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Re: MP-19 Masterpiece Bluestreak preorder listed on BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:31 pm
by Bowspearer
gothsaurus wrote:Thanks for the tip! I remember hearing about HLJ a long time ago. Will check them out for sure.

It's tough for all the Ameri-centric peeps to get outside of their own world. Even having been an exchange student and done some traveling, I still catch myself. I think we should all be forced to watch some BBC news and other outside and unbiased sources to know a little more what's going on outside. Lord knows our TV stations are certainly slanted politically. (But that's another can of worms.)

Oh I agree. I've often thought that whilst America as an imperial power has become a great cause of suffering for millions in the world in previous decades, if the American people themselves ever became aware of what was actually going on, the political changes that ensued would be very short and swift.

gothsaurus wrote:Thanks for the smart insights on how Takara has saved money. Very interesting!

I also think you'll find that the release order has nothing to do with popularity and more to do with building a case for single use moulds. Sure some characters are more popular that others, but let's face it- when you're talking about the 1984-1986 line and especially the 1984-1985 line, debates about popularity are kind of like debates over which contestant is more beautiful at a Miss Universe pageant. They know that anything, particularly 1984-1985 will sell (with the exception of Skywarp who has already been done as a V1.0 so it's too soon there) and so the smart approach is to go with the most reuses first to cheaply biuld a loyal customer base on a mainstream release.

gothsaurus wrote: Ah, I do miss Binal Tech. Wish we'd have seen a full lineup out of those.

Wondering how mixing these and the Binal Tech bots would go on a shelf. Hmmm. Guessing the bots might pass, but vehicles... not so much.

Actually if you want to check the scale, compare MP-01 to Mp-10. It was established with MP-04 that the old Masterpiece line was actually designed to be compatible with with the Binartech.

Re: MP-19 Masterpiece Bluestreak preorder listed on BBTS

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:32 am
by gothsaurus
Yeah, I'm sure the new smaller scale won't mix too well, sadly. While I'd love to sneak BT Hound and Skids and Arcee and a few other unlikely characters onto the shelf, I'm afraid they'll be tooooo big.

Which reminds me, can I go back in time and swap Nemesis Prime for Trailbreaker? Sheeeeesh.

But all things considered, the new size IS pretty perfect. It's feels like the original did in your little puny child-hands. Really brings back the memories.

Re: MP-19 Masterpiece Bluestreak preorder listed on BBTS

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:57 pm
by Son of Carl
Bowspearer wrote:Oh I agree. I've often thought that whilst America as an imperial power has become a great cause of suffering for millions in the world in previous decades, if the American people themselves ever became aware of what was actually going on, the political changes that ensued would be very short and swift.

First you would have to eliminate television, the great pacifier. As long as people have such comforts they don't see the need for making changes. People typically complain about everything, but never do anything. Television is the ultimate tool for making the populous docile.

Bowspearer wrote:They know that anything, particularly 1984-1985 will sell (with the exception of Skywarp who has already been done as a V1.0 so it's too soon there) and so the smart approach is to go with the most reuses first to cheaply biuld a loyal customer base on a mainstream release.

It's never too soon for Skywarp V2.0. I want him now, along with Takara Thundercracker 2.0. I'm hoping we will get these guys at the end of the year.

Re: MP-19 Masterpiece Bluestreak preorder listed on BBTS

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:54 pm
by Bowspearer
Raccon wrote:It's never too soon for Skywarp V2.0. I want him now, along with Takara Thundercracker 2.0. I'm hoping we will get these guys at the end of the year.

I agree, but unfortunately the opinion I stated is Takara's official position on a Ver2.0 MP Skywarp release (it got said a while back on twitter iirc).