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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:24 am
by Psychout
Its bollocks. A decoy. He's messing with your heads.

This way he can release anything he feels like and you will all be none the wiser.

If he really wanted to release all that cloak and dagger ****, he'd have to pay someone to create it all and thats a waste of budget.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:52 am
by tile_mcgillus
YIPPEE! Michael Bay hates you Transformer fans!...

Anyway. I might actually be a good idea. THink of all the negative buzz the first movie generated. It was like the opposite Snakes on a Plane. Bad Internet buzz and big box office. Jeez, its not like the negativity hurt the box office...

Although, I don't think a movie about big robots could have failed, especially with a 100 mill budget. It kind of was the elephant in the room for America. An action cashcow just waiting.

Anyway, if he thinks this is going to stop people from bitching on the interwebz....he has another thing coming.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:03 am
by Wheeljack35
So we connot trust anything he says coming from the sequel?

What else is new with him?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:05 am
by T-Macksimus
Considering how much money the first movie has raked in, I don't think paying someone to write misleading b.s. is going to be a problem for Bay. Whether we love his idea or hate it doesn't much matter. He's doing it anyway, I think it's funny as hell, and not a one of us out there can deny the fact that even with Bay at the helm, the first movie has blown box-office records out of the water.
What I will get the biggest laugh out of, since some of the actors signed on for 3 films right from the start, is if he pulled a LotR stunt and had all 3 scripts done but just broke up the shooting schedule pending results of the first film. This would give his "writing team" all the time in the world to think up all the new smoke to blow up our butts and give Bay a chance to go into production mode with a little less stress and the chance to polish things up better than the first movie. Now THAT would be a good use of mis-direction.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:12 am
by Grimshock
Bet the fake ideas are better than what they produce. As for messing with fans, well, he's an expert on that, isn't he? Thing is that many fans have cut out. Which brings up a funnier point. Some have said that this fake stuff will be fitting punishment for fans. But, the hardcore fans have dismissed all this junk already anyway. It's hard to punish people who have already lost the faith.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:26 am
by Sideshow Sideswipe
just keep the damn camera steady next time and I'll be happy.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:53 am
by SnipeShade
Pfft...I am happy about that. And hes really being smart about that. What kind of person would he be if he didn't care about his movie was leaking out. You have to take care of your project! Some of you guys out there are ultimate haters... how do you live your life decently sometimes? XD

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:07 am
by Justicity
Hands up who thinks this will blow up in his face?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:56 am
by theprime8604
ya how about instead of wasting time making fake scripts there retard writers how about you just write a damn good one and because all this is doing is insuring your computers are going to get hacked the **** out of because your some tricksters dummies

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:56 am
by 1337W422102
Big deal, they've been misleading us since the first movie. And if they want to give us fake stories, yet reject good ones (like this one: ... &Itemid=99), then so be it. They'll only end up with another stupid teen comedy, just like the first one was.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:09 am
by The Paragon of Virtue
Nemesis Cyberplex wrote:But this whole thing reeks of, "Even though the fans were right on a lot of points on the first movie & the changes made it even better..."

How many of the changes made were to the script?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:16 am
by Asepticon
He shouldn't have made the statement. If he's gonna leak fake stuff, he should have kept it to himself. As it is it's like he's daring the more Kaotic TF fans to put the heat on himself. He thinks he knows the game, but he doesn't know the fans. I don't even know all the fans and I am one, but I wouldn't be drawing lines in the sand if I were Bay.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:46 am
by Robinson
I just love it when people in this forum see the name "Bay" and instantly want to attack his skills, his character, his overall persona and yet if most of you were in the same position he was in with making the first movie you would most likely do the same if not worse.

You know what he is doing. He is protecting his movie so that people will see the movie in theaters and not already know everything thats going to happen. He will probably leak robot designs moreso than were done for the first so that people will bitch and moan and whine more and more about having to take it up the ass for their beloved transformers when in reality he will be sitting back and saying "If they only knew"

The scripts will be discarded idea and scenes and he wants people to cry foul. The five pages in this thread alone that has people whining about it are playing right into his hands. People don't get it that Micheal Bay wants you to hate him for what he is doing to your "BELOVED" hobby because he knows that in the end droves of people(fans and non-fans alike) will turn out and watch this movie for what it is, a 2 hour escape from the real world.

Who cares if it mentions ebay, or chevy, or ford or any other company because guess what anytime one of you buys a transformer off of ebay and then brag about it in here, or on tformers or anywhere else you are doing the same thing that you ridicule Bay for doing. You are promoting a site that milions of people use on a daily basis.

He's not the first person to do something like this and sure as hell wont be the last.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:18 pm
by Nightracer GT
I'm just glad to know that whatever we manage to "discover" might not be real and thus:

A. We'll get an actual real surprise in the theater this time.

B. We can continue working on the fan script right up until the end, not ever having any ideas of a real story being declared. Then we'll see whose is better.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:28 pm
by Dragonslayer
Ooo, now I'll actually be suprised when this one comes out! Brilliant! 8)

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:59 pm
by underwear ninja
jacksonspade wrote:No one does big, dumb action better than Michael Bay!

So very true- dumb action indeed. Anyone with the money can just shoot alot of senseless explosions and camera angles. Its just like in the Imaginationland Trilogy

"We need ideas, those are just special effects!"
"...I don't see the difference."

I personally think Bay is just being an asshole now. He's the directorial equivalent of a total slut- alot of tease and make-up, but oh so very dissapointing in the end. I will admit that he knows how to please the everyman... sadly the everyman is an idiot as well.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:28 pm
by The Paragon of Virtue
underwear ninja wrote:I will admit that he knows how to please the everyman... sadly the everyman is an idiot as well.

Are you saying that those of us who liked the movie are idiots and whatever an "everyman" is?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:38 pm
by underwear ninja
When I say "everyman" I mean your average, everyday guy- some one who may not see alot of movies or be well versed in the material the movie may be about, aside from what they were either taught in school or from the media (TV, magezines, etc) Just your casual movie-goer.

Man, why is it that people always assume I'm talking about a specific person/group when I use a non-specific plural word... sheesh. :-(

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:47 pm
by Wes Crayon
Considering how awful the first movie was -- and the fact that they're bringing in a writer from the horrible US Ring remake -- I'd say they should concentrate more on actually making the second one worthwhile instead of throwing off the fanboys. Michael Bay so sucks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:37 pm
by Jeysie
I find this rather disappointing, personally.

While I don't approve of people trying to sneak looks at entire scripts, I find that having teaser plot snippets/characters/designs to drool at and speculate over is fun, builds excitement, and makes the waiting a bit less arduous.

There's a definite happy medium between being completely spoiled and not knowing *anything*... and I don't really like being forced into the latter because Bay feels some weird need to "beat the fans" against the former.

Hopefully he'll change his mind, and settle for, y'know, just improving security and then focusing on the movie.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:56 pm
by Burn
underwear ninja wrote:When I say "everyman" I mean your average, everyday guy- some one who may not see alot of movies or be well versed in the material the movie may be about, aside from what they were either taught in school or from the media (TV, magezines, etc) Just your casual movie-goer.

Man, why is it that people always assume I'm talking about a specific person/group when I use a non-specific plural word... sheesh. :-(

It's okay. You just go stand in the corner with the rest of the high brows who look down upon those of us who enjoy mindless action flicks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:13 pm
by Stormrider
Sideshow Sideswipe wrote:just keep the damn camera steady next time and I'll be happy.

Stop telling Bay how to do his job. He hates that kind of thing. :P

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:13 pm
by i_amtrunks
Similar stuff happened with Movie 1. I expect stuff that he or the Executives like to be "leaked" then judging by the reaction will be "altered and changed" to make it more agreeable.

And it will not be Bay deciding what to release, it will be people higher up who have half a brain.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:14 pm
by Stormrider
double post. strange. :oops:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:15 pm
by homelessjunkeon
Isn't this exactly what they did during pre-production for the first movie?
"We're going to respect the source material"
"we have soem really big TF fans working on this"
"Prime will be a flat-nose"