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TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 4:18 am
by Mkall
For those of you lucky enough to own a Henkei Crystal Convoy, or perhaps another translucent figure, you may find this set to your liking. If you don't own such a figure, then maybe you'll like it anyways.

TFCToys, makers of the Gear of War set and the Gear of War 2 set, which feature a wide variety of weapons and accessories for many Transformers, have released images of their latest set: TFC-005C - Gear of War 2 - Crystal Version, which is all the accessories in the Gear of War 2 package, but translucent instead. See pictures below. We apologize to TFCToys that their proper watermark was blotted out and would happily update/replace them when we can find the right images.


Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 4:21 am
by Mkall
I don't know whether to be thankful of not that I don't have one of these Crystal Convoy figs. I'd have to get a trailer from one company and a weapon set from another.

Thankfully I can pass on this.

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 4:25 am
by Blurrz
Thankfully I don't suffer from crystal Transformers syndrome like the rest of you. 8-}

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:03 am
by Flux Convoy
Blurrz wrote:Thankfully I don't suffer from crystal Transformers syndrome like the rest of you. 8-}

You will, in time. Crystal Convoy, awesome! Clear guns? Not awesome. I'm just not feelin' it. Of course I didn't pick up the normal set either. Was it worth it?

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:41 am
by morphobots
Flux Convoy wrote:
Blurrz wrote:Thankfully I don't suffer from crystal Transformers syndrome like the rest of you. 8-}

You will, in time. Crystal Convoy, awesome! Clear guns? Not awesome. I'm just not feelin' it. Of course I didn't pick up the normal set either. Was it worth it?

Personally, I loved it. Very surprised when I actually received it and looked it over because BBTS's pics were sort of fuzzy. The gun meant for the Alternity Prime fits very well in my Powermaster Prime's hands with the LED attachment on it. Immediately went to buy a second one and they were already sold out. :-(

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:17 am
by Forgotten
This set surprised the hell out of me, I thought that since the Gears Of War 2 set was just simply leaps and bounds in the field of 3rd party armorments(trust me it's a great set.) that a Crystal version would be outstanding. BUT they are completely transparent from what I can tell from pics, they should have done them in a transcluscent render or perphaps use maybe transcluscent black, blue, & grey(smoke) instead of all clear. This really isn't going to match up all that well with figs or show off the amount of detail(and these weapons do have some nice detail, the molds are well notched with vents/muzzle guards/etc.) Hope they ditch the see through and go another direction with it, then FP needs to do a Crystal Commander for Crystal Convoy, and then we need a Ghost Coronation set for Ghost Screamer & then a black dead Screamer, and......I've overloaded my brain now. :CON: :KREMZEEK:

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:20 am
by Counterpunch

Really, just...stupid.

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:10 am
by courtdevil
Looks like a set of cool shite!

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:05 am
by dragons
in the last picture where room is dark prime & guns look like lightbulb.

all i have i classics ghost starscream i dont plan on getting any more that little guy was expensive for me but worth it no more after that, but if i did have clear prime i wouldnt get this set black gun set looks better than this i understand they decide to make this for clear convoy but everything else clear for leader prime gun, to fansprojects city commander it stands out.

very nice looking thanks for sharing

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:24 pm
by DevastaTTor
I'm with CP on this. This is pretty pointless. Are there really that many crystal Convoys around that there's a market for clear trailers and guns?

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:10 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Blurrz wrote:Thankfully I don't suffer from crystal Transformers syndrome like the rest of you. 8-}

You're not the only one. They seem... pointless to me. And I mean really pointless.

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:03 am
by PowerEncarnate
I personally want the crystal convoy if i can find it and I agree that FP needs to do a crystal commander for it. but I'm iffy on the clear weapon set. It could be fixed with some translucent paints but that would be tricky to do and at the price it would suck to botch the job. Don"t get me wrong the LEDs look very cool in the dark but the weapons need some color. As far trailers go I want a commander and G3 for each of my prime/convoy molds so yeah there is a market for them. I don't care for the best toys trailer though, It also doesn't look right.

Re: TFCToys Gear of War 2 Set - Crystal Version

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:12 pm
by Editor
Personally I like the set and bought it so Animated Prime could have a decent gun, but the crystal version makes little sense to me.