this in the 80s.

If I was a kid that wanted cute, I would ask for a puppy, not a toy robot. Do you really think 5 year olds want This crap ? I think not. They want the cool Prime that their older brother has. All this cute crap ends up warming the shelves. Rescue bots, robot heroes, bot shots, mighty muggs and constructobots were all epic failures that took walmart months to clean their shelves. If something "cute" is what tickles your pickle, then more power to you. I never owned a mr. Potato Head in my life. My folks bought me big boys toys.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:13 am
by njb902
Rated X wrote:
GuyIncognito wrote:
Rated X wrote:Its stuff like this thats the reason Hasbro is such a joke. Back in the 80s they didnt waste plastic on crap like this.

Quit being such a Grinch. These are cute toys. And Hasbro wasted MOUNTAINS of plastic on crap like this in the 80s.

If I was a kid that wanted cute, I would ask for a puppy, not a toy robot. Do you really think 5 year olds want This crap ? I think not. They want the cool Prime that their older brother has. All this cute crap ends up warming the shelves. Rescue bots, robot heroes, bot shots, mighty muggs and constructobots were all epic failures that took walmart months to clean their shelves. If something "cute" is what tickles your pickle, then more power to you. I never owned a mr. Potato Head in my life. My folks bought me big boys toys.

How did you get the sales figures? Oh wait that's right, you like to make things up to fit into your narrative. So I'll just call your lie.

I loved my Mr Potato Head as a kid and I love him now, he sits on a bookshelf in my home office.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:16 am
by GuyIncognito
Rated X wrote: I never owned a mr. Potato Head in my life.

I feel sorry for you. That's sad. It's also sad that you think there's something wrong with kids enjoying cute toys.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:28 am
by PrymeStriker
GuyIncognito wrote:
Rated X wrote: I never owned a mr. Potato Head in my life.

I feel sorry for you. That's sad. It's also sad that you think there's something wrong with kids enjoying cute toys.

Honestly, I've never owned one either.

However, I'm not going to state that kids simply do not like these kinds of toys. Because that's not a fact. Rather, that's an ignorant and pathetic method of delivering a reason why you don't like something that wasn't made for you in the first place.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:24 am
by Rated X
PrymeStriker wrote:
GuyIncognito wrote:
Rated X wrote: I never owned a mr. Potato Head in my life.

I feel sorry for you. That's sad. It's also sad that you think there's something wrong with kids enjoying cute toys.

Honestly, I've never owned one either.

However, I'm not going to state that kids simply do not like these kinds of toys. Because that's not a fact. Rather, that's an ignorant and pathetic method of delivering a reason why you don't like something that wasn't made for you in the first place.

If I had no life, I would drive to verious retail stores and take pictures of whats warming the shelves, but im not going to stoop to your level. If youre too blind to see little kids dont want to be treated like babies, then stay blind. Just dont try to cross the street. I might laugh when reality hits you in the form of a semi truck...

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:26 am
by Rated X
GuyIncognito wrote:
Rated X wrote: I never owned a mr. Potato Head in my life.

I feel sorry for you. That's sad. It's also sad that you think there's something wrong with kids enjoying cute toys.

I was too busy playing with toy guns, cars, and nintendo to get the mr. Potato head experience. I feel sorry for you if thats all you got as a kid.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:14 pm
by PrymeStriker
Rated X wrote:If youre too blind to see little kids dont want to be treated like babies, then stay blind. Just dont try to cross the street. I might laugh when reality hits you in the form of a semi truck...

Oh, the irony in your statement.

Just because they're collecting dust at your stores does not mean they are not selling anywhere else. It also does not mean that kids do not enjoy them. My nextdoor neighbor has a six-year-old son. A couple of years ago, I gave him my Animated activators toys and a few of my Robot Heroes, which are about as cute and simple as a potato head. Guess what? He loved them. Quit generalizing children.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:33 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
My mother-in-law has gotten me the Optimash Prime and Bumblespud ones a couple years back, because she found them cute and thought they were right up my alley. Yes, I was surprised, but I've opened up to them, I even brought them to my job (when I still had one). And I wouldn't mind getting those new ones, they're just too cute :x

Did I mention she's been a Teacher's Assistant for 17 years and has dealt with children on a daily basis? Children of the current and previous generation? ;)

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:31 pm
by njb902
I summaries Rated X's arguments with the following quote.

"Which way did he go,George? Which way did he go?"

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:00 pm
by GuyIncognito
So there are two basic viewpoints here:

1) Kids should be kids and play with whatever they enjoy. It shouldn't matter whether the toy is simple or complex, "smart" or "dumb", cheap or expensive, cute or "mature". Toy-makers, in turn, should make whatever they think kids will enjoy playing with.

2) Kids should only play with violent, mature toys (like guns) that are not cute in any way, those toys must be complex and challenging (require long instruction manuals), and toy-makers should cater entirely to adult collectors.

Call me crazy, but I believe kids should be kids and toys should be toys.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:19 pm
by Sabrblade

Growing UP is OPTIONAL

This whole nonsense about "People should just let kids grow up!" is a whole bunch of BALONEY! Not every kid wants to grow up. I'm a grown young adult and I still don't want to grow up. And the fact that we're all here on this board talking about a hobby we all partake in that involves children's toys and stories shows that, to some extent, we all don't want to grow up either, as that would entail giving up our children's playthings and fiction since all of it is really rooted in childish things not originally meant for grown ups.

All this stuff about cuteness or silliness being unmanly or sinful are sure signs of insecurity in one's masculinity, for it takes a real man to not be bothered by any of this. If a man feels threatened by something as harmless as a Mr. Potato Head, then that man is the one showing weakness and vulnerability, not the men who are unaffected by it. They're strong, they're manly, and they're mature, because they're tough enough to grin and bear it. Those who aren't are scared and immature, and need to follow their own advice and grow up a little more, themselves.

Acclaimed writer C.S. Lewis once put it best when he wrote:
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” -- C.S. Lewis

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:30 pm
by Rated X
There were hella kids on my block and none of them owned a damn mr. Potato head. The thing was DUMB in the 80s and it is still DUMB today. Everytime I say something is dumb, out come all the stupid "insecurity" comments. Its like you guys all think alike like a bunch of vechicons. Im actually SO SECURE that I am not afraid to speak my mind whether you all like it or not. Is it a crime to think something is DUMB ? Do I gotta like cute toys just because all of you support them ? Do I gotta pull out a powerpoint of store sales data just to prove somethings DUMB ? Id rather let the shelfwarming speak for itself. Im sure plenty of you got pet peeves and think certain things are DUMB. Its not my fault that half of you consider someone to have no tact just for speaking their mind. Next thing you guys will be sticking up for MLP too. If you choose to buy your kids dumbed down toys that dont challenge their mental abilities, you might as well buy them sneakers with velcro straps too. I dont think ive ever seen a kid run into a TRU and scream "mommy I want a mr. Potato head". Every time I pass through those baby aisles all I see is lone parents picking out Toys they deem appropiate. That isnt what the kid wants. Thats what YOU want to buy the kid. Dont BS me with that crap that kids prefer dumb toys over big kids toys. Its not like you gave your 5 year old 20 bucks and told him buy whatever you want. You bought him that crap because your too INSECURE to see your kid grow up. You guys must be the same parents who think TF prime was too "dark" for little kids. That show was kiddie in my opinion. Cartoony robot faces, no blood, and enough bumblebee to make your stomach turn. Any 5 year old who finds TF Prime scary needs serious help. But I dont blame the kids, I blame the parents. If you introduce it to them as "cool" they will probally love it. Get real guys. Stop trying to sugarcoat things. I challenge any one of you guys to ask your kids do they want a mr potato head prime or an AOE voyager prime ? Let them pick. See how many go for the DUMB potato. I bet very few if any at all. Try it. All of you are so desperate to prove mean ol X wrong. Why dont you let the kids do the proving ?I know some of you got kids, right ? You must all have kids because you come on here acting like experts.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:06 am
by Burn
You're more than welcome to speak your mind.

But what you need to understand is your opinion does NOT equal fact.

People are getting sick and tired of you Rated X, not because you're speaking your mind, but because you're constantly negative and you feel the need to run down anyone who disagrees with you.

Face facts, people like stuff you don't.

Now kindly stop dragging this thread off-topic.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:29 am
by Rated X
Burn wrote:You're more than welcome to speak your mind.

But what you need to understand is your opinion does NOT equal fact.

People are getting sick and tired of you Rated X, not because you're speaking your mind, but because you're constantly negative and you feel the need to run down anyone who disagrees with you.

Face facts, people like stuff you don't.

Now kindly stop dragging this thread off-topic.

I usually end up arguing with 2 or 3 people that represent an oposing view. And lately they seem to be the same people on every thread. I understand I cant speak on behalf of the entire TF fandom, but does that mean those 2 or 3 can ??? Just because 3 people love mr. Potato head, they dont speak any more for the fandom than I do. And in this particular case were not even talking about the fandom, were talking about the kids. So now all of a sudden anyone who hates Rated X becomes a "kid expert" ? The only true way to gauge how much kids like dumb and simplified toys on a large scale, is by what is or isnt warming the shelves. People may be getting tired of me, but being part of the anti X camp doesnt necessarily make them an expert on the topic of discussion. Im not saying Im an expert either. But when it comes To what kids like or dont like, the retail shelves speak for themselves...

Heres what the kids apparently DONT want to buy in Miami, Florida (Hialeah Target photo taken 01/31/14 at 1000 PM)


We got a bunch of dumbed down legends/legions figures, a s**tload of Constructobots, and some weird figures that look like shampoo bottles. There is also plenty of outdated TF Prime stuff as well. Gone are all the Generations deluxe and voyager figures 9empty 9.99 spot in the middle) I know the topic of this thread is AOE Mr. Potato heads. But by the time they are warming the shelves, this thread will be months old and lost in the archives forever. So Im just using current examples of kiddie TF's that have suffered the same fate.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:55 am
by Erailea
These are adorable. I might just get them for me niece to play with at my place.

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:50 pm
by Burn
One picture from one store from one small part of the world does NOT give a true indication of sales.

You're welcome. >:oP

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:05 pm
by Va'al
Burn wrote:One picture from one store from one small part of the world does NOT give a true indication of sales.

You're welcome. >:oP

Also, one rack of Generations sold out before four of Beast Hunters Deluxes, three of Cyberverse Commanders (including the two-pack), two of legions, eight of ConstructBots, one of Voyagers, one of Ultimates and two of 'shampoo bottles'? How is that possible? You're right, it must be because no one wants them, and not because there were fewer Generations figures.

Wait, are those eleven Generations Legends on the left?

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:31 pm
by Sabrblade
To shed some light, the "shampoo bottle-esque" figures are Titan Heroes, and yeah those things are terrible.

Sadly, though, it's only going to get worse as Hasbro's making a ton-load more of them for AOE. :roll:

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:32 pm
by Va'al
Sabrblade wrote:To shed some light, the "shampoo bottle-esque" figures are titan Heroes, and yeah those things are terrible.

Sadly, though, it's only going to get worse as Hasbro's making a ton-load more of them for AOE. :roll:

I care not for your facts, I am in nerdenial. [-(

They even fail at being useful as shampoo bottles. Seriously Hasb-Bay. :michaelbay:

Re: New Transformers Mr. Potato Head Figures

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:46 pm
by Sabrblade
Va'al wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:To shed some light, the "shampoo bottle-esque" figures are Titan Heroes, and yeah those things are terrible.

Sadly, though, it's only going to get worse as Hasbro's making a ton-load more of them for AOE. :roll:

I care not for your facts, I am in nerdenial. [-(

They even fail at being useful as shampoo bottles. Seriously Hasb-Bay. :michaelbay:
What's more is that the Transformers aren't the only toylines that have these kinds of figures. Both Star Wars and Power Rangers (a non-Hasbro line, no less) have these same giant-sized, barely articulated, cheap plastic figures of Darth Vader and the Red Megaforce Ranger, respectively. Transformers having them seems to just be following a current trend. >:oP