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Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects Oscar

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:10 pm
by Raymond T.
Variety has announced that the 2007 Transformers movie is still in the running for an Oscar Award in the catagory of Visual Special Effects. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will determine the final 3 nominations for the award on January 16th. The competition for Transformers are, The Bourne Ultimatum, Evan Almighty, The Golden Compass, I Am Legend, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End and 300.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:17 pm
by Cumulus
POTC 3 and 300? Ooo Can you say close race?

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:20 pm
by Omega Charge
close race.

Between TF and I Am Legend.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:57 pm
by Fireblast
300 will win, it had a smaller budget than Transformers and it looked amazing compared to Transformers.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:11 pm
by Megatron Wolf
If this movie dosent win then this just shows that people are retards. This movie had the best effects since Star Wars. This movie was like the first Jurassic Park with the effects.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:33 pm
by Liege Evilmus
Alex Kingdom wrote:
If Transformers wins an oscar, I'll eat my entire TF collection.

Man I hope you record this one!

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:04 pm
by Sonray
Why the hell is Bourne in there? It hardly used any CGI, if any, that was its main appeal the action was all real....

I'll be real surprised if TF doesnt get the award, but Pirates 3 had some awesome effects too so its a tough choice.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:52 pm
by Solrac333
I hope it wins.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:23 pm
by AbsumZer0
Sonray wrote:Why the hell is Bourne in there? It hardly used any CGI, if any, that was its main appeal the action was all real....

Because the category is 'Best Visual Effects', not 'Best CGI'.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:48 pm
by Me, Grimlock!
I hope it wins just cuz of Alex Kingdom's quote. heheheheh. But Evan Almighty? I guess... granted, the movie was kind of hokey, but the animal effects were cool.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:00 pm
by ***Galvatron***
Me, Grimlock! wrote:I hope it wins just cuz of Alex Kingdom's quote. heheheheh. But Evan Almighty? I guess... granted, the movie was kind of hokey, but the animal effects were cool.

He might need some energon sauce to pour over his collection however to make it easier to digest! lol. :-P


Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:00 am
by Hard Hacker
They had better make Cullen go up there and do the acceptance tl;dr.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:58 am
by woosh
Omega Charge wrote:close race.

Between TF and I Am Legend.

I really hate the fact that they didn't use real humans as those zombie things (aside from the jumping scenes).
Real humans would be much scarier.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:04 am
by tile_mcgillus
How could Transformers not win that Oscar? Even if you didn't like the designs you have to recognize the skill and brilliance of the special effects in the movie.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:40 am
by Liege Evilmus
By the way, everyone laughed when I said I Am Legend would get thrown in the mix.

Who's laughing now!

The Acadamy is real lazy, and I don't know if anyone else has been noticing, but more and more, awards are goint towards year end movies.

Take JUNO thats in the running and it came out what, a week before the year ended.

Now I Am Legend, artsy title, beloved actor, year end release...

I want TFs to win, but you know, these are the same people who think gay cowboys are great, so that would probably put 300 strong in the running to cause of all them naked guys...

But you know what, screw it all, I'm gonna go watch Death To Smoochy then Mars Attacks.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:16 pm
by Me, Grimlock!
Liege Evilmus wrote:Who's laughing now!

Me. I'm watching Seinfeld.

Liege Evilmus wrote:But you know what, screw it all, I'm gonna go watch Death To Smoochy then Mars Attacks.

What's wrong with Death to Smoochy? It was cool.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:40 pm
by First-Aid
It's a great special effects movie. I agree it should at least be's really as groundbreaking Jurassic Park was, especially with the interaction between the characters and the CGI bots. Has anyone heard anything about the "Best Score" award? I truly believe that Steve Jablonsky should receive at LEAST a nomination here; it was one of the most emotionally-stirring scores I've heard in a long time...and as a music major I am qualified to say something like that.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:50 pm
by dragons
i never liked award shows like the oscars they always seemd to be rigged to me no matter who wins someone i like or dont like it will be intersting anyway to see transformers against 300 nad pirates but if award shows like this was based on hte fans deciaions it would between 300 and transformers forogt about pirates those three films without contest if was up to the fans

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:44 pm
by Sonray
Liege Evilmus wrote:
But you know what, screw it all, I'm gonna go watch Death To Smoochy then Mars Attacks.

You sir, have great taste in movies!

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:47 pm
by Sonray
First-Aid wrote:It's a great special effects movie. I agree it should at least be's really as groundbreaking Jurassic Park was, especially with the interaction between the characters and the CGI bots. Has anyone heard anything about the "Best Score" award? I truly believe that Steve Jablonsky should receive at LEAST a nomination here; it was one of the most emotionally-stirring scores I've heard in a long time...and as a music major I am qualified to say something like that.

You dont have to have a major in something to know when something is of great quality.

I'm just a joe shmoe, but i know a good musical score when i hear one and i agree with you on your statement about Jablonski's score and i (as well as anyone else with an eye for music ((joke intended)) are just as qualified to make such statements as well. :D

Theres something i don't understand though...someone said I am Legend is an "artsy" doesn't look very artsy to me by no stretch of the imagination.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:16 pm
by Me, Grimlock!
dragons wrote:i never liked award shows like the oscars

Same here. Awards shows seem to be people just celebrating how awesome they are.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:56 pm
by i_amtrunks
It is a fair contender, and rightly deserves to be on the shortlist on the night, but I highly doubt that Transformers will win. It is not in any way groundbreaking in any CGI field, but then again most films aren't anymore.

As others have said awards tend to go to late year releases, so I am Legend is probably a good pick, as Golden Compass has only your average fair CG work.

Personally I'd say 300 is a winner, but Ive seen how part of the film effects (from the Spartans leaving Sparta to the shower of spears) and that left me less than impressed.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:04 pm
by Me, Grimlock!
Is there a category for something like "filmmaking style" or some such... something like how 300 or Sin City were shown in? That would be an interesting category. You know, creative ways, filters, visualizations of showing the movie.

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:12 pm
by Liege Evilmus
Me, Grimlock! wrote:
Liege Evilmus wrote:Who's laughing now!

Me. I'm watching Seinfeld.

Liege Evilmus wrote:But you know what, screw it all, I'm gonna go watch Death To Smoochy then Mars Attacks.

What's wrong with Death to Smoochy? It was cool.

Exactly my point, far to often the best movies are the most neglected!

A movie like Death To Smoochy is to far out there for the comon populace to apreciate.

It's not that it's increadably difficult to understand, it's just that it's to different to be apreciated by the comon spoon fed masses.

That's why this awesome movie, like so many other greats get swept by the wayside while Ben Stiller keeps getting work :???:

Re: Transformers Movie Still in the Running for Visual Effects O

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:06 am
by imotron
All the special effects used for this movie are awesome, not because I love TF's, but because they do, what other movie would do better????.... i don't think so! :APPLAUSE: :APPLAUSE: :APPLAUSE: :APPLAUSE: :APPLAUSE:

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