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BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!!

Transformers News: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!!

Sunday, May 31st, 2009 2:42AM CDT

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Posted by: First Gen   Views: 53,952

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Botcon attendees were treated to a very special preview of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen by Director Michael Bay. He talked with us about the making of the film and how it still isn't completed. He also made note that the footage we were about to be shown was not complete graphics wise but featured some MAJOR SPOILERS!!!

Warning!!! Do not read on if you want to avoid spoilers.

With our anticipation at its highest level, the attendees of Botcon roared into cheer as the first clip of the movie started. The footage started with John Turturro and Sam's roomate in the middle of a construction zone looking on to a group of construction vehicles surround them. The constructicons were revealed when Mixmasters Decepticon symbol is shown and Scavenger begins to transform. At the same time the other constructicons move closer to form Devastator!!!

Scavenger literally forces all the other constructicons into the gestalt ala Scorpion in Mortal Kombat. Tuturro then runs with Sam's roomate when the scene cuts to Sam and Mikaela running from Rampage.

Rampage begins chasing Sam's father when Sam jumps in front of him to draw his attention. Sam then says "Wait, it's not them you want. It's this, the MATRIX! He then holds up an item and continues to coax Rampage when Bumblebee arrives. The battle begins.

Rampage and Bumblebee fight ferociously with Bumblebee getting the better of Rampage when Ravage enters the fray. Using his hip cannons he blasts Bee and jumps on his back. Bumblebee then forces Rampage to the ground when Rampage lunges for Sam and takes Ravage and terrors him apart piece by piece.

Bumblebee then rips Rampages arm off and decapitates him.

More info to come.
Credit(s): Michael Bay, BotCon

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Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929382)
Posted by neliz on May 31st, 2009 @ 3:21am CDT
Prime Dies!
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929389)
Posted by Falkorich on May 31st, 2009 @ 3:52am CDT
Party at Paramount: $50.00.

Up close, rope-less photo opportunities with IronHide and Ratchet vehicles: $0.00, awesome.

Live performances by Stan Bush, Vince DiCola and band: $0.00, very cool.

Picture with Wierd Al: $0.00, nice.

ROTF Preview: $0.00, it was very sweet. Got to see what I wanted to see the most, the full combine sequence. :)

Tour of Paramount backlots: $0.00, neat.

And I think someone (who shall remain nameless, but not me) was so excited from seeing the preview, he forgot to go to the restroom before getting on the bus leaving Paramount and said "it's gonna be a long trip."...priceless. :mrgreen:
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929396)
Posted by Evil_the_Nub on May 31st, 2009 @ 4:12am CDT
Counterpunch wrote:Scavenger literally forces all the other constructicons into the gestalt ala Scorpion in Mortal Kombat.

WTF does that mean, does he pull off his face and set them on fire?
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929397)
Posted by Falkorich on May 31st, 2009 @ 4:22am CDT
Evil_the_Nub wrote:
Counterpunch wrote:Scavenger literally forces all the other constructicons into the gestalt ala Scorpion in Mortal Kombat.

WTF does that mean, does he pull off his face and set them on fire?

I don't think he did it with the legs, he might have done it with the arms (the sequence was kinda fast)...but definitely did it with the head (Mixmaster). He shot out several tentacles (like Scorpion with his stinger), and dragged Mixmaster to connect with him.

The legs he just shoves his end (the upper leg) into each limb, one at a time.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929438)
Posted by AmazSpiderMan1 on May 31st, 2009 @ 5:00am CDT
Waitttt a minute....The Matrix is in this movie now? Was that the random thing Sam was holding in the trailer?

And I understand that bit about Devastator. He is shooting out those tendril things onto that pyramid in the trailer.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929444)
Posted by Falkorich on May 31st, 2009 @ 5:22am CDT
Falkorich wrote:The legs he just shoves his end (the upper leg) into each limb, one at a time.

I just realized this might come across as being unimpressive...sorry...didn't get much sleep this weekend. :grin:

I'll try to rephase this part and hopefully convey better as to how cool it actually looked: Demolishor more like pile-drives his end with full force from really high up and slams it into the limb that is standing up as a leg already.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929472)
Posted by Darth Bombshell on May 31st, 2009 @ 7:47am CDT
Wait a minute. How can Bumblebee beat Rampage when Devastator just combined, with Rampage forming the guy's left leg?
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929487)
Posted by powersteamracing on May 31st, 2009 @ 8:21am CDT
neliz wrote:Prime Dies!

I said this months ago, and people said no way. Sounds like one more believer to me 8)
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929488)
Posted by Giant Purple Griffin on May 31st, 2009 @ 8:28am CDT
Darth Bombshell, good question. Maybe they were different clips and that one with Rampage takes places after the Autobots are able to cause Devastator to split up?
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929490)
Posted by Darth Bombshell on May 31st, 2009 @ 8:31am CDT
Giant Purple Griffin wrote:Maybe they were different clips and that one with Rampage takes places after the Autobots are able to cause Devastator to split up?

Yeah, maybe. Except that the Autobots don't split Devastator up. The US navy does. And he doesn't split up, either. He gets...erm...blown up.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929496)
Posted by Trikeboy on May 31st, 2009 @ 8:44am CDT
powersteamracing wrote:
neliz wrote:Prime Dies!

I said this months ago, and people said no way. Sounds like one more believer to me 8)


In the novelisation, Prime is killed by Megatron at the end of the forest scene. Sam brings him back to life with the Matrix of Leadership.

Darth Bombshell wrote:Wait a minute. How can Bumblebee beat Rampage when Devastator just combined, with Rampage forming the guy's left leg?

Demolisher dies in the Shanghai stuff at the start of the book but can be seen forming Devastator in the movie trailer.

Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929498)
Posted by ChrisR291 on May 31st, 2009 @ 8:49am CDT
Why is Bumblebee such a bad ass? Come on, are any of the Movie Decepticons not weak? How can anyone feel a sense of urgency when we know Prime or Bumblebee can whoop them all. :-?
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929511)
Posted by neliz on May 31st, 2009 @ 9:28am CDT
ChrisR291 wrote: How can anyone feel a sense of urgency when we know Prime or Bumblebee can whoop them all. :-?

No no no, BB is good for killing small appliances but prime needs jetpackjetfire to beat any con. he gets the sh*t kicked out of him by the other cons.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929518)
Posted by drfeelgood81083 on May 31st, 2009 @ 10:01am CDT
Falkorich wrote:And I think someone (who shall remain nameless, but not me) was so excited from seeing the preview, he forgot to go to the restroom before getting on the bus leaving Paramount and said "it's gonna be a long trip."...priceless. :mrgreen:

Hey if peeing your pants is cool then consider me Miles Davis :grin:
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929535)
Posted by gstommylee on May 31st, 2009 @ 10:27am CDT
Darth Bombshell wrote:Wait a minute. How can Bumblebee beat Rampage when Devastator just combined, with Rampage forming the guy's left leg?

The Rampage on Devastator is yellow. The Rampage fighting bumblebee is red according to the trailer. (2 bots)

Trikeboy wrote:
powersteamracing wrote:
neliz wrote:Prime Dies!

I said this months ago, and people said no way. Sounds like one more believer to me 8)


In the novelisation, Prime is killed by Megatron at the end of the forest scene. Sam brings him back to life with the Matrix of Leadership.

Darth Bombshell wrote:Wait a minute. How can Bumblebee beat Rampage when Devastator just combined, with Rampage forming the guy's left leg?

Demolisher dies in the Shanghai stuff at the start of the book but can be seen forming Devastator in the movie trailer.


Demolisher is not what's on Devastator that Scavenger Demolisher as shown by trailer is white with red strips. Scavenger is red with white stripes.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929547)
Posted by YRQRM0 on May 31st, 2009 @ 11:10am CDT
In the TV spot forms, pause at every frame during the Devastator transformation, you can see yellow tentacles/wires/claws qrapped around Mixmaster as he gets pulled up.

Just curious, is this that same scene? Or do we actually get to see Devastator TWICE?! The scene with Devastator in the TV Spot looked like it was in the Desert, especially when he starts sucking everything up.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929550)
Posted by YRQRM0 on May 31st, 2009 @ 11:14am CDT
I think there's 2 Rampages. The one BB fights in the theatrical trailer is kinda red, while we se on Devastator it's yellow. Also rmember the exclusive 12-hour teaset sowed BB owning up on the Red Rampage.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929568)
Posted by Falkorich on May 31st, 2009 @ 11:53am CDT
About Devastator:

I think the preview is the full sequence of that shown in the TV Spot. The angle showing Mixmaster being grabbed looks the same. But the preview scene seems to take place in a smaller construction quarry while the TV Spot seems to take place in a bigger area. But both are desert sandy area so maybe either unfinished CG work, since MB said CG (and sound) in the preview were not finished yet, or just different viewing angle. But man, I was in such shock watching and listening the sequence, it seems very fast and could have affected my judgement.

About Rampage:

In the trailer, while the foot chase Rampage was yellow, the actual fight sequence Rampage was redish (a little bit orange almost). The foot chase leads up to the fight scene. So the fight scene seems consistent with the preview. I don't recall seeing preview footage that ties directly to the S&M roof top jump so that yellow Rampage from the trailer might have been repainted by now. But yes, I seem to recall the preview combine sequence also had a yellow Rampage. Could be unfinished CG reason though.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929594)
Posted by Cyclonus_Maximus on May 31st, 2009 @ 1:08pm CDT
YRQRM0 wrote:In the TV spot forms, pause at every frame during the Devastator transformation, you can see yellow tentacles/wires/claws qrapped around Mixmaster as he gets pulled up.

Just curious, is this that same scene? Or do we actually get to see Devastator TWICE?! The scene with Devastator in the TV Spot looked like it was in the Desert, especially when he starts sucking everything up.

I didn't see the tentacles in the TV spot, but I did notice something that seemed to be like a hand underneath Mixmaster that seemed to push him up toward Devastator. If the tentacles do grab hold of Mixmaster, maybe the "hand" underneath Mix aids the tentacles--the tentacles pull and the "hand" pushes...since I haven't seen the tentacles, I just assumed the "hand" pushed Mix up toward Devastator...
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929607)
Posted by Grimlock Magnus on May 31st, 2009 @ 1:37pm CDT
Okay, this has been bugging me for a while so I'm just going to it to anyone who knows the answer. Is Scavenger the same bot as Demolisher? The toy packages show 2 diffenent names between the single bot and the Devastor set, but they look the same. For anyone who knows, plz enlighten me (feel free to hide the answer to avoid spoiling for those who dont wanna be spoiled) Thanks.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929669)
Posted by Evil_the_Nub on May 31st, 2009 @ 4:05pm CDT
Maybe they have spare constructicons in case one goes flat- I mean gets destroyed.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929695)
Posted by rotfdemolisher on May 31st, 2009 @ 4:50pm CDT
Hi, I just wanted to say that I Demolisher and scavenger are two different transformers. In my opinion Devastator is made up of different vehicles but is one mind. This is of course the opposite of the G1 cartoon. I own Demolisher RoTF and he looks very different than scavenger. I've read the book and any one still wondering should just read the first couple of chapters. Hope that helps!
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929705)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on May 31st, 2009 @ 5:07pm CDT
powersteamracing wrote:
neliz wrote:Prime Dies!

I said this months ago, and people said no way. Sounds like one more believer to me 8)

But it's not true. He doesn't die.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929733)
Posted by YRQRM0 on May 31st, 2009 @ 6:24pm CDT
Falkorich wrote:About Devastator:

I think the preview is the full sequence of that shown in the TV Spot. The angle showing Mixmaster being grabbed looks the same. But the preview scene seems to take place in a smaller construction quarry while the TV Spot seems to take place in a bigger area. But both are desert sandy area so maybe either unfinished CG work, since MB said CG (and sound) in the preview were not finished yet, or just different viewing angle. But man, I was in such shock watching and listening the sequence, it seems very fast and could have affected my judgement.

About Rampage:

In the trailer, while the foot chase Rampage was yellow, the actual fight sequence Rampage was redish (a little bit orange almost). The foot chase leads up to the fight scene. So the fight scene seems consistent with the preview. I don't recall seeing preview footage that ties directly to the S&M roof top jump so that yellow Rampage from the trailer might have been repainted by now. But yes, I seem to recall the preview combine sequence also had a yellow Rampage. Could be unfinished CG reason though.

I thought the Rampage from the theatrical trailer when Sam and M. jump off the roof was Scrapper or soemone else. Rampage is the Redish one with th whps fighting BB in the trailer, seen right after BB puts down his battle mask. What I'm confused about is thare's no Red vehile in Devy, besides Scavenger, and the Rampage toy with whips is yellow.

Se 2:06 and 2:11 in this video and see the difference I'm talking about. ... annel_page
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929741)
Posted by gstommylee on May 31st, 2009 @ 6:42pm CDT
YRQRM0 wrote:
Falkorich wrote:About Devastator:

I think the preview is the full sequence of that shown in the TV Spot. The angle showing Mixmaster being grabbed looks the same. But the preview scene seems to take place in a smaller construction quarry while the TV Spot seems to take place in a bigger area. But both are desert sandy area so maybe either unfinished CG work, since MB said CG (and sound) in the preview were not finished yet, or just different viewing angle. But man, I was in such shock watching and listening the sequence, it seems very fast and could have affected my judgement.

About Rampage:

In the trailer, while the foot chase Rampage was yellow, the actual fight sequence Rampage was redish (a little bit orange almost). The foot chase leads up to the fight scene. So the fight scene seems consistent with the preview. I don't recall seeing preview footage that ties directly to the S&M roof top jump so that yellow Rampage from the trailer might have been repainted by now. But yes, I seem to recall the preview combine sequence also had a yellow Rampage. Could be unfinished CG reason though.

I thought the Rampage from the theatrical trailer when Sam and M. jump off the roof was Scrapper or soemone else. Rampage is the Redish one with th whps fighting BB in the trailer, seen right after BB puts down his battle mask. What I'm confused about is thare's no Red vehile in Devy, besides Scavenger, and the Rampage toy with whips is yellow.

Se 2:06 and 2:11 in this video and see the difference I'm talking about. ... annel_page

there are 2 rampages one red one yellow
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929755)
Posted by Gearslide on May 31st, 2009 @ 7:05pm CDT
Does anyone know where we can actually watch this footage?
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929757)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on May 31st, 2009 @ 7:06pm CDT
I wonder if this is the same stuff they show at the MTV Movie Awards tonight...
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929771)
Posted by Falkorich on May 31st, 2009 @ 7:31pm CDT
Michael Bay was standing near the entrance when we watched the preview. When we were waiting for a tour, a lady said she was more interested in watching MB's reaction to the audience's reaction. She said MB did a couple of big smiles.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (929918)
Posted by neliz on June 1st, 2009 @ 2:17am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
powersteamracing wrote:
neliz wrote:Prime Dies!

I said this months ago, and people said no way. Sounds like one more believer to me 8)

But it's not true. He doesn't die.

Not all the way, but the spark in his eyes is gone.
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (930060)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 1st, 2009 @ 11:23am CDT
neliz wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
powersteamracing wrote:
neliz wrote:Prime Dies!

I said this months ago, and people said no way. Sounds like one more believer to me 8)

But it's not true. He doesn't die.

Not all the way, but the spark in his eyes is gone.

That's what stasis lock will do for you...
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (931538)
Posted by inkdup on June 3rd, 2009 @ 6:15pm CDT
I have "heard" that there are in fact MORE than the 6-7 Constructicons that form Devastator... which would explain the differing colors of some of the one's that die appearing that they are still around... after all its not like there is only one of each vehicle sitting on a construction
Re: BotCon 2009: Bay presents special ROTF footage - SPOILERS!!! (931544)
Posted by YaBoiPlay on June 3rd, 2009 @ 6:25pm CDT
YRQRM0 wrote:
Falkorich wrote:About Devastator:

I think the preview is the full sequence of that shown in the TV Spot. The angle showing Mixmaster being grabbed looks the same. But the preview scene seems to take place in a smaller construction quarry while the TV Spot seems to take place in a bigger area. But both are desert sandy area so maybe either unfinished CG work, since MB said CG (and sound) in the preview were not finished yet, or just different viewing angle. But man, I was in such shock watching and listening the sequence, it seems very fast and could have affected my judgement.

About Rampage:

In the trailer, while the foot chase Rampage was yellow, the actual fight sequence Rampage was redish (a little bit orange almost). The foot chase leads up to the fight scene. So the fight scene seems consistent with the preview. I don't recall seeing preview footage that ties directly to the S&M roof top jump so that yellow Rampage from the trailer might have been repainted by now. But yes, I seem to recall the preview combine sequence also had a yellow Rampage. Could be unfinished CG reason though.

I thought the Rampage from the theatrical trailer when Sam and M. jump off the roof was Scrapper or soemone else. Rampage is the Redish one with th whps fighting BB in the trailer, seen right after BB puts down his battle mask. What I'm confused about is thare's no Red vehile in Devy, besides Scavenger, and the Rampage toy with whips is yellow.

Se 2:06 and 2:11 in this video and see the difference I'm talking about. ... annel_page

It's Scrapper. He's the orange one.

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