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AMP vs. 2 APUs

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:45 pm
by BeastProwl
APUs are open cockpit, that's why their's two.
Rules? No ammo refills, once out of rounds once, your out for good, so be spare.
The AMP would have an advantage over one APU, but 2? The answer is what I seek.
EDIT: Well, this is actually a pretty good matchup IMO, but I guess the Title is Vague and alot of you don't know what these things are.
The APU Is the mech suit from The Matrix
The AMP Is the mech suit from Avatar
Now that that's out of the way, Who would win?

Re: AMP vs. 2 APUs

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:43 am
by snavej
APUs have ground crews for ammo resupply. AMPs not so much. AMP seems more manoeuvrable. I guess that AMP could dance around APUs, hitting and running. This is very hard to predict. Would the APUs mow down the AMP before it could kill both of them? Personally, I think that 1 APU would fall but the other one would kill the AMP. APUs win.