Further information on Tony Todd (The Fallen in ROTF) and his role in TF3
Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 11:21AM CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, People NewsPosted by: Delicon Views: 38,218
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Recently speaking at Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo 2010, Mr. Todd was asked by TFW2005 board member Keroshino about his role in the film and has implied that he will be playing a human character this time around.
For more information on Tony Todd's career thus far, you may view his IMDb profile by clicking here.
As always, be sure to stay tuned to Seibertron.com for the latest updates on TF3 and everything else Transformers related!
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Posted by Forgotten on April 28th, 2010 @ 11:33am CDT

EDIT: Just noticed your sig Delicon.

Posted by Delicon on April 28th, 2010 @ 11:52am CDT
Forgotten wrote:EDIT: Just noticed your sig Delicon.
Yeah, I actually intended the undies to be bigger but there was some shrinkage involved.
Anyway, my favorite Tony Todd work was his stuff from Star Trek.
Posted by Forgotten on April 28th, 2010 @ 1:01pm CDT
Delicon wrote:Forgotten wrote:EDIT: Just noticed your sig Delicon.
Yeah, I actually intended the undies to be bigger but there was some shrinkage involved.
Anyway, my favorite Tony Todd work was his stuff from Star Trek.
Had to qoute that just because we were talking about men's undies and shrinkage involved

Tony Todd has done quite a few great B class horror flicks. I think my favorite was when he played a paranoid farmer in Return of the Scarecrow or Night of the Scarecrow, can't remember which it was, he was great, everything else gave me a headache it was so bad. And I love B class horror/camp.
Posted by paul053 on April 28th, 2010 @ 1:09pm CDT
Posted by AutobotTrainer on April 28th, 2010 @ 4:57pm CDT
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: [to Kurn] No offense, sir.
Kurn: None taken. I never kill anyone at the supper table, Mr. La Forge.

Posted by ang3l3s on April 29th, 2010 @ 6:16am CDT
Posted by Darkclyde on April 29th, 2010 @ 9:02pm CDT
Posted by Hip-Hoptimus Rime on May 8th, 2010 @ 10:08am CDT
AutobotTrainer wrote:I prefer to think of him as Kurn...
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: [to Kurn] No offense, sir.
Kurn: None taken. I never kill anyone at the supper table, Mr. La Forge.
From the same scene, I believe:
Someone explains to Kurn that humans usually cook their food, rather than eat it raw like Klingons. Additionally, the food they're going to eat is replicated turkey.
Kurn, disgusted and resigned: "Very well, I will try your burned, replicated bird meat."
(Paraphrasing) Someone asks Kurn if anything interesting happened to him during his day as an exchange officer:
Kurn, between bites of food: "I almost had to kill Commander Riker today."
Lots of great Kurn lines in that one.
Posted by Elita One on May 9th, 2010 @ 4:20am CDT
Posted by Joshua Vallse on May 9th, 2010 @ 4:29am CDT
That would be fantastic, all I would need is Nick Cage,
"It's you, your the rocket man!"
I think his character and Pat's will be working together as brought on board by John Malcovich. The whole thing smells like a black opt to infiltrate Nest and take it over. Finally, this movie begins to look interesting.
Posted by JetOptimus23 on May 18th, 2010 @ 9:55am CDT
Darkclyde wrote:is it just me, or anybody else thinks Tony Todd could fit in as Lockdown in the movie?
Ha Ha! He totally would!