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Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:31 am
by Megatron Wolf
if thats art then my kitchen table should be in a museum. But anyway hes just another no talent actor that became to famous to fast & couldnt deal with it. Perhaps he finally realized hes a poopy actor and instead of taking acting classes to fix it he hit the drugs & booze then called the outcome "art". Either he'll get a swift kick in the ass come back down to planet earth & work at becoming a better actor or he'll fade away never to be heard from again, im fine with either as long as we dont have to see or hear him running & screaming anymore pretending to be some acting virtuoso.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:41 am
by Burn
RodimalToyota wrote:The guys a self absorbed douche nozzle in real life.
He deserves every bad thing that comes his way.

I got no sympathy for that punk. He's outcasted because of his
Attitude and demeanor. He can claim artist all he wants, but more likely
There just isn't any movies trying to cast a role for a akward teenager.

Or he could be, as the thread title suggests, having a mental breakdown, in which case regardless of what people may think of him, he does NOT deserve to be criticised.

Of course it could just be a publicity stunt, not uncommon for some "celebrities" to do weird things just to get attention.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:57 am
by Ravage XK
I'm inclined to think all this oddness is just for publicity. He must have many people around him who would recognise mental illness and get him the help he needs. He did say something like "my life is art" a while back and I think this is what he is trying to portray.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:05 am
by Burn
Ravage XK wrote:He must have many people around him who would recognise mental illness and get him the help he needs.

Trust me, that is more often NOT the case.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:51 am
by T-Macksimus
Antron wrote:It appears he left the needle out of his little collections. Unfortunately, I know what a needle pusher looks like and Shia looks like he's chasing the dragon. Sad, because I like him. I've seen him on the late night circuit and could totally see him going into comedy. I hope he pulls through.

Good call. His behavior and appearance are certainly indicative of it. Sadly I get the gut feeling that his story will end much the same way as Curt Cobain of Nirvana and I give him about 2 years tops before it happens. Right now he's going through that "eccentric" Hollywood star phase, next it will be the seclusion of a failed potential "prodigy", bringing on a deep depression, and then *click*BOOM* as he's locked away in some dingy L.A. studio apartment. He won't overdose like so many others before him, the depression will drive him over the edge first. It's sad and it sucks but until he wants help for himself there's nothing that can be done. Sometimes people have to hit the absolute bottom before they realize what a mess they are and decide to claw their way out of it. Sometimes... sometimes they don't survive the impact of hitting bottom and that's just how it is.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:22 am
by vwpbl
Can someone go over there and pick up the transformer and see what happens? Perhaps be polite and advise him some 'fault' needs to lie with the writers and Mr. Bay.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:22 am
by Dead Metal
ScoutBumblebee wrote:Here's an interesting theory . This link was posted on our Facebook page.

I like that theory and hope it's true.
Alternatively I would like this to be his way of trying to turn into a trolling performance artist.

But if this is neither and it is a mental breakdown, I hope he gets help by someone who actually cares for him and his wellbeing. I've always liked him as an actor, and I've never been of the opinion that he should be made responsible for being in a bad movie.

Remember how he apologized to people because he thought Indiana Jones 4 was **** when it came out and Harrison Ford scolded him publicly because you're supposed to lie and promote the film you're in?

Also, he has proven that he is more than capable of different performances. I wish people would lay off him, the role of Sam would have been **** even without him.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:56 am
by shockblast2
I think it is kinda cool. The guy is tired of all the Hollywood bs. Now, this could be just another deal like that Phoenix actor guy did a few years go. Can't remember his first name. But if not, then more power to him.

Definitely strange, but cool at the same time. He is not having a mental breakdown. No more than any other person.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:26 am
by AutoBorst
He's lost it. Now he's just starving for attention and he's continuing to do it in the worst way possible.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:13 am
by Vicalliose
This is highly irrelevant and shouldn't in any way be considered Transformers news.

It might be different if he was actually involved with the production of any new Transformers film, but he isn't, and this site isn't Access Hollywood.

Gee why don't we just start covering news on all the cars each new Transformer is based on. :roll:

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:14 pm
by Shadowstream
Vicalliose wrote:This is highly irrelevant and shouldn't in any way be considered Transformers news.

It might be different if he was actually involved with the production of any new Transformers film, but he isn't, and this site isn't Access Hollywood.

Gee why don't we just start covering news on all the cars each new Transformer is based on. :roll:

I'd agree with ya bro, at least in this case since I'd hardly call the loss of this guy's sanity even remotely close to a tragedy if it really were the case, but take into consideration that excluding news about a former major character from the Bay film franchise is grounds for excluding news about ANY former TF franchise cast member, including ones we actually give a damn about. Granted it's not like we hear much about any of the other non-film actors anyway...

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:08 pm
by Banjo-Tron
I think that he's seen the Jacquin Phoenix buzz from a few years back. This is what he considers performance art. I am impressed that he used a G1 prime as a prop, even in his unusual state he can still recognise the superiority of G1 ;)

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:08 pm
by helli0n
Topless Robot is running with the theory that he is the willing victim of a joke by Lars von Trier. It makes sense too once you realize that Shia isn't known as a director, yet "directed" that copy cat movie.

You can read the whole thing here - My Theory on Shia LaBeouf's Weird Behavior Is Logical if True - MILDLY NFSW due to the two posters at the top. They don't show anything bad, but the posters are "suggestive."

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:50 pm
by Stormrider
I think Shia is just a weird dude.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:17 pm
by SlyTF1
Stormrider wrote:I think Shia is just a weird dude.

He's always struck me as a crazy person just trying to look "cool" in the public's eyes. Even before the TF movies.

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:29 am
by Bumblevivisector
You know, if it is all just a calculated stunt, and he's convinced so many people that he's actually gone insane, even his harshest detractors will end up having to admit that he's a damn good actor.

Am I the only one confused about the "offering him tacos" thing? Was part of the exhibit taking food in to him like he's an animal in a petting zoo, or the reporter just happened to have not finished their lunch...or what? Does TMZ have a Taco Bell endorsement deal right now? I don't give a crap about celebrity/Hollywood news, so it may be standard procedure for all I know.

It sounds more convincing than your average night of pro wrestling, but c'mon, it's not even that strange by performance art standards. Not familiar with von Trier, but the Topless Robot theory makes sense; dozens of directors had saner actors doing weirder s#!t than this even before John Waters, right?

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:11 am
by Renne
frankly surprised it took this long

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:00 pm
by Optimus1116

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:15 pm
by 5150 Cruiser
Vicalliose wrote:This is highly irrelevant and shouldn't in any way be considered Transformers news.

It might be different if he was actually involved with the production of any new Transformers film, but he isn't, and this site isn't Access Hollywood.

Gee why don't we just start covering news on all the cars each new Transformer is based on. :roll:

How is this any different than when we hear news of illnesses or deaths of G1, beast wars, energon etc. voice actors that haven't had anything to do with the franchise for well over 2 decades?

Re: Shia LeBeouf Experiencing What May Be Mental Breakdown

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:13 am
by Rodimus Prime
5150 Cruiser wrote:
Vicalliose wrote:This is highly irrelevant and shouldn't in any way be considered Transformers news.

It might be different if he was actually involved with the production of any new Transformers film, but he isn't, and this site isn't Access Hollywood.

Gee why don't we just start covering news on all the cars each new Transformer is based on. :roll:

How is this any different than when we hear news of illnesses or deaths of G1, beast wars, energon etc. voice actors that haven't had anything to do with the franchise for well over 2 decades?

My thought exactly...

Whether it's a hoax or not, I hope he can get out of whatever state of mind he's stuck in. Whether its actual mental imbalance or just a dire need for attention, he needs to do something to get past this, or have people help him move on. Maybe using his money to get away from Hollywood for a year or so might do him good. Just chill on a beach and drink pina coladas or something. Though I know a lot of those people are scared to death to step away from the limelight in fear of fading away and not being able to live that life any more. But maybe that's the problem to begin with.