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Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box

Transformers News: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box

Friday, May 19th, 2017 4:07PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Sightings
Posted by: Bronzewolf   Views: 18,930

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Thanks to the Transformers fan page from Singapore, Planet Iacon, we have some additional info and images of those new Transformers-inspired Coca Cola Cans. Their images show many, if not all, or the designs available, as well as a new collector's box, similar to the one included in the Shadow Optimus Promo, that we haven't seen before. It includes some sort of steelbook case and three cans. It's unknown at this time what the steelbook is, and if this collector's set is also a raffle or giveaway, as the Iacon post doesn't share a lot of info on the products. Here are the images!

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Discussion Thread
Credit(s): Planet Iacon

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Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1882907)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 19th, 2017 @ 4:49pm CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Very cool! I need to make that hammer for my Bumblebee figures.

I agree. The Bammer (huehue) is a really cool weapon for him
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883009)
Posted by Va'al on May 20th, 2017 @ 3:52pm CDT
From We Got This Covered, once more, we have a new TV spot for Transformers: The Last Knight - featuring Bumblebee's new trick (which reminds us of some other univerzzzally hated characterzzz) as we got glimpses of in the latest international trailer.

Check it out below, and let us know what you think of the character and the movie in the Energon Pub!

Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883020)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 20th, 2017 @ 4:40pm CDT
Ahh, Jazz...

Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883047)
Posted by SG Roadbuster on May 20th, 2017 @ 7:13pm CDT
looking at the way the explosion is reversing itself, i'd say it looks like someone is screwing around with Time itself.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883060)
Posted by Deadput on May 20th, 2017 @ 9:48pm CDT
This seems less of an official spot and more like somebody took the last bit of the trailer and posted it as it's own video.

Sabrblade wrote:Ahh, Jazz...


While it does seem unfair that Bee can live while Jazz died the difference between them when I thought about were that Jazz torso was "ripped" in half like it wasn't meant to detach without consent while Bee only "detached" his part cleanly by joint within his own power.

So the gist of it is that I think it's a "damage" thing and it would be different if say somebody shot Bee in the neck and made his head fall off it would probably kill him then.

It's probably going to either be an upgrade he gets recently or a one time thing he can only do once safely...doesn't make the trick any less dumb though.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883062)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 20th, 2017 @ 9:52pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Ahh, Jazz...


While it does seem unfair that Bee can live while Jazz died the difference between them when I thought about were that Jazz torso was "ripped" in half like it wasn't meant to detach without consent while Bee only "detached" his part cleanly by joint within his own power.

So the gist of it is that I think it's a "damage" thing and it would be different if say somebody shot Bee in the neck and made his head fall off it would probably kill him then.

It's probably going to either be an upgrade he gets recently or a one time thing he can only do once safely...doesn't make the trick any less dumb though.
Thank you for taking a facetious post in a completely serious manner. :roll:
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883076)
Posted by Ultra Markus on May 20th, 2017 @ 11:45pm CDT
looks like bumble bee got extremis from tony stark :lol:
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883102)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on May 21st, 2017 @ 6:56am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Deadput wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Ahh, Jazz...


While it does seem unfair that Bee can live while Jazz died the difference between them when I thought about were that Jazz torso was "ripped" in half like it wasn't meant to detach without consent while Bee only "detached" his part cleanly by joint within his own power.

So the gist of it is that I think it's a "damage" thing and it would be different if say somebody shot Bee in the neck and made his head fall off it would probably kill him then.

It's probably going to either be an upgrade he gets recently or a one time thing he can only do once safely...doesn't make the trick any less dumb though.
Thank you for taking a facetious post in a completely serious manner. :roll:
That's the pot calling the kettle black... >:oP

I am rather intrigued by this new development, though. It seems to defy all previous thoughts on the Bayverse Transformers being able to take damage. Is this something KSI cooked up in the vein of how they constructed Galvatron and the clones in the last film? Or something maybe Prime did to Bee after returning from his visit with not-Botanica? I'm excited to find out. I'm excited for this movie in general.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883107)
Posted by dragons on May 21st, 2017 @ 7:39am CDT
SG Roadbuster wrote:looking at the way the explosion is reversing itself, i'd say it looks like someone is screwing around with Time itself.

Same thing I got when whalberg said that was mistake
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883130)
Posted by PrimeVsPrime on May 21st, 2017 @ 12:57pm CDT
Just made this short stop motion between Barricade and Bumblebee! Pls give it a watch if you can!
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883134)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on May 21st, 2017 @ 1:31pm CDT
PrimeVsPrime wrote:Just made this short stop motion between Barricade and Bumblebee! Pls give it a watch if you can!

Nice to see you here, dude and as I said on Twitter, I love this video and how cool Barricade is in it and a nice touch with Bee's new trick too. :)
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883226)
Posted by Va'al on May 22nd, 2017 @ 3:55am CDT
Starting the week with some Transformers: The Last Knight news, we have that Empire Magazine article (scanned by TFW2005 user Temenos) we've seen being thrown about for a while now, that accompanies the various online versions and interviews. Talking to Michael Bay directly and the writers for the movie itself, the piece covers production for TLK, and adds information about the director, the creation process and future Transformers projects with Paramount, such as the Bumblebee solo movie - apparently set in the 1980s, and probably aimed at a younger audience - and an animated prequel on Transformers lore and mythology, set on Cybertron as rumoured - the writers for Ant-Man, Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari, will be behind it.

Some other stand-out take-aways from the piece: The final version for the story ultimately came down to writers Ken Nolan (Black Hawk Down), Art Marcum and Matt Holloway (both on Iron Man). Two pitches made into the story, but three storylines are present overall (King Arthur, WWII, and a third - probably the space/Quintessa material). Multiple time settings were considered in the writer's room pitches, and it seems that an Ancient Rome movie may appear at some point. The sixth movie was drafted before TLK was completely polished up, so it's bound to change before actual production.

Also, Michael Bay lost his hair and his dog during production of this film. And John Turturro's Simmons character is based on Bay.




Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883228)
Posted by Deadput on May 22nd, 2017 @ 4:13am CDT
I swear I've heard that Simmons was based on Bay before.

Back during the OT days I think but I don't remember where I read it.

But I do know I heard this before that I'm certain of.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883229)
Posted by Kurona on May 22nd, 2017 @ 6:00am CDT
Do I defend Perceptor because I love him, or decide not to because of MTMTE #50... :-?

Ah well, at least they had the sense to recognise TFA Ratbat is AWESOME
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883261)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 22nd, 2017 @ 10:14am CDT
Reading the article. Comments below.

* Bay lost three inches of his hair filming a fire sequence for the film 13 Hours, not TLK. This was right before he met up with the writers over Skype on the first day of the Writer Room back in June 2015.

* So it was Bay who convinced Paramount to put together the Writers Room since, in his eyes, the Transformers film franchise was "getting stale" and "gonna die" at the rate it was going.

* The writer of Black Hawk Down and the writers of Iron Man 1 being the writers of TLK give me some sense of hope that this film might possibly be a step up from the preceding sequels.

* Like Bay back in the mid-2000s, the Writers Room team had to go through "Transformers School", in which the article says that they went through "14 billion years of history".

* Prior to the Writers Room, Ken Nolan hadn't even seen any of the TF movies yet. So right before he was due for the Writers Room, he binge-watched all four of them and "almost went to an insane asylum." :lol:

* I'm a bit hesitant on the notion of this film squishing three treatments together (King Arthur, WWII, and Quintessa), as AOE already felt like 2+ films squished together haphazardly.

* Santiago Cabrera is playing Merlin? O...kay?

* In that little bit on the left side of the third page, what do these people got against the Insecticons? Even the Tom Hanks movie Big established that robots turning into insects was cool.

* The Bumblebee film having a younger tone sounds promising.

* The writers of Ant-Man doing the animated Cybertron prequel is the best news of this article yet! :KREMZEEK:

* Lorezo di Bonaventura immediately shot down any notion of an R-rated Transformers film. Good! Though, sadly, Bay likes the idea.

* Though I agree with Bay that orange is an unattractive lighting color, I wish he didn't feel that he had to cuss out his own people.

* The notion of John Turturro having based Simmons on Bay is mentioned here as something that was admitted back when the first film was made.

* Heh, Turturro previously wanted to cast Bay in a film that he (Turturro) was directing, and if Bay hadn't been in Cuba filming TLK at the time, he would have done it instead of having to turn it down. He would have played a famous hairdresser and would have shot a guy in the butt. :P
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883277)
Posted by SlyTF1 on May 22nd, 2017 @ 11:30am CDT
I pray Hasbro lets Bay make an R-rated Transformers movie. It'll never happen, but I want it more than anything in life.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883278)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on May 22nd, 2017 @ 11:33am CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:I pray Hasbro lets Bay make an R-rated Transformers movie. It'll never happen, but I want it more than anything in life.

Robot on robot violence doesn't seem to require an R-rating as seen in the previous movies but lots of close ups of humans getting squished under foot and and blown to bits and yeeeeah! Megatron picking up a human by the head and popping it like a zit. brutal :O

Have Transformers ever cussed? I mean with human swear words rather than more family friendly substitutions?
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883288)
Posted by Kurona on May 22nd, 2017 @ 11:47am CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:I pray Hasbro lets Bay make an R-rated Transformers movie. It'll never happen, but I want it more than anything in life.

Robot on robot violence doesn't seem to require an R-rating as seen in the previous movies but lots of close ups of humans getting squished under foot and and blown to bits and yeeeeah! Megatron picking up a human by the head and popping it like a zit. brutal :O

Have Transformers ever cussed? I mean with human swear words rather than more family friendly substitutions?

"Oh, Shit, what are we gonna do now?!"

Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883289)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on May 22nd, 2017 @ 11:48am CDT
Kurona wrote:"Oh, ****, what are we gonna do now?!"

Despite the suit he's wearing, Spike is not a Transformer. :P
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883293)
Posted by Kurona on May 22nd, 2017 @ 11:56am CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
Kurona wrote:"Oh, ****, what are we gonna do now?!"

Despite the suit he's wearing, Spike is not a Transformer. :P

Are you sure about that? ;)



Spike Witwicky - G1 1987 Toy Gallery
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883299)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 22nd, 2017 @ 12:05pm CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Have Transformers ever cussed? I mean with human swear words rather than more family friendly substitutions?
Have you not been watching these movies?
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883335)
Posted by Deadput on May 22nd, 2017 @ 1:25pm CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Have Transformers ever cussed? I mean with human swear words rather than more family friendly substitutions?
"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Skids and Mudflap the Stereotypical Twins?" "No." "I thought not. It's not a story the True-fans would tell you. It's a Bay legend."
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883349)
Posted by SlyTF1 on May 22nd, 2017 @ 2:23pm CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:I pray Hasbro lets Bay make an R-rated Transformers movie. It'll never happen, but I want it more than anything in life.

Robot on robot violence doesn't seem to require an R-rating as seen in the previous movies but lots of close ups of humans getting squished under foot and and blown to bits and yeeeeah! Megatron picking up a human by the head and popping it like a zit. brutal :O

Have Transformers ever cussed? I mean with human swear words rather than more family friendly substitutions?

I want human violence and Tarantino style dialogue.

Also, Sonic is doing some Last Knight promotional stuff:
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883357)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 22nd, 2017 @ 2:46pm CDT
Hey guys, look what I found at my local Sonic today. I would submit this as news, but I'm not sure how to put the image in the news report.

EDIT: Nevermind, submitted as news. Also, there's a Transformers/sonic sweepstakes that begins on the 29th, using a "sticker code" that my Bumblebee slush didn't come with. Guess they're not putting the codes on the slushes until the 29th.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883359)
Posted by Deadput on May 22nd, 2017 @ 2:54pm CDT
" Darn Sonic and them posting spoilers about Bee becoming evil with that purple slushie :BOOM: " /s

But really ugh grape.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883360)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 22nd, 2017 @ 2:59pm CDT
Deadput wrote:" Darn Sonic and them posting spoilers about Bee becoming evil with that purple slushie :BOOM: " /s

But really ugh grape.

I don't know about spoilers, but I can verify that the Bumblebee slush is delicious! :D
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883361)
Posted by Bronzewolf on May 22nd, 2017 @ 3:04pm CDT
Movies and Frozen Treats are two staples of summer, or at least someone at the Transformers Last Knight branding office thought so, as TLK-themed Slushes are now appearing at Sonic restaurants! Thanks to a submitted photo from EvasionModeBumblebee, we can see that three drinks are currently for sale, one inspired by Megatron, one by Optimus Prime, and the last by Bumblebee. It's unknown if the licence deal will reach to other Sonic products (E.G. toys for their kids meal), but if any update like that is issued, we'll post it here on!

Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883362)
Posted by Deadput on May 22nd, 2017 @ 3:12pm CDT
Is Sonic a US thing because I've never heard of them here in Canada?

Is it a convenience store or a restaurant?
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883363)
Posted by Microraptor on May 22nd, 2017 @ 3:14pm CDT
Deadput wrote:Is Sonic a US thing because I've never heard of them here in Canada?

Is it a convenience store or a restaurant?

I think it's a just a US thing? It's a restaurant set up like those old fifties drive ins, where there's no inside and people will bring food out to you. They have killer tater tots.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883365)
Posted by Kurona on May 22nd, 2017 @ 3:15pm CDT
It's a popular video game series with quite a few good games. I'd recommend Generations and 3&K myself.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883369)
Posted by Bronzewolf on May 22nd, 2017 @ 3:29pm CDT
Kurona wrote:It's a popular video game series with quite a few good games. I'd recommend Generations and 3&K myself.

Slushin' around at the speed of sound.

Microraptor wrote:
Deadput wrote:Is Sonic a US thing because I've never heard of them here in Canada?

Is it a convenience store or a restaurant?

I think it's a just a US thing? It's a restaurant set up like those old fifties drive ins, where there's no inside and people will bring food out to you. They have killer tater tots.

Bingo! :D Ironically, I live right down the street from a sonic, which is directly across the street from a Valvoline, who is also running a TF promotion :shock: There's a conspiracy theory in there somewhere, I'm sure.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883388)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on May 22nd, 2017 @ 4:24pm CDT
Bronzewolf wrote:
Kurona wrote:It's a popular video game series with quite a few good games. I'd recommend Generations and 3&K myself.

Slushin' around at the speed of sound.

Microraptor wrote:
Deadput wrote:Is Sonic a US thing because I've never heard of them here in Canada?

Is it a convenience store or a restaurant?

I think it's a just a US thing? It's a restaurant set up like those old fifties drive ins, where there's no inside and people will bring food out to you. They have killer tater tots.

Bingo! :D Ironically, I live right down the street from a sonic, which is directly across the street from a Valvoline, who is also running a TF promotion :shock: There's a conspiracy theory in there somewhere, I'm sure.

I happen to have at least three within driving range. And my wife loves slushies.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883389)
Posted by Autobot N on May 22nd, 2017 @ 4:29pm CDT
Kurona wrote:It's a popular video game series with quite a few good games. I'd recommend Generations and 3&K myself.
Colors was the best one.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883423)
Posted by Deadput on May 22nd, 2017 @ 6:51pm CDT
Autobot N wrote:
Kurona wrote:It's a popular video game series with quite a few good games. I'd recommend Generations and 3&K myself.
Colors was the best one.

Yes I also prefer my slushies to have colors too.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883438)
Posted by BERSEKAEL on May 22nd, 2017 @ 7:53pm CDT
I am a big fan of this movies, but, I was expecting something new, bigger, massive... either Unicron, quintesons or a big combiner (menasor, abominus, computron, any)... IMO tastes a lot like Dark of the moon, I mean flat... I hope I am wrong and those dinobots combine like that legion toy repainted from abominus. :POPCORN:
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883444)
Posted by Deadput on May 22nd, 2017 @ 8:07pm CDT
BERSEKAEL wrote:I am a big fan of this movies, but, I was expecting something new, bigger, massive... either Unicron, quintesons or a big combiner (menasor, abominus, computron, any)... IMO tastes a lot like Dark of the moon, I mean flat... I hope I am wrong and those dinobots combine like that legion toy repainted from abominus. :POPCORN:

I still stand by my opinion that Unicron should never appear in the movies until the very last one and only if they build up to his appearance.

Problem is that he's too big to be in movies like these.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883448)
Posted by Ig89ninja on May 22nd, 2017 @ 8:42pm CDT
BERSEKAEL wrote:I am a big fan of this movies, but, I was expecting something new, bigger, massive... either Unicron, quintesons or a big combiner (menasor, abominus, computron, any)... IMO tastes a lot like Dark of the moon, I mean flat... I hope I am wrong and those dinobots combine like that legion toy repainted from abominus. :POPCORN:

Uh, you do realize that there is a quinteson named quintessa (yeah, real original MB :michaelbay: ) in this new movie, right?
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883452)
Posted by william-james88 on May 22nd, 2017 @ 9:03pm CDT
BERSEKAEL wrote:I am a big fan of this movies, but, I was expecting something new, bigger, massive... either Unicron, quintesons or a big combiner (menasor, abominus, computron, any)... IMO tastes a lot like Dark of the moon, I mean flat... I hope I am wrong and those dinobots combine like that legion toy repainted from abominus. :POPCORN:

1. This movie deals with the quintesson story, this is what they look like:


2. That legion toy repainted is of a character in this movie, but its not a combiner:


Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883455)
Posted by ToaLeePrime on May 22nd, 2017 @ 9:11pm CDT
I've always wondered what Megatron tastes like... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883488)
Posted by DeathReviews on May 22nd, 2017 @ 10:38pm CDT
Ah this is what everyone has REALLY been waiting for - not the movie, not the toys. No, it was the slushies we wanted all along...
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883524)
Posted by WreckerJack on May 23rd, 2017 @ 2:46am CDT
Now if these came with collectible cups I would be exited. Even so, the closest sonic is 50 miles away so it would be a moot point. I only get sonic if I am on a road trip. I miss their mozzarella sticks.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883574)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 23rd, 2017 @ 9:59am CDT
WreckerJack wrote:Now if these came with collectible cups I would be exited. Even so, the closest sonic is 50 miles away so it would be a moot point. I only get sonic if I am on a road trip. I miss their mozzarella sticks.

Well, they're kinda collectible I guess, they're clear and they have the film logo, :BOT: & :CON: logos, and Prime, Megatron, and Bee's names.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883629)
Posted by SlyTF1 on May 23rd, 2017 @ 1:28pm CDT
Michael Bay is doing that cement handprint thing they do in Hollywood live right now. ... 29276.html
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883651)
Posted by Va'al on May 23rd, 2017 @ 3:17pm CDT
Via the official IMAX website, we have news of a sweepstakes contest to win a free trip to the Chicago premiere of Transformers: The Last Knight! The contest is open to all US and Canada (excluding Quebec, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, U.S. Military installations in foreign countries) citizens over the age of thirteen, and includes 4 days/3 nights in Chicago and the screening itself for the winner and a guest. Check out more info here and below!

Calling all Autobots! You and a guest can watch the stars roll down the red carpet at the Transformers: The Last Knight premiere in Chicago! Optimus Prime is waiting for you. Roll out!

Enter up to once per day to increase your chances of winning!

One Grand Prize winner and a guest will receive a 4-day/3-night trip to Chicago for the premiere screening of Transformers: The Last Knight!

Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883654)
Posted by william-james88 on May 23rd, 2017 @ 3:24pm CDT
Michael bay is recieving one of the highest honours in cinema: his handprints in the walk of fame.

The best part is that you can see it live right this moment. You can click the link below to br brought to the live ceremony. Thanks to fellow Seibertronian SlyTF1 for letting us know!

SlyTF1 wrote:Michael Bay is doing that cement handprint thing they do in Hollywood live right now. ... 29276.html
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883672)
Posted by SlyTF1 on May 23rd, 2017 @ 4:02pm CDT
Va'al wrote:Via the official IMAX website, we have news of a sweepstakes contest to win a free trip to the Chicago premiere of Transformers: The Last Knight! The contest is open to all US and Canada (excluding Quebec, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, U.S. Military installations in foreign countries) citizens over the age of thirteen, and includes 4 days/3 nights in Chicago and the screening itself for the winner and a guest. Check out more info here and below!

Calling all Autobots! You and a guest can watch the stars roll down the red carpet at the Transformers: The Last Knight premiere in Chicago! Optimus Prime is waiting for you. Roll out!

Enter up to once per day to increase your chances of winning!

One Grand Prize winner and a guest will receive a 4-day/3-night trip to Chicago for the premiere screening of Transformers: The Last Knight!


Every time I try to enter, I get an error message.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883677)
Posted by Deadput on May 23rd, 2017 @ 4:13pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
2. That legion toy repainted is of a character in this movie, but its not a combiner:



I would like to point out that this is wrong in the latest trailer Infernocus is a "bigger character that somehow splits into 6"

Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883679)
Posted by Va'al on May 23rd, 2017 @ 4:21pm CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:
Va'al wrote:Via the official IMAX website, we have news of a sweepstakes contest to win a free trip to the Chicago premiere of Transformers: The Last Knight! The contest is open to all US and Canada (excluding Quebec, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, U.S. Military installations in foreign countries) citizens over the age of thirteen, and includes 4 days/3 nights in Chicago and the screening itself for the winner and a guest. Check out more info here and below!

Calling all Autobots! You and a guest can watch the stars roll down the red carpet at the Transformers: The Last Knight premiere in Chicago! Optimus Prime is waiting for you. Roll out!

Enter up to once per day to increase your chances of winning!

One Grand Prize winner and a guest will receive a 4-day/3-night trip to Chicago for the premiere screening of Transformers: The Last Knight!


Every time I try to enter, I get an error message.

Oh, no.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883681)
Posted by Deadput on May 23rd, 2017 @ 4:22pm CDT
It gave me an error message to but I was still able to enter since when I tried again it said I already entered in today.
Re: Additional Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Coca Cola Cans and new Collector's Box (1883687)
Posted by SlyTF1 on May 23rd, 2017 @ 4:59pm CDT
Deadput wrote:It gave me an error message to but I was still able to enter since when I tried again it said I already entered in today.

Yeah, that's what it is. I was hoping it wasn't just me.

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