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Michael Bay Talks Transformers 3 & TF3 Filming Locations

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:05 am
by Mach
Michael Bay appeared on Starz "In The House" and talked about his upcoming projects including the Transformers 3.

Below are what he has to say:

"The true story is we went to Vegas to celebrate ['Revenge of the Fallen'] crossing the $400 million mark domestic. I said I'm excited to do my small little movie. They said, well we're here to talk about that. I've become friends with these guys that run Paramount and they [told me,] 'We're going to get fired if we don't have a 2011 franchise,' so I'm like you can't let these guys down."

"The economy's been so rough, it's kind of important. When you say yes to movie like this you automatically give 3000 people jobs. 1000 for the toys. 2000 for the filmmaking. I'm going to put [the small film] on hold and do it right after ['Transformers 3']."

"You can't just rehash the old," he explained. "We're adding a lot of new elements. We're adding new characters. We're adding a lot of twists."

Michael also talked about the possibility of filming TF3 in 3D:
"It's a process we're testing with some 'Transformers' scenes," he said. "How successful it is with my movie in terms of a lot of real stuff coming out of the frame, real dirt, real complicated little particles coming towards the lens, because hopefully that process will work. I've seen some tests that look great on other movies. I just want to see how it looks on my footage."

You can read the full article from MTV Movies Blog: ... es+Blog%29

On the other development, Nelson also posted new information at on the filming locations for TF3. Fans staying at Moscow & Chicago, keep your optics open as Michael Bay filming crews will be there to film big action sequences for TF3.

Check out Michael Bay blog here:

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 3 & TF3 Filming Locations

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:59 pm
by ConBotFormer
The only thing ROTF had going for it was the sound. I LOVED the sounds in ROTF, A++ for that, they should win an Oscar for sound. But that's it!!!

All I can say for what Bay is saying for TF3 is...Meh... I still think he doesn't have what it takes. Don't get me wrong people, I would love for TF3 to be GREAT! I would love to be proven wrong about TF3 going to suck.

And I'll be down there at Chicago for TF3.

I just hate seeing so many movies with such massive potential, become nothing epic, when they should be epic... And, I hate to say it but, TransFormers falls deep into this category.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 3 & TF3 Filming Locations

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:16 pm
by Liftgate
RE: ConBotFormer

It will be nothing more than the same, dude. If you hated 1 and 2 you will hate this one, it's all the same crew except for the writer. I thought the story for the previous movies was wonky and rough, the fact they could magically transform into anything at will (rusty Camaro to new Camaro) was stupid, and way they tampered with the mythology was just uncalled for and pointless, but it's not as if Transformers has ever been top notch at things such as story anyway. Aside from Furman and afew others, the writing and quality has always been all over the place. The entire Armada, Energon and Cybertron series are prime examples of some of the lows, I seriously can't watch them without cringing sometimes. There's still afew good qualities to them though, just like the movies. And at least the movies don't feature ridiculous voice acting ("KICKERRRRR!") that makes you too embarrassed to watch them around others. heh