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Heavyarms. Escaflowne

PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:53 am
by Roadcrash
Some of you know that Kirby Morrow voiced the pilots of Heavyarms (Trowa) and Escaflowne (Lord Van). In the intrest of fairness, who do you think will win this match of Tactical Trowa or Vagabond Van?

Re: Heavyarms. Escaflowne

PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:26 am
by Cyberwright
In which world because in the GW universe Trowa would win due to the fact that he's a cold hearted, calculating killer who is skilled in the art of stealth and unarmed combat. plus Heavy arms would hold the upper hand in a neutral world.

While Vann would win in the VoE universe as he can draw on his Atlantian blood . Plus Escaflowne is quicker and has its energy cannons like all Espano gymelefs.

Personally I would side with the solider with no name over Vann

Re: Heavyarms. Escaflowne

PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:16 pm
by Shadowman
Gotta bet on the Gundam. Not only does it have a huge size advantage (Gundams average at about 50 feet) Heavyarms has a particular firepower advantage, and also, let's face it, out classes Escaflowne. While Escaflowne may have a mobility advantage in either of it's alternate forms, it's still dealing with a Gundam. And barring a few exceptions, the only thing that can beat a Gundam, is a Gundam.

Re: Heavyarms. Escaflowne

PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:08 pm
by AfterImage
I'm also going to have to vote in favour of Heavyarms here. Though I may not know Escaflowne as well as I could, I'm pretty sure that units from that show are on a similar scale with Aura Battlers...without having quite the same level of mobility. Without being able to dodge or withstand Trowa's normal saturation fire approach, Vaan doesn't stand much of a chance. Even with said mobility, I'm not entirely sure if Vaan's weapons would affect a Gundam. His sword likely wouldn't damage any unit with Luna Titanium/Gundarium/Gundanium armour, that's for sure.

Now, Dunbine Vs. Heavyarms (since, ironically, Both Trowa and Shou Zama share JAPANESE voice actors) would be a much more interesting fight.

Re: Heavyarms. Escaflowne

PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:44 am
by snavej
Magic powers are impossible. Heavyarms wins by default.