First Details on Upcoming TF7 Movie Toyline + More Legacy / SS Listings like Leader Blitzwing
Sunday, August 22nd, 2021 12:02AM CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, Toy NewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 110,457
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Here are the Transformers Rise of the Beasts Code Name listings:
• Transformers Alpha ($15.99, ROTB)
• George Transformers ($9.99, ROTB)
• George Transformers ($21.99, ROTB)
• Safari Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
• Journey Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
• Orion Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
• Orion Transformers ($15.99, ROTB)
• Cyclops Transformers ($21.99, ROTB)
• Pluto Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
• Transformers Barcelona ($15.99, ROTB)
• Cyclops Transformers ($31.49, ROTB)
• George Transformers ($31.49, ROTB)
• Oscar Transformers ($21.99, ROTB)
• Warrior Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
• Mv7 Deluxe Outlaw ($22.99, ROTB)
• Alpha Transformers ($9.99, ROTB)
• Warrior ($31.49, ROTB)
• Mv7 Deluxe Pluto ($22.99, ROTB)
• Mv7 Deluxe George ($22.99, ROTB)
• Mv7 Deluxe Barcelona ($22.99, ROTB)
• Mv7 Deluxe Titan ($22.99, ROTB)
• Mv7 Role Play Blaster Alpha ($20.99, ROTB)
• 2pk Transformers Bb Mv7 Energon ($26.99, ROTB)
Here are the newly found Legacy listings which finally show the rumoured leader class Blitzwing (which will also be a voyager sized toy, like Astrotrain). Core Megatron could likely be a repack and Deadend was expected since we are getting a Menasor in this line made up of 4 deluxes and a commander class Motormaster.
• Leader Blitzwing Transformers ($49.99, Legacy)
• Core Megatron Transformers ($9.99, Legacy)
• Deluxe Deadend ($22.99, Legacy)
• Core Hotrod Transformers ($9.99, Legacy)
And lastly, we have a single addition to our Studio Series listings which is probably a core class of Spike in his exosuit in the 86 movie:
• Spike Transformers ($8.49, Studio Series)
As a side note, the word leak has been thrown around a lot regarding the recent listings but it's being used wrong. A leak by definition is internal. All this info is from Target's end, and any of the thousand employees have access to see them and any other products that can be ordered in the system. The fact that we see codenames on movie lines for these listings on outsider databases means every safety measure is in place and working. It also means there is a bigger emphasis for security relating to the movie toys than any other toys.
Here are a selected amount of images showing these odes on Target's system.

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Posted by Rodimus Prime on August 22nd, 2021 @ 12:17am CDT
I do wonder how that Blitzwing will be jacked up, he's a voyager at leader price, so I'm sure he will have some useless extra parts like Astrotrain did. Ironically, I believe Blitzwing should have been voyager without extra parts. Considering the advancements in engineering, it could be an amazing voyager triplechanger.
Posted by Emerje on August 22nd, 2021 @ 12:42am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:I do wonder how that Blitzwing will be jacked up, he's a voyager at leader price, so I'm sure he will have some useless extra parts like Astrotrain did. Ironically, I believe Blitzwing should have been voyager without extra parts. Considering the advancements in engineering, it could be an amazing voyager triplechanger.
Personally I'd like him to be Voyager sized at Leader price with no added extras to pad the price. Put the entire price point into the figure itself, really do it justice with all the moving parts it takes to do him right.
Posted by CyclonusG1 on August 22nd, 2021 @ 8:16am CDT
Emerje wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:I do wonder how that Blitzwing will be jacked up, he's a voyager at leader price, so I'm sure he will have some useless extra parts like Astrotrain did. Ironically, I believe Blitzwing should have been voyager without extra parts. Considering the advancements in engineering, it could be an amazing voyager triplechanger.
Personally I'd like him to be Voyager sized at Leader price with no added extras to pad the price. Put the entire price point into the figure itself, really do it justice with all the moving parts it takes to do him right.
Honestly I hope that's the case. I, personally, have no issues paying a bit more for a smaller figure that has some solid work done to it. Honestly kinda hated how a lot of older figures that were large ended up being largely hollow just so they could make them big. So give us solid, more complex, smaller figures at that price point instead.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on August 22nd, 2021 @ 9:21am CDT
Posted by Overcracker on August 22nd, 2021 @ 11:53am CDT
I'm curious what the $21.99 class is vs the $22.99 Deluxe.
Clearly $9.99 is the movie's core class.
$21.99 is maybe a gimmicked version. Springloaded something or other?
Though the other price points are kind of strange, $10.99 and $15.99?
I though maybe Safari may be Cheetor, but looks like he only exists as a $10.99 intermediate class thing.
Barcelona maybe Blackarachnia,
Cyclops is likely Rhinox.
so that leaves maybe Orion as Cheetor?
Posted by Nemesis Primal on August 22nd, 2021 @ 3:38pm CDT
Only one Deluxe Stunticon listing left to appear.
Core Class Megatron is rumored to be G2-based somehow, not just a repack of the Kingdom one.
Interesting that Legacy sounds like it's gonna have way more Core Class figures than Kingdom did, especially since we still haven't seen the second rumored Pretender homage.
Is Blackarachnia in the movie?Overcracker wrote:Barcelona maybe Blackarachnia,
Posted by Albatross250 on August 22nd, 2021 @ 3:45pm CDT
Who knows? maybe Turret for shields and additional Missiles for his Jet mode

Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on August 22nd, 2021 @ 3:50pm CDT
George Transformers ($9.99, ROTB)
Alpha Transformers ($9.99, ROTB)
Safari Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
Journey Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
Orion Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
Pluto Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
Warrior Transformers ($10.99, ROTB)
Transformers Alpha ($15.99, ROTB)
Orion Transformers ($15.99, ROTB)
Transformers Barcelona ($15.99, ROTB)
George Transformers ($21.99, ROTB)
Cyclops Transformers ($21.99, ROTB)
Oscar Transformers ($21.99, ROTB)
Cyclops Transformers ($31.49, ROTB)
George Transformers ($31.49, ROTB)
Warrior ($31.49, ROTB)
Mv7 Deluxe Outlaw ($22.99, ROTB)
Mv7 Deluxe Pluto ($22.99, ROTB)
Mv7 Deluxe George ($22.99, ROTB)
Mv7 Deluxe Barcelona ($22.99, ROTB)
Mv7 Deluxe Titan ($22.99, ROTB)
Mv7 Role Play Blaster Alpha ($20.99, ROTB)
2pk Transformers Bb Mv7 Energon ($26.99, ROTB)
Can anyone look up the Price Points for the BB, TLK and Cyberverse lines?
Posted by MeGrimlock78 on August 22nd, 2021 @ 4:27pm CDT
Granted, the combiner ports on deluxes are somewhat in the way, but Hasbro got better at hiding them (Swoop and Jazz as examples).
Posted by Nemesis Primal on August 22nd, 2021 @ 4:36pm CDT
We don't know yet, no.MeGrimlock78 wrote:Forgive me if this has been discussed already, but do we know if the new Menasor will be compatible with Combiner Wars figures? It kinda irks me that Energon can't mix with Power Core can't mix with Combiner Wars...
Granted, the combiner ports on deluxes are somewhat in the way, but Hasbro got better at hiding them (Swoop and Jazz as examples).
Posted by Overcracker on August 22nd, 2021 @ 5:27pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:Is Blackarachnia in the movie?Overcracker wrote:Barcelona maybe Blackarachnia,
Maybe. confirmed characters for the beasts are only Primal, Rhinox and Air razor. Nothing from the Predacon side yet that I have seen.
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 22nd, 2021 @ 5:46pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on August 22nd, 2021 @ 7:53pm CDT
Overcracker wrote:George is very clearly Primal, as he's in all size classes.
More likely Optimus Prime or Bumblebee since those two are more likely to be in all classes than Primal.
Also, the codenames truly mean nothing. They are picked so that you can't infer anything from them.
Posted by Emerje on August 23rd, 2021 @ 4:38am CDT
william-james88 wrote:Overcracker wrote:George is very clearly Primal, as he's in all size classes.
More likely Optimus Prime or Bumblebee since those two are more likely to be in all classes than Primal.
Also, the codenames truly mean nothing. They are picked so that you can't infer anything from them.
Why wouldn't Primal be in all the size classes? It's still likely he'll be leading his own BW movie one day.
Are Predacons even in this movie? Sounds like its all Autobots and Maximals vs. Scourge and his Terrorcons. I've only heard it talked about as an ancient battle between three factions.
Posted by Munkky on August 23rd, 2021 @ 8:45am CDT
Emerje wrote:william-james88 wrote:Overcracker wrote:George is very clearly Primal, as he's in all size classes.
More likely Optimus Prime or Bumblebee since those two are more likely to be in all classes than Primal.
Also, the codenames truly mean nothing. They are picked so that you can't infer anything from them.
Why wouldn't Primal be in all the size classes? It's still likely he'll be leading his own BW movie one day.
Are Predacons even in this movie? Sounds like its all Autobots and Maximals vs. Scourge and his Terrorcons. I've only heard it talked about as an ancient battle between three factions.
Both Predacons and Decepticons were mentioned in the initial announcement of ROTB, but no specific names were given. As far as I remember it was said that Scourge and his Terrorcons were going after both Maximals and Predacons. I wouldn't be surprised if the Predacons just ended up being generic, grumbling background robots that are only there to be slaughtered by Optimus Prime, like the Decepticons tend to be.
Posted by william-james88 on August 23rd, 2021 @ 10:20am CDT
Emerje wrote:william-james88 wrote:Overcracker wrote:George is very clearly Primal, as he's in all size classes.
More likely Optimus Prime or Bumblebee since those two are more likely to be in all classes than Primal.
Also, the codenames truly mean nothing. They are picked so that you can't infer anything from them.
Why wouldn't Primal be in all the size classes? It's still likely he'll be leading his own BW movie one day.
He might be. But Optimus Prime was said to be the main robot character in this film and he has a proven track record for sales. Also, rumour is Optimus Primal will only appear in half the film since he won't be in the Brooklyn segment. But we'll see.
Posted by blackeyedprime on August 23rd, 2021 @ 11:19am CDT
Posted by AcademyofDrX on August 23rd, 2021 @ 12:47pm CDT
Posted by blackeyedprime on August 23rd, 2021 @ 12:53pm CDT
AcademyofDrX wrote:Since we're still reading about Voyager-sized Leaders, Deluxe-sized Voyagers, and small Deluxes, I'm starting to think we need new size terminology entirely. So-called size classes are actually price classes. Insofar as they are still size classes, it's box size rather than product size, and most people don't care about that.
Agreed, Hasbro just needs to add "overpriced" before their categories XD
It doesnt look good with Rodimus at £93 next to the same sized boxed/class £80 Jetfire and that's even before comparing prices/sizes to the Prime Wars trilogy or previous lines.
Posted by Till-all-R1 on August 23rd, 2021 @ 1:49pm CDT
AcademyofDrX wrote:Since we're still reading about Voyager-sized Leaders, Deluxe-sized Voyagers, and small Deluxes, I'm starting to think we need new size terminology entirely. So-called size classes are actually price classes. Insofar as they are still size classes, it's box size rather than product size, and most people don't care about that.
This. If they really want to go green then perhaps scale back the packaging size so that 90% of it isn't empty/wasted space making it look like you're getting a large item that "appears" to be worth $23. My most recent hit me hard realization was with Origins Bumblebee and at how tiny he looks(Legends/Core Class) compared to the box he was in for an actual Deluxe looking bot.
So to me it doesn't feel bot related but more about how big the box is that gives off the impression you're getting what you pay for. Frankly it appears to me that a lot of "Legends Class" bots are being released in "Deluxe" packaging for no other reason that to charge $23 for a $14 toy. And IMO it's gotten out of hand.
Either bring back Legends Class or at least its price point/SKU and resize the boxes accordingly to each bot scale. I assume Legends was canned so they could charge more for them at the same time not have to make smaller packaging, which would streamline that process to now focus on only 3 box sizes for mass retail.
Same could be said about pushing a Deluxe into Voyager or Voyager into Leader and throwing in something almost useless to justify the price. TBH at this point Hasbro should be making Money hand over fist with these practices.
Posted by Sowndwave76 on August 23rd, 2021 @ 4:41pm CDT
I'm also very anxious to see all of these Stunticons; first, just for their appearances (especially Motormaster), but also to see if they are in-fact CW compatible.
I have zero interest in any of the movie figures... Such an easy pass for me.
Posted by Till-all-R1 on August 23rd, 2021 @ 5:35pm CDT
AcademyofDrX wrote:Since we're still reading about Voyager-sized Leaders, Deluxe-sized Voyagers, and small Deluxes, I'm starting to think we need new size terminology entirely. So-called size classes are actually price classes. Insofar as they are still size classes, it's box size rather than product size, and most people don't care about that.
This. Ever since Legends Class ended there's no place for those cheaper/smaller bots so they put them in "Deluxe" Class where they don't really belong and certainly aren't worth the price in some cases. Such as with Buzzworthy Origins Bee, that's not a $23 bot. IMO
Also the fact that the oversized boxes are there simply to sell you on the item appearing to be worth the price, could you imagine if they cut those deluxe boxes by half and still charged $23? In cases like Red Alert, Wheeljack etc. it works but not on Bots like BB and CJ.IMO it's just wasted packaging materials in an era where they're seemingly trying to go green.
Posted by william-james88 on August 23rd, 2021 @ 9:00pm CDT
Sowndwave76 wrote:I'm really excited about Blitzwing. If his bot mode is on point, I can deal with a couple issues with alt modes, as well as the price.
I'm also very anxious to see all of these Stunticons; first, just for their appearances (especially Motormaster), but also to see if they are in-fact CW compatible.
I have zero interest in any of the movie figures... Such an easy pass for me.
I don't think they will be CW compatible. This is a new system.
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on August 24th, 2021 @ 3:23pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:I'm really excited about Blitzwing. If his bot mode is on point, I can deal with a couple issues with alt modes, as well as the price.
I'm also very anxious to see all of these Stunticons; first, just for their appearances (especially Motormaster), but also to see if they are in-fact CW compatible.
I have zero interest in any of the movie figures... Such an easy pass for me.
I don't think they will be CW compatible. This is a new system.
Blocks extending from Motormaster for the vehicle-mode Stunticons to be slapped on

Posted by ZeroWolf on August 24th, 2021 @ 4:10pm CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:william-james88 wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:I'm really excited about Blitzwing. If his bot mode is on point, I can deal with a couple issues with alt modes, as well as the price.
I'm also very anxious to see all of these Stunticons; first, just for their appearances (especially Motormaster), but also to see if they are in-fact CW compatible.
I have zero interest in any of the movie figures... Such an easy pass for me.
I don't think they will be CW compatible. This is a new system.
Blocks extending from Motormaster for the vehicle-mode Stunticons to be slapped on
You joke but I think Hasbro are crazy enough to do it

Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on August 24th, 2021 @ 4:12pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:Jelze Bunnycat wrote:william-james88 wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:I'm really excited about Blitzwing. If his bot mode is on point, I can deal with a couple issues with alt modes, as well as the price.
I'm also very anxious to see all of these Stunticons; first, just for their appearances (especially Motormaster), but also to see if they are in-fact CW compatible.
I have zero interest in any of the movie figures... Such an easy pass for me.
I don't think they will be CW compatible. This is a new system.
Blocks extending from Motormaster for the vehicle-mode Stunticons to be slapped on
You joke but I think Hasbro are crazy enough to do it
Who says I'm joking? Putting it out as an actual possibility

Posted by ZeroWolf on August 24th, 2021 @ 4:15pm CDT
Posted by Sowndwave76 on August 24th, 2021 @ 4:20pm CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:Jelze Bunnycat wrote:william-james88 wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:I'm really excited about Blitzwing. If his bot mode is on point, I can deal with a couple issues with alt modes, as well as the price.
I'm also very anxious to see all of these Stunticons; first, just for their appearances (especially Motormaster), but also to see if they are in-fact CW compatible.
I have zero interest in any of the movie figures... Such an easy pass for me.
I don't think they will be CW compatible. This is a new system.
Blocks extending from Motormaster for the vehicle-mode Stunticons to be slapped on
You joke but I think Hasbro are crazy enough to do it
Who says I'm joking? Putting it out as an actual possibility
Yeah watch, each limb in vehicle mode simply either has multiple peg holes on the bottom, or a couple female members for clips (seems unlikely the clips would be part of each limb).
Especially if they're going for a show-accurate look, this is most definitely a possibility!

Posted by AcademyofDrX on August 24th, 2021 @ 4:55pm CDT
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 28th, 2021 @ 8:09am CDT
Till-all-R1 wrote:AcademyofDrX wrote:Since we're still reading about Voyager-sized Leaders, Deluxe-sized Voyagers, and small Deluxes, I'm starting to think we need new size terminology entirely. So-called size classes are actually price classes. Insofar as they are still size classes, it's box size rather than product size, and most people don't care about that.
This. Ever since Legends Class ended there's no place for those cheaper/smaller bots so they put them in "Deluxe" Class where they don't really belong and certainly aren't worth the price in some cases. Such as with Buzzworthy Origins Bee, that's not a $23 bot. IMO
Also the fact that the oversized boxes are there simply to sell you on the item appearing to be worth the price, could you imagine if they cut those deluxe boxes by half and still charged $23? In cases like Red Alert, Wheeljack etc. it works but not on Bots like BB and CJ.IMO it's just wasted packaging materials in an era where they're seemingly trying to go green.
The engineering in that bee would be too much for the Legends price tag, there's more parts there then say Power of the Prime Cindersaur or Titans Returns Kickback or Gnaw. As stated, we need to move past the size of the bot and look at other factors like parts count and engineering. Much like people do when they buy Masterpiece
Posted by AcademyofDrX on August 28th, 2021 @ 8:40am CDT
Posted by Till-all-R1 on August 28th, 2021 @ 1:07pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:Till-all-R1 wrote:AcademyofDrX wrote:Since we're still reading about Voyager-sized Leaders, Deluxe-sized Voyagers, and small Deluxes, I'm starting to think we need new size terminology entirely. So-called size classes are actually price classes. Insofar as they are still size classes, it's box size rather than product size, and most people don't care about that.
This. Ever since Legends Class ended there's no place for those cheaper/smaller bots so they put them in "Deluxe" Class where they don't really belong and certainly aren't worth the price in some cases. Such as with Buzzworthy Origins Bee, that's not a $23 bot. IMO
Also the fact that the oversized boxes are there simply to sell you on the item appearing to be worth the price, could you imagine if they cut those deluxe boxes by half and still charged $23? In cases like Red Alert, Wheeljack etc. it works but not on Bots like BB and CJ.IMO it's just wasted packaging materials in an era where they're seemingly trying to go green.
The engineering in that bee would be too much for the Legends price tag, there's more parts there then say Power of the Prime Cindersaur or Titans Returns Kickback or Gnaw. As stated, we need to move past the size of the bot and look at other factors like parts count and engineering. Much like people do when they buy Masterpiece
True, but not to the general audience who would see two Deluxe boxes together and seeing Wheeljack in one and this much smaller looking Bee in the other. The perception is still there of it appearing to be overpriced compared to most of the other "Deluxe" figures and the box size doesn't help matters. This is what the collecting community always seems to forget because they have a different perception and knowledge of what goes into making them versus the average consumer. An average parent buying for a kid doesn't see the complexity of engineering aspect, they only see a 4" toy that stand the same height as any other 4" figure that sells for $9-12. Hence why they likely introduced the core class Transformers.
As a fan/collector I recognize the complexity of this bot as well as several others, but the perception can also appear that he's over priced was my point. I don't really know how well he's selling either but I did see where he's going for double on ebay. lol Luckily I got him very early at the closest Target I have or I'd probably never have found him much like every other Exclusive. I had to pay $40 for Thrust.
Posted by william-james88 on August 29th, 2021 @ 6:55am CDT
Till-all-R1 wrote:I don't really know how well he's selling either but I did see where he's going for double on ebay. lol Luckily I got him very early at the closest Target I have or I'd probably never have found him much like every other Exclusive. I had to pay $40 for Thrust.
He is selling ridiculously well. Fans are buying him before an eventually routine sale even. If he is being cleared out at the price he has now than he's not overpriced.
I guess fans are smart and understand that, like with the MP line we've had for 2 decades now, the price of a toy is not solely dependent on height.
Posted by AcademyofDrX on August 29th, 2021 @ 9:40am CDT
The problem I'm trying to figure out is how we should talk about different figures when historically it's had an emphasis on class and now that's not as meaningful. Or at least, we need to represent that Deluxe, Voyager, and Leader mean different things pre- and post-WfC.
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 29th, 2021 @ 10:32am CDT
Posted by Till-all-R1 on August 29th, 2021 @ 11:53am CDT
Anyway I've been looing forward to a new Blitzwing so I hope this version is much better the the last, it just didn't feel/look like Blitzwing to me. While I have no interest in any of the Beasts I am curious of which G1 characters they might sneak into the line.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 29th, 2021 @ 5:44pm CDT
that said, I will look forward to the toyline for this to see what they do this time
Posted by william-james88 on August 29th, 2021 @ 7:28pm CDT
AcademyofDrX wrote:"The people who aren't buying this figure think it's overpriced, and it sells on eBay for even more" is not a problem, I don't know why it's being presented like one.
The problem I'm trying to figure out is how we should talk about different figures when historically it's had an emphasis on class and now that's not as meaningful. Or at least, we need to represent that Deluxe, Voyager, and Leader mean different things pre- and post-WfC.
I still think deluxe and Voyager ect work. We just have to know that those classes refer to price points now and not height.
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on August 29th, 2021 @ 7:45pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:AcademyofDrX wrote:"The people who aren't buying this figure think it's overpriced, and it sells on eBay for even more" is not a problem, I don't know why it's being presented like one.
The problem I'm trying to figure out is how we should talk about different figures when historically it's had an emphasis on class and now that's not as meaningful. Or at least, we need to represent that Deluxe, Voyager, and Leader mean different things pre- and post-WfC.
I still think deluxe and Voyager ect work. We just have to know that those classes refer to price points now and not height.
In a sense, they always have: we just put too much value in them as a measure for size as well over the years. True, that worked, but with the emphasis on scale in the WFC line and others it no longer does.
Posted by william-james88 on August 29th, 2021 @ 7:48pm CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:william-james88 wrote:AcademyofDrX wrote:"The people who aren't buying this figure think it's overpriced, and it sells on eBay for even more" is not a problem, I don't know why it's being presented like one.
The problem I'm trying to figure out is how we should talk about different figures when historically it's had an emphasis on class and now that's not as meaningful. Or at least, we need to represent that Deluxe, Voyager, and Leader mean different things pre- and post-WfC.
I still think deluxe and Voyager ect work. We just have to know that those classes refer to price points now and not height.
In a sense, they always have: we just put too much value in them as a measure for size as well over the years. True, that worked, but with the emphasis on scale in the WFC line and others it no longer does.
Yup, hence why this is still the best way to talk about them.
Posted by Emerje on September 2nd, 2021 @ 1:31am CDT
Why does Cyberverse get the meaningful descriptive classes like 1 Step, Deluxe, Ultra, Ultimate and whatnot, but the line that skews a little older (but still sold to kids) gets these ridiculous, meaningless names based on arbitrary ranks that don't mean anything. I feel bad for the parents that have to sort all this out between toy lines.
I say keep it simple in Generations. Core, Deluxe, Mega (Voyager), Ultra (Leader), Ultimate (Commander), Supreme (Titan). They all sound more impressive than the last, says nothing about their size (why is a Commander more impressive than a Leader, surely the guy in charge should have the best figure), and doesn't use ranks that the character in the box probably doesn't hold. To me this is the most idea way to do things.
Posted by Till-all-R1 on September 2nd, 2021 @ 1:12pm CDT
One of the major reasons I didn't collect them post G1 was none of them really appealed to me as much design wise or aesthetically, and the fact the scale seems off between certain bots. I for some reason wanted a uniform line for all. So I didn't get into Transformers again until just recently in 20 as I noticed in 18 and 19 that were really starting to look great, almost as if Hasbro finally got to a place where the aesthetics and design of the figures found a balance. I am kicking myself now for waiting so long and missing a lot of neat bots. In fact I mainly got into the line for the good job on so many G1 characters that seemed to hit the mark in all years prior, planned to keep it simple with only the main cast but as I progressed it got slightly out of hand and found myself getting a few extras and then they had to do the Movie coverage!
So to try and make a long story short, I had some difficulty in trying to travers the line with what all the class speak meant and why one was Voyager while another was Leader. My thought was all smaller bots like Red Alert for example were a $20 price point while the bigger ones were $30 like prime due to size being as it meant more plastic involved, and that the engineering was/should essentially be the same on each one these days. The I found out it could be more complex on some more that others.
I guess for me I'm mainly going for aesthetics and them all being close to scale with each other as possible to the show since I don't plan to transform them repeatedly, thus not really concerned with complexity of engineering more for display. I've also considered RED but those look more like simple kids toy versions and not as detailed.
Posted by ZeroWolf on September 2nd, 2021 @ 5:16pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on November 10th, 2021 @ 10:21pm CST
Posted by Emerje on November 10th, 2021 @ 10:41pm CST