#387 |
Transformers: DOTM Novel: It's Finished! |
2010-12-24 10:49 pm CST |
#386 |
First Look at TFC EX-004 Targetroids (3rd Party Target Masters) |
2010-11-29 2:27 pm CST |
#385 |
Transformers DOTM Product Line Release Date... it's Official! |
2010-11-19 6:07 pm CST |
#384 |
First Look at Canceled Robot Heroes, Titanium and Movie Figures |
2010-11-18 8:41 pm CST |
#383 |
Transformers: DOTM Filming from United Nations |
2010-11-13 7:27 pm CST |
#382 |
TFsource 11-1 SourceNews |
2010-10-31 10:18 pm CDT |
#381 |
Shia does Stunt Work for Transformers DOTM |
2010-10-30 1:56 pm CDT |
#380 |
USA Today posts Info on Transformers: Prime Characters |
2010-10-30 1:33 pm CDT |
#379 |
Next TCC Contest: "Shoot the Ultimate Picture" |
2010-10-29 8:47 pm CDT |
#378 |
More Transformers: Prime videos: Jack, Raf, and Arcee! |
2010-10-29 6:37 pm CDT |
#377 |
TransformersMovie.com now Mentions DOTM |
2010-10-29 6:27 pm CDT |
#376 |
More Images of Reveal the Shield Windcharger |
2010-10-29 5:40 pm CDT |
#375 |
Transformers: Prime Trailer Online! |
2010-10-29 12:51 pm CDT |
#374 |
IDW November and December Comic Releases |
2010-10-28 9:41 pm CDT |
#373 |
Entertainment Tonight's Segment on Transformers DOTM is Online |
2010-10-28 8:35 pm CDT |
#372 |
New Wave 2 Power Core Combiners Galleries Online |
2010-10-28 8:13 pm CDT |
#371 |
First Look at Reveal the Shield Bumblebee |
2010-10-27 10:21 pm CDT |
#370 |
Hasbro Transformers Site Updated with HFTD Exclusives |
2010-10-17 2:01 pm CDT |
#369 |
First Look at Battle in Space Rodimus and Cyclonus In-Package |
2010-10-02 8:49 pm CDT |
#368 |
Reveal the Shield Packaging Revealed! |
2010-10-01 7:01 pm CDT |
#367 |
New Toy Galleries: Legends Arcee, Jolt and Stealth Bumblebee |
2010-09-19 4:12 pm CDT |
#366 |
Gallery of Takara Animated Activators Soundblaster Online |
2010-09-17 11:00 pm CDT |
#365 |
Transformers 3 Filming Dates for the Kennedy Space Center |
2010-09-10 7:40 pm CDT |
#364 |
Hasbro's Web Cast On the Hub: Juicy Details and More |
2010-09-08 1:46 pm CDT |
#363 |
Transformers 3: Filming Ending Soon |
2010-09-07 12:05 pm CDT |
#362 |
Steven Blum to Voice Starscream in Transformers Prime |
2010-09-04 10:10 pm CDT |
#361 |
Extra Injured During Transformers 3 Filming |
2010-09-01 10:17 pm CDT |
#360 |
Seibertron.com Tops Hasbro on Facebook |
2010-08-31 11:34 am CDT |
#359 |
Images from Transformers 3 Filming in Detroit |
2010-08-27 7:34 pm CDT |
#358 |
Bonaventura on Transformers 3: "We're Having Such a Good Time" |
2010-08-26 10:40 pm CDT |
#357 |
New Sideshow Collectibles Optimus Prime Statue |
2010-08-24 9:37 pm CDT |
#356 |
Transformers 3: Chicago Can't Get Rid of Them! |
2010-08-23 11:56 am CDT |
#355 |
Transformers 3: A Rumored Death, and an Important Location? |
2010-08-16 12:45 pm CDT |
#354 |
DOUBLE XP on Transformers War for Cybertron This Weekend! |
2010-08-13 11:10 pm CDT |
#353 |
"Rampage Among the Ruins" Set to be Possible TRU Exclusive? |
2010-08-09 12:27 pm CDT |
#352 |
New Filming Videos from Transformers 3 |
2010-08-05 11:35 am CDT |
#351 |
New Images of Challenge at Cybertron 3-Pack |
2010-08-05 11:17 am CDT |
#350 |
Pictures and Video from July 31st Transformers 3 Filming |
2010-08-01 10:25 pm CDT |
#349 |
Transformers 3 Star Patrick Dempsey Reveals Info About His character |
2010-08-01 12:28 am CDT |
#348 |
Video Review of War For Cybertron Megatron |
2010-07-30 9:45 pm CDT |
#347 |
HFTD Voyager Wave 2 Hitting United States Retail |
2010-07-29 3:22 pm CDT |
#346 |
Scans of Figure King 150 Online |
2010-07-29 8:44 am CDT |
#345 |
Second Japanese Transformers Animated Opening Online |
2010-07-25 10:37 pm CDT |
#344 |
First In-Package Image of Challenge at Cybertron Set |
2010-07-25 9:21 pm CDT |
#343 |
More Images From San Diego Comic Con 2010 |
2010-07-23 11:51 am CDT |
#342 |
First Look at HFTD "The Victory of The Fallen" 5-Pack |
2010-07-21 5:47 pm CDT |
#341 |
Transformers 3: More Details Unveiled (Update!) |
2010-07-20 11:47 am CDT |
#340 |
Despite Speculation, "No Kup" in Transformers 3? |
2010-07-19 2:30 pm CDT |
#339 |
Chicago Tribune Article on TF 3 Mentions Seibertron.com! |
2010-07-17 7:00 pm CDT |
#338 |
Transformers: War for Cybertron Concept Art Revealed |
2010-07-05 9:42 pm CDT |
#337 |
Transformers.com Has Transformed! New Site Design |
2010-07-01 3:31 pm CDT |
#336 |
BBTS News: 20% Off Sale, Transformers, Sideshow, JLU & More! |
2010-07-01 3:15 pm CDT |
#335 |
More Video from Botcon: Battle Ops Bumblebee |
2010-06-26 5:12 pm CDT |
#334 |
Photos of Hunt For The Decepticons Breacher Online |
2010-06-26 4:53 pm CDT |
#333 |
First Look at Generations BLURR from Botcon! |
2010-06-26 4:37 pm CDT |
#332 |
Video Footage of Botcon Hunt For The Decepticons Display |
2010-06-26 4:28 pm CDT |
#331 |
Transformers Speedstars Gallery Online (RPMs) |
2010-06-26 2:56 pm CDT |
#330 |
New Power Core Combiners Gallery from Botcon |
2010-06-26 2:40 pm CDT |
#329 |
Gallery of Transformers Movie HFTD Activators Online |
2010-06-26 2:24 pm CDT |
#328 |
More Hunt For the Decepticons Images from Botcon |
2010-06-26 2:11 pm CDT |
#327 |
News from TFCC's Panel: 2011 Membership Figure and next Club exclusives announced! More Counterpunch! |
2010-06-26 1:54 pm CDT |
#326 |
Gallery of Masterpiece Grimlock from Botcon 2010 |
2010-06-25 6:18 pm CDT |
#325 |
Images of New Generations figures from Botcon |
2010-06-25 6:02 pm CDT |
#324 |
SDCC Exclusives Gallery Online |
2010-06-25 5:52 pm CDT |
#323 |
Botcon 2010 Gallery of Piranacon Online |
2010-06-25 5:30 pm CDT |
#322 |
New Toy Gallery: BotCon 2010 Generation 2 Redux Breakdown |
2010-06-25 12:01 pm CDT |
#321 |
Colossus (AKA Clench) Gallery Online! |
2010-06-25 11:50 am CDT |
#320 |
News from Botcon: Hasbro Piranacon Set Confirmed! |
2010-06-25 10:27 am CDT |
#319 |
More Info on Transformers 3 Filming in Chicago |
2010-06-24 12:19 pm CDT |
#318 |
Seibertron.com Wants YOUR Thoughts on War for Cybertron |
2010-06-22 4:26 pm CDT |
#317 |
Video Footage of Topless Sideswipe in Transformers 3 |
2010-06-19 6:26 pm CDT |
#316 |
Filming for Transformers 3 to Take Place at National Mall |
2010-06-15 10:47 pm CDT |
#315 |
More Details on Transformers 3 Filming Locations |
2010-06-14 3:04 pm CDT |
#314 |
Seibertron.com Reviews TFCC Dion |
2010-06-12 7:12 pm CDT |
#313 |
Transformers: War for Cybertron XBox360 Achievements Icon Online |
2010-06-12 11:59 am CDT |
#312 |
TFCC Dion Beginning to Ship |
2010-06-12 10:54 am CDT |
#311 |
First Hunt for the Decepticons Sighting in US |
2010-06-10 11:35 am CDT |
#310 |
Robert O. Smith (Voice of Cybertron Soundwave) Dies |
2010-06-08 9:27 am CDT |
#309 |
Buyer Beware: KO Device Label Shows Up on eBay! |
2010-05-26 11:40 am CDT |
#308 |
Tyrese Gibson: "It's Crazy to See the Band Get Broken Up" |
2010-05-25 11:39 am CDT |
#307 |
War for Cybertron: Minimum System Requirements Revealed |
2010-05-25 11:11 am CDT |
#306 |
Classic Characterization of Starscream in Transformers: Prime? "Yup" |
2010-05-20 3:26 pm CDT |
#305 |
New Cybertron Scout Class Galleries! |
2010-05-14 12:14 pm CDT |
#304 |
Transformers: War for Cybertron Sideswipe, Jetfire and Thundercracker Revealed |
2010-05-12 2:50 pm CDT |
#303 |
More Images of Botcon Sharkticon |
2010-05-10 6:02 pm CDT |
#302 |
New Galleries for Unreleased Movie Scouts - Backtrack, Gunbarrel, and Reverb |
2010-05-07 1:03 pm CDT |
#301 |
New CGI Renders of WFC Brawl and Silverbolt |
2010-05-07 12:36 pm CDT |
#300 |
Megan Fox: No Tan in Transformers 3! |
2010-05-05 10:16 pm CDT |
#299 |
Mysterious Blue Classics Bumblebee Video Review Online |
2010-05-04 10:10 pm CDT |
#298 |
Further Confirmation Regarding Patrick Dempsey and Transformers 3 |
2010-05-04 9:38 pm CDT |
#297 |
Covers for IDW Transformers Collections 1 & 2 |
2010-05-04 10:59 am CDT |
#296 |
New Transformers 3 Actor: Patrick Dempsey |
2010-05-03 8:12 pm CDT |
#295 |
Auctions for NEVER Released Movie Scouts Online! |
2010-05-03 7:33 pm CDT |
#294 |
New auction for Transformers Banzai-Tron |
2010-05-03 11:18 am CDT |
#293 |
BBTS News: Robobuz Preorder Listed |
2010-05-01 10:55 am CDT |
#292 |
New CGI Renders of War for Cybertron Warpath and Barricade |
2010-04-30 2:36 pm CDT |
#291 |
Seibertron.com Presents: Unreleased Universe Robot Heroes! |
2010-04-29 10:20 pm CDT |
#290 |
Video Review of WST Twincast and Grey Shockwave |
2010-04-29 10:08 pm CDT |
#289 |
Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) |
2010-04-29 7:31 pm CDT |
#288 |
RUMOR: Possible New Botcon Attendee Figure? |
2010-04-29 7:13 pm CDT |
#287 |
Kurtzman and Orci on Transformers: Prime |
2010-04-28 11:25 am CDT |
#286 |
New Images of Hunt for Decepticons Hubcap |
2010-04-28 10:53 am CDT |
#285 |
Comparison Pics of JP and US Transformers Animated Blackout |
2010-04-26 8:55 pm CDT |
#284 |
Animated Arcee: Sightings on the Rise |
2010-04-25 6:08 pm CDT |
#283 |
In-Game Video of War for Cybertron Shockwave and Demolishor |
2010-04-21 10:03 pm CDT |
#282 |
Video Review of Scout Class Brimstone |
2010-04-13 10:18 pm CDT |
#281 |
New Robot Hero Galleries! 2,000 Galleries Online. |
2010-04-13 12:12 pm CDT |
#280 |
Japanese Transformers Animated Opening is Online |
2010-04-02 10:34 pm CDT |
#279 |
New Galleries: ROTF Evac and (Red) Rampage! |
2010-04-02 9:53 pm CDT |
#278 |
The Hub to launch Oct. 10, and More Programing Details |
2010-03-31 10:47 am CDT |
#277 |
BBTS News: Marvel, Monsters, Warbot, TF's, Statues & More |
2010-03-31 10:21 am CDT |
#276 |
ROBOTKINGDOM .COM Newsletter #1109 |
2010-03-29 9:58 am CDT |
#275 |
ROTF Recon Ravage sighted in Australia |
2010-03-27 11:05 pm CDT |
#274 |
Transformers Cyber Missions Credits online: DVD Possible? |
2010-03-27 10:46 pm CDT |
#273 |
Two New Advertisements for TFA's Japanese Broadcast |
2010-03-27 10:12 am CDT |
#272 |
BBTS News: DC Direct, Hot Toys, LDD 20, Halo, Fansproject & More |
2010-03-23 1:43 pm CDT |
#271 |
Unreleased Inked Art for Robot Heroes Star Saber and Deszarus |
2010-03-19 12:05 pm CDT |
#270 |
Listing Found for Masterpiece Grimlock in Canadian TRU Computers |
2010-03-17 12:36 pm CDT |
#269 |
Robotkingdom News: Fast Action Battlers - Skids & Mudflap and More |
2010-03-15 9:40 pm CDT |
#268 |
Japanese Transformers Animated Commercial Online |
2010-03-13 12:42 pm CST |
#267 |
Upcoming TPBs and Hardcover Releases from IDW |
2010-03-10 1:17 pm CST |
#266 |
RUMOR: Ray Park to Play Lead Role in TF3? |
2010-02-28 2:58 pm CST |
#265 |
“The Touch” will air Sunday March 28th on AMERICAN DAD (Fox)! |
2010-02-20 2:19 pm CST |
#264 |
Toy Fair Press Release: Power Core Combiners, Movie and More |
2010-02-13 12:05 am CST |
#263 |
More Release Date Info on Transformers War For Cybertron |
2010-02-11 1:32 pm CST |
#262 |
New Toy Galleries: Skystalker, Scattorshot and Brakedown |
2010-02-08 12:43 pm CST |
#261 |
New Info on Transformers Animated's Japanese Broadcast |
2010-02-07 7:24 pm CST |
#260 |
BBTS News: FansProject, Neca, Imports, Futurama, Bandai & More |
2010-02-05 5:21 pm CST |
#259 |
New Images of War for Cybertron Optimus Prime and Size Comparison |
2010-02-05 3:50 pm CST |
#258 |
Transformers 3, Possibly in 3-D? |
2010-02-03 7:56 pm CST |
#257 |
Michael Bay Makes Most Money in 2009 |
2010-02-02 2:40 pm CST |
#256 |
Video Review of Voyager Sea Spray |
2010-02-02 1:44 pm CST |
#255 |
ROTF Blowpipe Gallery is Online! |
2010-01-31 6:03 pm CST |
#254 |
Original Art for Transformers Issue #76 Up for Auction |
2010-01-31 5:47 pm CST |
#253 |
Galleries for ROTF Lockdown and Ratchet Online |
2010-01-30 2:22 pm CST |
#252 |
Wal-Mart Exclusive Legends Class Devastator out in US |
2010-01-30 2:09 pm CST |
#251 |
New Toy Galleries: NEST Battlefield Bumblebee and Infiltration Soundwave |
2010-01-29 1:16 pm CST |
#250 |
Man Makes Optimus Prime Statue Out of Scrap Metal |
2010-01-23 7:54 pm CST |
#249 |
TRU Exclusive Animated Arcee and Cybertron Ratchet Sighted |
2010-01-22 1:08 pm CST |
#248 |
TRU Exclusive Shanghai Showdown Set Listed at TRU.com |
2010-01-20 12:40 pm CST |
#247 |
Daisuke Gouri, Japanese voice of ROTF Soundwave Passes Away |
2010-01-18 2:49 pm CST |
#246 |
Transformers War For Cybertron: Extended Trailer on Tuesday |
2010-01-08 5:33 pm CST |
#245 |
BBTS News: Ghost Starscream, WWE Mattel, Rangers, Hot Toys & More |
2010-01-05 7:33 pm CST |
#244 |
First Look at Popbox Collectibles 12" ROTF Optimus Prime Statue |
2009-12-31 2:27 pm CST |
#243 |
BBTS News: 15% Off Sale, DCU, Wolfman, Star Wars, Imports & More |
2009-12-29 3:54 pm CST |
#242 |
BBTS News: Transformers, Avatar, DC, FansProject, Sideshow & More! |
2009-12-24 5:22 pm CST |
#241 |
Official Images of Animated Cybertron Ratchet |
2009-12-20 2:31 pm CST |
#240 |
BBTS News: Transformers, Green Lantern, LPS, Revoltech & More |
2009-12-17 8:35 pm CST |
#239 |
More Evidence To New Transformers Cartoon: Voice Casting |
2009-12-08 10:49 pm CST |
#238 |
TFA Voyager Optimus Prime $11.99 at HTS |
2009-12-02 10:13 am CST |
#237 |
Cyber Monday Transformers Deals at HTS and Toy's R" Us.com |
2009-11-30 9:14 am CST |
#236 |
BBTS News: Sale!, Halo, 300, Transformers, LDD, Twilight, NECA & More! |
2009-11-27 12:12 pm CST |
#235 |
New Sale, Minimates, DC, Cheetara, Marvel, Imports & More @ BBTS |
2009-11-20 6:32 pm CST |
#234 |
Seibertron's Gallery of ROTF Leader Class Starscream is Online! |
2009-11-20 10:24 am CST |
#233 |
Walmart Exclusive Masterpiece Skywarp at Walmart.com |
2009-11-20 8:12 am CST |
#232 |
Transformers Animated Vortex Blurr Revealed |
2009-11-19 11:49 am CST |
#231 |
Device Label Blaster Officially Canceled |
2009-11-18 12:38 pm CST |
#230 |
New Images of ROTF Spark Blast Jolt in Package |
2009-11-18 11:35 am CST |
#229 |
Universe Dirge and Roadbuster Galleries are Online! |
2009-11-13 11:32 pm CST |
#228 |
New Toy Galleries: Universe Vector Prime and Cybertron Starscream! |
2009-11-12 11:02 pm CST |
#227 |
Hasbro Trademarks "Power Core Combiners" |
2009-11-12 3:41 pm CST |
#226 |
15% Off Sale, Transformers, Bandai, Weta, Imports & More @ BBTS |
2009-11-12 3:27 pm CST |
#225 |
Movie Bumblebee Prop Appears in Sydney, Australia |
2009-11-08 3:10 pm CST |
#224 |
New Images of ROTF Shadow Megatron and Defender Optimus Prime |
2009-11-05 4:14 pm CST |
#223 |
New Images of ROTF Dune Runner Redeco |
2009-10-30 5:37 pm CDT |
#222 |
First Look at ROTF Scout Class Dirt Boss Redeco |
2009-10-30 12:50 pm CDT |
#221 |
ROBOTKINGDOM .COM Newsletter #1096 - Korean Box Galaxy Force, Toyrocket Exclusive Transformers Bust. |
2009-10-30 12:37 pm CDT |
#220 |
TRU Exclusive "Back Road Brawl" Galleries Online |
2009-10-29 10:19 am CDT |
#219 |
Transformers ROTF Themed "Snuggie" Found |
2009-10-28 8:36 pm CDT |
#218 |
Paramount Press Junket, part 3 |
2009-10-28 8:00 pm CDT |
#217 |
In Package Image of NEST Bumblebee and Soundwave plus Mail In Offer? |
2009-10-28 7:44 pm CDT |
#216 |
Next Transformers Cartoon Likely for 2010? |
2009-10-21 10:13 am CDT |
#215 |
ROBOTKINGDOM .COM Newsletter #1094 - Fanproject new items, TFC-005, THS-02 |
2009-10-21 8:10 am CDT |
#214 |
Universe Leo Prime Gallery is Online |
2009-10-20 11:15 am CDT |
#213 |
ROTF to Receive Midnight Release at Best Buy |
2009-10-16 1:04 pm CDT |
#212 |
15% Off Sale, Halo, Iron Cap, TF's, Star Trek, & More at BBTS |
2009-10-14 9:37 am CDT |
#211 |
First Look at New and Unknown ROTF Redecos |
2009-10-12 1:17 pm CDT |
#210 |
Target Exclusive Universe Leo Prime Available Online |
2009-10-10 6:48 am CDT |
#209 |
ROTF Smokescreen and Deep Desert Brawl Galleries are Online |
2009-10-06 11:16 pm CDT |
#208 |
ROTF Super Tuner Throwdown listed at Walmart.com |
2009-10-05 12:28 pm CDT |
#207 |
Jornadas de Transfans Españolas convention to be held October 10th to 11th |
2009-10-02 9:17 pm CDT |
#206 |
Six More ROTF Robot Heroes Galleries are Online |
2009-10-01 9:54 pm CDT |
#205 |
Even More ROTF Robot Heroes Galleries are Online! |
2009-10-01 12:01 pm CDT |
#204 |
"Battle for the Allspark" Robot Heroes Galleries Are Online |
2009-09-30 10:33 pm CDT |
#203 |
New ROTF Robot Heroes "Battle of The Fallen" Galleries Online |
2009-09-29 11:13 pm CDT |
#202 |
New Walmart exclusive Ultras and More to be Released Oct. 4th |
2009-09-29 8:25 am CDT |
#201 |
Jetpower Optimus Prime Gallery is Online |
2009-09-23 1:16 pm CDT |
#200 |
First Look at Arcee Combined in Concept Art |
2009-09-19 11:34 am CDT |
#199 |
Good Versus Evil, Leader Class Optimus Prime and Megatron Galleries Online |
2009-09-17 11:13 pm CDT |
#198 |
Sneak Peak at All Hail Megatron #15 |
2009-09-11 12:35 pm CDT |
#197 |
Revenge of The Fallen Voyager Class Megatron Gallery is Online |
2009-09-04 11:54 am CDT |
#196 |
Disney Buys Marvel : Possible Impact on Hasbro's Joint Project |
2009-09-01 10:01 pm CDT |
#195 |
The Legends Continue, New Revenge of The Fallen Toy Galleries Online! |
2009-08-27 12:06 pm CDT |
#194 |
New Revenge of The Fallen Legends Class Galleries |
2009-08-25 7:32 pm CDT |
#193 |
Michael Bay to direct Victoria's Secret Holiday TV Spot |
2009-08-22 1:56 pm CDT |
#192 |
New Toy Galleries: Interrogator Barricade and Cannon Bumblebee |
2009-08-21 12:39 pm CDT |
#191 |
Revenge of The Fallen Grindor Gallery is Online |
2009-08-20 1:35 pm CDT |
#190 |
September Dengeki Hobby Scans Featuring ROTF |
2009-08-17 11:15 pm CDT |
#189 |
New Toy Galleries: ROTF Scouts and Starscream! |
2009-08-13 11:19 pm CDT |
#188 |
RUMOR: Meeting at Nemesis Soundwave... Now Sold Separately? |
2009-08-07 1:11 pm CDT |
#187 |
Official Images of ROTF Thrust and Gears |
2009-08-03 8:27 pm CDT |
#186 |
Takara Revenge of The Fallen EZ Devastator Gallery Online! |
2009-07-29 11:00 pm CDT |
#185 |
New Japanese Magazine Scans featuring Revenge of The Fallen |
2009-07-24 10:58 pm CDT |
#184 |
Transformers ROTF Stalker Scorponok to be TRU Japan exclusive |
2009-07-17 12:36 pm CDT |
#183 |
Takara Tomy Transformers ROTF Toys in Dengeki Hobby 08 August Issue |
2009-07-13 4:16 pm CDT |
#182 |
New Transformers Toy Galleries: Universe and 07' Movie |
2009-07-10 1:13 pm CDT |
#181 |
Images of Takara Transformers ROTF Swerve |
2009-07-05 4:53 pm CDT |
#180 |
First Look at Nike Generation 1 Inspired Shoes! |
2009-06-30 4:33 pm CDT |
#179 |
Transformers ROTF Leader Class Jetfire Released in US |
2009-06-25 8:42 pm CDT |
#178 |
First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco? |
2009-06-25 6:51 pm CDT |
#177 |
New Botcon Transformers Galleries! |
2009-06-25 2:26 pm CDT |
#176 |
Bay Slams Advertising Campaign for Transformers ROTF |
2009-06-22 10:08 pm CDT |
#175 |
09 Convention Set Galleries Begin: Banzai-Tron & Razorclaw! |
2009-06-20 12:30 am CDT |
#174 |
New Images of ROTF Arcee and Jolt |
2009-06-09 7:43 pm CDT |
#173 |
Three New ROTF Trailers! |
2009-06-02 11:03 pm CDT |
#172 |
Production of ROTF Completed This Week! |
2009-06-01 4:32 pm CDT |
#171 |
ROTF Officially Rated by MPAA |
2009-06-01 2:48 pm CDT |
#170 |
ROTF Trailer Featuring Linkin Park's "New Divide" Online |
2009-06-01 2:17 pm CDT |
#169 |
ROTF Figures Released in Japan |
2009-06-01 12:53 pm CDT |
#168 |
ROTF Figures Released Today! |
2009-05-29 12:28 am CDT |
#167 |
New Images of ROTF Scorponok |
2009-05-27 10:19 am CDT |
#166 |
In-depth Gallery of ROTF Deadend |
2009-05-24 8:40 pm CDT |
#165 |
Reminder: Transformers Animated Finale Airs Tomorrow! |
2009-05-23 12:16 am CDT |
#164 |
CG Image of Sideways from ROTF |
2009-05-21 10:24 am CDT |
#163 |
ROTF Grindor Revealed |
2009-05-21 9:36 am CDT |
#162 |
Fifteen New Stills from ROTF |
2009-05-19 11:30 am CDT |
#161 |
Three new Transformers ROTF TV Spots |
2009-05-19 10:08 am CDT |
#160 |
More Images of ROTF Reverb |
2009-05-18 11:40 am CDT |
#159 |
New Mighty Muggs Galleries! |
2009-05-17 12:27 am CDT |
#158 |
Reminder: Transformers Animated "End Game" Part 1 Airs Tomorrow! |
2009-05-15 12:17 pm CDT |
#157 |
New Images of ROTF Scalpel: Packaging Variant? |
2009-05-12 11:19 am CDT |
#156 |
A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25! |
2009-05-08 12:33 pm CDT |
#155 |
Reminder: Transformers Animated Airs Tomorrow |
2009-05-08 12:09 pm CDT |
#154 |
First Images of ROTF Ravage In-package |
2009-05-06 2:02 pm CDT |
#153 |
Terebi-kun Features ROTF |
2009-05-05 10:49 pm CDT |
#152 |
ROTF Voyagers and Leaders Sighted at Retail! |
2009-05-02 11:53 pm CDT |
#151 |
Shattered Glass: "Eye in the Sky" Online at TFCC |
2009-05-02 2:31 pm CDT |
#150 |
Name of ROTF Voyager Jet Confirmed: Stratosphere |
2009-05-01 2:45 pm CDT |
#149 |
Reminder: Transformers Animated Airs Tommorow |
2009-05-01 2:22 pm CDT |
#148 |
ROTF FAB Desert Bumblebee Revealed |
2009-04-28 9:43 am CDT |
#147 |
In-package images of ROTF Mixmaster |
2009-04-28 9:06 am CDT |
#146 |
New Botcon Exclusive Revealed? |
2009-04-23 10:18 am CDT |
#145 |
ROTF Ravage Revealed! |
2009-04-23 9:55 am CDT |
#144 |
First Look at New ROTF Robot Replicas and More! |
2009-04-22 4:54 pm CDT |
#143 |
New in-package images of ROTF Autobot Wheelie |
2009-04-20 7:25 pm CDT |
#142 |
Animated Season 2 Box Set on sale at TheRightStuff!.com |
2009-04-17 10:29 pm CDT |
#141 |
More Images of ROTF Voice-changing Helmets |
2009-04-15 10:28 pm CDT |
#140 |
HTS Spring Sale |
2009-04-15 9:55 am CDT |
#139 |
Another Interview with Derrick Wyatt |
2009-04-13 4:30 pm CDT |
#138 |
Reminder: TFA "Predacons Rising" Airs Tomorrow. |
2009-04-09 11:10 pm CDT |
#137 |
New images of Mighty Muggs Jazz |
2009-04-07 7:18 am CDT |
#136 |
New ROTF Figures Revealed and More. |
2009-04-05 11:25 pm CDT |
#135 |
New Images Of ROTF Desert Brawl |
2009-04-03 7:32 pm CDT |
#134 |
Reminder: TFA "Five Servos of Doom" Airs Tomorrow! |
2009-04-03 6:58 pm CDT |
#133 |
ROTF Ultimate Bumblebee In-package! |
2009-04-02 10:56 am CDT |
#132 |
TFA Deluxe Sale at Target Sunday |
2009-04-01 9:56 am CDT |
#131 |
Video Review of ROTF Boeing Space Shuttle Toy |
2009-03-31 1:37 pm CDT |
#130 |
ROTF Deluxe Desert Brawl Revealed? |
2009-03-29 4:15 pm CDT |
#129 |
New Animated Episode Titles Revealed |
2009-03-28 3:09 pm CDT |
#128 |
Check Your Emails, MP Grimlock Beginning to Ship! |
2009-03-25 4:09 pm CDT |
#127 |
Botcon Flak Revealed! |
2009-03-20 3:05 pm CDT |
#126 |
New Image of Titanium Thrust |
2009-03-20 10:09 am CDT |
#125 |
New Images of Upcoming Japanese Releases from Tokyo Anime Fair! |
2009-03-19 5:59 pm CDT |
#124 |
More Images of TItanium Hot Zone |
2009-03-18 10:08 am CDT |
#123 |
Transformers 3, Date Confirmed! |
2009-03-16 8:30 pm CDT |
#122 |
New Image of WST Dark Retribution Chase Set |
2009-03-15 6:56 pm CDT |
#121 |
Hi-res Gallery of ROTF Starscream |
2009-03-14 3:24 pm CDT |
#120 |
New Image of ROTF Motorbike |
2009-03-14 11:28 am CDT |
#119 |
Unicron.com Accesory Pack #6 Update: Stasis Cuffs! |
2009-03-12 5:24 pm CDT |
#118 |
First Look at new ROTF Bumblebee Retool and More! |
2009-03-11 11:23 am CDT |
#117 |
More Images of Botcon Skyquake |
2009-03-07 6:16 pm CST |
#116 |
Commercial for TFA Season 3 is Online! |
2009-03-07 2:46 pm CST |
#115 |
New images of Movie RoboQ Optimus Prime and Bumblebee! |
2009-03-06 12:37 pm CST |
#114 |
GM Slashes Marketing Budget |
2009-02-28 10:07 am CST |
#113 |
RUMOR: Transformers Animated toy line... cancelled? |
2009-02-26 11:44 am CST |
#112 |
New Transformers Animated Galleries online |
2009-02-24 11:20 am CST |
#111 |
Buried Treasure Review - Emergency Mini-Con Team |
2009-02-19 3:58 pm CST |
#110 |
MISB pics of ROTF Ramjet, Skywarp, Whirl and Bludgeon |
2009-02-17 12:39 pm CST |
#109 |
New Images of ROTF Skids, with Bio. |
2009-02-17 11:03 am CST |
#108 |
Symmetrical Docking Approved! TFA Safeguard Galleries Online |
2009-02-16 2:06 pm CST |
#107 |
Toy Fair 2009 Transformers Press Release |
2009-02-13 8:31 pm CST |
#106 |
Ganbo Questions Answered. |
2009-02-13 8:07 pm CST |
#105 |
New Transformers Animated Galleries Online! |
2009-02-10 10:19 pm CST |
#104 |
Hasbro Toy Shop.co.uk: No Longer Operating. |
2009-02-06 11:38 am CST |
#103 |
More High-resolution Images of Universe Hotshot |
2009-02-05 10:32 pm CST |
#102 |
New Images of ROTF Constructicon toy. |
2009-02-04 10:48 am CST |
#101 |
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Trailer is Online!!! |
2009-01-31 11:48 pm CST |
#100 |
RUMOR: Season three to be the end of Transformers Animated? |
2009-01-28 12:03 pm CST |
#99 |
New images of ROTF legends toys |
2009-01-28 11:14 am CST |
#98 |
REMINDER: Transformers ROTF trailer, THIS SUNDAY! |
2009-01-28 10:23 am CST |
#97 |
First look at Robot Heroes Tigatron and Inferno in-package |
2009-01-28 9:56 am CST |
#96 |
Full images of TFA toy Box art |
2009-01-27 11:23 pm CST |
#95 |
New clip from filming of TF:ROTF |
2009-01-27 10:45 pm CST |
#94 |
First Look at Mighty Muggs Jazz and Shockwave, cancelled? |
2009-01-21 4:09 pm CST |
#93 |
Universe Dinobot And Bruticus Galleries Are Up! |
2009-01-21 11:43 am CST |
#92 |
New Universe and Special edition galleries |
2009-01-19 4:34 pm CST |
#91 |
New images of Henkei and Universe Ratchet, and Universe Hotshot |
2009-01-16 11:54 pm CST |
#90 |
Don Figueroa to return with ROTF Defiance issue #3 |
2009-01-15 11:21 am CST |
#89 |
New packaging for Animated Deluxe Ratchet? |
2009-01-14 11:02 am CST |
#88 |
New images of ROTF Ramjet and Skywarp |
2009-01-12 11:42 am CST |
#87 |
New toy law to adversely affect collectors market? |
2009-01-07 10:48 pm CST |
#86 |
Universe Wave 4 galleries are up (Cyclonus, Hound, Cheetor, Ravage and more)! |
2009-01-06 11:27 pm CST |
#85 |
New Gallery: Generation One Hound! |
2009-01-05 12:43 pm CST |
#84 |
Even more Universe and Animated Legends galleries! |
2009-01-01 6:05 pm CST |
#83 |
First look at TF: RotF Knock Out, in-package |
2009-01-01 2:03 pm CST |
#82 |
First look at TF: ROTF Rollbar in-package! |
2008-12-30 9:32 pm CST |
#81 |
New Universe Legends Galleries are up! |
2008-12-30 9:02 pm CST |
#80 |
Two new Mighty Muggs revealed? |
2008-12-30 1:45 pm CST |
#79 |
More Images of Universe Ratchet among a few other things. |
2008-12-30 12:15 pm CST |
#78 |
Gallery of Botcon Shattered Glass Starscream! |
2008-12-24 1:06 pm CST |
#77 |
Masterpiece Seeker galleries are up! |
2008-12-21 2:51 pm CST |
#76 |
New galleries: Encore Seekers! |
2008-12-20 3:29 pm CST |
#75 |
First in-package images of TFA Wreck-Gar |
2008-12-19 10:35 pm CST |
#74 |
New auctions for ROTF Knockout, Roll Bar, Dead End and "Scrapper" |
2008-12-18 10:18 pm CST |
#73 |
New images of TFA Waspinator, Armor Prowl and first look at CD Red Alert repaint? |
2008-12-15 11:06 pm CST |
#72 |
Name of ROTF Truck figure revealed (possibly) |
2008-12-13 10:51 pm CST |
#71 |
New auction for colored ROTF Knockout |
2008-12-13 5:51 pm CST |
#70 |
New G1 Mighty Muggs: Grimlock and Starscream |
2008-12-12 3:55 pm CST |
#69 |
Even more new images of the previously seen TF-ROTF scout. |
2008-12-12 11:41 am CST |
#68 |
First in-package images of Universe Dinobot |
2008-12-02 11:12 pm CST |
#67 |
New images of Bumper Battlers Workzone Bulkhead and Ninja Jazz |
2008-12-01 10:52 am CST |
#66 |
Inks and colors for Maximum Dinobots issue 2 cover |
2008-11-23 11:48 am CST |
#65 |
New image of Activators Cliffjumper |
2008-11-21 11:15 am CST |
#64 |
Even more images of Universe Smokescreen |
2008-11-17 12:11 pm CST |
#63 |
Mini-gallery of Universe Smokescreen |
2008-11-16 10:05 am CST |
#62 |
More Universe Special Edition images |
2008-11-15 11:56 pm CST |
#61 |
Target Exclusive TFA three packs out in the US! |
2008-11-15 4:18 pm CST |
#60 |
More TFA Activators galleries! |
2008-11-13 3:46 pm CST |
#59 |
New TFA Legends Galleries! |
2008-11-12 11:15 am CST |
#58 |
Many new images of TFA Swindle |
2008-11-12 10:42 am CST |
#57 |
Galleries of TFA Shockwave and Skywarp! |
2008-11-06 11:25 pm CST |
#56 |
New image of Animated Swindle |
2008-11-06 10:12 am CST |
#55 |
New images of Henkei Ironhide |
2008-11-04 4:34 pm CST |
#54 |
New Universe USA edition galleries! |
2008-11-04 12:21 pm CST |
#53 |
New Henkei and Universe galleries! |
2008-11-01 10:48 pm CDT |
#52 |
Box image of Universe Bruticus and Superion |
2008-11-01 10:24 pm CDT |
#51 |
New TF Animated Blurr Image Gallery |
2008-11-01 3:08 pm CDT |
#50 |
Better quality images of Henkei Hot Road and Dinobot (prototypes) |
2008-11-01 12:52 pm CDT |
#49 |
New auction for TFA Stealth Lockdown |
2008-10-29 5:08 pm CDT |
#48 |
Like Micromasters? How about new Micromasters galleries plus Universe Tread Bolt! |
2008-10-29 4:31 pm CDT |
#47 |
New Hi-res images of 25th Cheetor |
2008-10-29 3:52 pm CDT |
#46 |
Beast Wars Season three box set on sale at Rightstuf!.com |
2008-10-28 3:18 pm CDT |
#45 |
New Universe, Encore and G2 Galleries! |
2008-10-27 10:32 pm CDT |
#44 |
New Universe Galleries |
2008-10-23 12:11 pm CDT |
#43 |
Hi-res images of Universe Special Edition Megatron |
2008-10-22 9:40 pm CDT |
#42 |
First look at TFA Samurai Prowl and Waspinator! |
2008-10-20 3:38 pm CDT |
#41 |
New images of Universe 25th Cyclonus, Starscream and Hound |
2008-10-16 10:40 am CDT |
#40 |
New images of Legends Brawn, Beachcomber, and 25th Combaticons? |
2008-10-12 1:49 pm CDT |
#39 |
More images of Universe Inferno. |
2008-10-07 10:31 am CDT |
#38 |
Universe Deluxe wave three and more in-stock at HTS! |
2008-10-03 10:54 am CDT |
#37 |
In-box image of Animated Jetfire and Jetstorm |
2008-10-02 6:39 pm CDT |
#36 |
New Images of Animated Jetstorm and Jetfire two-pack |
2008-10-01 3:44 pm CDT |
#35 |
Another Animated short on MonkeyBar. |
2008-09-30 2:42 pm CDT |
#34 |
New Images of Universe Inferno! |
2008-09-29 5:10 pm CDT |
#33 |
Out of package Images of 25th anniversary Optimus Prime |
2008-09-28 7:49 pm CDT |
#32 |
Animated Season Two Complete collection at Amazon.com |
2008-09-28 3:29 pm CDT |
#31 |
New images of Universe Hound and Ravage! |
2008-09-26 10:56 am CDT |
#30 |
K-mart Exclusive Mini-con 12 Pack: In stock at Robotkingdom.com! |
2008-09-25 10:54 pm CDT |
#29 |
New Universe and Animated Galleries! |
2008-09-25 4:33 pm CDT |
#28 |
More Bumblebee Pics On The Transformers: ROTF Set In New Mexico |
2008-09-25 1:26 pm CDT |
#27 |
Takara Tomy Website Updates |
2008-09-22 3:51 am CDT |
#26 |
Images of new TF UNIVERSE 2.0 figures now up! |
2008-09-22 12:41 am CDT |
#25 |
Universe five pack revealed. |
2008-09-14 10:53 pm CDT |
#24 |
New In-Package Images of Universe Ironhide! |
2008-08-13 8:02 am CDT |
#23 |
New G1 galleries: Sideswipe and the VSZ set (Sunstreaker, Skids and Buzzsaw) |
2008-07-10 11:32 am CDT |
#22 |
Hasbro files new trademarks, Combaticons? |
2008-07-10 9:07 am CDT |
#21 |
Clearer Image of Henkei / Universe Ratchet! |
2008-06-25 4:55 pm CDT |
#20 |
First look at new Target movie exclusives! |
2008-06-10 7:47 pm CDT |
#19 |
Wal-Mart Exclusive Decepticon Fracture on eBay |
2008-06-09 5:18 pm CDT |
#18 |
More Shattered Glass galleries: Megatron and Predacons! |
2008-05-24 3:55 pm CDT |
#17 |
New Shattered Glass Galleries: Grimlock and Rodimus! |
2008-05-22 10:46 pm CDT |
#16 |
New Shattered Glass Galleries: Goldbug, Blurr, and Ricochet! |
2008-05-21 1:15 pm CDT |
#15 |
Auctions for unreleased G2 Megatron, Gobots and more!!! |
2008-05-02 3:18 pm CDT |
#14 |
Marvel Transformers RRP has been set. |
2008-03-02 4:13 pm CST |
#13 |
Gallery Of Exclusive Wonderfest Arcee In Generation One Colors |
2008-02-29 8:38 pm CST |
#12 |
New Images of Voyager Animated Prime |
2008-02-25 4:06 pm CST |
#11 |
RUMOR: Binaltech Is Back! Introducing BT-19, and BT-20 |
2008-02-25 10:51 am CST |
#10 |
Auction for Unreleased Universe Menasor Prototype? |
2008-02-05 2:29 pm CST |
#9 |
Images and Review of Transformers Movie Jungle Bonecrusher |
2008-01-28 11:57 am CST |
#8 |
New Images of Toys R Us Exclusives Jetstorm and Wingblade |
2008-01-27 1:26 pm CST |
#7 |
New Images of a Black Movie Incinerator and FAB Rescue Ratchet |
2008-01-02 2:09 pm CST |
#6 |
New auction for Allspark Power Incinerator Prototype |
2007-12-10 7:55 pm CST |
#5 |
New Images Of G2 Unreleased 'Blue Combat Hero Optimus Prime' |
2007-12-08 8:14 pm CST |
#4 |
Knock Off Versions of Powerglide and Cosmos on Ebay |
2007-12-03 3:44 pm CST |
#3 |
More New Images of First Strike Optimus Prime |
2007-11-29 10:11 pm CST |
#2 |
New Images of Fast Action Battler Smokescreen |
2007-11-26 11:05 am CST |
#1 |
New Images of Allspark Stockade |
2007-11-22 5:50 pm CST |