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PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:40 pm
by Zombie Starscream
I had preordered MP Skywarp last month. I have just checked my Action HQ account and I have found out my billing address is wrong! :-x The shipping adress is right, and my payment was/is done with Paypal, but I'm worried that I might end up getting a possible bill paper that I won't see. I think I had already gotten an email when I had ordered him saying that I had payed for him when I preordered, but I am just worried.

I don't want to owe money and or not get him. The only thing wrong is the state, and nothing else. Do you think they will check it and make sure its right? I also don't want sensitive information stolen..

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:58 pm
by DorkimusPrime
Your Paypal transaction should have a phone number. I'd try calling that, or emailing them from the account your Paypal is tied to.