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Lucas And Rodriguez Sound Off About Transformers Sequel

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:10 am
by Tigertrack The two newest members to the Transformers movie franchise, Ramon Rodriguez and Isabel Lucas, discuss pieces of their experiences with, and try to convince us all that their sequel will be, 'Bigger, Badder, and Better' than the first.

"It's bigger, it's badder, it's better," said Rodriguez, who plays Leo Spitz, Witwicky's roommate at Princeton University and the proprietor of a Web site about conspiracy theories, from aliens to robots.

Quickly, though, Leo finds out that all this conspiracy mumbo-jumbo isn't just the stuff of paranoid fantasy. "I end up getting sucked into [Sam's] crazy world with real robots and finding out he's involved in the real thing," Rodriguez said. "My complete world is flipped.""

"Lucas plays Alice, another Princeton student who takes an immediate liking to Sam, even though he's still in a relationship with his hometown girlfriend Mikaela (Megan Fox). "The character of Alice is more the seductress," Lucas said. "She's got mysterious intentions that we don't really know about.""

The rest of the interview describes some of the physical difficulties Rodriguez faced while filming his parts of the movie.

"e ended up dislocating his shoulder and needed to have his eyes flushed out for 45 minutes. Another time he had to sit perfectly still as a huge metal spike pierced the roof of his car, perilously close to his head. In those moments, he was not so much acting as reacting to a very real sense of fear.

"It's really borderline getting hurt, but you're still safe," he said with a laugh. "But you could get hurt.""

Read the full interview at

Re: Lucas And Rodriguez Sound Off About Transformers Sequel

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:20 am
by Technically weird
You CAN die, but you might not, BUT you can die.

Re: Lucas And Rodriguez Sound Off About Transformers Sequel

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:21 am
by Forgotten
speaking as a former daredevil & adrenaline junkie I must just say one word. WUSSES #-o you can get hurt walking to the slaggin' grocery store or brushing your teeth. I got a feeling he plays a very wimpy character and has a secret desire to try to play it up so women don't laugh at him. I must be in a bad mood.

Re: Lucas And Rodriguez Sound Off About Transformers Sequel

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:00 am
by Ravage XK
OK, so once I got onto my bike and I rode over to my sisters house. It took about 25 mins and I had to ride along the cycle path for most of the journey. The cycle path runs next to the main road and is about 2m from the edge of the road. Looking back I realise that had I pointed my bike at the actual road and kept peddling then I could have been killed by the busy traffic. I didn't do that, so I wasn't killed....but I could have been if I did. Just goes to show that if you do something MIND NUMBINGLY STUPID then bad things can happen.

Close call guys, close call.

Re: Lucas And Rodriguez Sound Off About Transformers Sequel

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:02 am
by dabattousai
Michael Bay: We Take the Safety of Our Actors Halfheartedly!

Re: Lucas And Rodriguez Sound Off About Transformers Sequel

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:50 am
by T-Macksimus
Let's face facts: You simply cannot fake that genuine scared sh**less look on your face. You have to actually BE scared sh**less to truly pull it off! That's why Bay actually strapped Shias ass to the statue on top of the empty hotel in the first movie. That's genuine fear you hear in his voice and it came across great.
There's method acting and then there's Michael Bay's kind of acting. :P

Re: Lucas And Rodriguez Sound Off About Transformers Sequel

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:44 pm
by War_On_Errorism
I was under the impression they were not actually going to be using Princeton or University of Pennsylvania for the name of the college because neither would allow use of their names. I thought it was going to be some "fictitious" East Coast Ivy League school.