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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:51 am
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
william-james88 wrote:
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:It's as good as, considering.

You know what's funny? The Titan-class Guardian Robot/Omega Sentinel will be cheaper to get hold of than the eHobby version.

..Also, imagine people army-building with it.

I wouldn't take that image as any kind of certainty. That image was a fan made digibash mockup.
Oh? Something about the angle and proportions made me think of one of the 3P versions, actually. Which would be naughty for a Hasbro designer to be looking at, admittedly, but still.

You're right that it's not a certainty, but if it does come to pass what I said will apply.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 4:31 am
by -Kanrabat-
william-james88 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:No version of PoTP Jazz had a slur printed on it.

There is one with MAGA on it. Which reffers to the Make America Great Again campaign slogan. That slogan was said to represent the principles on which america was based on, with the founding fathers and the like. However, that was also a time where black people were not thought of as being equal to whites (nor even human beings). Hence MAGA has made several black people uneasy as its connotation and link to the past does not convey a sense of inclusivity but rather white superiority. At the very least, it is definitely a loaded phrase that not everyone is comfortable with, hence Hasbro's swift response against it and reprimand of the designer involved.

Just pointing out that no one can build a solid future if we ignore or destroy the past. No matter how "uncomfortable" it was.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 5:13 am
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
-Kanrabat- wrote:Just pointing out that no one can build a solid future if we ignore or destroy the past. No matter how "uncomfortable" it was.

There's a HUGE difference between ignoring/destroying the past.... and refraining from viewing it with rose-colored-glasses and shilling it as teh bestest time ev4r! Which is what that slogan was about; it also came across as phony considering the source and the actual policies of his regime.

Feelings about the slogan aside... from a purely business standpoint leaving that mark in place could have been interpreted as a political endorsement from Hasbro, which I'm pretty sure is a no-no for stuff that's not campaign merch.

On a different note, I reeeeeaally hope HasTak change their tune re: Selects reissues. Bloody Seacon prices...

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 5:22 am
by -Kanrabat-
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:Just pointing out that no one can build a solid future if we ignore or destroy the past. No matter how "uncomfortable" it was.

There's a HUGE difference between ignoring/destroying the past.... and refraining from viewing it with rose-colored-glasses and shilling it as teh bestest time ev4r!

:roll: :roll:

Same thing with wearing brown colored glasses and seeing it as nothing but complete shizz.

Did you know, that maybe, just maybe, the world is not all black and white and is not made of just extremes?

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 5:35 am
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
-Kanrabat- wrote:
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:Just pointing out that no one can build a solid future if we ignore or destroy the past. No matter how "uncomfortable" it was.

There's a HUGE difference between ignoring/destroying the past.... and refraining from viewing it with rose-colored-glasses and shilling it as teh bestest time ev4r!

:roll: :roll:

Same thing with wearing brown colored glasses and seeing it as nothing but complete shizz.

Did you know, that maybe, just maybe, the world is not all black and white and is not made of just extremes?
Yes, actually, I did. And there are a number of things from the past that I think we'd be better off with if they made a comeback, like strong unions and affordable housing and a postal service that's not being sabotaged left and right, while others are best left behind.

But absolutist shill slogans like that one don't exactly leave room for that kind of nuance now do they? In fact, they kinda have this tendency to bury it. So, "We shouldn't ignore or erase the past uwu" seems a poor defense for leaving said slogan on a children's toy.
For my money, the campaign and man behind that slogan. were certainly not aiming to bring back the best parts of the USA's past.

Also, I edited my post after some further thoughts came to me, including another - and possibly bigger - reason behind Hasbro removing that slogan. Perhaps you'd like to take a look?

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 6:28 am
by -Kanrabat-
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Also, I edited my post after some further thoughts came to me, including another - and possibly bigger - reason behind Hasbro removing that slogan. Perhaps you'd like to take a look?

I do not give a single fox about any of your politics. That slogan can be interpreted in many ways and there's countless black folks who support it.

That assise, the real reason the hidden slogan was swiftly removed is that NO POLITICAL BULLCRAP should be allowed on any toys no matter the sides. Especially if done without permission.
That is, unless it's accurate to the character. Like a collector edition Dukes of Hazzard X-Over General Lee for example.

Regardless, I think we derailed long enough.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 8:22 am
by sol magnus
-Kanrabat- wrote:
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Also, I edited my post after some further thoughts came to me, including another - and possibly bigger - reason behind Hasbro removing that slogan. Perhaps you'd like to take a look?

I do not give a single fox about any of your politics. That slogan can be interpreted in many ways and there's countless black folks who support it.

It's definitely not 'countless' and 'interpretation' isn't king as many have accurately pointed out, the double meaning behind the slogan was to take the country back to a time when a certain guy thought the country was 'great,' which coincides with a bunch of stuff some other people would definitely not find great. If it can be 'interpreted' many different ways', it's probably because there's no exact time in history it could point to, but we have the crafter and company's actions after the fact to judge it. Those judgements appear largely above these posts, even if those aren't the ONLY judgements we could collectively make.

Somewhere up there you mentioned 'erasing history' or something to that effect. The funny thing is, the things getting 'erased' were erected well after the supposed history they're meant to preserve. Why is that? Because it was never about preserving 'history' per se, rather those things were put there to be a reminder - as intimidation - by the power structure who were themselves railing against societal changes 100 years after the fact.

Add to that, the selective outrage of 'erasing' history when some people's history have already BEEN erased by the same people complaining about erasing history makes me want to laugh out loud.

That assise, the real reason the hidden slogan was swiftly removed is that NO POLITICAL BULLCRAP should be allowed on any toys no matter the sides. Especially if done without permission.
That is, unless it's accurate to the character. Like a collector edition Dukes of Hazzard X-Over General Lee for example.

Bringing in the General Lee as an example just makes this whole discussion altogether worse. Thankfully, I doubt such a product would ever be made.

Regardless, I think we derailed long enough.

Yeah, well. I wanted to weigh in on this one.

Anyway, back to Generation Selects for me -

I hope the black Ironhide thing turns out to be true as some people are now floating out the idea that it might not be real. Looking at the photo it looks real to me, but I guess anything is possible.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 9:21 am
by o.supreme
Going back to the Guardian Robot/Omega Sentinel pic... As you all know Omega Supreme is my favorite TF character of all time, and Siege Omega is an amazing toy. However...I really don't have any desire to collect a repaint of him. Even in Energon, I didn't pick up the Sentinel repaint. It's just as pointed out, they are basically drones, without a spark in fiction, Omega was the only one granted with a unique life of his own in most continuities.

However ironic, it would probably sell better than a T30 repaint of Metroplex as Metrotitan, although I very much would rather have that, than an Omega Sentinel, since MT was in fact his ow character in TF fiction.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:32 am
by ZeroWolf
o.supreme wrote:Going back to the Guardian Robot/Omega Sentinel pic... As you all know Omega Supreme is my favorite TF character of all time, and Siege Omega is an amazing toy. However...I really don't have any desire to collect a repaint of him. Even in Energon, I didn't pick up the Sentinel repaint. It's just as pointed out, they are basically drones, without a spark in fiction, Omega was the only one granted with a unique life of his own in most continuities.

However ironic, it would probably sell better than a T30 repaint of Metroplex as Metrotitan, although I very much would rather have that, than an Omega Sentinel, since MT was in fact his ow character in TF fiction.

I have to wonder if they'll wait on Metrotitan now till thru revisit Metroplex. Black Zarak seems to have opened the Titan repaints for Hasbro (despite not being the first Titan repaint)

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:46 am
by Sabrblade
o.supreme wrote:Going back to the Guardian Robot/Omega Sentinel pic... As you all know Omega Supreme is my favorite TF character of all time, and Siege Omega is an amazing toy. However...I really don't have any desire to collect a repaint of him. Even in Energon, I didn't pick up the Sentinel repaint. It's just as pointed out, they are basically drones, without a spark in fiction, Omega was the only one granted with a unique life of his own in most continuities.
I take it you never read the Dreamwave-canon trilogy of novels whose best part was the Omega Sentinel that developed a mind and will of his own.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:59 am
by o.supreme
Sabrblade wrote:
o.supreme wrote:Going back to the Guardian Robot/Omega Sentinel pic... As you all know Omega Supreme is my favorite TF character of all time, and Siege Omega is an amazing toy. However...I really don't have any desire to collect a repaint of him. Even in Energon, I didn't pick up the Sentinel repaint. It's just as pointed out, they are basically drones, without a spark in fiction, Omega was the only one granted with a unique life of his own in most continuities.
I take it you never read the Dreamwave-canon trilogy of novels whose best part was the Omega Sentinel that developed a mind and will of his own.

The keepers trilogy? yeah I actually own those books, though its been a long time since I read them. (also that's why I said Senitnels are drones in "most" continuities...see bold above) I remember a Guardian that (IIRC), was described as more of a Black/Gold color scheme (Like Black Zarak?) and was a Deception rather than an Autobot, but he turned against Megatron at some point?? I could be misremembering?

I mean a Black/Gold colored Omega Sentinel would be cool, but such an abstract pull, Most fans are just similar with the Blue/White. heck even a Mecha Bot-1 homage would be cool as well, but I'd rather get proper characters in TF Fiction (MetroTitan and Majin Zarak) before obscure repaints.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:03 am
by sol magnus
o.supreme wrote:I mean a Black/Gold colored Omega Sentinel would be cool, but such an abstract pull, Most fans are just similar with the Blue/White. heck even a Mecha Bot-1 homage would be cool as well, but I'd rather get proper characters in TF Fiction (MetroTitan and Majin Zarak) before obscure repaints.

I tend to agree, but the Guardian Robots have enough of a footprint I could see it. Also, you can make a character into anything you want in your head/house.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:09 am
by Sabrblade
o.supreme wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
o.supreme wrote:Going back to the Guardian Robot/Omega Sentinel pic... As you all know Omega Supreme is my favorite TF character of all time, and Siege Omega is an amazing toy. However...I really don't have any desire to collect a repaint of him. Even in Energon, I didn't pick up the Sentinel repaint. It's just as pointed out, they are basically drones, without a spark in fiction, Omega was the only one granted with a unique life of his own in most continuities.
I take it you never read the Dreamwave-canon trilogy of novels whose best part was the Omega Sentinel that developed a mind and will of his own.

The keepers trilogy? yeah I actually own those books, though its been a long time since I read them. (also that's why I said Senitnels are drones in "most" continuities...see bold above) I remember a Guardian that (IIRC), was described as more of a Black/Gold color scheme (Like Black Zarak?) and was a Deception rather than an Autobot, but he turned against Megatron at some point?? I could be misremembering?

I mean a Black/Gold colored Omega Sentinel would be cool, but such an abstract pull, Most fans are just similar with the Blue/White. heck even a Mecha Bot-1 homage would be cool as well, but I'd rather get proper characters in TF Fiction (MetroTitan and Majin Zarak) before obscure repaints.
It was an Autobot Omega Sentinel that Megatron had reprogrammed to serve the Decepticons, but the Matrix restored it to its true programming and it turned on Megatron, sacrificing itself to save the Earth.

As for the colors, yeah, it was initially described as black and gold, but the last book corrected this to blue and red to make it better match the other Omega Sentinels in Dreamwave's comics:


The initial description of black and gold leads me to believe that he was originally supposed to be Omega Supreme himself, with his role replaced by the Omega Sentinel late in the development so as to not interfere with Dreamwave's plans for Omega Supreme in the comics (or even perhaps Hasbro at the time may have not wanted Omega Supreme proper working for the Decepticons, a vital aspect of this Omega Sentinel's character arc).

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 1:13 pm
by william-james88
o.supreme wrote:Going back to the Guardian Robot/Omega Sentinel pic... As you all know Omega Supreme is my favorite TF character of all time, and Siege Omega is an amazing toy. However...I really don't have any desire to collect a repaint of him. Even in Energon, I didn't pick up the Sentinel repaint. It's just as pointed out, they are basically drones, without a spark in fiction, Omega was the only one granted with a unique life of his own in most continuities.

However ironic, it would probably sell better than a T30 repaint of Metroplex as Metrotitan, although I very much would rather have that, than an Omega Sentinel, since MT was in fact his ow character in TF fiction.

I think the offset to Omega Sentinel not being that popular (as in, even you would not get it) is that he is a troop builder.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 1:21 pm
by o.supreme
william-james88 wrote:I think the offset to Omega Sentinel not being that popular (as in, even you would not get it) is that he is a troop builder.

True...but man o man... what kind of disposable income and space does someone have to have to be troop building Omega Sentinels ...THAT'S what I call living the dream :lol:

New in hand images of black ironhide. Possible generations selects

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:22 pm
by Russellh24

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:05 pm
by Sentinel_Primal
Honestly, I'd maybe get an Omega Sentinel, but it'd end up replacing Omega in my Micromaster city. Big question though: What color blast effects would everyone want to come with the repaint? :lol:

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:26 pm
by o.supreme
So... I just got the delay notice on Black Zarak from Pulse to March 1st 2022 !! GameStop is supposed to be shipping them this week to customers. If there is any way a store in my area gets one I am definitely picking it up.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:38 pm
by chuckdawg1999
I got the same email too. I also got one for some Mezco styled GI Joe figures that are delayed until April and a Fortnite Snake Eyes that I pre-ordered in January that's been delayed until July. I really don't understand how other markets can get Hasbro products before their home country, doesn't make sense to me. As the 619 mafia or whatever their name is once said, "It's hard out there for a pimp."

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:55 pm
by Rtron
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I got the same email too. I also got one for some Mezco styled GI Joe figures that are delayed until April and a Fortnite Snake Eyes that I pre-ordered in January that's been delayed until July. I really don't understand how other markets can get Hasbro products before their home country, doesn't make sense to me. As the 619 mafia or whatever their name is once said, "It's hard out there for a pimp."

Usually, because those countries are the ones that actually manufacture the figures, or in the same region as those countries. So the product is actually physically there already.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:02 pm
by o.supreme
I totaly get why some Asian markets get the product first, yes they are physically closer to where it's manufactured. But when other retailers in North America, and Europe are faster to get Hasbro's product, than Hasbro themselves, THAT is a bit of a head scratcher.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:20 pm
by TF-fan kev777
o.supreme wrote:I totaly get why some Asian markets get the product first, yes they are physically closer to where it's manufactured. But when other retailers in North America, and Europe are faster to get Hasbro's product, than Hasbro themselves, THAT is a bit of a head scratcher.

Well yes and no. Hasbro Pulse is a direct competitor of any online retailer, so it wouldn't surprise me if their agreements with the various retailers dictate that they stock their other customers/retailers before Pulse if there wouldn't be enough to stock everyone at once.

Also don't discount the possibility on whether any retailers themselves paid for expedited shipping to make sure they had things covered.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 3:21 pm
by ZeroWolf
I can chime in by saying that certain retailers also deal with different branches of hasbro. For example, In Demand Toys deal with Hasbro Asia who is the reason that a lit of new products turns up in Singapore, Hong Kong etc.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 7:51 pm
by chuckdawg1999
TF-fan kev777 wrote:
o.supreme wrote:I totaly get why some Asian markets get the product first, yes they are physically closer to where it's manufactured. But when other retailers in North America, and Europe are faster to get Hasbro's product, than Hasbro themselves, THAT is a bit of a head scratcher.

Well yes and no. Hasbro Pulse is a direct competitor of any online retailer, so it wouldn't surprise me if their agreements with the various retailers dictate that they stock their other customers/retailers before Pulse if there wouldn't be enough to stock everyone at once.

Also don't discount the possibility on whether any retailers themselves paid for expedited shipping to make sure they had things covered.

I was once under the impression that Hasbro made agreements with online retailers like Amazon to delay releases so brick and mortar stores like Target and Walmart can get them in stock. I was vehemently told I was wrong.

Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:07 pm
by -Kanrabat-
I just hope Age 3 & Up will have Zarak in stock in due time. I paid for it over 6 months ago after all.