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Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:08 pm
by Ig89ninja
3 favorite: movie 1 Starscream (simple yet elegant in every right way), Scrapmetal (fun little figure of a character that you could basically write your own personality for (I like to think he was the smartest of the Constructicons, and that Scalpel had him killed out of jealousy)), and VW Bumblebee (I always love it when Hasbro can seamlessly blend the Movie ascetic with G1, like with Evasion Optimus Prime)

3 classes: Deluxe:Scrapmetal, Voyager:Starscream, Leader:Blackout (only leader character I actually wanted)

Disappointment: Shatter (do I even need to explain this choice?)

3 wants: movie 1 Megatron (with Frenzy) (I WANT EVERY MOVIE 1 DECEPTICON!), Jet Shatter (with no shattering issues) (such an awesome villain from the Bumblebee Movie, she deserves so much better), and Constructcion repaints (Demolishor in particular)

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:12 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
Ig89ninja wrote:3 favorite: movie 1 Starscream, Scrapmetal, and VW Bumblebee
3 classes: Deluxe:Scrapmetal, Voyager:Starscream, Leader:Blackout
Disappointment: Shatter
3 wants: movie 1 Megatron (with Frenzy), Jet Shatter (with no shattering issues), and construction repaints (Demolishor in particular)

I can agree in 2 of the 3 favorites!

The classes are pretty good too, Blackout makes a huge copter.

Shatter I think disappointed everyone. Muscle car mode is cool, but that's about it.

Movie 1 Megs is a yes, he needed that MPM! same way Shatter needs a new toy.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:33 pm
by Inactive_____
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Jazz is one of the best figures of the line, glad you got him! Shadow Raider uses a great mold too. I have Lockdown and he is fantastic!

Couldn't agree more. For the figures I have, I couldnt be with happier with Studio series so far.

For the questions, (although I only own like six figures so my knowledge is limited :lol:)

1) Optimus SS05, Jazz, and Shadow Raider are my favorites of the toys I own.

2) Jazz is by far and away my favourite Deluxe. So much personality for such a smol boy. For the voyagers, it's between my 2 Optimuses, (Optimi?) and I've gotta give it to SS05, against what I think most people say. I don't own any of the leaders so I can't really weigh in, but the ragged drifter DOTM Megatron is the one that appeals to me the most. I'm keeping my eye out for good sales. :lol:

3) Unfortunately this has to go to Thundercracker. I just don't gel well with this guy. I'm sorry, but I just can like him. I tried, I reallyy did. But he just doesn't do it for me. I love his head, but overall he's just not what I want. I'm probably gonna try to move him on soon. /:

4) I will absolutely second that Movie 1 Voyager Megatron. I passed the current Voyager Megs due to his wierd peekaboo tank mode, but I would jump all over the janky spikey superman pose "jet" that he turned into in movie 1. Another go at the AoE style Optimus body would be cool, especially with how far engineering has come. I'd love to see a Mercedes Soundwave, or maybe a new Fallen, or maybe a Shockwave. I unno. I just want more toys. MORE. MORE!

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:07 pm
by Ironhidensh
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:So, after the first 6 waves of Studio Series, I want to know what all of your favorites have been. So here's how I want to try approaching this:

1) Give me your top 3 favorite figures of the line
2) Give me your favorite figure from the 3 size classes
3) Give me your biggest disappointment of the line so far
4) Give me your top 3 figures you want to see the line give us that it hasn't already/has been confirmed to be giving us

1) Bumblebee Prime, Jazz, Jetfire Prime, because he is everything I ever wanted in a movie Prime, Jazz because he is simply all kinds of awesome in a tiny package, and Jetfire, because he is my soul bot.

2) Same as above.

3) its a tie between Dropkick and Barracide. Dropkick, because it was an awesome movie character yet the toy is a floppy mess that looks nothing like the movie model. While Barricade looks good, its construction feels rushed, and refuses to hold together in vehicle mode.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:13 pm
by Nemesis Primal
Let's see here...

1. Stinger, Bonecrusher, and...I'm going to be controversial and say Dropkick. In regards to Stinger, I really appreciate that he actually got both his own mold and a retail release, as both are a first for him, and I really like how his transformation works, his weapons, and the fact that the figure even exists in the first place. For Bonecrusher, I enjoy the uniqueness of his transformation, I love how poseable and stable he is despite his lack of real feet, and who doesn't love his claw? As for Dropkick, I may be biased since I liked the character and I got the figure from my girlfriend, but I really like his current figure. I like his weapons, I love his transformation, he looks great with Bee and as part of a Deceptisquad, I like that he's more varied in color than just straight blue, and complaints that he isn't movie accurate enough don't really faze me since he never was just a chopper in the movie anyway, so the figure is inaccurate by default. My only complaint is that his head and eyes feel slightly on the small side.

2. Blackout's my only Leader, so he wins by default there, plus he's one of my favorite new characters from the movies and his chopper mode is appropriately huge. Bonecrusher also wins Voyager by default, plus the reasons listed above. Deluxe was the difficult decision, as most of my SS figures so far are Deluxes, but Stinger wins with no regrets.

3. VW Bee. It's such as shame, because his bot mode and accessories are perfect, and the alt mode LOOKS amazing, but getting to said alt mode and getting him to stay together that way is just such a struggle that it sours the figure as a whole.

4. Jolt (I'd love a movie-accurate upgrade from my RotF Deluxe), Blitzwing (I'm honestly surprised they haven't made an SS figure of him yet given how well the BB movie performed, plus they could reuse the mold later if they chose for other Seekers/generics), and I'll second Mercedes Soundwave (even though I don't like his design as a Soundwave, I do like his design overall, so I'd snag him to use as a separate character).

Note: I technically own Scrapmetal and Shatter, but both are unopened and in a different state right now, so I obviously excluded them from this.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:37 pm
by Rainmaker
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:1) Give me your top 3 favorite figures of the line
2) Give me your favorite figure from the 3 size classes
3) Give me your biggest disappointment of the line so far
4) Give me your top 3 figures you want to see the line give us that it hasn't already/has been confirmed to be giving us

1. Shadow Raider, Thundercracker, Jazz
2. Shadow Raider, Thundercracker, Blackout
3. Crowbar
4. Shockwave, Soundwave and Dino


Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:37 pm
by Ironhidensh
Ironhidensh wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:So, after the first 6 waves of Studio Series, I want to know what all of your favorites have been. So here's how I want to try approaching this:

1) Give me your top 3 favorite figures of the line
2) Give me your favorite figure from the 3 size classes
3) Give me your biggest disappointment of the line so far
4) Give me your top 3 figures you want to see the line give us that it hasn't already/has been confirmed to be giving us

1) Bumblebee Prime, Jazz, Jetfire Prime, because he is everything I ever wanted in a movie Prime, Jazz because he is simply all kinds of awesome in a tiny package, and Jetfire, because he is my soul bot.

2) Same as above.

3) its a tie between Dropkick and Barracide. Dropkick, because it was an awesome movie character yet the toy is a floppy mess that looks nothing like the movie model. While Barricade looks good, its construction feels rushed, and refuses to hold together in vehicle mode.

I forgot to answer #4. :oops:

Anyway, the 3 Iwant to see made are:


Please dont kill me.........

And Skids and Mudflap.

Hotrod because his TLJ figure just plain sucks, and the twins because I genuinely like thier movie designs, if not thier characters

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:46 pm
by Ig89ninja
@nemesis primal, I agree with you on Dropkick, if you swing his hips out only halfway, the guy looks perfect

@ironhidensh, if they make new twins, I’m probably going to get them just so I could feed Devastator :twisted:

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:32 pm
by Sabrblade
Ig89ninja wrote:@ironhidensh, if they make new twins, I’m probably going to get them just so I could feed Devastator :twisted:
You know, little accessories of them coming with the new Mixmaster would be a neat idea.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:41 am
by EvasionModeBumblebee
1. ’76 Camaro Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Starscream (First movie version): all 3 of these are figures that I’ve wanted for a long time, and they all hit it out of the park!

2. ’76 Camaro Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Blackout : Leader class is between Blackout and DOTM Megatron, but I haven’t been able to spend a lot of time with Megatron so I’m gonna go with Blackout. Starscream vs. Ironhide is also tough but I went with Ironhide because while I’ve had great Starscreams in the past (HFTD Leader), I haven’t had a great Ironhide before SS.

3. This is going to be controversial - Jazz. I’m not sure what exactly it is, but Jazz just doesn’t quite do it for me. I think a lot of it is that his chest piece doesn’t tab in in robot mode. I’d say he’s better than Crowbar or VW Bee, but my expectations for Jazz were higher.

4. DOTM versions of Bumblebee, Soundwave, and Sentinel Prime: DOTM Shockwave is also right up there, but those are the top 3. DOTM is my favorite movie (and my main focus for the SS line), so that’s what I’m hoping for in the future!

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:21 am
by Nathaniel Prime
Does anyone have a picture of SS38(Bumblebee Prime) at Walmart with a price tag of 21$? I want to try price matching and see if that works. If you can help, thanks.

Also feel free to point out if there is something wrong with my plan (never tried price matching before)

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 12:59 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Nathaniel Prime wrote:Does anyone have a picture of SS38(Bumblebee Prime) at Walmart with a price tag of 21$? I want to try price matching and see if that works. If you can help, thanks.

Also feel free to point out if there is something wrong with my plan (never tried price matching before)

I actually tried getting Rampage that way, but ran into 2 minor problems:

1) It wouldn't scan with either the in-store scanner or the app, meaning the item wasn't in the system.
2) It did scan at the register... at regular price.

The Clearance tag of $21 was still on the shelf, so I took a picture of it (make sure the small codes are perfectly legible) and told the cashier about it. It took a manager override, but I got him at that price (we also got avocados for 66c instead of 78c that way). ;) Alas, next time I went there, the tag was gone. It had a date of 04/04/19, so it's possible the Clearance had already ended by the time I got him, but the tag was never removed.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:40 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
I am still really enjoying this Prime. He is so heroic! And posable! and fun!


Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 9:42 am
by Evil Eye
Nice pics D-Max! He looks really cool.

In other news I broke down and bought SS Thundercracker, and I'm glad I did. He's awesome- the transformation is inspired and he looks amazing in both modes. Also IMO has the best colours of any version of the mold.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:03 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
Black Hat wrote:Nice pics D-Max! He looks really cool.

In other news I broke down and bought SS Thundercracker, and I'm glad I did. He's awesome- the transformation is inspired and he looks amazing in both modes. Also IMO has the best colours of any version of the mold.

That Nitro Zeus mold is one of the best figures of the past 5 years or so. It is so fun with such an inventive transformation! And Thundercracker kills it with the premium paint work

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:30 pm
by chuckdawg1999
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
Black Hat wrote:Nice pics D-Max! He looks really cool.

In other news, I broke down and bought SS Thundercracker, and I'm glad I did. He's awesome- the transformation is inspired and he looks amazing in both modes. Also, IMO has the best colors of any version of the mold.

That Nitro Zeus mold is one of the best figures of the past 5 years or so. It is so fun with such an inventive transformation! And Thundercracker kills it with the premium paint work

I remember when the mold was first released and people complained it was too difficult, and at first, it is but almost magically with each transformation it gets much easier. It's deceptively intuitive.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 9:31 pm
by Emerje
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I am still really enjoying this Prime. He is so heroic! And posable! and fun!

I still haven't seen him in stores, and with Walmart sticking SS Voyagers on clearance I doubt I ever will.


Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2019 6:23 am
by Evil Eye
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
Black Hat wrote:Nice pics D-Max! He looks really cool.

In other news I broke down and bought SS Thundercracker, and I'm glad I did. He's awesome- the transformation is inspired and he looks amazing in both modes. Also IMO has the best colours of any version of the mold.

That Nitro Zeus mold is one of the best figures of the past 5 years or so. It is so fun with such an inventive transformation! And Thundercracker kills it with the premium paint work

Totally. The one bit I'm not so keen on is the yellow faux-cockpit paint, it looks a bit hokey. Not terrible though by any stretch. I'm kinda tempted when I eventually get my butt in gear and learn to use Maya to make a sort of "power core" piece for 3D printing that plugs into the little peghole on his chest (IIRC the vehicle mode stand port)- not an actual faux-cockpit but rather some techno-detail that homages the classic seeker cockpit whilst obviously being some miscellaneous greebly bit.

I have to say, I'm surprised how much I love the head. I was initially going to Shapeways him either a G1esque Seeker head for maximum Thundercrackery goodness or a mono-eyed head as a kind of "Nitro Zeus Player 2 colours" thing, but in hand the headsculpt is just delightful. I especially like the extra compound eyes on the sides of his head, really gives it that alien sensor cluster look. Also I will be honest, the idea of a relatively-speaking "nice guy" Decepticon like Thundercracker (at least if you go by the OG G1 toy bio or IDW) having such a monstrous visage works pretty well.

I honestly wouldn't mind getting this mold as Skywarp, actually. I'd ideally like him to be a different mold so we could have a complete trio of different mold Voyager movieverse Seekers (with either SS Starscream or hopefully a Voyager mold of the BB Starscream as the leader). I know I've said this before, but if they did what they did with Starscream and upscaled an existing Deluxe movieverse jet mold I'd be a happy camper. Question is, HFTD Terradive or ROTF Breakaway/Thrust?

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2019 6:28 am
by no-one
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
Black Hat wrote:Nice pics D-Max! He looks really cool.

In other news, I broke down and bought SS Thundercracker, and I'm glad I did. He's awesome- the transformation is inspired and he looks amazing in both modes. Also, IMO has the best colors of any version of the mold.
That Nitro Zeus mold is one of the best figures of the past 5 years or so. It is so fun with such an inventive transformation! And Thundercracker kills it with the premium paint work
I remember when the mold was first released and people complained it was too difficult, and at first, it is but almost magically with each transformation it gets much easier. It's deceptively intuitive.
Really?!? I like the mold and the figure, but I find it nothing to write home about and would never use the word complicated/difficult. It is pretty intuitive and enjoyable though.

While the TC deco is very nice and probably my favorite I think the new KSI Boss deco is the best execution and is well... pretty boss. Both are worlds better than the original release. I'm considering double dipping actually.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2019 7:44 am
by william-james88
Black Hat wrote:Totally. The one bit I'm not so keen on is the yellow faux-cockpit paint, it looks a bit hokey. Not terrible though by any stretch. I'm kinda tempted when I eventually get my butt in gear and learn to use Maya to make a sort of "power core" piece for 3D printing that plugs into the little peghole on his chest (IIRC the vehicle mode stand port)- not an actual faux-cockpit but rather some techno-detail that homages the classic seeker cockpit whilst obviously being some miscellaneous greebly bit.

I always saw it as some techno detail that homaged the seeker cockpit and not an actual cockpit anyway since I had Nitro Zeus first and that version of the mold does not insinuate a cockpit, at least to me. Plus, the cockpit is seen on his arm anyway so it begs to reason that his chest isnt a faux part.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2019 7:45 am
by Evil Eye
william-james88 wrote:
Black Hat wrote:Totally. The one bit I'm not so keen on is the yellow faux-cockpit paint, it looks a bit hokey. Not terrible though by any stretch. I'm kinda tempted when I eventually get my butt in gear and learn to use Maya to make a sort of "power core" piece for 3D printing that plugs into the little peghole on his chest (IIRC the vehicle mode stand port)- not an actual faux-cockpit but rather some techno-detail that homages the classic seeker cockpit whilst obviously being some miscellaneous greebly bit.

I always saw it as some techno detail that homaged the seeker cockpit and not an actual cockpit anyway since I had Nitro Zeus first and that version of the mold does not insinuate a cockpit, at least to me. Plus, the cockpit is seen on his arm anyway so it begs to reason that his chest isnt a faux part.

Oh yeah, absolutely. I'm just rambling is all. :lol:

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2019 4:24 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
Emerje wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I am still really enjoying this Prime. He is so heroic! And posable! and fun!

I still haven't seen him in stores, and with Walmart sticking SS Voyagers on clearance I doubt I ever will.


My walmarts no longer carry the voyagers or leaders, so I either have to find them at Target or online

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2019 8:16 am
by Bucky
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:So, after the first 6 waves of Studio Series, I want to know what all of your favorites have been. So here's how I want to try approaching this:

1) Give me your top 3 favorite figures of the line
2) Give me your favorite figure from the 3 size classes
3) Give me your biggest disappointment of the line so far
4) Give me your top 3 figures you want to see the line give us that it hasn't already/has been confirmed to be giving us

Oh, man. I love doing lists like this! Even though this is going to be tough, because there’s a lot of stand out figures in this line so far.

1) Bonecrusher: I can’t seem to stop fiddling with this guy. I think most of us, who enjoy movie toys at least, have been waiting for a really solid figure of Bonecrusher. Initially when we first got some preview images of him, I wanted to have high hopes, but I wasn’t sure if I was setting myself up for disappointment. After having him in hand for a couple weeks, I’m blown away by how much fun he is. He’s a ton of fun. Not overly complicated, or a fiddley panel-former. And while I’d still love to see him as a smallish leader class figure, I think he works really well as a voyager. RotF Starscream. This mold is so outstanding. It really takes the best qualities of the best SS figures we’ve gotten over the years. He’s highly posable. There’s a lot of beautiful detail in the sculpt. And after playing with so many other movie SS toys, his transformation feels the most fluid and natural. The extra paint details on his second figure in this line really help him pop. Blackout. I’m a huge champion for this toy. I know he’s got a ton of panels, which is a big con for a lot of people, but I don’t actually care. His alt mode is enormous and gorgeous. His bot mode, while squat, is large and imposing. That being said I can easily rattle off his flaws; bad, clunky hands. He is a little on the short side. The back half of his alt mode is very hollow. Panels can be pretty finicky. But despite all that, I still love him.

2) Ratchet. I almost gave this to Scrapmetal, but I sincerely love his Ratchet mold. I’d buy a third one, if they made one in his red and white DotM toy deco. He’s simply a lot of fun to play with and pose. He’s also my favorite Autobot. Bonecrusher. Blackout.

3) there are sadly some real duds in this line. The biggest one for me is Dropkick. He’s just so ugly and scrawny. I don’t think I’ve enjoyed him at all, and I’m greatly looking forward to a replacement version of him with a car alt mode. Just so long as it isn’t as poor as Shatter....

4) this was real hard to narrow down, but what I’d love to see is a Voyager class Lockdown. His figure was a bit of a let down for me. He’s too small to scale right with Voyager Prime. He’s barely posable at all. The only upside to him is the jaw dropping detail. The sculpting on him is so fine. I think it would be awesome if we got some figures from characters we’ve never gotten before. Like Onslaught and Mohawk from TLK. A leader class Onslaught would make my day. As would a small deluxe Mohawk. Something the same size as Jazz.

All in all I think the Voyager classes have been the most successful. There hasn’t been one I don’t love so far.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2019 11:21 am
by Autobot N
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:So, after the first 6 waves of Studio Series, I want to know what all of your favorites have been. So here's how I want to try approaching this:

1) Give me your top 3 favorite figures of the line
2) Give me your favorite figure from the 3 size classes
3) Give me your biggest disappointment of the line so far
4) Give me your top 3 figures you want to see the line give us that it hasn't already/has been confirmed to be giving us

Feel free to provide explanations too!

1) Well, I've only got 5, so my selection is a bit limited. My top 3 would probably be 1. SS-38 Prime 2. Cogman 3. Jazz.

2) Deluxe: Cogman. Voyager: SS-38 Prime. Leader: Grimlock.

3) Probably Dropkick. Not a horrible figure, but not terribly impressive either.

4) 1. Voyager ROFT Breakaway (I don't care if he wasn't in the movie, I still want him). 2. Voyager BB Blitzwing. 3. Skywarp as a redeco of the hypothetical BB Blitzwing (so we could complete the movie Seeker trio with all of them using a different mold).

Re: Transformers Studio Series Discussion (New 2018 Movie Line)

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2019 12:50 pm
by william-james88
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:So, after the first 6 waves of Studio Series, I want to know what all of your favorites have been. So here's how I want to try approaching this:

1) Give me your top 3 favorite figures of the line
2) Give me your favorite figure from the 3 size classes
3) Give me your biggest disappointment of the line so far
4) Give me your top 3 figures you want to see the line give us that it hasn't already/has been confirmed to be giving us

Firstly, thanks D-Max, this will be very helpful the day I choose to make a list based on the complete line.

So to answer the questions:

1) Leader Grimlock, voyager starscream, bonecrusher
2) Leader Grimlock, voyager starscream, ratchet
3) Bumblebee, any of them, but especially the one from the film, and honestly anyone from the Bumblebee movie (Optimus is not as dissapointing but still less great than I expected)
4) Bumblebee Blitzwing, Dino and Hatchet.