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IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game

Transformers News: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game

Friday, February 9th, 2007 5:41PM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Game News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Hotrod   Views: 30,544

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Information about the upcoming Transformers Movie video game has been scarce to this point. Today, however, more information has come to light. has posted an article about the Transformers Movie video game. According to the article:

"Officially known as Transformers: The Game, the Traveller's Tales-developed actioner is scheduled for just about every platform out there (PC, PS2, PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360) and will come out this summer with nearly identical content. Its storyline will follow the movie closely, giving players control over both the Autobots and the Decepticons as they choose to either protect the earth or pimp slap it."

To read the entire article click here.

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Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (16223)
Posted by Autobobby1 on February 9th, 2007 @ 5:54pm CST
Ooh, pimp slapping the Earth!

At least Traveller's Tales will be doing it, they're...competent. I'd prefer a major company to do it, though, but I'm not picky.
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (16224)
Posted by Megas XLR on February 9th, 2007 @ 5:54pm CST
Interesting, very interesting. I hope the graphics look good.
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (16232)
Posted by Down_Shift on February 9th, 2007 @ 5:56pm CST
Hahaha, I love the article at IGN.

Funny to, I looked over at IGN to see if they had any new news on the game what with the two small pictures alrady shown of the game. Can't wait to pick it up!
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (16243)
Posted by the purifyer on February 9th, 2007 @ 5:59pm CST
Wow Traveller's Tales are making it? Never would have guessed that. Just thank god it's not EA...
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (16245)
Posted by Liege Evilmus on February 9th, 2007 @ 6:00pm CST
Yeah, movie games suck, but I mine as well kiss my $50 goodbye now.
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (16287)
Posted by Down_Shift on February 9th, 2007 @ 6:19pm CST
So after reading both articles over a couple of times, there seems to be quite the bit to sink our teeth into. wrote:The final number of playable characters is still unknown, but Activision has confirmed that Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Bumblebee, and Ironhide are among them.

PSP and DS versions are in the works from Savage and Vicarious Visions respectively.

No details about the Dual Screen edition were made public, wowever, we do know that the PSP edition boasts 20 playable Autobots and Decepticons and follows an expanded telling of the movie's storyline (complete with bot customization and ad hoc/ infrastructure multiplayer modes.

hands-on impressions of the build that will make a public debut at the New York Toy Fair this coming weekend.

Just awsome, can't wait! Ryan here's hoping this is one of the many things you get to eye hump when your at the behind the scenes eventyou lucky bastard...

IGN talking to Andy Burrows wrote:What can you tell us about the ability to play as either the Autobots or Decepticons? Will there be two distinct campaigns?

Yes, there will be two distinct campaigns for each of the different factions. The Autobot campaign follows the plot of the movie. The Decepticon campaign puts a spin on some of the critical moments in the film. You'll be able to take control of most of the Transformers from the movie as you play through the missions, so you'll be able to reenact all those cool movie moments that you saw on the big screen.

How will the destructible environments affect gameplay? Are they really 100% destructible, or just certain, pre-designated spots?

It is really important for us to convey a real sense of scale with the game and in order to do that we made everything destructible and interactive - buildings can be smashed, objects such as lampposts can be ripped from the ground and used as weapons, cars and buses can be picked up and thrown at attacking helicopters. It's quite easy to cause a massive amount of havoc, but you'll run the risk of ticking off the police, the military or other forces.

How will players be able to take advantage of each Transformer's two forms? Is there any point to fighting a boss battle as a car or boombox?

We set out to design the robot functionality in such a way that the player wouldn't think of the vehicle and robot forms as being different components of the game. We wanted the ability to transform from a robot into a vehicle and back to be as intuitive and as useful as a punch, a run or a jump. So, for example, if you're slugging it out in combat with a thirty-foot robot and he transforms into a heavily armed jet, you have the option of switching to a car and darting for cover. Likewise, you could be the one to fly into combat and turn into your robot mode for a surprise attack!

Will you feature the ability for some Transformers to be able to join together and create a "master" Transformer, like how the Constructicons can form Devastator?

Most of the characters in our game are based on the characters in the movie. However, we do have a couple that we've created specifically for the game. When you see some of the characters, you'll notice we pay homage to some popular G1 stars throughout the game.

will humans play a part in the game at all?

A couple of human characters from the film will make appearances in the game, though they won't be playable.

How will the game take advantage of the different platforms that it's set to ship on? For example, will it make use of the PS3's motion sensing, the Wiimote to great extent or anything else along those lines?

The core game mechanics are the same across platforms, even if the game plays differently due to the control mechanics. The next-gen platforms also allow us to push the visuals further and increase the complexity of the background systems such as AI, physics and destruction.

will the transformation sound be taken directly from the old cartoon? That sound is seriously awesome.

You'll have to wait and see

I did that just incase anyone didn't see the extra link down at the bottom.

What an awsome sounding game! It sounds almost like the Hulk Game that was released last year. A fun game, but not much for replay value. I like that they will be using homage characters. Maybe the unseen Arcee deluxe and that sort from the Movie line?
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (16389)
Posted by Autobobby1 on February 9th, 2007 @ 7:04pm CST
the purifyer wrote:Wow Traveller's Tales are making it? Never would have guessed that. Just thank god it's not EA...

Yeah, EA sucks with movie and licensed games.
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (16632)
Posted by TheMuffin on February 9th, 2007 @ 10:59pm CST
The creators of LEGO Star Wars is making this game...Could it get any better? Sure can! Aside from that killer first point we have destructible environments.... I dunno about you folks but it sounds like fun if I can whip an enemy through a building causing massive carnage.
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (16679)
Posted by Shadowman on February 9th, 2007 @ 11:38pm CST
Now this game sounds like all kinds of ownage.

Hulk: Ultimate Destruction style environments, GTA style maps, and whatever they may add from the Armada game, all make me a happy gamer.
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (17018)
Posted by Down_Shift on February 10th, 2007 @ 9:50am CST
The only part that is bugging me is that if you cause too much destruction the cops come after you. I thought the point of the Autobots coming to earth was to stop the Decepticons because there were the only ones who could. So now, in the game you'll have annoying ground based cops shooting at you with there tiny guns very slowly chipping off HP or some brutally annoying Police Helicopter armed to the teeth to really piss you off during already hard fights.

Ah who am I kidding, it will only make the game better.
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (17113)
Posted by Archibald Witwicky on February 10th, 2007 @ 10:59am CST
Sounds truely awesome. Can't wait to get a full list of playable characters. I'm assuming the only movie-bots we won't get to play as will be Scorponok or Frenzy, since they'd have to create character specific levels for either of them. I'm quite interested to see who the 'additional' characters they put in are.
Re: IGN Article About the Transformers Movie Game (17244)
Posted by Down_Shift on February 10th, 2007 @ 1:31pm CST
Archibald Witwicky wrote:Sounds truely awesome. Can't wait to get a full list of playable characters. I'm assuming the only movie-bots we won't get to play as will be Scorponok or Frenzy, since they'd have to create character specific levels for either of them. I'm quite interested to see who the 'additional' characters they put in are.

I misread the part of the article and thought you could use the character Wreckage as a weapon, but after a double take I realized they ment the lamp post and cars. Still, wouldn't mind seeing Wreckage in there.

I completely agree with you, this game sounds very promising.

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