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Re: Where are the toys?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:41 am
by Megs for pres
I can see the percs to both sides. I myself enjoy hunting them down in stores. As someoneelse said, It wouldnt be fun to walk into a store and have everything there every time. I love finally finding something Ive been hunting down for a while.
Having said that, after a few months of hitting many, many stores and finding squat is kind of disheartning. I need to have a steady flow of something being found to have fun with it. Is a figure every two weeks too much to ask? Round these parts the answer is yes.
Still have yet to see the new waves and Ive not missed them, they simply havnt arrived yet.
I did break down and get skywarp via ebay though. (and mania king on another note. Love that figure B.T.W)
I like that I finally have him and he looks no different than he would had I purchased him from a store, but It just isnt as fulfilling as finding him on the shelf some how.
I have a fond memory of finding screamer and t.cracker every time I look at their figures. Sky warp has no fun hunt time attached to him though so it just isnt the same. Does that make sense?

Re: Where are the toys?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:22 pm
by shajaki
i guess its different for us in canada, but ill just relate my hunting experience...

i collect a lot of imports and third party, all of which are purchased online. when official domestic releases come out that i want, i go on the hunt. and the hunt, is a lot of fun for me. keep in mind that here in canada we get the same releases you americans do only later. usually a couple months, sometimes three. and when they do start popping up in stores they dissappear quick. but once the hardcores get their fix, that wave usually warms shelves till the next one arrives. hell, i just realized i needed a hasbro trailcutter yesterday and found him quite easily at the TRU on the way home from work.

now, THE wave everyones talking about just arrived in my neck of the woods about 3 weeks ago. and ive seen it freshly stocked on the shelves about four times since then. so i cant say that here, theyre particularly rare or that theres been anything released domestic in recent memory that was hard for me to find.

Re: Where are the toys?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:04 pm
by shajaki
oh! i just realized im full of it.

there is a wave that completely passed my city by: ruination. i havent seen one of those five even once. not sure about canada, or the rest of my province in general, but no ruinations here.

Re: Where are the toys?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:17 pm
by GuyIncognito
shajaki wrote:oh! i just realized im full of it.

there is a wave that completely passed my city by: ruination. i havent seen one of those five even once. not sure about canada, or the rest of my province in general, but no ruinations here.

Just because YOU couldn't find it, doesn't mean it "completely passed [your] city by." There's no way you could even know that, unless you had the toy aisles of every retailer in the city under surveillance 24/7. It's very possible that some stores in your city (maybe ALL of them) had them at some point, but they were sold before you got there.

Re: Where are the toys?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:56 pm
by mooncake623
GuyIncognito wrote:
shajaki wrote:oh! i just realized im full of it.

there is a wave that completely passed my city by: ruination. i havent seen one of those five even once. not sure about canada, or the rest of my province in general, but no ruinations here.

Just because YOU couldn't find it, doesn't mean it "completely passed [your] city by." There's no way you could even know that, unless you had the toy aisles of every retailer in the city under surveillance 24/7. It's very possible that some stores in your city (maybe ALL of them) had them at some point, but they were sold before you got there.

Maybe he checks all his stores everyday, so it did missed his city. I mean Edmonton is only 264.24 sq miles. so that's probably what? 2 toy stores that sells transformers?

Re: Where are the toys?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:29 pm
by shajaki
GuyIncognito wrote:
shajaki wrote:oh! i just realized im full of it.

there is a wave that completely passed my city by: ruination. i havent seen one of those five even once. not sure about canada, or the rest of my province in general, but no ruinations here.

Just because YOU couldn't find it, doesn't mean it "completely passed [your] city by." There's no way you could even know that, unless you had the toy aisles of every retailer in the city under surveillance 24/7. It's very possible that some stores in your city (maybe ALL of them) had them at some point, but they were sold before you got there.

jesus christ... you know what i mean. NO i didnt check EVERY store EVERY day. but i make it around to all the good stores a couple times a week, and as i said i didnt even find remnants of the wave. cause theres always the "loser" of every wave that is the last to sell. which leads me to believe we didnt get them at all. or very little.

satisfied? :roll: