G1 Reissues/20th Anniversary Prime To Be Stocked At UK TRU Stores?
Tuesday, January 31st, 2006 12:48PM CST
Categories: Toy News, RumorsPosted by: Darth Bombshell Views: 20,688
let me just make this clear. The following reissues have entered the TRU warehouse as of 29/1/06:
Inferno £14.99
Prowl £14.99
Smokescreen £14.99
Thundercracker £19.99
Also 20th Anni Prime has entered the warehouse as of 29/1/06 £49.99
All Cybertron classes have also arrived in the TRU warehouse on this date.
Please be aware however, just because something is in the warehouse does not mean it will be distributed this week. It may be a few weeks before you see them on shelves."
While this is indeed great news for UK G1 fans, the closing sentence does cast some doubt, and Dogworm does mention that the Hub message board states that the reissue listings may be left over from a few years ago. You can view the thread by clicking here.
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