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Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:34 am
by vectorA3
Hating on G1. Unwarranted. I don't call "Five Faces of Darkness" a sh*t story. One of the best 5 parters made of any series imo. Sure there were some crap episodes, but when G1 was hittin on all 4 cylinders it was legendary

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:17 am
by Dagon
syphonn wrote:Maybe he didn't think either of the first two movies had any dorky comedy and we'll probably just end up with more of the same.

You beat me to it. That could be a real possibility since humor is subjective. I think gas jokes and that kind of stuff are hilarious in real life, but I'd prefer giant space robots not have testicles. I don't know, call me a hypocrite, but I was thinking that maybe that doesn't qualify as 'dorky humor' to Bay, and maybe he'll just amp up it's inclusion for the third. That'll teach us.

And I dig the flames on Prime. Is that really an issue for disappointment in the live action movies?

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:50 pm
by Joshua Vallse
vectorA3 wrote:Hating on G1. Unwarranted. I don't call "Five Faces of Darkness" a sh*t story. One of the best 5 parters made of any series imo. Sure there were some crap episodes, but when G1 was hittin on all 4 cylinders it was legendary

Nothing but love from me, I can't really hate or like G1 because like I said, I've never saw it. I'll take your word for it though, I mean the first gen cartoon must have had something right to it to warrant continuing this long. Five Faces of Darkness? What was this about? Just curious, might look it up on youtube.

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:19 pm
by zenosaurus_x
Five faces of Darkness is a mini saga with the Quintessons and the origins of the TransFormers....
It was a pretty good series of episodes.
The Revenge of Bruticus is still my favorite though.
Though I've seen very little of G1....

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:16 am
by vectorA3
and you call yourselves TF fans?!?!?!? =;

Josh, for real, you gotta see Five Faces of Darkness - it's included in the 25th anniv./matrix box set. It could've been its own movie, following TF The Movie timewise. (It actually did, but appeared on tv in 5 parts, starting season 3 of G1.) Besides TFTM, i'd say it's a must-see for tf fans..

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:22 am
by Joshua Vallse
vectorA3 wrote:and you call yourselves TF fans?!?!?!? =;

Josh, for real, you gotta see Five Faces of Darkness - it's included in the 25th anniv./matrix box set. It could've been its own movie, following TF The Movie timewise. (It actually did, but appeared on tv in 5 parts, starting season 3 of G1.) Besides TFTM, i'd say it's a must-see for tf fans..

Ha ha, I'm a lightweight fan, I openly admit. I'll def check it out though. Thanks!

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:53 am
by 5150 Cruiser
vectorA3 wrote:Hating on G1. Unwarranted. I don't call "Five Faces of Darkness" a sh*t story. One of the best 5 parters made of any series imo. Sure there were some crap episodes, but when G1 was hittin on all 4 cylinders it was legendary

No ones hating on G1. Like i said, (and you seem to acknowledge) its great in its own right;... When its at its prime (no pun intended :lol: ). I myself haven't seen this episode your talking about, but will defenatly have to check it out.
But giving one story as an example of G1 having good stories doesn't conclude the intire series as a whole had great story telling. What season was this?

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:15 am
by vectorA3
Another person hating on G1 without seein all the episodes.... :roll: :D

Five Faces kicked off season 3. Like I said, it should've been its own movie. Really great.

I've had other people rip G1 series' writing on other sites, but you can't say they didn't leave you in suspense before commercial breaks. Sometimes, cliffhanging suspense between breaks and multi-part episodes as well. That is the mark of great writing. I'll remember to say this when the haters flap their jaws again

oh and when u watch it guys, make sure to watch all 5 parts, of course

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:18 am
by 5150 Cruiser
vectorA3 wrote: Another person hating on G1 without seein all the episodes.... :roll: :D

Like i said, a few good episodes doesn't mean the series as a whole was good.

vectorA3 wrote:Five Faces kicked off season 3. Like I said, it should've been its own movie. Really great.

Very cool. I'll make sure to check it out.

vectorA3 wrote:I've had other people rip G1 series' writing on other sites, but you can't say they didn't leave you in suspense before commercial breaks. Sometimes, cliffhanging suspense between breaks and multi-part episodes as well. That is the mark of great writing. I'll remember to say this when the haters flap their jaws again

Ha ha... Ya, maybe the first couple of times when i was 7. :lol: BUt after that it got very repetitive. There's only so many times Star Scream can point his laser canon at one of the Autobots, or Optiums is about to crash right before a comercial break before you figure out whats going to happen next. It was cheeze at its greatest. But that ok. One thing that never got old to me, even to this day was hearing Soundwave's voice.
"Lazer Beak...eject!"
For me, it was the non-stop action and characters that hooked me.
Again, G1 was great in its own right. Its really not hating, just reconising that it had its pros and cons. And i just don't feel strong stories was one of the pro's. Sorry. I just don't. So for me, its hard to hear people get upset about the movie plots when the orignal series failed to deliver in the same aspect.

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:57 am
by vectorA3
Way more than a few good episodes! Like i said, u need to watch them all. Seasons 1-4. All 98. If G1 was as terrible as your saying it is, TF wouldn't be around now 26+ yrs. later.

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:37 am
by 5150 Cruiser
I never said it was terrible... Just not the best in terms of stories.
And if the movies were as terrible as you say they are, there wouldn't have been a second, or a third in production. :grin:

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:24 pm
by zenosaurus_x
The Revenge of Bruticus will always be the best episode!
To me at least...

But I will admit G1 wasn't always great, Aerial Assault and B.O.T. are the worst episodes I've ever seen in the series, though the Giant Purple Griffin slightly redeems Aerial Assault.

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:25 pm
by Predacon Rampage
I really hope so.

ROTF was pretty much ruined by it, which not to say there wasn't a whole lot more wrong with it. #-o

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:38 pm
by 5150 Cruiser
zenosaurus_x wrote:
But I will admit G1 wasn't always great, Aerial Assault and B.O.T. are the worst episodes I've ever seen in the series, though the Giant Purple Griffin slightly redeems Aerial Assault.

I can't remember the name of the episode, but the worst for me is probably the episode in season 2 when Sea Spray fell in love with that queen of the underwater city. Friendship is one thing. But robot and human love.... :BANG_HEAD:

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:05 pm
by zenosaurus_x
Um...ok then, I think there something else like that with some guy called PowerGlide...

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:11 am
by vectorA3
5150 Cruiser wrote:I never said it was terrible... Just not the best in terms of stories.
And if the movies were as terrible as you say they are, there wouldn't have been a second, or a third in production. :grin:

that doesn't apply -G.I. Joe (which i liked a lot btw) didn't make what they wanted it to, but the sequel is still in the works. The first TF movie was good & thus a 2nd one was made - crappy story, but made boatloads of $, thus TF3 greenlit. Even if ROTF did poorly they still would've made a 3rd

For G1 cartoons --of course out of nearly 100 episodes, there'll be a few bad/sub-par ones. This goes for any show that goes for 4-5 seasons. Every episode's not gonna be perfect

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:56 am
by 5150 Cruiser
vectorA3 wrote: that doesn't apply -G.I. Joe (which i liked a lot btw) didn't make what they wanted it to, but the sequel is still in the works. The first TF movie was good & thus a 2nd one was made - crappy story, but made boatloads of $, thus TF3 green lit. Even if ROTF did poorly they still would've made a 3rd

For G1 cartoons --of course out of nearly 100 episodes, there'll be a few bad/sub-par ones. This goes for any show that goes for 4-5 seasons. Every episode's not gonna be perfect

Sure it does. :grin: While G.I. Joe didn't meet expectation in terms of sales, it did well enough to warrant making a second. Movies need to have some kind of potential in terms of revenue, other wise they don't get made. That doesn't mean they need to make 3 times the production cost, but the production, as well as associated companies need to know/feel that there going to make there money back. People need to eat. The movie "Doom" was a perfect example.
Probably the worse video game-turned-movie adaption ever. It was green lite to make a sequel before the first one was even released....As long as it did well in the theaters. Well, it didn't. It tanked. An absolute destruction and embarrassment of a movie to be called "Doom". I had never been so disappointed in a movie in my life. And whats worse is production companies are to scared to touch it now. Hopefully when the 4 game comes it we'll see a another movie, only with a different director. One who will actually follow the main story, and not some spin off.

I guess we'll have to just agree to disagree about G1 in terms of stories. :lol: Thats cool though. Like i said, i don't hate G1. Other wise i wouldn't own the DVD sets. I just find it apealing differently than you.

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:33 pm
by vectorA3
i still maintain that if ROTF broke even or less, a 3rd movie still would've been made

Re: Bay: "we're getting rid of what I call the dorky comedy in TF3"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:31 pm
by /v\egatron
I accepted the first movie for what it was. It's own continity. It was not set in the same universe as G1 & Beast Wars, RiD, or Armarda. It was it's own thing. I enjoyed it. That being said, I thought that I would enjoy the second movie; I was horribly wrong. While the "dorky comedy" did ruin parts of the movie, it's storyline seriously lagged. Will the 3rd film in the franchise pull in more? it has to be better then the 2nd, maybe even the 1st.

Here is my wish list for the 3rd movie:

Focus more on the Autobot / Decepticon struggle for power.

Focus on the military and it's struggle with Transformers.

No Shia makeout sessions.

Get rid of the Twins & Wheelie.

Enter the Dinobots (they have to be Dinosaurs).

Enter Unicron.

"'Til all are one". Roll the credits.