Hotwheels Bumblebee News: Canadian Sighting and Upcoming Non Chase Gold Variant
Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 1:32PM CDT
Categories: Toy News, SightingsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 63,490
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Hotwheels Bumblebee is supposed to be out soon in the US (if not already out). The toy has been found in Canada. It was found at Maxi/Real Canadian Superstore in Quebec. It is packed one per case of 72.
We also got wind of an upcoming variant meant to come out later in the year, thanks to an ebay listing. This is a gold variant. This is not a chase or rarer release. It will be a regular release within the same year in a later case.
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Posted by Emerje on August 6th, 2024 @ 3:30pm CDT
I said before that there was no way they were only doing one Bumblebee and I'm glad I'm right. Not sure why the one everyone would want is the chase and Goldbug is the regular release, that feels like a major oversight.
Posted by william-james88 on August 6th, 2024 @ 6:04pm CDT
Emerje wrote:I think I've seen that wave at Target, or at least I'd seen that wheelchair and blue truck, not sure if they're part of that wave. My local Walmart hasn't stocked the Hot Wheels in months.
I said before that there was no way they were only doing one Bumblebee and I'm glad I'm right. Not sure why the one everyone would want is the chase and Goldbug is the regular release, that feels like a major oversight.
Neither are chase, both are regular releases found in more than one wave/case
Also cases always repeat new cars from the previous case so its not a sure thing that you got this BB case or the previous one.
I have not found info on this BB case found at US retail yet. Just specialty stores at a markup
Posted by Emerje on August 7th, 2024 @ 12:01pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Neither are chase, both are regular releases found in more than one wave/case
How ridiculous are Hot Wheels packouts if 1 out of every 72 isn't considered a chase? That sounds like anything but "regular".
Posted by william-james88 on August 7th, 2024 @ 8:40pm CDT
Emerje wrote:william-james88 wrote:Neither are chase, both are regular releases found in more than one wave/case
How ridiculous are Hot Wheels packouts if 1 out of every 72 isn't considered a chase? That sounds like anything but "regular".
Chase is 1 out of every 72 and only found in one case. Both these Bumblebees will be featured in more than one case. So those arent chase, they are regular releases.
What's chase is this car for instance. It's in the first case of 2024, only packed one per case and won't be found in any other case after that, even though you need it to complete the 2024 set (it's numbered 8 out of 250). So that's a chase.
These Bumblebees will get repacked in the following case. So even if they are 1 out of 72 in each of their two cases, they are at least two times more easy to find than any of the chase releases this year (below is a list): ... nts_Series
Posted by Emerje on August 8th, 2024 @ 10:16am CDT
Posted by william-james88 on August 8th, 2024 @ 10:44am CDT
Emerje wrote:I don't know, it sounds insane to me that 1 out of 72 is a chase, but 2 out of 144 isn't. It makes even less sense when a particular store could put out one of the two Bumblebee cases and two of the police car case and your own odds are exactly the same regardless. Their benchmark for what is a chase and what isn't razor thin because it assumes every store gets every case when some stores go many months without restocking. I've been watching the Hot Wheels aisle at Walmart since these were first announced and they haven't put any new stock out since and the selection was already very thin.
Your math isnt right there. When looking at 2 consecutive cases as you are doing, a chase is 1/144 since it wont repeat while BB (a non chase) is 2/144. So a chase remains twice more rare in the grand scheme of things.
Looking at your Walmart example, if they dont stock one of the cases with BB, then you still have a chance they stock the other case he’s in while you have absolutely no chance of getting the chase since they skipped that one case, and thus must buy it on the secondary market at whatever markup.
In an entire year’s assortment, BB in standard yellow will appear 2/1080 cars while a chase like that police car will appear only 1/1080. He remains the rarest non chase, but he’s still not a chase.
Posted by Emerje on August 9th, 2024 @ 4:48am CDT
Posted by william-james88 on August 9th, 2024 @ 12:59pm CDT
Emerje wrote:Again that sounds like pure insanity to me. Both are unbelievably rare and that doesn't really change the chances of the average person finding one in stores at all, the 6am crowd will make sure of it.
I agree with that. I just wanted to show why one was labelled chase and the other one wasn't.
And you know, there's also super chase ones which are only found in one out of 4 of the same case.
So Bumblebee is 2 out of 1080
Any given Chase is 1 out of 1080
And a Super chase is 0.25 out of 1080
When looking at a year's output.
I was able to find the chase (and Bumblebee) in stores, no need for 6 am but I have yet to ever find a super chase.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on August 9th, 2024 @ 6:16pm CDT
Posted by Emerje on August 9th, 2024 @ 8:22pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on August 10th, 2024 @ 7:12pm CDT
Emerje wrote:Here's the normal state of the HW aisle at my local Walmart as of Friday morning. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll put two Bumblebee cases up, but I'm not holding my breath.
That's not a lot. Are the rest in bins nearby?
Posted by Emerje on August 11th, 2024 @ 6:29am CDT
william-james88 wrote:Emerje wrote:Here's the normal state of the HW aisle at my local Walmart as of Friday morning. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll put two Bumblebee cases up, but I'm not holding my breath.
That's not a lot. Are the rest in bins nearby?
Nope, that's the entirety of the singles. By contrast, here's Target Saturday morning.
And that's how I usually see it, they're always restocking.
Incidentally I saw the Transformers HW Skateboards for the first time over in the TFOne display.
Posted by ScottyP on August 14th, 2024 @ 7:24pm CDT
Good luck finding anything at a Tuesday Morningchuckdawg1999 wrote:You know. I read somewhere that stores like Tuesday Morning get the rare Hot Wheels because major retailers send the cases to them when they don't have the shelf space. If you're nice they let you open them and stock the shelves, you can keep what you want.
Posted by Emerje on August 16th, 2024 @ 7:33pm CDT
ScottyP wrote:Good luck finding anything at a Tuesday Morningchuckdawg1999 wrote:You know. I read somewhere that stores like Tuesday Morning get the rare Hot Wheels because major retailers send the cases to them when they don't have the shelf space. If you're nice they let you open them and stock the shelves, you can keep what you want.
Maaaaan, I remember when that place would get some crazy expensive collectible figures for like $20. That was around 20 years ago...
Anyway, my local Walmart not only finally restocked their Hot Wheels but also put a massive display in the main aisle (one side was all cars and playset, I think the other side was Barbie or something). Unfortunately both were pretty well picked over already.