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Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:14 am
by Tristar
as entertaining as this thread is I think I might as well add my two centss. just because fire+sand=glass doesn't mean scorpion autowins. here's some more math for you Glass+Gaara=more sand. Glass eventually breaks back down back into Sand under normal surcenstances this would take awhile but, Gaara can just turn it back into sand just as quickly as Scorpion can make glass out of sand.

Tatic while Scorpion is turning Gaara's sand into glass Gaara slips out of his bubble and gets behind Scorpion and without the so called immortal knowing creates a layer of sand under scorpion and crusshes him.

Okay I'll give you Sub-zero he is a master of Ice and could be considered a blood line trait but, that can be stopped with chi blocking something both Hinata and Neji can use without a problem and before you go and say chakra and chi are totally diffferent things that still doesn't negate the fact that both Hyuga's can see the flow and block it with gentle fist. One more thing Hinata may not have a killer instinct Neji does and is more than willing to kill.

Noob is a shadow wraith? your point is just because he is supernatural he can't be stopped. Your wrong in Naruto there are numerous sealing techinques able to seal demons including the ones used to seal the tailed beasts.

Rain I'll say it right off is far to arrogant to use his powers to the fullest. Okay he's an elemental and knows it the very knowledge in itself is his downfall just because Might Gai hasn't been shown using Ninjutsu and Genjutsu doesn't mean he can't and using that fact rain would underestimate him.

Reptile faster than normal humans? Okay I'll give you that he could beat anyone in our worlds running land speed record by a mile. Please note I said "our world" he's not facing someone from this world he's facing someone from the world of Naruto and Rock Lee without weights could move almost faster than the eye could track without being trained, add to that the other chakra gates barring the last one Lee could smash Reptile.

Ermac? a WMD? please link an article where this is stated or better yet a image from the insruction book or from the game bible. That Aside Ermac is the congolmeration of hundreds of the souls and I doubt at he can use all those collected skills at one time. Any skill ermac using barring blood traits(which I don't think he has being a Legion type being) can be copied add to that the Sharigan users ability to trap someone in there own mind. ANd before you say that just another aspect of his personality would take over there's a good chance that he's mind could be shattered using the same mind technique.

Naruto...uhhhh not gonna even try he's like Goku with Alucards regeneration...frankly something about that scares the crap out of me. I don't know if it's Alucard level regen or the so called SSJ level power stemming from the Nine-tails which is only trumped by the power of the tailed beasts true united form of Ten-tails. Just because Chameleon can copy any technique he's seen doesn't mean he can beat a Biju in full beserker state. ANd before you try to use my Rain arguement Naruto isn't in control he beserk and at this point everyone is in danger.

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:56 am
by UNSC Marine
Ermac is never truly called a Weapon of mass destruction, but it is implied as he was deemed too powerful and sealed away by Shao Kahn.

Tristar wrote:Tatic while Scorpion is turning Gaara's sand into glass Gaara slips out of his bubble and gets behind Scorpion and without the so called immortal knowing creates a layer of sand under scorpion and crusshes him

Can he get out of his bubble while keeping it up?(I seriously don't know) Scorpion can teleport out of the sand by creating a portal to the Netherrealm and reappear anywhere he wants after Gaara believes he's dead.

Tristar wrote:Okay I'll give you Sub-zero he is a master of Ice and could be considered a blood line trait but, that can be stopped with chi blocking something both Hinata and Neji can use without a problem

An ice clone would work well as it would have chi so to the byakugan it would appear to be Sub-Zero just not moving. And when the Gentle Fist is applied Neji is frozen solid allowing Sub-Zero to attack with the Kori Blade.

Tristar wrote:Noob is a shadow wraith? your point is just because he is supernatural he can't be stopped. Your wrong in Naruto there are numerous sealing techinques able to seal demons including the ones used to seal the tailed beasts.

So a sealing technique can be used in the heat of battle very quickly? First you have to find him. Then you have to slow him down. And then you have to apply the actual seal before he moves again or teleports. I call it irrational.

Tristar wrote:Rain I'll say it right off is far to arrogant to use his powers to the fullest. Okay he's an elemental and knows it the very knowledge in itself is his downfall just because Might Gai hasn't been shown using Ninjutsu and Genjutsu doesn't mean he can't and using that fact rain would underestimate him.

Rain dosen't watch Naruto so he would have no knowledge of Might Guy and would not underestimate him he may be arrogant but not stupid. And that last part is an assumption and you know happens when you assume.

Tristar wrote:Naruto...uhhhh not gonna even try he's like Goku with Alucards regeneration...frankly something about that scares the crap out of me. I don't know if it's Alucard level regen or the so called SSJ level power stemming from the Nine-tails which is only trumped by the power of the tailed beasts true united form of Ten-tails. Just because Chameleon can copy any technique he's seen doesn't mean he can beat a Biju in full beserker state. ANd before you try to use my Rain arguement Naruto isn't in control he beserk and at this point everyone is in danger.

So naruto people are in danger too, right? There ya go problem solved either he kills all of the naruto universe people or they kill him.

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:27 am
by Tristar
Never said Rain was stupid I said he was arrogant. Arrogance tends to work against people. Wouldn't Scorpion transporting to the netherworld constitute being self elimination? Doesn't Scorpion have to stand still to use his hellfire?

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:30 am
by Shadowman
UNSC Marine wrote:You need a video to know that Sub-Zero manipulates ice? A video to see rain using lightning, wind, and water attacks? You don't really sound like you know too much about MK so I shouldn't be so surprised.

Sort of. I want to see videos of them doing it on par with or better than similar attacks from Naruto.

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:45 pm
by Thebirdman
I have played both Naruto and MK games, and have seen the Naruto show and seen the first MK movie. Though some here give Naruto an advantage I say think about this:
1.What about all the hand signs, wouldn't they get in the way, seeing as MK just can do their techniques whenever.

2. Yes Rock Lee and Might Guy are the best of their world in terms of physically beating some opponents, but are they masters of multiple martial arts and/or weapon styles, and on top of that be able to take arm breaking and knee snapping moves and get back up.

3. The only people of Naruto that seem as brutal are the people of the Village of the Mist, such as Zabuza, but he is not here.

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:01 pm
by UNSC Marine
Tristar wrote:Sort of. I want to see videos of them doing it on par with or better than similar attacks from Naruto.

Sub-Zero dosen't have any attacks on par with haku's ice mirrors, but he can teleport out. As is the case in this fight for mk, no moves on par but more versatile moves that can be used multiple ways. And while I'm on the topic Gaara is not in this fight. :grin:

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:12 pm
by Tristar
UNSC Marine wrote:
Tristar wrote:Sort of. I want to see videos of them doing it on par with or better than similar attacks from Naruto.

Sub-Zero dosen't have any attacks on par with haku's ice mirrors, but he can teleport out. As is the case in this fight for mk, no moves on par but more versatile moves that can be used multiple ways. And while I'm on the topic Gaara is not in this fight. :grin:

First off uh you miss quoted that was shadow man who said that. Secdond how in the world did we bring up Gaara into this or for that matter how did Haku get dragged into this then? :???:

if the movies are anything to go by Rock Lee is fair staff fighter and nunchuku user. I also thing we've all forgotten about Kiba then again most people ignore him...

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:06 pm
by Shadowman
Thebirdman wrote:1.What about all the hand signs, wouldn't they get in the way, seeing as MK just can do their techniques whenever.

Hand signs are typically only used for more complex jutsu and they usually only take a moment to finish.

Thebirdman wrote:2. Yes Rock Lee and Might Guy are the best of their world in terms of physically beating some opponents, but are they masters of multiple martial arts and/or weapon styles

Yes, actually. Rock Lee has no way to use anything outside of hand-to-hand combat, so he's mastered his skill there to compensate.

Thebirdman wrote:and on top of that be able to take arm breaking and knee snapping moves and get back up.

It's a Shonen Jump series, of course they can.

Thebirdman wrote:3. The only people of Naruto that seem as brutal are the people of the Village of the Mist, such as Zabuza, but he is not here.

Brutality doesn't make you a better fighter.

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:23 pm
by Thebirdman
What your saying can be disproven Shadowman, seeing that Naruto charcters get hit and are out of it. Think back to Rock Lee shattered his arm, he was out for a long time. An MK character gets injured and they get back into the fight and don't stay dead, top that!

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:13 pm
by Shadowman
Thebirdman wrote:What your saying can be disproven Shadowman, seeing that Naruto charcters get hit and are out of it. Think back to Rock Lee shattered his arm, he was out for a long time. An MK character gets injured and they get back into the fight and don't stay dead, top that!

Perhaps it's because MK ninjas don't hit as hard? Top that.

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:29 pm
by Tristar
Well of course MK ninja's come back from the dead it is a game after all all a player has to do is hit reset :D Taking it from a in game perspective most of the MK ninja's please note I said most Nood, and Scorpion being notable, are undead beings so they don't stay dead.

Oh and speaking of clone technique's Sub-Zero's could be seen right through. Also speaking bone shattering technique's the only Naruto ninja that I can think of that could get back up after smashing his arm in dust would be Naruto himself. As I've stated he's got Alucard level regeneration....Can't say same for the rest of team Naruto. Considering though that most of them can dodge or see the MK ninja's attacks coming regen shouldn't matter to much.

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:51 am
by UNSC Marine
Shadowman wrote:Perhaps it's because MK ninjas don't hit as hard? Top that.

Ok here's one example of mk hitting hard
yeah I'm not good with links...

Here's one more for good measure ... re=related

WARNING: The links are mortal kombat finishers and not intended for children.

Still not good with links...

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:48 am
by Shadowman
Now can you get me a video of someone performing a Fatality when their opponent isn't near-death and barely capable of standing?

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:49 pm
by UNSC Marine

Reptile, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kung Lao

Once again this is mk, and not intended for children

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:38 pm
by ebilly99
Yeah mk can kill you but the third can steal your soul, and he ends up being the weakest naruto character.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie"

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:36 am
by UNSC Marine
Yeah, oh well too bad the 3rd Hokage isn't involved in this. And didn't that jutsu basically kill him? So how did this really help your side? :lol:

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:50 am
by Thebirdman
My point can be made with just this video,

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:20 am
by ebilly99
My point can be made with just this video,

Yep a pregraduate naruto gets his but kicked. I give you that one:)

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:49 am
by UNSC Marine
Let me re-iterate

I pity the foo' who thinks naruto could win this :MR-T:

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:45 am
by Shadowman
UNSC Marine wrote:Let me re-iterate

I pity the foo' who thinks naruto could win this :MR-T:

I still haven't seen any of that footage of MK characters outperforming Naruto characters...

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:14 am
by UNSC Marine
Step 1: Open Eyes

Step 2: Click this link -->

Step 3: Watch video in entirety

Step 4: Take a polygraph test and say "I still haven't seen any of that footage of MK characters outperforming Naruto characters..."

Step 5: Realize that MK kills Naruto!

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:10 am
by Shadowman
Step 1: Mugen doesn't count for anything, ever. It doesn't prove Sasuke is weaker than Scorpion, it proves someone programmed Sasuke to be weaker than Scorpion. And from what I'm seeing, Sasuke was hideously nerfed. When I asked for footage of MK character outperforming Naruto characters, I asked for canon footage.

Step 2: ???

Step 3: Profit!

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:17 am
by UNSC Marine
Shadowman wrote:Mugen doesn't count for anything, ever. It doesn't prove Sasuke is weaker than Scorpion, it proves someone programmed Sasuke to be weaker than Scorpion. And from what I'm seeing, Sasuke was hideously nerfed. When I asked for footage of MK character outperforming Naruto characters, I asked for canon footage.

Yeah, and how about a video of a talking pig flying and shooting lazers out of its eyes while I'm at it. Its not possible, there never has been a Naruto vs. MK merge and I'm not a magical Leprechaun.

Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:27 am
by Barak
UNSC Marine wrote:
Shadowman wrote:Mugen doesn't count for anything, ever. It doesn't prove Sasuke is weaker than Scorpion, it proves someone programmed Sasuke to be weaker than Scorpion. And from what I'm seeing, Sasuke was hideously nerfed. When I asked for footage of MK character outperforming Naruto characters, I asked for canon footage.

Yeah, and how about a video of a talking pig flying and shooting lazers out of its eyes while I'm at it. Its not possible, there never has been a Naruto vs. MK merge and I'm not a magical Leprechaun.

Wow, you're really stubborn. Anyways, as common logic doesn't work with you, I'm going to try something else.

Narute would win. And because you can't prove me wrong, I'm right.


Re: Mortal Kombat Ninjas vs Naruto Ninjas

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:41 am
by Shadowman
UNSC Marine wrote:Yeah, and how about a video of a talking pig flying and shooting lazers out of its eyes while I'm at it. Its not possible, there never has been a Naruto vs. MK merge and I'm not a magical Leprechaun.

Okay, okay, maybe I explained this wrong.

I want footage of MK characters performing feats equal to or greater than Naruto characters. I never once asked to see footage of both sides fighting each other. Just footage of MK characters showing off greater mobility or skills. Naruto characters don't have to be in the clip.