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Auction for Lawson Japan Exclusive Baclkout "4500X" Movie-Accurate Repaint

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:37 am
by Skowl
A new auction has surface from eBay member am7772 for the Blackout repaint to be included with the Lawson Japan exclusive <a href="" target="_blank">Transformers Movie DVD</a>, previously reported <a href="/news/view.php?id=11790&f_cat=&f_year=&f_keyword=lawson+japan" target="_blank">here</a> (available for 8990 Yen, available on December 19th).

The figure is painted in a more movie-accurate scheme, with a detailed Scorponok mini-figure, and even features the "4500X" identity marks from the real helicopter used for Blackout in the film.

See the auction page <a href="" target="_blank">by clicking here</a>.

<img src="/images/news/gfx/1192811774_HL8.jpg">

<img src="/images/news/gfx/1192811774_RB1.jpg">

<img src="/images/news/gfx/1192811774_RB2.jpg">

<img src="/images/news/gfx/1192811774_RB5.jpg">

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:39 am
by Dagon
Why does Blackout have an Autobot insignia?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:48 am
by Malicron
So much for acurate...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:50 am
by Methusalen
Yeah, I wonder who f***ed that one up? Hope they catch that one before they really start cranking them out!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:57 am
by Skowl
Whiner-tron wrote:Image
So much for acurate...

Yeah, that sort of throws out the "movie accuracy" aspect of this figure out the window...

Oh, and he still has his stupid Mickey Mouse hands...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:58 am
by Covenant
Movie accurate, inaccurate, but whatever.

How about a size accurate Voyager?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:59 am
by Agent 007
looks good cept the autobot symbol

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:59 am
by Dagon
Covenant wrote:Movie accurate, inaccurate, but whatever.

How about a size accurate Voyager?

Well, 'original' movie Blackout was Voyager sized, thus making him a size accurate Voyager figure.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:08 am
by 1337W422102
I think what he meant was the figure is Deluxe-sized with a Deluxe-sized weapon.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:13 am
by Dagon
1337W422102 wrote:I think what he meant was the figure is Deluxe-sized with a Deluxe-sized weapon.

Cool. I thought he was talking about scale 'issues' and how Blackout should be Leader sized and all that. I was just poking fun.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:13 am
by Tigertrack

But it does need a con symbol. :)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:25 am
by Dispensor
This looks like a crappy kitbash.

Also, I would like to address what seems a habit of news posters: listing an item's price in yen. I don't use yen. I don't know how to convert yen to dollars. Most of us on here don't. So why in the world do they tell us the price in yen with no "approx. $___" thrown in?

And another thing, people should stop whining about movie accuracy at the same time as complaining that the hands look like Mickey Mouse hands. Those are the hands he had in the movie. Sheesh.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:25 am
by cellshock
I think this actually looks less accurate than even the normal version does. It's (still) way too blue, and this one has too many light grey highlights. What's so hard about producing a properly colored grey & black toy?

That misplaced Autobot logo sums up the so-called "accuracy" pretty well :)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:39 am
by Air Commander Starscream
I am digging the paint scheme (minus the bot symbol ofcourse). I might just have to pony out for one of these!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:59 pm
by LionBoogy
I think I replied to the wrong thread about this. haha

Yeah, that AUTOBOT symbol on an obvious Decepticon bothers me greatly. How do you mess that up! hehe

- Lionel

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:03 pm
by Autobot Jazz
Blackout's supposed to be the loyal one, but he's a bigger traitor than Starscream!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:08 pm
by Agent 007
i think i see another autobot marking on his tail

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:05 pm
by ShGarland_1383
Two things explain away the autobot symbol usage. For one thing they call it a "Lawson DVD Exclusive 4500X "NEMESIS" BLACKOUT Prototype". I take the usage of "Nemesis" here to be the same as if this were a Nemesis Prime figure. As Nemesis Prime would be Optimus Prime repainted as a Decepticon, Nemesis Blackout would be movie Blackout repainted as an Autobot.

As for the other thing I take as at least an implied reason for the Autobot symbol usage, the following quote is from the eBay page.

am7772 wrote:Blue + Silver markings AUTOBOT Blackout IN stock NOW!

I didn't think Blackout was "Blue + Silver", as it was put in the quote, but the quote plainly calls this figure "AUTOBOT Blackout". I think it speaks for itself, but I've got to wonder why it would get called "Autobot Blackout" if it wasn't meant to be released as as an Autobot.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:21 pm
by Liege Evilmus
A nice redeco, but just way to much money for me. I'd rather take that money and pay someone to give me something unique.

Also, why doesn't this figure have that awesome chest gun like in the film?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:10 pm
by Fred2012
but why does he have an autobot logo?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:32 pm
by waaaaghlord
Dispensor wrote:Also, I would like to address what seems a habit of news posters: listing an item's price in yen. I don't use yen. I don't know how to convert yen to dollars. Most of us on here don't. So why in the world do they tell us the price in yen with no "approx. $___" thrown in?

Four words in two pairs. 'google search' and 'currency converter'. Less than two minutes legwork and a dollar value relative to any commonly negotiable currency can be yours.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:08 pm
by Skowl
Dispensor wrote:Also, I would like to address what seems a habit of news posters: listing an item's price in yen. I don't use yen. I don't know how to convert yen to dollars. Most of us on here don't. So why in the world do they tell us the price in yen with no "approx. $___" thrown in?

Well, that's because you don't live in Japan. This figure is available in Japan. The preorder page is in japanese and it's aimed at a japanese market. The price is listed in yen, so we list the price in yen in the news story. If you want to know what it costs in US dollars, use an online currency converter.

This site is very international, not everything has to be americanised. You don't hear the huge Canadian, British or Australian population of the boards complain when stuff is listed only in US dollars, do you?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:18 pm
by Malicron
Not all of us americans are self sentered jerks, you know.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:45 pm
by dragons
not to be critic but in the film he doesnt have the red and white banner flag on his tail fin hes there is no white and red on the tail of the copter hes all grey in the film but he does look good if didnt have blackout allready i pick him up.

and whats with hasbro all of sudden putting battle damage paint sheme on the figures now to me they look like crap.?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:18 pm
by MaikeruSama
looks sorta half assed...