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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:06 pm
by TFmaster
God Magnus wrote:Toy hunt report!

Toys r Us at 7mile & Middlebelt had 6 Commemorative Soundwaves.
Westland Toys r Us had a pile of Classics Jetfire.
Westland Target had the series 2 Classics Mini-cons.
I found Minga at Haggerty & Ann Arbor Road K-Mart. I would have picked up many but they only had one. I didn't know Minga was from Kalamazoo. That's hilarious.

End toy hunt report.

If any of you guys have nothing to do tonight, my band is playing at 5th Avenue in Novi. $5 cover, 21+, 10pm-1:30am. It's a cover band. If you want to check us out go to and click the myspace link at the bottom.

I wasn't able to report for some dumb reason earlier but I am logged in now so here goes. Wetland TRU also had 2 Ramjets and Cliffjumpers. Grabed em so I didn't think there would be anything needed to be reported. I think most of us have Jetfire by now.

Westland Target had the Wave 2 Minicons eh? I'm ganna have to swing by there in the morn and pick some up.


PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:06 am
by TFmaster
I went to the Westland Target this morn and picked up a set of the wave 2 Minicons. Cool little buggers...i'm glad we have beasts now.

Went to the TRU on 7mile and they were all out of the Soundwave Reissue.

F-n A. I wanted that bugger...


PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:45 pm
by Rijie
Yeah I tried to get Soundwave today too, no luck. I did find Classics Cliffjumper at the TRU in Dearborn, they also had Ramjet; one each Jetfire and TIT Soundwave/Rodimus were there too.

Then I went to the Westland Target and grabbed two of the three Wave 2 Mincon sets, I missed the Predator Attack Team though. :-( The Westland TRU had 3 Classics Jetfires and plenty of Primes.

I also grabbed SM Origins Secret Wars SpiderMan, and the Origins Vs. Venom box set, finally. Still no luck w/ the new Sigma 6 figs since I found them in Taylor.

That's about it, Happy Hunting and stay figgin' warm.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:31 pm
by JTKranix
Same ole same ole around here. NOTHING.

Toys R Us in Okemos restocked...ALL CYBERTRON.

WalMart in Charlotte restocked, all wave 1 classics. Sigh. I hate this area.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:34 pm
by jsmith41
Went to Middlebelt WalMart & Meijer. Picked up 2 sets of Ramjet & Cliffjumper from WM for myself and Mr. Magnus, none remaining. They also have an Alt. Prime which I thought was interesting. Nothing of note at Meijer or 7 mile TRU.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:19 pm
by JTKranix
Target in Jackson had Wave 2 Minicons, so I picked up a set then we drove to Brighton to check out the Target there. They had 2x Ramjet and 2x Cliffjumper so I bought them all :)

I just added C-310 God Ginrai to my pile of loot at BBTS.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:58 pm
by noob
JTKranix wrote:Target in Jackson had Wave 2 Minicons, so I picked up a set then we drove to Brighton to check out the Target there. They had 2x Ramjet and 2x Cliffjumper so I bought them all :)

I just added C-310 God Ginrai to my pile of loot at BBTS.

the occasionally toy madness often has me head up as far as brighton. the walmart there is pretty huge. have they marked down the 20th primes yet?

did you get the C-310 God Ginrai extra parts too?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:08 pm
by Rijie
Bah, still no Reissue Soundwave at the Dearborn TRU. :-x

Didn't see much of anything today, The Taylor WM had a bunch of Cliffjumpers but no Ramjets. I did pick up another Sig 6 Firefly for TT if he wants one. The Db TRU had one Jetfire.

Most of the stores put out more Cybertron(???) Scouts, Deluxes, and Ultras. So much for being done at the end of the year.

::Warning:Whining below

I'm pretty disappointed with Classics Cliffjumper. I honestly think that if they were just going to do a red Bumblebee, they should have done it G1 style, having the occasional red BB in regular packaging. Then do a complete remold for the Cliffjumper version...ah, (wishful thinking+hindsight=20/20)=masturbation. At least they could have redone the head, maybe the grill, and have a dirtbike or something on his trailer. Then the trailer could transform into his Glass Gas there I go again.

Just saying that if you don't have him yet, wait for a sale or pass, he's hardly worth the money.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:52 pm
by JTKranix
noob wrote:
JTKranix wrote:Target in Jackson had Wave 2 Minicons, so I picked up a set then we drove to Brighton to check out the Target there. They had 2x Ramjet and 2x Cliffjumper so I bought them all :)

I just added C-310 God Ginrai to my pile of loot at BBTS.

the occasionally toy madness often has me head up as far as brighton. the walmart there is pretty huge. have they marked down the 20th primes yet?

did you get the C-310 God Ginrai extra parts too?

I didn't get the extra parts, I will most likely never open him so...yeah.

We didn't make it to WalMart, Target had what I wanted so we headed back to Holt. I was sooooooo mad when we left Jackson and said "Damn it! We can not stop until I have at least one CJ and Ramjet!".

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:01 pm
by noob
what is with us collectors that we buy something and leave it in package ... forever ...

isn't it weird how repaints work though? i mean look how we love skywarp (and magnus) and how much uncle cliffy makes us angry.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:04 pm
by JTKranix
noob wrote:what is with us collectors that we buy something and leave it in package ... forever ...

isn't it weird how repaints work though? i mean look how we love skywarp (and magnus) and how much uncle cliffy makes us angry.

I don't mind CJ. I took away Bumblebee's and CJ's jetpacks last night. I like them so much better with out the jetpacks.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:04 pm
by RodimusConvoy13
part of that could be that Skywarp has always been a repaint... cliffjumper actually looks different than bumblebee.

of course.. I'd just like to see one in the store :grin:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:01 am
by noob
i could have done without the silver on cliffjumper. he might be the first classic that i skip. but like pqp said, if i see him on sale, i'll probably still end up picking him up.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:40 am
by jsmith41
I also could have done without the silver. It would have been nice if they did something to make him more Cliffjumper, like change the facial expression or give him a weapon. But since a do love CJ (hence the avatar), I gleefully bought him. The way I think about it is this years Botcon will have Classic repaints for a huge premium, so $10 is a good deal for any G1 inspired repaint. With all that being said, I'm extremely bias, since one day I want to own a Red Porsche 924 Turbo.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:02 am
by ionacus
finally got the magnus/skywarp 2pack monday. along with 3in TIT thundercracker and rodimus. i had to leave the W2 minicons behind. it sadend me. but thursday i will be going to best buy and buying DBZ S1 for $30. looking forword to that.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:03 am
by Rijie
Gah, the Targets in the area still have not put out W2 Minicons. I still need the Predator Attack Team.

I don't know what the deal is with Reissue Soundwave, the DB TRU still has not put them out, and I know that they have them in the back. I'm beginning to wonder if I am even going to see him retail.

Anyway, not much to add, other than looking for the Mincons and Soundwave, I haven't been doing much hunting.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:15 am
by RodimusConvoy13
PQP, the employees at that TRU aren't still giving you ****, are they?

I didn't see any soundwaves at the AA TRU last night. I did see a bunch of Titatnium soundwaves and rodimus primes at the Ellsworth Wal-mart. No Ramjets or cliffjumpers anywhere though.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:28 am
by noob
yeah reissue soundwave has been taking his time to show up. i hope that they get more than one shipment of him.

rodimus, not much new in the AA area in general i think.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:58 pm
by Rijie
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:PQP, the employees at that TRU aren't still giving you ****, are they?

I don't think so...but I wonder sometimes. Lately the guy has only been stocking TFs on Sat. I was in there 4 times last week looking for Soundwave, and they didn't put anything out. I tried again on Sat, and there were 2 Ramjets, 2 Cliffjumpers, 2 TIT Soundwaves, and 1 TIT Rodimus. Grrr.

They keep this up and they are going to turn me into one pain of a customer. I even considered reporting them to corporate...but that is kind of petty, and I'd have to have a really good reason to.

Funny thing is, on Mon I overheard a conversation about me:

(Walking by)Manager 1: Man that guy never gives up, does he?

Manager 2: No, I think that he has some kind of mental disorder or something.

Lol, Nice. A guy wants to spend money in your store, knows exactly what he is looking for, and he has a mental disorder. Not to mention, he makes about 6 times your income. I just busted out laughing and left. They may still lose my business eventually....esp if they don't stop trying to keep me from buying stuff.

Honestly, how many kids are going to be interested in Reissue Soundwave?? They're acting like it's Tickle-Me Elmo or something...I just want one, for Prime's sake.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:27 pm
by RodimusConvoy13
Geez, remind me not to shop at the Dearborn TRU. they sound like a bunch of jerks. we should all get together and go in there. walk over to the TF section and just stand there for about an hour, see what they do :grin:

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:43 pm
by noob
wow, that's a crazy story there pqp. that they would even bother singling you out is a little bizarre, and that the managers are doing so is just plain wrong.

i mean toysrus is supposed to be a happy place :)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:44 pm
by Rijie
Yeah, it's weird too...I've never been anything but polite to those people. I usually go out of my way to be a low-maintenance customer, and I know for a fact that I have never caused them any trouble in my 5 yrs of shopping there. I probably average about $150 a month at that place.

I could see if I acted like a jerk and treated everyone poorly. I guess that you just can't win with certain people. :-?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:45 pm
by God Magnus
I'm beginning to think I should have bought more than one Soundwave when I found them. I just assumed they'd be relatively easy to find since I almost never find stuff first. At any rate, I haven't even decided if I'm going to keep the one I bought or sell it. Well, if you don't find one buy the next show, PorQPine, I'll probably sell it to you or trade it to you for something.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:41 pm
by jsmith41
TRU Dearborn is a piece. Employees are never helpful and it has a really rundown feel. Which saddens me since that was my home TRU since the G1, GI Joe & He Man days.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:02 pm
by RodimusConvoy13
Does anyone on here read Toyfare? specifically, Twisted Toyfare theater? The reason I ask is, I love star wars.. and the toys are really cool. but Goddamn! there are so many figures.. but I am going to get a few of them. Specifically, a stormtrooper, sandtrooper, a snowtrooper and a biker scout. I have a stormtrooper and a snowtrooper that should work, but I do need to find a sandtrooper(with orange shoulder pad) and a biker scout. I have black modeling clay that I used to make the "surprise" eyes :shock: on my Mego hulk, so I'll us that to make the leather jacket for the biker scout. no real reason for posting this, I just love the TTTs that have those guys in it. I supposed I'll have to wait for the comic con to get the scout and sandtrooper. I can't make it to the next xtravacon cos I'll be flying out to Arizona on a business trip that day.

they are sending me to DC in a week and Belfast, Ireland at the end of april... sweet :grin: too bad I actually have to work when I'm over there. :grin: