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Transformers 4 Shooting at GM's Lansing Delta Township Plant

PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:23 am
by LOST Cybertronian is reporting that Michael Bay and company are going to be shooting scenes for Transformers 4 at GM's Lansing Delta Township Plant this coming weekend. It's no secret that GM and Bay have had a great working relationship for the entire movie franchise.

mlive wrote:"The movie has been filming in downtown Detroit and will include scenes shot at “many GM locations this summer,” according to the Detroit-based automaker. Further details were not available Monday evening.

mlive wrote:“We have enjoyed our relationship with previous Transformers movies and are happy that (Bay) has chosen Michigan to shoot his movie,” Davis said in an email.

Click here to read the entire article.

Re: Transformers 4 Shooting at GM's Lancing Delta Township Plant

PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:49 am
by Joker'sRequiem
It's Lansing, not Lancing ;)

Never would've thought that a big budget movie like this would be shooting in my hometown. Though I've turned somewhat sour towards the movies, I'll probably check out the set just for the opportunity to see something like this in the making :michaelbay:

Re: Transformers 4 Shooting at GM's Lansing Delta Township Plant

PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:19 am
by xRotorstormx
I'm tempted to head up there tomorrow but curious if you'd be able to really get close to see anything.... I've never been by the factory other than drive past it on the freeway lol