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Classic fanfiction chapter 2

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:16 pm
by DecepticonRedAlert
Hey guys, I'm makinga fanfiction and I'm posting chapter 2 (chapter 1 isn't up yet) so tell me what you think.

Chapter 2 - Plans and attacks
Meanwhile on Earth at the Autobot base Ultra Magnus is having a conversation with Optimus Prime aboard The Ark. "Prime, what are we going to do about the recent Decepticon attack?" Prime turned his head to look at Ultra Magnus face."What do you think we should do?" I don't know but the Decepticons will try there best until were stomped into the ground.

And some of the humans aren't really helping to protect there homeworld.They should be glad we are protecting there planet. Magnus the meaning thing here is that the decepticons are stopped no matter what the cost. But what Prime didn't notice is that there was some fly on a wall during this conversation, however this wasn't a fly it was Laserbeak. Laserbeak then flew off too a cave in a hill somewhere in the distance. Soundwave was waiting atop that hill waiting to gather information, then he step inside the cave. "Laserbeak has returned with information. Soundwave then transformed into cassete player mode. "Well, lets hear what Laserbeak has to say" yelled Dirge. Soundwave then playback the conversation between Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus.
"Interesting, we can you this for our own knowledge." The Decepticons then went further down into the cave until they came to a large metal door."Come fellow Decepticons, let us tell are leader Megatron what we have found." They then went through the doors which was a elevator which led down a long strange tube. Then, automatically the doors opened. "Awww, mighty Megatron so nice to see your honorable face." Megatron gave a evil glare at Starscream. "I hope for your sake this is important to my liking." If you must know Laserbeak recorded a conversation which should be to your liking. Megatron then listened Laserbeak's recording. "Interesting," Megatron said.

What shall we do noble leader? Starscream we shall lead a strike force to The Ark. How will we acomplish that all mighty Megatron? Its simple Starscream we just need some buffoons to find the way in. Megatron turned to stare at Dirge and Dreadwing as if they were the idiots he was speaking of. "Dreadwing and Dirge come here!" "Yes sir." Dreadwind answered. Go to The Ark and search for a entrance so we Decepticons may lead and attack. Dirge looked at Megatron."Right away,sir." Dirge and Dreadwind transformed into there jet modes and blasted off.

We now go back to that of The Ark where the Autobots are busy trying to help with improvement to the ship. Outside however, Ultra Magnus,Snarl and Grimlock are taking a break. "I still think that cave up there looks pretty interesting." Magnus said. "Me Grimlock say you are exagerating."

"Maybe I am Grimlock, but something just doesn't feel right!"
During all of this two sets of glowing eyes are looking down from the top of the mountain.
"Look at them down there they don't expect a thing." whispered Dirge to Dreadwind.
"Oh really" Dreadwind answered doubtfully. Dirge didn't like the negative attitude that his teammate had.
Dirge answered back "Just shut up and follow me,ok!" Dirge and Dreadwind tipped silently too the end of the mountain. Going as silently as they could, they both moved and crept stilley as possible. Dreadwind almost tripped on the way down the mountain. " Wow that was a close one." Dirge answered back with a remark. "If you don't shut up and watch where your going, Megatron will have your head!" Dirge and Dreadwind were able to walk to and entrance of the base which they could use to enter through to the base. "Here we go." Dirge said.
"Excellent an opening, alert Megatron and tell him we found a way in." Dirge amd Dreadwind started buzzing there way inside. "What was that?" yelled Ultra Magnus.

"Me say we should check it out." answered Grimlock. Grimlock then transformed into his robotic tyrannisaurus alternate mode, the rest of the autobots followed him. Grimlock then peaked over the corner. "Me see decepticons." Without reason Grimlock then ran toward the two decepticons. "Rawr!!!!!!!!" yelled Grimlock. Grimlock then pounced upon Dirge. "Get off me you big stupid dinobot!" then Dreawind then jumped upon Grimlock. "Not so fast Autobot!" He tried to pull Grimlock down to the ground.He roawred! "Me Grimlock hurt you badly!" Grimlock used his tail to trip

"Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" Dreadwind yelled as he fell down the mountain. Dreadwind tumbled down the hill until he fell face first infront of Ultra Magnus and Snarl. "Hello there" Ultra Magnus greeted Dreawind. Then Ultra Magnus pulled out his gun. "Your not going anywhere."

Dreadwind activated his Laser cannons and fired on Ultra Magnus. Ultra Magnus moved out of the way as soon as possible. However, the laser's struck Snarl in the chest. Snarl fell on the ground damaged. Grimlock notice that his fellow Dinobot was injured. But he had to deal with Dirge before he could help Snarl. "Grimlock say go away!" He then pushed Dirge over the hill like he did Dreadwind. However Dirge fell down the very rough,rocky edge of the mountain. Grimlock the rushed and jumped on Dreadwind from behind. There was a gigantic crashing sound as the two bodies collided. Grimlock then transformed into robot mode and started punching Dreadwind in the face. "Grimlock I think you can stop now!" Grimlock backed away from Dreadwind. "Sorry, Me Grimlock just wanted to make him pay for hurting Snarl."

Ultra Magnus picked up Snarl's body. "Lets get him to the CR chamber fast." Ultra Magnus and Grimlock got inside the Autobot base very fast. Meanwhile Dirge and Dreadwind got back up and flew back to the Decepticon base. They were met by Megatron at the entrance. "What did you find out." asked Megatron. Dirge and Dreadwind fell on there legs. "We failed Megatron!" Megatron found this very unpleasing.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:35 am
by Auto Bot
What? No pictures? No pop-ups? :???:

Hehe. Just kidding. Peace out.

That's a cool story. It would be interesting to see it in animation. 8) :grin: