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Megtron's Roll in the last knight

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:52 am
by SteelBane the knight

I am trying to figure out what roll Megatron might have in the last knight and why he looks how he dose now and why he has the red mark on his face just like Prime

Re: Megtron's Roll in the last knight

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 1:45 pm
by Swoop77
I just saw it and was a little let down by Megatron in this movie. Of course he's not been terribly great in any of the films, he was generic in this one. Actually I thought all the Decipticons were. I'm ready to get past the Civil War aspect and move on. I suppose the IDW world has spoiled me. Always nice to hear Frank Welker though.

Re: Megtron's Roll in the last knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 9:12 am
by Glarryg
There's gotta be someone--an executive producer or something--that's standing in the background saying, "You have to have Megatron in there. It's not Transformers without Megatron." So he gets tacked on to every movie like an afterthought. I'll forgive him in ROTF because that whole story was a mess, IMO. I get his role in DOTM; being usurped by Sentinel was part of his arc, and he didn't do much before that because his head was blasted apart in the previous movie. These last two films, though, really made it stand out. You could have dropped him from each of them and focused more on the "A" plot and had a better story to tell. Instead it's like, "We have to deal with that rascally Megatron, too, guys," and he shows up in a fight scene or two and then gets forgotten.


Re: Megtron's Roll in the last knight

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:55 pm
by Swoop77
I absolutely agree, he's an iconic character that suits feel must be shoe horned in no matter what. Although Optimus had reduced role in this one as well. He came back to be bad for a second and then tell everyone his name a few times.