BotCon 2013 Transformers Timelines Machine Wars: Termination Diamond Edition Cover and Release Date
Monday, September 30th, 2013 2:54PM CDT
Categories: Comic Book News, Collector's Club NewsPosted by: El Duque Views: 39,405
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Writer: Wittenrich, Jesse
Artist: Burcham, Josh
Cover Artist: Guidi, Guido
A new war for Cybertron has begun! With Optimus Prime and Galvatron off-line, two legendary Generals, Obsidian and Strika, will be charged with saving Cybertron from the invading clone army led by Megaplex and his fleet of Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker clones. Along with seasoned troops such as Hoist, Electro, Sandstorm, and Mirage, the Generals will need every soldier, Autobot or Decepticon, they can find if they are to save Cybertron and win the Machine Wars!
Format: COMIC
Price: $4.95
UPC: 89313800214100811
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Posted by Gearslide on September 30th, 2013 @ 4:15pm CDT
Posted by Henry921 on September 30th, 2013 @ 5:37pm CDT
Gearslide wrote:Kinda of hard to tell, but that definitely looks like Machine Wars Soundwave is using Generations Perceptor's mold.
I've been pushing that idea for a while. However, there are two key problems therein:
In the comic itself he looked a bit more like the original toy, only with a slightly different color scheme. He was taller than Megaplex to boot, whereas the RTS Perceptor mold is significantly smaller than the Prime Dreadwing mold.
As for the RTS mold itself, to make it into MW Soundwave would require a very heavy retooling, not just the head, but also the shoulder cannon, converting into a missile of some sort. Not completely necessary to make it look like Soundwave, mind...
As for the comic cover itself, I really like it! Now if only Starscream and Soundwave actually DID anything in the story...
Posted by Sabrblade on October 1st, 2013 @ 12:05am CDT
Besides, this artwork is meant to correlate the three top Decepticons with each of their clones. MW Soundwave is a clone of G1 Soundwave in this story, rather than being the same guy in a new form (sadly