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Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:08 am
by Skowl
Looks cool! I'm fairly certain it's going to be a Decepticon. With the Ferrari, we already have one red Autobot - and it appears the good guys like to keep their colour code.

Either way, I'm positive it's at least a TF. I know they claim to be "in disguise" and everything, but when it comes to Michael Bay's Transformers, you can spot them a mile away - they're either the shiny new never-before-seen concept cars, or the sinister death-machines with guns sticking out.

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:16 am
by Overloaded
JetOptimus23 wrote:
Bouncy X wrote:maybe Wheelie got a new paintjob and a major upgrade? :P

Ehhhh, probobly not. Maybe Rollbar, or Cliffjumper, or Hound... oh. I got nuthin'

He will probarly be called Whirl with the way the Autobots are named I mean BB is not a muscle car

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:20 am
by G1 Smoketreader
It's a little lacking in finesse for a Hound template and I agree Hound should manifest as a military vehicle- Autobot landmine was a perfect chance for that (but Spielberg suggested a five-versus-six-or-seven ratio which I feel contributed to the heart of the Movies' 'missing population and redesigned existing population' problems). Bay would certainly have been exposed to talk about Cliffjumper all these years since his star is Bumblebee, so it could easily be him,tho the wheels would make it too heavy to jump much in the way of cliffs,the look still fits cliffjumpers g1 attitude.I do not have enough faith in the movie creators to believe this is another new Autobot arrival, but considering all suspected/known decepticons in the Chicago fight so far are either in bot mode or toting weapons in public, whereas the Jeep is not(Yet), it may just be an Autobot...
Superficially fitting Autobot names: Brawn,Gears,Trailbreaker/Blazer,Pathfinder,Wheeljack,Mudflap,Swerve,Tracks,Warpath,any number of G2 names,Rhinox,Rattrap.

In terms of Decepticon status, could it be somebody linked to Wheelie somehow?
Superficially fitting Decepticon names: Crumplezone,Swindle/Rollbar,Bonecrusher(again),Bruticus,Lugnut,Rumble,Breakdown...

In terms of third faction mecha it could be an innocently bystanding or parked vehicle hijacked (or hotwired) by someone like Simmons to run over a Decepticon for comic relief,simple cannon/explosion fodder,some kind of Autobot hating (and even Decepticon welcoming) human gang vehicle...

Remember, some Autobots are seen in Chicago photos but are missing from known chase footage so an Autobot group could be working on an objective somewhere in Chicago whilst the others defend the perimeter,run interference or race to provide backup.We have to study filming yet to be done to work out which vehicles appear as what groups since future filming will deal with pre ending scenes.I would be quite happy if this jeep turned out to be a newcomer (scientist with wheels counting as whacky earthling-tech gizmos?) helping the theorised mission group, but for now I suspect it will be a mid-battle powerup by Mudflap.

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:30 am
by Terra Verticon
Autobot Strider wrote:While I would like any Jeep to be Hound (regardless of Bay's colour-switching habits) I don't think this particular vehicle's set-up really suits Hound at all. If he were a military Jeep, then that would be far more suitable. Hell, even if he were a Humvee, or a little Dune Buggy (think Dune Runner) I'd be happy.

But yeah, add my voice to those who've already said "WTF is with all the red?" They avoid it in the first movie because it's hard to film, meaning Ironhide gets a colour swap (I never really disliked Optimus' new look) and then in the second one they did the same thing to Sideswipe... and now they are adding two red vehicles... :BANG_HEAD:

Well, my guess for this Jeep is still Hound, even if it's way off. Second guess would be Trailbreaker, so it's as though he and Ironhide swapped paintjobs. Just for the lulz, I think the Ferrari will be Tracks, because:

1) Red is the polar opposite of blue (or so says I.)
2) They made Sideswipe (originally an Italian car) into an American car, so it makes 'sense' that they would make Tracks (originally an American car) into an Italian one. BALANCE! :KREMZEEK:

In real life: Red cancels Green, Orange cancels Blue, and Yellow cancels purple. Go check out a color wheel.

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:41 am
Wheelie's new altmode hehehe


Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:35 pm
by deathvalleymachine
I think I figured out who the new Autobot is.......Generation 1 - "Swerve" - Mini-Vehicle, 1986, 2008

It would be cool that more Autobots arrive on Earth for the final battle.

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:48 pm
by Chaoslock
Sentinel Prime?

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:33 pm
by MGRead
I found a other video of the jeep. Also found some more pictures. I will upload the picture later but here the link to the video.


the comments fot this video

Sorry short clip. But here is the jeep I recorder earlier but with the Machine gun on the back of it. I was wondering what the hell the metal thing was on the back when I took the video earlier. Was able to get close and talk to the guy. Wouldn't tell me much but was practicing on the gun. Thing is really nuts.. Got one more video to load up soon.

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:40 pm
by TR3Chicago
I just found this video it may be hound or rollbar.. Some one tell me?

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:33 pm
by Highbeam
I wish I could say that was my red Jeepy on the set! I approve of a Jeep featured in the movie, if he is in fact a character! I can't wait until they come to Detroit :grin:

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:47 pm
by Autobot Strider
Terra Verticon wrote:In real life: Red cancels Green, Orange cancels Blue, and Yellow cancels purple. Go check out a color wheel.

Hmm... interesting. Thanks for that.

However, I was thinking more along these lines:


Also, depending on the "colour model", Red's opposite varies. Under a "blue-yellow-red colour wheel" what you say is true, but with the "red-green-blue" colour model, Red's opposite (and thus complimentary colour) is Cyan, which is a shade of blue.

Back on topic:

We all know that Michael Bay's "colour wheel" probably has an arrow that spins in the middle.

MB: "Hmmm, what colour should Cliffjumper be?"
*spins wheel*
MB: "Fuchsia! Perfect!" :KREMZEEK:

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:43 pm
by Just Negare


I don't think it'd be right to be Hound, I mean, could you see that trying to get closer to nature?

Maybe Beachcomber? We can never guess right with Bay.

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:53 pm

With that out of the way, I'm guessing hound, swindle, one of soundwaves minions (Since Bay has to screw up the size as well, OR maybe it's an incredibly obscure one such as ________

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:04 pm
by 5150 Cruiser
Hmmm... Damn, thats one big ass Jeep. :shock:

I'm in agreeance with those that are hoping that this isn't Hound. I too would preffer him to be a military jeep. But to be honest, if it does end up being hound, i wouldn't be to disapointed either. At least Mr. Bay kept him as a Jeep. (that's if he is hound). Time will tell.

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:24 am
by Overloaded
Chaoslock wrote:Sentinel Prime?

Optimus is the last of the Primes remember

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:46 am
by G1 Smoketreader
Whoever (or whatever) the Jeep is, the weapon seems to to be geared to require an operator,,,I'm starting to get disillusioned with the idea of no more new Autobots but more Autobot hunting factions. Only time will tell... Slim chances Swindle is out there brainwashing humans into organized TF hunting mobs. Would suit his name and at least get another TF into the story...

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:41 am
by Bloodlust
You're all wrong, it's Shockwave's alt mode :P

Other than that, no clue i won't speculate

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:24 pm
by DavidT
The Red Jeep appears to be ROLLBAR as indicated on the front fender and the logo on the back has 'TB' which could easily mean 'ThrottleBot'



Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:11 pm
by dasauce71
Exclusive from Official website will be up by the end of weekend. Check out his myspace page right now on the above website.

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:31 pm
by MGRead

Re: A New Red Jeep in Chicago!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:44 am
by Dagon
Just Negare wrote:CANYONEROOOOO!!!!

what if it's the women's version, wasn't it the F series? with the lipstick in place of the cigarette lighter?

But Skowl makes a good point. I know it's a movie, but in real life I would be suspicious of always waxed, concept model cars.