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The Truth, a mini-series UPDATE

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:38 pm
by Wheelimus Prime
haven't done any wrting in a while, here is the prologue and a part of chapter 1. i will update it tomarrow night:


A tall man comes walking down a hallway of the ISA building. Another taller man comes after him.

“ Yes Doctor Thurgood,” said Dr. Rosencrans,” you had something to tell me?” Both men walk down the hall and enter a building labeled ISA Meeting Room and sit down at an open office.

“ Well, the colony on the moon says they are having a problem, and they need your help,” said Dr. Rosencrans.

“ Hm, what kind of problems would they have that the doctors up their can’t solve?” asked Dr. Thurgood.

“ Well, we will brief you on that on your ride to the shuttle,” said Dr. Rosencrans as two other men came walking into the room.

“ Either you tell me now, or I do not help you,” said the other doctor.

“ Men, bring up Project 86,” said Dr. Rosencrans. A large screen lowers down from the ceiling and starts up with pictures of the Moon’s surface. The pictures go over the northern lunar quadrant, which holds the US colony on the moon.

“ Here, see Ticonderoga Peak?” asked Doctor Rosencrans, Thurgood nodded, paying close attention,” Well, just south of there, we picked up a strong magnetic flare. Our scientists are analyzing the data and drilling to find the source of the magnetism.”

“ Well, what do you need me for?” asked Dr. Thurgood. The screen rose up into the ceiling again and the four men walked on down the hall to the main conference room for all ISA officials.

“ Your job is to study the samples the scientists bring back and to help them to find the source,” said Doctor Rosencrans.

Chapter 1:

That had been several days ago, today, Doctor Thurgood was headed to the International Space Agency Station. This has been his first time flying in over seven years.

“ Excuse me sir, this way to the launch platform,” said a young stewardess walking down the isle of the launch pad.

“ Oh, thank you miss,” said Dr. Thurgood, several reporters were lined up waiting for the doctor.

“ Mr. Thurgood, is it true that the virus on the moon has made it to Earth?” asked a reporter. The doctor waves him off with a ‘I can’t answer that’ and hops onto the elevator to his section of the Eagle, a small earth-to-moon space craft.

“ Follow me,” said the stewardess, walking over to a section of seats labeled VIP.

“ This is your captain speaking,” said the Captain,” Our flight attendant will walk you through the safety procedures and we will be launching in 20 minutes.”

“ Hello passengers, my name is Anna Riese and I will be your flight attendant for this flight,” said Anna.

“ Hello,” waved Dr. Thurgood, chuckling at the fact that he was the only other passenger on the ship.

“ Well, first, you should remain seated while this light is flashing red,” She ran through the instructions clearly and loudly as if the ship was full. Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to get any work down while they prepared for take-off, Dr. Thurgood took a nap before they were scheduled to launch. Several minutes later, the ding from the bells announced that takeoff procedures had begun, the doctor awoke and buckled himself in tightly. He looked out his window and saw the first set of Stage II rockets igniting to life.

The stewardess moved swiftly through the aisle even though they were in microgravity,” Excuse me Doctor, could I get you anything to drink or eat?”

“ I will have a coffee,” said the old man, the stewardess walked over to a tall drink-dispenser and poured coffee into a cup with a nipple on the top of it. Most people who had gone up in space refused these cups because of the indignity, so most waited until the rendezvous with ISA satellite.

“ 15 minutes until docking,” said Captain Peirce. Doctor Thurgood adjusted himself for the bumpy part ahead. Docking with any one of the fifteen satellites in orbit was always a hard thing to do; both had to be adjusted just right to keep from colliding with each other in microgravity.

“ Docking complete, you are now free to move into the space station,” said the Captain,” thank you for flying with us we hope you enjoyed your stay.” Doctor Thurgood chuckled at the comment as he was the only one on board.

“ Doctor,” said a tall blonde-haired man walking through the hall to where the shuttle was docked,” Hey, be careful, the slightest step could send you out of control.” Most of the astronauts taunted those not used to microgravity, their walking was completely different than that of seasoned fliers.

“ Hey, you forget, I was on this station while you were still sucking your thumb,” laughed Doctor Thurgood, walking uneasily down the corridor,” just a little rusty.” The two walked down into the center of the large station, where gravity was about ¾ that of the moon.

“ Your craft to the moon will be leaving in 30 minutes,” said Commander Greyass, owner of the ISA space station.

“ Thank you, just let me check my messages,” said the doctor, walking over to one of the video screens,” aw, little Haley, I will be sure to share with you my trip to the moon.” Doctor Thurgood finished up replying to his messages and headed back for a smaller, solar powered shuttle.

Chapter II

The solar powered shuttle landed ever so carefully on the dark side of the moon, this was the location of Clavius 3, the moon’s first permanent living settlement. Above ground, there is no activity, or even anything that tells humans have been here; but underground, it becomes a different story. With the hustle and bustle of a small city, this is the most densely populated colony on the Moon.

“ Doctor,” said Alfonso Tyco,” welcome to my lunar city,” Tyco leads Doctor Thurgood down the platform to the sealed of American Colony in Tycho, a large lunar crater. Scientists promised to get a lunar colony set up by 2020, but the threat of three meteor impacts pushed that goal all the way to 2100.

“ I was expecting to be hit right away with the big news,” said Doctor Thurgood, waving to the several scientists he had met on his last journey to the moon, six years earlier.

“ No, this is of greatest importance, which is why we need you well rested,” said Tyco,” Besides, you have to come see this yourself.”

“ Well, I did sleep for about 4 hours until I got to the moon, so I think I am well rested to see the presentation that was mentioned to me,” said the doctor.

“ Fine, but this is perhaps the greatest discovery on the moon,” said one of the scientists, his thick Russian accent showing heavily in his words,” we will be ready to show you in thirty minutes.”

Chapter III

“ Our scientists on the southern ridge detected a large energy pulse in the form of gamma rays at about five houndred hours on May seventeenth, two thousand and twenty-four. Our scientists went to the area to investigate and dug up a large black, how can I put this, slab of some sort of metal. The demensions of the metal were 5 by 7 by 3. The metal it is made out of has been undetermined, that is why you are here, Doctor Isaac Thurgood. We need your permission to work invasively on it, seeing as you would know the most about the origins of this anomaly,” said Doctor Richard Alleson,” This is why tomorrow at 7:50 earth time, we will be traveling to the Rupes sector of the moon, to investigate what ever this is.”

Re: The Truth, a mini-series

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:37 pm
by ToysInTheAttic
I'm anxious to read more. You're certainly setting up a suspenseful first encounter. Are you starting from scratch in a whole new universe or this based on a current continuity?

Re: The Truth, a mini-series

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:10 pm
by Wheelimus Prime
it is set in the movieverse, but that is where the simularities stop.

it is completely from scratch (and of course) takes place in the future.

i should have more up within the hour

Re: The Truth, a mini-series

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:24 am
by Carriemus Prime
I am intrigued... interested to see where this is going :) keep it up WP

Re: The Truth, a mini-series

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:03 pm
by Wheelimus Prime
expect a little something something tonight :P

Re: The Truth, a mini-series UPDATE

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:29 pm
by Wheelimus Prime
sorry for not updating this. i am working on chapter three, but for now, here is two and part of three