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Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:01 pm
by paul053
For movie leader class Brawl, since I bought it second hand with no instruction, without my son I probably will never notice that. The two buttons on top of the sub-turret can trigger the two different sound effects. I always thought only rotating the turret to trigger the sound.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:21 pm
by primusprime22
I just found out that movie voyager ratchet has articulated thumbs, but they move like, 5 milimeters..

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:32 pm
by Chupacabra Convoy
kirbenvost wrote:
Chaoslock wrote:
zodconvoy wrote:Took me forever to notice that Classics Hot Rods pelvis can be pulled forward.


Damn, that helped the figure!

Oh yeah, took me awhile to find that one too. Definitely helps his look.

I know, it totally makes the figure a lot better. I had him bowled legged up until 3 minutes ago. This thread rocks.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:54 pm
by Shadowstream
DraconicDak wrote:
Shadowstream wrote:1) ROTF Mindwipe's um... biceps(?) that rotate for the transformation are actually meant to lock in place in a way that restricts movement of the tail fins on his back. Plus it fills in a bit of the empty space in his chest.

Personally, I think he looks much better with Skystalker burrowed through his chest.

I might feel the same if I had Skystalker, but since I missed him I'll take what I can get. Besides I'm already on the brink of choking myself for owning movie toys as it is, so better to forget the little guy altogether.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:35 am
by Mykltron
zodconvoy wrote:I didn't realize that Cybertron Armorhides knees shifted out until I got Botcon 07 Huffer. Same with Cybertron Defense Hot Shots arms sliding down to reveal elbows until I got Botcon 07 Springer. Took me forever to notice that Classics Hot Rods pelvis can be pulled forward.

And while I did notice Drifts sword clip swiveled, I didn't know it could be pulled out. Weird.

I'm confused as I haven't opened mine yet. Does it swivel AND pull out?

paul053 wrote:For movie leader class Brawl, since I bought it second hand with no instruction, without my son I probably will never notice that. The two buttons on top of the sub-turret can trigger the two different sound effects. I always thought only rotating the turret to trigger the sound.

Actually, I remember a lot of people being surprised by that discovery. I think it was left out of the instructions, but as mine are somewhere in the attic I can't look to check.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:49 am
by Forgotten
Very helpful thread. I'm about to dig out my movie deluxe Barricade and rearrange his toesies now.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:51 am
by Forgotten
I forgot to add mine. It took me around a month to notice that ROTF voyager Megatron has a break joint in the treads that gives him chicken legs. much more stable that when I had him extreme angling.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:46 am
by DraconicDak
Mykltron wrote:
zodconvoy wrote:I didn't realize that Cybertron Armorhides knees shifted out until I got Botcon 07 Huffer. Same with Cybertron Defense Hot Shots arms sliding down to reveal elbows until I got Botcon 07 Springer. Took me forever to notice that Classics Hot Rods pelvis can be pulled forward.

And while I did notice Drifts sword clip swiveled, I didn't know it could be pulled out. Weird.

I'm confused as I haven't opened mine yet. Does it swivel AND pull out?

Pin hinge, short plastic bar, pin hinge, then sword clip. It pulls out and you can angle it forward a little to help with half-drawn poses, but it doesn't rotate to the sides.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:54 am
by RogueDeathangel
Shadowstream wrote:I'm going to come across as a bit of a smartass here, but I usually tend to have my TFs sussed within a week of getting them, so apart from figures I don't own that have been listed here so far I haven't come across anything I wasn't already aware of.

That said, I do have a few things I'm not sure most people know of.

1) ROTF Mindwipe's um... biceps(?) that rotate for the transformation are actually meant to lock in place in a way that restricts movement of the tail fins on his back. Plus it fills in a bit of the empty space in his chest.

I noticed this too.
If you bring the two tail-fins together before rotating the whole assembly down it actually fits very snuggley (might need to force it just a little bit, but it seems to have been designed to do this).

It also gives him a much more defined chest with the vents being in a cooler position and a much more solid chest since it kinda "locks" in place with friction.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:27 am
by adamassc
this isn't mentioned in his instructions at all, but the clip that holds Drift's sword to his back can tilt up just enough to get it out of the way of his legs.

Hasbro barely even notes Drift's long sword, they're instructions are getting kinda poor

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:51 pm
by Aladar The Outmode
I realized ^ months ago that 2007 Jazz's spoiler comes off to become a sheild even though it said so on the stupid box. They made him look broken permanently and it is hard as slag to get the dumb thing off the joint and attached to the frickin' wheel on the left side of the figure.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:30 pm
by Forgotten
:shock: Armada Smokescreen has elbows!!! I bought him the day he hit shelves around here & I just now found out. :KREMZEEK: now he's as articulated. :P

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:47 pm
by Cobalt Prime
Shadowstream wrote:1) ROTF Mindwipe's um... biceps(?) that rotate for the transformation are actually meant to lock in place in a way that restricts movement of the tail fins on his back. Plus it fills in a bit of the empty space in his chest.

Wow, you're right! Just did it on mine. I think it's actually meant to work like that, though the official images never show it. The vents are now pointed upwards at an angle, and the cavities on either side with the molded hose details are level with the insignia on his chest. Nice!

Also, in regards to the same figure, his legs are meant to be chicken-style, not regular humanoid-jointed. The gold part connected to his foot swings forward and out of the lower leg, which makes the legs more of an S shape when viewed from the side.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:13 am
by angelababy
Yesterday I found out that Headmasters evidently have flaps on their backs to cover the large face while in alt mode. I fell prey to that a couple of months ago playing with me G1 Hardhead.It didn't help that his legs were so tightly held together that I had to get a knife in there to pry them apart.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:31 am
by fenrir72
Didn't realize that Superlink/Armada Unicron has an "M" on his forhead + a red spot............the Maxcon/Mini-con's symbol, hence their origin/allegiance to him

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:39 am
by alldarker
angelababy wrote:Yesterday I found out that Headmasters evidently have flaps on their backs to cover the large face while in alt mode. I fell prey to that a couple of months ago playing with me G1 Hardhead.It didn't help that his legs were so tightly held together that I had to get a knife in there to pry them apart.

Ha! You notice this only now!!! I've known this like forever!... Actually, only since about three weeks ago (as I mentioned on page 2 of this very same thread)

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:41 pm
by Optimum Supreme
Amelie wrote:I discovered that G1 Primes Smoke Stacks can break just by looking at them. Very unimpressive.

Weird. I've had G1 Optimus Prime since 12/25/84, and his stacks never broke. They've lost a little chrome, but are still there in one piece. The trailer on the other hand... one of the things that keeps the door shut broke, and somehow the blue repairbot in the trailer snapped right off (I think my mom putting something heavy on top of it while it was in a box). I also lost his right fist somewhere alone the line.

As for things I didn't know, back on topic, on Energon Prime, I didn't realize there was a sound effect button that was supposed to trigger when you open the chest panels for super mode. I knew about the sounds you could push a button for to simulate the drone sounds, but somehow never pushed the panel far enough to activate the other effect, and I took the batteries out fairly early on. Later I was reading something and the effect was mentioned, so I put the batteries back in and, holy crap, there it is.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:10 pm
by Cobalt Prime
One of the crashing disappointments about Cybertron Primus is the fact that when in robot mode, there is no button provided by which you can enjoy the sound effects. His head pops up, the sound and flashing eyes thing happens, and thaaat's all, folks. Kinda sucks since even Unicron has electronic light gimmicks in robot mode.

I did, however, discover a way to activate a sound effect whilst Primus is in robot mode, though. It's not as easy as pushing an easily accessible button, but it works. On his back, just above the port for the Omega Lock is a deep, square hole. If you peer into the hole, you can see a bit of the red wire in an opening in the bottom of the shaft and a glimpse of his internal circuit board. If you angle your view to the right, you can make out a small partially obscured round black button to the extreme left ( the Omega Lock platform normally slides over this button when it is unlocked and moved upwards during transformation ). If you insert your left index finger and contact the button just right with your finger nail, a sound effect happens. Not a great sound effect, but one all the same. Unfortunately, his eyes don't light up when you trigger it, but well, it's something at least.

EDIT: I also just discovered that the curved panels on the bottom of Primus' feet are meant to unlatch and swing upwards. They are hinged and held in place by tiny black spring-loaded "bumps". If you did it right, you can clearly see the "meteor impact" detail on the back of his lower leg when he is standing. Now granted, his stability is not as good in that he may have more of a tendency to fall backwards if not positioned properly, but it does look better. The fronts of his feet also have a small amount of side to side hinge action so that you can angle them to make them flat on the ground even when he is standing with his legs apart.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:39 pm
by Evil_the_Nub
That's a good find on Primus. I never liked the way his feet looked and it does look a lot better folded up like that.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:00 am
by Cobalt Prime
Evil_the_Nub wrote:That's a good find on Primus. I never liked the way his feet looked and it does look a lot better folded up like that.

I also discovered while messing with him that those features on the feet are meant to work in conjunction with a specific standing position. When his legs were straight with the shins pointing forwards, he had a tendency to lean back ever so slightly, leading to the back-heavy issue. However, if you make the afore-mentioned changes to the feet and rotate his lower legs 1 click to the outsides, his stance is not only more impressive looking, but solid as a rock, and he no longer leans back. Given how the front of the feet angle to accommodate this, I think it's the way the engineers designed it to stand.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:37 am
by --B--
Thanks to my children, I found out last night that all of my TF's on display can cover most of our basement floor and a small section of our front yard.

And apperantly Generations Drift can turn invisible, since not a single piece of him showed up when I picked everything up off said floor/yard.

EDIT: Found Drift under the air hockey table, after I went and picked up another one. I think I will just hold onto that!

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:53 am
by 574R5CR34M
I never realized you could extend G1 reissue Soundwave's gun until I saw it in Seibertron galleries. Total DUH moment right there.

Must say, this is the best thread ever.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:13 pm
by Hip-Hoptimus Rime
574R5CR34M wrote:I never realized you could extend G1 reissue Soundwave's gun until I saw it in Seibertron galleries. Total DUH moment right there.

WOW! Never saw that. I have him right next to me here, I reached over, pulled out his gun, and *yoink*, now it's longer. Excellent!

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:28 pm
by AshesOfPain
RogueDeathangel wrote:Haha, Just remembered another one.
It took me a good few months to realise that Classics Rodimus' rear wheels (the ones that end up on his legs in bot mode) actually slide to allow the shin panels to sit flush against his legs. :D

Silly, That is in the instructions.

EDIT: and nice job one the pelvis thing, that I didn't know. This thread should be stickied or something.

Re: Things your Tansformers can do that you never realised

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:50 pm
by zodconvoy
Cobalt Prime wrote:If you did it right, you can clearly see the "meteor impact" detail on the back of his lower leg when he is standing.

You want another thing you never realized? That "meteor impact" is the city-state Kaon, birthplace of Megatron and the Decepticon revolution. It can pop up a bit in planetmode.