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Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:22 pm
by Nekoman
New images of the yet to be released Revenge of The fallen Starscream figure are surfacing from TFClub. Here we can get a rather good look at the toy through high-resolution images, to view the images, use the links below:

Jet mode 1
Jet mode 2
Jet mode 3
Jet mode 4
Jet mode 5
Jet mode 6
Jet mode 7
Jet mode 8
Jet mode 9
Jet mode 10
Jet mode 11
Robot mode 1
Robot mode 2
Robot mode 3
Robot mode 4
Robot mode 5
Robot mode 6
Robot mode 7

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:07 pm
by Samsonator
I'm not really big on collecting movieverse stuff, but that's pretty decent. My lineup of 'cons from the first movie's been lacking a non-protoform version of Starscream because of how bad the first one looked, but this may be the remedy for that.

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:47 pm
by Dark Ops
Decent-sized F-22 mold without godawful kibble? (I'll give the tail a pass simply because it's light years ahead of the last movie SS figure) I think I'll be grabbing this one, and gladly. Robot mode doesn't bother me so much since they're nonhuman anyway, but a good altmode is a necessity to me.

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:08 pm
by Megatron Wolf
Wow thats pretty damn sweet. Both the F-22 and bot mode look good. No way in hell im calling it Starscream but i already renamed about 90% of the movie figures so it really doesnt matter. Ill just use the same name i used for the one from the first movie.

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:24 pm
by Rated X
Great job on finally giving Starscream some hands as well as getting rid of those annoying cannons from the first toy that did not belong on an F-22 !!! Ill be buying this one definatally !!! Now hopefully they make a version without those annoying robo-camoflauge graphics !!!


Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:37 pm
by alldarker
I have the RotF Starscream myself, and I can vouch for the fact that it is absolutely awesome. Very solid, especially in alt mode, and by turning the hands up slightly they seem to blend in the plane better. The F22 Raptor is actually such a good looking model, it takes most of the attention away from the hands sticking out the back.
Robot mode is spectacular too: it's a world of difference to the previous incarnation of Movie SS, with actual hands being the standout difference, but with the chest / gears layout also adding a cool feature.
The attention to detail is incredible. Most pictures I've seen don't actually show the fact that Screamer has two panels on each side of the cockpit that come up about 2 mm: their only function is to make SS look even better! Only (minor) letdowns are the weird articulation of the arms and wrists, and the fact that although the head is designed to have lightpiping, the eyes have actually been painted over with orange paint!
Finally, in my opinion, the black Cybertronian tattoo design on both alt mode and robot looks stunning. All in all, this 'con is made of win.

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:29 pm
by dragons
this is one best looking movie starscreams ever even if i liked or dont like the tatoos on him i will stil get him but as much as i hate to say this the accuate movie version of him in the movie trailer has these same desings on hims as the though figure does so this figure is movie accute the color of the jet may not but details are excatly right on.

anyone dont belive watch trailer again where ee starscrem in bot mode and pause it i didnt believe it first either until i did just that

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:16 pm
by Frobot01
I concur....this Starscream is way better than the last one with those lame arm cannon things. I know it's movie accurate.....but I just don't digg the tattoos at all. I am hoping that Target or wal-mart come out with a version without them, maybe even G-1-ish.

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:35 pm
by First-Aid
Alldarker I have to ask...his feet are very small. DOes this fig have balance issues?

I like it a lot...I liked the last one, but this is a big big improvement.

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:27 am
by alldarker
First-Aid, yes, Starscream's feet are small and yes, this does give him some balance issues. Also, the fact that he lacks ball joints in the ankles does not help his posability.
Weight distribution seems to be pretty much straight down the middle though: he has some very slight back kibble (the wing assembly) which folds pretty close to the torso. So he can hold most poses while standing up straight.

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:10 am
by Archanubis
This is definately a much better toy than the previous Starscream.

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:06 am
by Forgotten
love it, must have it. It does scream Starscream to me as he looks vicious as all get out. I'm covered in tattoos myself so i'm not going to judge him over that. I kinda like when Transformers get tatted up for battle(Nemesis Breaker, Cannonball).

Re: Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:36 pm
by StarThunderWarp