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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:26 am
by Stormrider
Bluebullet, you're really 14? You have pretty good grammar and vocabulary for a 14 year old. You've got a lot spunk too. :-P

I know where you are coming from with your thoughts. I noticed that you are pretty recent to the boards, so you probably are not aware that many of your ideas and thoughts have already been battled out a dozen times by other members over the past six months.

You are certainly free to get fiery and upset but most people have moved on at this point with their feelings. So you won't find too many people that are ready to jump on the bandwagon to stone Michael Bay. Also, you may not be aware that Alex Kingdom, Maximus Prime, and Burn have been around for while. Attacking them is sort of like Wheelie vs Kupp, which is why they have been asking you to chill. Trust me, you don't want their wrath. 8)

Stay cool. Pick your battles and you'll do well. :D

edited - for clarification

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:37 am
by D-340
Bluebullet wrote:
Transtopias Rodimus Prime wrote:No, Transformers are not mindless, the G1 cartoon was pretty mindless though. Most cartoons are not made to be mind stimulating, especially for adults. One more thing, as a guy I would like to say that I love mindless, 99% Action flicks. There are so many real life things to think about I want to relax my brain and see a good shoot'em up, bang'em up, BLOW'EM UP, Robot, Alien, Military, Musclecar, Big Rig with flames, Sweet@ss, Speilberg, Bay, better than Spiderman, freaking MOVIE. And so do all of my friends Transfans or not. This is going to be an iconic movie that should not be missed at the Theatre.

You want Transformers to be the forgettable, two second, "ZOMG!! BLOW UP!! SWEET @SS!! ALIENS!! MILLITARY!!" Bay movie that spits at the fans and the history of the franchise? Go watch Godzilla '98 or ID4 for that stuff, and leave it behind when you talk about Transformers.

Transformers has been ionic with a certain theme and look. If you want that thrown away for two seconds of enjoyment, then shame on you. Shame on everyone that THINKS like you. This movie won't be able to touch the Spiderman movies, because they stay true to the franchise and please the fans WHILE making excellent movies. If this movie succeeds, thousands of fans will be stuck with this type of unintellegent dribble until it drives this franchise into the ground. If you want an ionic franchise to change so that you will like it, then that is the most selfish thing I've heard in all of my life. If you don't like Transformers as it is, then you are welcome to leave the fandom. Just don't forget your ego on the way out.

Go on with your bad self and fight your crusade. Me, a fan since '84, will go see this movie, most likely enjoy it, and appritiate the changes. As much as I enjoy my beloved G1, the whole series was a huge toy commercial, and I accept that. The way this looks, it won't be a 2 hour toy commercial, and that makes me a happy Transfan. But damn me I suppose for accepting the changes, right?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:38 am
by Stormrider
AbsumZer0 wrote:
stormrider wrote:If the movie is successful probably the toy series will be split for a while. There will be the "Movie version" and the "Classics version" (or whatever you want to call them).

Batman, Superman, Spiderman, X-Men have been around for a while and the movie versions and the classic versions to rake in money from different types of fans.

I assume you mean "if the movie toyline does well" as opposed to "the movie". I think that's an important distinction because if the toyline flops, even if the movie pulls big numbers, it may jeopardize the likelihood of sequels and result in the line being killed prematurely (as unlikely as that is).

Either way I don't personally expect a side-by-side movie and 'primary' line. Perhaps briefly during a transition phase like we did with Classics and Cybertron but a few months after the dvd release, probably around Easter, I'm guessing the movie figures will have dried-up. Among the lines you've mentioned the 'movie' lines ceased soon after the dvd release and the Spiderman and X-Men movie characters were integrated into the primary lines. We might get some figures with similar design aesthetics shuffled-in and I'm sure we'll get movie name recycles and 'homages' but once Heroes hits shelves I doubt we'll get any more actual movie figures until the sequel.

I think we're talking about the same thing from the same side. Sorry, maybe I should have chosen better words than "Movie version". What I meant were toys with movie design aesthetics, which some people have been fearing will dominant in future toy series. I wasn't suggesting that the Movie series will continue indefinitely.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:36 am
by Burn
Bluebullet wrote:And Burn? The only way for your statement to work is if you asked an old man buying Depends. Most people in their 30's know who Optimus Prime is, which is a good portion of the U.S.

And what about the rest of the world? ;;)

And can you offer up statistical evidence that the majority of people in their 30's know who Optimus Prime is? Can you offer up statistical evidence that people will look at a photo and go "hey that's Optimus Prime" and not "hey, that's that dude from that cartoon I watched as a kid"? ;;)

A_K wrote:I wrote a long reply going into detail about what I said and what I ment. I hit post, I got "No Post mode specified", and i lost it. Surfice to say I agree with pretty much all you said, I'm just skeptical that I will enjoy the movie and dont feel it's the sort of movie people will look back on in years to come and call a 'classic'.

I will admit that I don't expect it to be considered a "classic" either. I just realised, you and I really are at opposite ends of the spectrum. You don't expect much of the movie but are open to being proved wrong and end up enjoying it, while I expect to enjoy the movie but am prepared to be proven wrong and end up hating it. :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:02 am
by Shadowman
Burn wrote:
A_K wrote:I wrote a long reply going into detail about what I said and what I ment. I hit post, I got "No Post mode specified", and i lost it. Surfice to say I agree with pretty much all you said, I'm just skeptical that I will enjoy the movie and dont feel it's the sort of movie people will look back on in years to come and call a 'classic'.

I will admit that I don't expect it to be considered a "classic" either. I just realised, you and I really are at opposite ends of the spectrum. You don't expect much of the movie but are open to being proved wrong and end up enjoying it, while I expect to enjoy the movie but am prepared to be proven wrong and end up hating it. :lol:

I don't expect it to be a classic either. How many action flicks are these days? I expect it to be a great action flick featuring our favorite Transforming robots, though, one that I will see in the theare ASAP, then buy on DVD first chance I get.

Spoon wrote:
Maximus Prime wrote:You are a perfect example of why I had to quit as admin here. I would have banned your ass just for having your head stuck so far up it.
Yeah I guess it was a good thing you quit then, since banning someone because that person is expressing his opinion is serious powerabuse right there. And talking down on his because of his age? He can't have an opinion anymore because he said he was only 14?
Geeez, I guess All your arguments are now null and void Maximus . :roll:

Spoon, maybe you forgot. Maximus Prime IS the Law of Seibertron. He may have stepped down, but the guy knows what he's talking about.

And he's right. A good admin would've banned him (Or at least gave him some "Time off") for saying something along the lines of "Agree with me or leave the fandom!"

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:06 am
by skywarp-2
Ok I was gonna do the whole quote everybody thing but I think i'll just use their forum names and answer to that..

Spoon, I agree with you, i think that simply saying someone should leave the fandom is a completely stupid reason to ban someone, I can see as an admin them banning for excessive cussing, or sexual harrassment, non subsiding arguements, or bigotry, but making a statement like that is not detrimental to me or my beliefs...If Maximus Prime was to ban me for making that statement i would feel like he was being overly sensative and emotional...By the way i love you spoon..your level headedness is a breath of freash air.. :grin:

Shadowman, i feel we are all entitled to our opinions, however misguided, its still a freedom to speak one's mind regardless of how it pisses you off as a fan. :P

And Burn, i gotta agree with Bluebullet on the recognition of optimus Prime thing, though i don't have statistics or anything, i will say that most of the 30,40 to 50 year olds I have met and who have been around me and my family when i talk about upcoming movies know exactly who optimus prime is.. funny but true..and i need to face reality.. i will be 30 at the end of this month...Sigh :sad:

Stormrider.....your just THE MAN!!! thank you so much for giving the friendly editorial on the older forum veterans, and breaking down the whole Bay arguement thing.. I love reading your posts, you have an eliquent way with stating level headed opinions..

Now with that said, back to the whole point of this post in the first place...After reading Seibertron's review..and I will say sorry about your digital camera.. :cry: ..

I have a couple of things I want to say about this film..I, like the majority of you, was very against this movie from the designs and leaked information i had recieved early on in this forum..over time I have become more and more open to the new movie and see it for what it will be.. I understand the script for the first movie seems mindless, but I don't view this movie as having to be too intelligent from the get go.. think of Star Wars Episode 4, it was a running action flick, with insightful touches on concepts, but really didn't go too far indepth into the whoile Jedi mystery until the later movies..

to the average movie goer Transformers will be similar, to us we will be bored because we are already familiar with the concept "indepth" and it will seem like this is just an action movie... but look at it from the first time perspective and you'll be amazed at how it mirrors star wars..Big chase seen all the way through, epic battles and a small group of core friends trying to survive the doom thats racing after them..

I am hopeful that in the sequel they will touch more on the whole background and mythos of the transformers themselves.. this movie should be viewed as more of an introduction to the franchise, like Star Wars a new hope was, with a wild ride, and that new friends as a team thing..I.E. bumblebee, Spike, ect...similar to Luke, R2, C3po, Obi Wan.. Ect..

Intelligent in the beginning of a Never viewed in the movies franchise will kill it if you trying to mass market an It should be this way in my view..That said.. I am glad to see that the robots will be talking and I hope we have a huge bit of dialogue with respects to megatron and Starscream.. because that is core to the transformers and should definately show from the get go..

As far as the robots designs themselves and the impending toy line, i feel its safe to say, that as far as movie toys go, this line willt ake off with a fierceness we have never seen before..Remeber when you were a kid around 9 or 10.."if you can" and that feeling you got when you went into the toy isle and looked for that Darth Vader figure, or Luke skywalker..and you remembered how awsome the movie was as you searched feverishly for that one favorite toy you thought might be sold out??

well, I have no doubt in my mind kids all over will be doing the same.. to them this will be awesome, they will marvel at the CGI, and will tell their friends at school what new transformers they have bought after the movie debuts...They may have watched "Cybertron" and bought some of those toys.. but to them this will be "The Transformers For Real!!!!" and thats exactly how my son sees it, and he's very excited.. which in turn makes me excited.. i am a Huge G-1 purist.. but through my son, i see this new Transformers movie as G-1 but with a fresh set of eyes and perspective..

I love this new take on the classic characters, so what if its not the blocky robots from our past, they look like real robots that transform, not to mention they hold some semblenece of the orignial characters, And as a fan of the Transformers franchise, i see G-1 on the big screen, modified, but it has Spike, megatron, Optimus As a Truck.. Starscream as a Jet, I love Blackout, and the whole hologram Military base attack screams G-1 Cartoon...!!!

Also we have Peter Cullen, and Hopefully Welker...

DUDE!!! lets be excited!!! its ok to like the movie, studio Hype aside, Director to fan smoosing aside, Bay and Spielberg aside... this is transformers in live action, CGI greatness with Spike!! its G-1..its updated and for a 9 to 15 year old this is gonna be a real treat!! As a soon to be 30 year old.. Arggghhh Sigh!! I don't wanna leave my 20s... anyways.. I feel this movie is so gonna rock, and I am very much looking forward to it..I have my wallet stockpiled for the movie figures, and I will say one thing, Megatron, Optimus, Blackout, Ironhide.. will be my first Purchases..Not fond of Bumblebee.. thats my only real complaint.. he should have a movable battlemask come down over his head...

Kudos to Seibertron's review..and the rest of you who still down and hate this movie.. all i can say is "Don't watch it" but for those of you who are sitting on the fence.. take the "this is the first time" perspective, see it through a new set of eyes.. as Obi Wan Kinobi once said.."you must unlearn what you have learned"..

Thanks for being a wonderful fandom..

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:41 pm
by adam8023
This movie sounds great!!!

Except for the love story which sounds cringe worthy. Yes, I like a human element toward science fiction movies (Star Trek First Contact, Aliens) but I hope this love story does not have me cringing in disgust.

Anyway, I think it's cool that Bumblebee is now a Camaro. :DANCE:

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:25 pm
by metimoteo
I'm not persuaded.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:13 pm
by DeathCaller
I'm glad there's some cute humor in there. But why make Bumblebee mute? That's what got me. I'll keep an opened mind. Reading that Ryan had the same dislikes that I had, but still enjoyed the presentations, I think I'll be able to handle and more than likely have a blast when the movie comes out. :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:37 pm
by Hotrod
Can we please get back on topic without the insults?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:34 pm
by Kreepy boy
I'm realy interested in hearing more about the movie. BTW al these pesamist and doomsayer need to chill. Don't dis it til you see it. so its not a carbon copy of the G 1 get over it I think this is a long overdo face lift. Dont get me wrong I still love the G 1. look at it this way in 84 the gi's where new and interesting and the movie is the same so open your closed litle minds and jest enjoy the the movie. I personaly think the new toy smell of the movie is jest as great as the time i opened my first prime toy.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:51 pm
by Hotrod
skywarp-2 wrote:Actually MP i don't remember you as an admin, i was speaking up for the underdog.. and freedom of speech, and non-over reacting.. Nothing personal against you..I am just trying to voice a different view of what should constitute a correct ban..

Again drop it and get back on topic.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:53 pm
by skywarp-2
yes sir... :oops:

On the topic at hand, i will go see the movie, it will be great fun, a wild ride like the first Star Wars flick, and I leave it up to the sequels to be more indepth and intelligent, to unfold the history and more knowledge of the Transformers mythos.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:05 pm
by edcomics
Yeah, why did you go back on your "Transformers 101" presentation? I was in total agreement with that when you put it up. Now you've renegged. ID4 was a good movie. It was what it was. When I watch Transformers, though, I don't want to see ID4. The "classic humor" you referred to? During scenes like that, I find myself thinking "Get ON with it." I fear this will be an extremely contrived film.

The thing that continues to bug me is how radically different this film will be from the franchise I love. I've been singing the praises of Transformers for years to my friends who never listed. Now, they might see this Transformers movie and think this is what Transformers are all about. Personally, I don't want my hobby and my interest being misrepresented the way its going to be. Someone brought up the music stand/TV antenna/General Grievous/Frenzy, and that is a perfect example of what's wrong with the movie. On SOME level, that MAY be cool, but it's just not Transformers to me, and that's a shame. I'm not even a super hardcore fan. I just hate it when people mess with the integrity of a classic. It never turns out well.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:08 pm
by Transtopias Rodimus Prime
skywarp-2 wrote:yes sir... :oops:

On the topic at hand, i will go see the movie, it will be great fun, a wild ride like the first Star Wars flick, and I leave it up to the sequels to be more indepth and intelligent, to unfold the history and more knowledge of the Transformers mythos.

Well said! I hope I did not cause to much fuss sticking up for myself and a movie I haven't seen yet. Nearly everyday when I go to work someone asks me something about the movie or toys coming soon. I am the only collector I know personally, yet 6-10 people every week want to know something more about the movie or toys from the movie. One guy even brings me everything written about transformers that appears in USA Today. There are so many "closet fans" that even if every tformer collector on the web dissed the movie it would still be a hit. Yes, the entire world loves the Transformers.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:11 pm
by edcomics
Kreepy boy wrote:look at it this way in 84 the gi's where new and interesting and the movie is the same

You see, that's the issue here. A lot of us don't think these new robot designs are interesting. It's like ordering your steak well done and receiving it medium rare. Actually, it's worse than that. Maybe it's more like asking for Nacho Cheese Doritos, but getting Cool Ranch instead. Cool Ranch is fine, but it's not the original by any means. When I get a craving for Doritos, and want the real thing. When I get a craving for Transformers, I also want the real thing.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:28 pm
by D-340
edcomics wrote:
Kreepy boy wrote:look at it this way in 84 the gi's where new and interesting and the movie is the same

You see, that's the issue here. A lot of us don't think these new robot designs are interesting. It's like ordering your steak well done and receiving it medium rare. Actually, it's worse than that. Maybe it's more like asking for Nacho Cheese Doritos, but getting Cool Ranch instead. Cool Ranch is fine, but it's not the original by any means. When I get a craving for Doritos, and want the real thing. When I get a craving for Transformers, I also want the real thing.

I think there interesting. I really hate blanket statements like this.

@ Skywarp-2, your past coulpe of posts about the movie were friggin' genius. I've been screamin' that all along. Kudos to you.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:41 pm
by Kreepy boy
skywarp-2 wrote:Ok I was gonna do the whole quote everybody thing but I think i'll just use their forum names and answer to that..

Spoon, I agree with you, i think that simply saying someone should leave the fandom is a completely stupid reason to ban someone, I can see as an admin them banning for excessive cussing, or sexual harrassment, non subsiding arguements, or bigotry, but making a statement like that is not detrimental to me or my beliefs...If Maximus Prime was to ban me for making that statement i would feel like he was being overly sensative and emotional...By the way i love you spoon..your level headedness is a breath of freash air.. :grin:

Shadowman, i feel we are all entitled to our opinions, however misguided, its still a freedom to speak one's mind regardless of how it pisses you off as a fan. :P

And Burn, i gotta agree with Bluebullet on the recognition of optimus Prime thing, though i don't have statistics or anything, i will say that most of the 30,40 to 50 year olds I have met and who have been around me and my family when i talk about upcoming movies know exactly who optimus prime is.. funny but true..and i need to face reality.. i will be 30 at the end of this month...Sigh :sad:

Stormrider.....your just THE MAN!!! thank you so much for giving the friendly editorial on the older forum veterans, and breaking down the whole Bay arguement thing.. I love reading your posts, you have an eliquent way with stating level headed opinions..

Now with that said, back to the whole point of this post in the first place...After reading Seibertron's review..and I will say sorry about your digital camera.. :cry: ..

I have a couple of things I want to say about this film..I, like the majority of you, was very against this movie from the designs and leaked information i had recieved early on in this forum..over time I have become more and more open to the new movie and see it for what it will be.. I understand the script for the first movie seems mindless, but I don't view this movie as having to be too intelligent from the get go.. think of Star Wars Episode 4, it was a running action flick, with insightful touches on concepts, but really didn't go too far indepth into the whoile Jedi mystery until the later movies..

to the average movie goer Transformers will be similar, to us we will be bored because we are already familiar with the concept "indepth" and it will seem like this is just an action movie... but look at it from the first time perspective and you'll be amazed at how it mirrors star wars..Big chase seen all the way through, epic battles and a small group of core friends trying to survive the doom thats racing after them..

I am hopeful that in the sequel they will touch more on the whole background and mythos of the transformers themselves.. this movie should be viewed as more of an introduction to the franchise, like Star Wars a new hope was, with a wild ride, and that new friends as a team thing..I.E. bumblebee, Spike, ect...similar to Luke, R2, C3po, Obi Wan.. Ect..

Intelligent in the beginning of a Never viewed in the movies franchise will kill it if you trying to mass market an It should be this way in my view..That said.. I am glad to see that the robots will be talking and I hope we have a huge bit of dialogue with respects to megatron and Starscream.. because that is core to the transformers and should definately show from the get go..

As far as the robots designs themselves and the impending toy line, i feel its safe to say, that as far as movie toys go, this line willt ake off with a fierceness we have never seen before..Remeber when you were a kid around 9 or 10.."if you can" and that feeling you got when you went into the toy isle and looked for that Darth Vader figure, or Luke skywalker..and you remembered how awsome the movie was as you searched feverishly for that one favorite toy you thought might be sold out??

well, I have no doubt in my mind kids all over will be doing the same.. to them this will be awesome, they will marvel at the CGI, and will tell their friends at school what new transformers they have bought after the movie debuts...They may have watched "Cybertron" and bought some of those toys.. but to them this will be "The Transformers For Real!!!!" and thats exactly how my son sees it, and he's very excited.. which in turn makes me excited.. i am a Huge G-1 purist.. but through my son, i see this new Transformers movie as G-1 but with a fresh set of eyes and perspective..

I love this new take on the classic characters, so what if its not the blocky robots from our past, they look like real robots that transform, not to mention they hold some semblenece of the orignial characters, And as a fan of the Transformers franchise, i see G-1 on the big screen, modified, but it has Spike, megatron, Optimus As a Truck.. Starscream as a Jet, I love Blackout, and the whole hologram Military base attack screams G-1 Cartoon...!!!

Also we have Peter Cullen, and Hopefully Welker...

DUDE!!! lets be excited!!! its ok to like the movie, studio Hype aside, Director to fan smoosing aside, Bay and Spielberg aside... this is transformers in live action, CGI greatness with Spike!! its G-1..its updated and for a 9 to 15 year old this is gonna be a real treat!! As a soon to be 30 year old.. Arggghhh Sigh!! I don't wanna leave my 20s... anyways.. I feel this movie is so gonna rock, and I am very much looking forward to it..I have my wallet stockpiled for the movie figures, and I will say one thing, Megatron, Optimus, Blackout, Ironhide.. will be my first Purchases..Not fond of Bumblebee.. thats my only real complaint.. he should have a movable battlemask come down over his head...

Kudos to Seibertron's review..and the rest of you who still down and hate this movie.. all i can say is "Don't watch it" but for those of you who are sitting on the fence.. take the "this is the first time" perspective, see it through a new set of eyes.. as Obi Wan Kinobi once said.."you must unlearn what you have learned"..

Thanks for being a wonderful fandom..

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:48 pm
by skywarp-2
edcomics wrote:
Kreepy boy wrote:look at it this way in 84 the gi's where new and interesting and the movie is the same

You see, that's the issue here. A lot of us don't think these new robot designs are interesting. It's like ordering your steak well done and receiving it medium rare. Actually, it's worse than that. Maybe it's more like asking for Nacho Cheese Doritos, but getting Cool Ranch instead. Cool Ranch is fine, but it's not the original by any means. When I get a craving for Doritos, and want the real thing. When I get a craving for Transformers, I also want the real thing.

ok but to me its like doritos for g-1, original flavor, and yes while cool ranch is good, its not the original, so cool ranch to me would be Beast Wars.. this movie is more like 3-D doritos, same great taste as the original chip, new shape..
some like it some don't but its the taste in the end that matters.. and though the form is different the taste of the movie is in the end similar to the g-1 formula..Good night folks!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:52 pm
by Burn
edcomics wrote:Yeah, why did you go back on your "Transformers 101" presentation? I was in total agreement with that when you put it up.

There's a big difference between renegging on something and changing your mind on something because you've been given more information on it.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:14 am
by Faceful of Kitchen
Bluebullet wrote: My comparison is more accurate.

no, your comparison better represents your opinion, just as his more accurately represents his opinion. how similar you consider this movie to be to g1 depends heavily on what you consider to be the most crucial defining elements of g1. i don't currently plan on seeing the movie either (not because of how it compares to g1 or any other tf series, but because i've read the script and it simply doesn't interest me at all), but you really have to stop declaring that those who do want to see it are somehow wrong for having different tastes.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:16 am
by Kreepy boy
thx for that skywarp2 btw i found your one responce very good levelheaded omongst so much bickering and fighting :-? and bluebulet try not to get so persanal i understand your not all tha impressed so far by the movie or the movie toys but try not to atack everyone that disagres

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:02 am
by Spoon
Swell, now posts are just getting deleted without a simple notice.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:07 am
by D-340
Spoon wrote:Swell, now posts are just getting deleted without a simple notice.

Can't say I blame 'em. Who wants to read 9+ pages of bickering. This was a thread about Ryan's take on the movie preview, not why people hate it before they see it, Take 53.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:56 am
by skywarp-2
Faceful of Kitchen wrote:
Bluebullet wrote: My comparison is more accurate.

no, your comparison better represents your opinion, just as his more accurately represents his opinion. how similar you consider this movie to be to g1 depends heavily on what you consider to be the most crucial defining elements of g1. i don't currently plan on seeing the movie either (not because of how it compares to g1 or any other tf series, but because i've read the script and it simply doesn't interest me at all), but you really have to stop declaring that those who do want to see it are somehow wrong for having different tastes.

Faceful you are so right, that is my opinion, which has developed over time, and I thank you for pointing that out to Bluebulet. I think the movie will, in the end, deliver a good and fun representation of the transformers in Live action. Though the robot designs are a bit more "Star Wars" then I would like to see, "ILM" I still think that it will do well, as long as those who produce it remember that its the personalities and the fact that BOTH the autobots and Decepticons are able to speak and should have "English" dialogue..

One thing about this review I was wondering, what the heck did Scorponock look like coming out of Blackout as an attack??? :-? Did he shoot off his arm, or come from the back compartment (that sounds kinda like he Shat him out or something)... :-? Or did he crawl up blackouts shoulder, growl at the base guards then pounced to the ground running after them?? :-?