RUMOR: Supposed picture of Movie's Teaser poster leaked?

Friday, May 19th, 2006 12:45PM CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, RumorsPosted by: Seibertron Views: 29,634
I would be highly skeptical of the below image for a couple of reasons and I mean no offense to Beachtractor. The image looks like something any of us with some Photoshop skills could create. I know a teaser poster is just that ... a teaser poster ... but this doesn't accomplish anything. It's a round ball that looks like something from the G2 space cube clips that were in the G2 "re-used" G1 episodes. Plus, if you look at the list of movies mentioned to be "upcoming" movies for the UK, it lists "She's The Man" which was released on April 7th, 2006 in the UK (March 17th in the US), according to Yahoo's UK movie website.
Below is Beachtractor's original post that he made on the Forums.
Morning all
July campaign posters and tifs:
She’s The Man
Flushed Away
Dream Girls
Match Point
FSDUs to follow.
Use as of 30/06

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