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darthjohnboystoys (bad ebay seller)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:00 am
by Firefly666
Im just going to copy and paste what I posted over at Hisstank about this guy here too since it is TF seller related and has a small mention about Wheeljackslab also since the seller insist I'm a agent of the guy or some crap.
Bad experience with ebay seller darthjohnboystoys. Won 3 TF G1 related auctions from him. The main one that I won first for around 46 bucks, a Devastator set, 2nd item broken Mirage figure for 10 bucks, and 3rd, Camshaft for 5 bucks. After going a day of hearing nothing back from my invoice request after winning I decide to just make payment and let the seller know they can refund the difference not used on shipping since they offered combined shipping. Paid so I could get it out of the way since I was going to be busy during the week packing stuff, as I am getting ready to move.

Anyway, right after paying the seller suddenly responds telling me he cant sell the Devastator item. He said his wife was ignoring the invoice request basically because she sold the item prior, that it was sold by his wife in their store right after he listed it for auction, and that he would refund me for it and sell me the other two items. Obviously I was not pleased with this, as I had won the Devastator pretty cheap as it was, and also because I wouldn't even have bid on the other two items if I did not win that auction first. Seemed pretty crappy to me, along with his attitude about the situation. Was not apologetic, didn't offer to do anything to fix the situation so it would have a positive outcome.

Not really sure if he just did not like the end bid amount on the Devastator (G1 Hook fetches about $30 itself), or if his wife really did sell it, but either way it and his way of handling it was BS. Had to open a paypal dispute. After doing so the seller started to blame his wife, his work, ect for the problem in emails to me, not himself. Just tossing blame on others and not taking responsibility.

After a few emails back and forth of me repeating that this was indeed his problem, since it was his ebay store/seller id, and his responsibility to make sure he actually has in stock what he list for auction, he just kept on blame tossing and then out of nowhere he accused me of being a agent of a ebay seller named Wheeljackslab, and that I purposefully bid on his items to leave him negative feedback. In the end I did leave him negative feedback due to his problems. In his feedback replies he still insist Im a agent or some crap of Wheeljackslab. Buyers beware.

End of rant.