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How to use this forum

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:41 pm
by Cyber Bishop
When you have a successful transaction you look through the existing threads and find the person that your transaction was with, if there is not a thread for the person feel free to create one for them.

You cannot create a thread for yourself, it must be done by a second party.

Re: How to use this forum

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:02 pm
by Seibertron
A few addendums to this topic ...

1. No personal information should be posted for users. We can't control whether or not personal information is shared privately amongst users, but no personal information in a positive or negative manner should be posted in public. This includes, but is not limited to, names of involved parties, email address, shipping addresses, home addresses, date of births, Facebook pages, etc.

2. This forum should not be used to "fight it out" in public. If you had a bad transaction, keep it within the guidelines of #1. Failure to do will be considered a violation of our rules.

3. Do not repost private conversations concerning transactions between members. This includes, but is not limited to, repostings of text messages, emails, and private messages.

4. As always, transactions between members are the responsibility of those involved only. and its owner are not mediators between users and their transactions and we cannot be held responsible for any transactions or postings between members.

5. If you are doing a transaction for a custom, it is our recommendation that you should never pay the majority of money upfront. A reasonable request from a seller would require a customer to pay half up front and then the other half upon completion of the project once the customer is satisfied. Again, this is a recommendation and not something we can require of participants with their transactions. You should always address things such as payment, milestones, shipping, time frames, potential delays, workloads, etc prior to finalizing any agreements and before the customizer begins work.

6. You should never send money as a "gift" when paying for something via Paypal. You loose any recourse with Paypal's Buyer Protection program(s) when you do this. You basically just gave someone money without you having any way to retrieve those funds if the seller fails to live up to their end of the bargain. Paypal will blow you off the moment you try to make a claim The peace of mind is worth the money you would have saved. If sellers are concerned with Paypal fees, those fees should be worked into the initial price or the seller may require that those fees be tacked on to the transaction price. Again, our recommendations and we have no way of enforcing this.

7. Another recommendation: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. Don't be a sucker! Dot your I's and cross your T's. Make sure everything is covered prior to transference of funds.

8. More recommendations may be added at a later date.