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Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened?

Transformers News: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened?

Thursday, July 15th, 2010 9:59PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, People News
Posted by: Mkall   Views: 44,390

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It's been a well known fact that Megan Fox won't be in Transformer 3, which has lead to many rumours surrounding her exit and what the future holds for the Character of Mikela. NBC Chicago has posted a brief article delving into what happened between Bay and Fox, stating that the tension had "built to a pressure point" and Megan had to go. You can read the entire article here.
Credit(s): NBC Chicago

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Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098665)
Posted by Mindmaster on July 15th, 2010 @ 10:07pm CDT
So they got mad at each other and parted ways? Wow, that sucks. :-( :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098669)
Posted by SlyTF1 on July 15th, 2010 @ 10:14pm CDT
Im just glad shes gone. When I heard that she left, a little bit of happiness sparked in my life. And Im glad this is the last Michael Bay Transformers movie. I hate to say it, even though I love the movies to death, and defend them with everything I have, Im just glad we get a new director. That way every time I say my favorite movie is Transformers, I dont get cursed out and 20 death threats over the internet.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098670)
Posted by Midnight_Fox on July 15th, 2010 @ 10:17pm CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:Im just glad shes gone. When I heard that she left, a little bit of happiness sparked in my life. And Im glad this is the last Michael Bay Transformers movie. I hate to say it, even though I love the movies to death, and defend them with everything I have, Im just glad we get a new director. That way every time I say my favorite movie is Transformers, I dont get cursed out and 20 death threats over the internet.

Try getting bitched at about it by someone who assumes he's smarter than you because you like the movie and he has a literal text book knowledge of evolution(that he uses to apply as to why it's a bad movie and why you're a lesser being for liking it).
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098672)
Posted by SlyTF1 on July 15th, 2010 @ 10:18pm CDT
Midnight_Fox wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Im just glad shes gone. When I heard that she left, a little bit of happiness sparked in my life. And Im glad this is the last Michael Bay Transformers movie. I hate to say it, even though I love the movies to death, and defend them with everything I have, Im just glad we get a new director. That way every time I say my favorite movie is Transformers, I dont get cursed out and 20 death threats over the internet.

Try getting bitched at about it by someone who assumes he's smarter than you because you like the movie and he has a literal text book knowledge of evolution(that he uses to apply as to why it's a bad movie and why you're a lesser being for liking it).

It has happened. But I just run across people who think theyre smarter than me just because they have a "good taste in movies" and are older than me and have a doctors degree in college and teach math class in the 12th grade. (Naw, it hanst happened)
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098673)
Posted by Midnight_Fox on July 15th, 2010 @ 10:20pm CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:
Midnight_Fox wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Im just glad shes gone. When I heard that she left, a little bit of happiness sparked in my life. And Im glad this is the last Michael Bay Transformers movie. I hate to say it, even though I love the movies to death, and defend them with everything I have, Im just glad we get a new director. That way every time I say my favorite movie is Transformers, I dont get cursed out and 20 death threats over the internet.

Try getting bitched at about it by someone who assumes he's smarter than you because you like the movie and he has a literal text book knowledge of evolution(that he uses to apply as to why it's a bad movie and why you're a lesser being for liking it).

It has happened.

Hate those types with a fiery passion. Real life experience and a broad study beats text book theories any day in the real world.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098685)
Posted by Supreme Convoy on July 15th, 2010 @ 10:51pm CDT
Bummed to hear about Michael Bay possibly leaving. Seriously. Bay is great in directing movies with car chases and explosions. Transformers is the perfect franchise because the cars cause the explosions!

Then again, I hope to see him direct other movies.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098688)
Posted by kookaburra on July 15th, 2010 @ 11:02pm CDT
Team Megan!

She's well rid of that asshole.

Also: replacing her with a VS model? Way to not even PRETEND your female characters aren't just there for eye-candy, Bay. :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098722)
Posted by Prime Riblet on July 16th, 2010 @ 12:45am CDT
kookaburra wrote:Team Megan!

She's well rid of that asshole.

Also: replacing her with a VS model? Way to not even PRETEND your female characters aren't just there for eye-candy, Bay. :BANG_HEAD:

So it is wrong for Bay to do things that actually sell tickets? I don't think Bay has ever lied about that!
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098772)
Posted by Joshua Vallse on July 16th, 2010 @ 4:33am CDT
Hi, I'm Josh...and I'm pro Megan Fox.

Prime Riblet wrote:
kookaburra wrote:Team Megan!

She's well rid of that asshole.

Also: replacing her with a VS model? Way to not even PRETEND your female characters aren't just there for eye-candy, Bay. :BANG_HEAD:

So it is wrong for Bay to do things that actually sell tickets? I don't think Bay has ever lied about that!

Lol, I like how the main subject of the new girl being eye candy and nthing else wasn't even argued here....was just accepted and we moved on ha ha.

I will say for those whom complained over and over and over and over...and still do so even though Megan has parted ways about her acting chops, have been all but mum about a VS Model with no acting history....whatsoever! Just amusing.

I still say I prefer Megan over the new girl only because Rosie and Shia look really miss matched. I mean, seriously miss matched. Megan and Shia at least clicked and even looked compatable age wise. Shia and Rosie though...just, I don't wat to say cougar but.....she just looks too mature for him. Simple as that. Unless this girl has a seriously highschool pitched voice or something....she'll just continue to look like Shias college professor or something.

Ether that, or Rosie and Shia's characters and their relationship will desolve or has desolved for this movie to which this wont be an issue.....trying to re-create some type of chemistry.

Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098774)
Posted by Burn on July 16th, 2010 @ 4:36am CDT
Joshua Vallse wrote:Lol, I like how the main subject of the new girl being eye candy and nthing else wasn't even argued here....was just accepted and we moved on ha ha.

Well she's not exactly known for her superior acting ability. :P

Heck, I knew her better as "that skinny-arse "supermodel" who got photographed doing drugs" than a VS model.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098776)
Posted by Joshua Vallse on July 16th, 2010 @ 4:40am CDT
Burn wrote:
Joshua Vallse wrote:Lol, I like how the main subject of the new girl being eye candy and nthing else wasn't even argued here....was just accepted and we moved on ha ha.

Well she's not exactly known for her superior acting ability. :P

Heck, I knew her better as "that skinny-arse "supermodel" who got photographed doing drugs" than a VS model.

No Way! She was busted for drug possession?????? :lol:

Well now I have to see this movie ha ha ha ha
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098824)
Posted by dragons on July 16th, 2010 @ 6:40am CDT
she may have bigger sexy looking legs than huntington but in that picture she looks like barbie doll didnt realize she had a skinny neck big legs skiny neck werid combination but good looking but not my kind of woman though.

so they where fighting and all this gets released now i think theres more to this than meets the eye
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098836)
Posted by yellow Camaro on July 16th, 2010 @ 7:01am CDT
Midnight_Fox wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:
Midnight_Fox wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Im just glad shes gone. When I heard that she left, a little bit of happiness sparked in my life. And Im glad this is the last Michael Bay Transformers movie. I hate to say it, even though I love the movies to death, and defend them with everything I have, Im just glad we get a new director. That way every time I say my favorite movie is Transformers, I dont get cursed out and 20 death threats over the internet.

Try getting bitched at about it by someone who assumes he's smarter than you because you like the movie and he has a literal text book knowledge of evolution(that he uses to apply as to why it's a bad movie and why you're a lesser being for liking it).

It has happened.

Hate those types with a fiery passion. Real life experience and a broad study beats text book theories any day in the real world.

I totally agree and I am proud to say that my favourite movie is Transformers. Sometimes I meet people thinking that this is impossible, as I am a PhD scientist involved in some international projects. According to them, I should watch dramatic movies super awarded by criticism. I always reply that good taste for movie is subjective. That's all. PhD or not, I am a seibertronian who loves transformers. :BOT:
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098840)
Posted by kookaburra on July 16th, 2010 @ 7:17am CDT
Prime Riblet wrote:So it is wrong for Bay to do things that actually sell tickets? I don't think Bay has ever lied about that!

So you're saying that men are actively repulsed by quality female characters, and stay away from movies that include them? You don't have a high opinion of men, do you?

Also: It's very interesting that the people who have been griping the loudest about Fox's acting skills are totally mum about her being replaced with someone who is not an actress.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098848)
Posted by yellow Camaro on July 16th, 2010 @ 7:34am CDT
Joshua Vallse wrote:I still say I prefer Megan over the new girl only because Rosie and Shia look really miss matched. I mean, seriously miss matched. Megan and Shia at least clicked and even looked compatable age wise. Shia and Rosie though...just, I don't wat to say cougar but.....she just looks too mature for him. Simple as that. Unless this girl has a seriously highschool pitched voice or something....she'll just continue to look like Shias college professor or something.


I also prefer Megan for that reason. And I still believe she doesn't act so bad, I like her especially in the first movie in which the plot is better and she has better lines than in RotF. I mean, she isn't a super-skillful actress but she was a likely character, which in my opinion is the important thing in an movie title mainly focused on entartainment.

I don't want to judge Rosie before having seen the 3rd movie, but her kind of beauty seems to be out of place and she and Shia look really miss matched.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098854)
Posted by Evil_the_Nub on July 16th, 2010 @ 7:43am CDT
Midnight_Fox wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Im just glad shes gone. When I heard that she left, a little bit of happiness sparked in my life. And Im glad this is the last Michael Bay Transformers movie. I hate to say it, even though I love the movies to death, and defend them with everything I have, Im just glad we get a new director. That way every time I say my favorite movie is Transformers, I dont get cursed out and 20 death threats over the internet.

Try getting bitched at about it by someone who assumes he's smarter than you because you like the movie and he has a literal text book knowledge of evolution(that he uses to apply as to why it's a bad movie and why you're a lesser being for liking it).

I don't mean to brag, but my I.Q. is near genius and I loved both the movies. So that guy is totally wrong. It's a matter of preference which is no more an indication of intellect than the color of someone's hair.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098857)
Posted by kookaburra on July 16th, 2010 @ 7:48am CDT
yellow Camaro wrote:I also prefer Megan for that reason. And I still believe she doesn't act so bad, I like her especially in the first movie in which the plot is better and she has better lines than in RotF. I mean, she isn't a super-skillful actress but she was a likely character, which in my opinion is the important thing in an movie title mainly focused on entartainment.

I don't want to judge Rosie before having seen the 3rd movie, but her kind of beauty seems to be out of place and she and Shia look really miss matched.

I also preferred her in the first movie. Going after Frenzy with the Sawzall while Shia flailed and got pantsed = crowning moment of awesome. Hell, I preferred pretty much everyone in the first movie. (Except Simmons, who was hilarious in the second.)
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098885)
Posted by SlyTF1 on July 16th, 2010 @ 8:34am CDT
kookaburra wrote:
Prime Riblet wrote:So it is wrong for Bay to do things that actually sell tickets? I don't think Bay has ever lied about that!

So you're saying that men are actively repulsed by quality female characters, and stay away from movies that include them? You don't have a high opinion of men, do you?

Also: It's very interesting that the people who have been griping the loudest about Fox's acting skills are totally mum about her being replaced with someone who is not an actress.

Maybe because we havent seen her act. To be honest, I think its a stupid idea, but we havent seen anything yet.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098886)
Posted by SlyTF1 on July 16th, 2010 @ 8:38am CDT
Evil_the_Nub wrote:
Midnight_Fox wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Im just glad shes gone. When I heard that she left, a little bit of happiness sparked in my life. And Im glad this is the last Michael Bay Transformers movie. I hate to say it, even though I love the movies to death, and defend them with everything I have, Im just glad we get a new director. That way every time I say my favorite movie is Transformers, I dont get cursed out and 20 death threats over the internet.

Try getting bitched at about it by someone who assumes he's smarter than you because you like the movie and he has a literal text book knowledge of evolution(that he uses to apply as to why it's a bad movie and why you're a lesser being for liking it).

I don't mean to brag, but my I.Q. is near genius and I loved both the movies. So that guy is totally wrong. It's a matter of preference which is no more an indication of intellect than the color of someone's hair.

Based on the comments I've read since this movie has been out, its been the smart people who actually like the movies. Not saying any one who doesnt is dumb, Im just saying that those assholes who damn every one and their families for liking this movie are definately stupid. Honestly, what kind of person damns a person's family for liking amovie!? A stupid person, thats who!
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098887)
Posted by Midnight_Fox on July 16th, 2010 @ 8:40am CDT
Evil_the_Nub wrote:
Midnight_Fox wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Im just glad shes gone. When I heard that she left, a little bit of happiness sparked in my life. And Im glad this is the last Michael Bay Transformers movie. I hate to say it, even though I love the movies to death, and defend them with everything I have, Im just glad we get a new director. That way every time I say my favorite movie is Transformers, I dont get cursed out and 20 death threats over the internet.

Try getting bitched at about it by someone who assumes he's smarter than you because you like the movie and he has a literal text book knowledge of evolution(that he uses to apply as to why it's a bad movie and why you're a lesser being for liking it).

I don't mean to brag, but my I.Q. is near genius and I loved both the movies. So that guy is totally wrong. It's a matter of preference which is no more an indication of intellect than the color of someone's hair.

That's pretty much what I said. HE decided to respond that I was just an ape howling into the wind that needed to evolve thumbs.

Not to brag either but I have a genius level IQ(148) according to modern Psychiatry, but don't apply it(or myself, I'm lazy when it comes to academics) or feel the need to, as I don't feel the need to prove myself superior to others.

Supreme Convoy wrote:Bummed to hear about Michael Bay possibly leaving. Seriously. Bay is great in directing movies with car chases and explosions. Transformers is the perfect franchise because the cars cause the explosions!

Then again, I hope to see him direct other movies.

He's being given another well known 80's Franchise: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098940)
Posted by Vicalliose on July 16th, 2010 @ 10:06am CDT
I don't claim that my I.Q. is higher than anyone else, and I don't damn someone's family either. I just think people are stubborn like I was.

I was actually one of the last people in my family circle to still be excited about the first Bayformers movie. Partially because one of my brothers was not into movies at that time anyway.

I remember once when I was trying to defend the movie, saying the usual stuff like "Well you haven't seen it yet" or "Oh c'mon, it's Transformers! It can't be that bad." etc. My oldest brother asked me "have you ever seen a Michael Bay movie?" to which I said no.

Later on I watched The Island, Armageddon, and half of Pearl Harbor.

Bayformers, was the movie that completely changed my view of what actually makes a film good.
Before that, I was the kind of person who liked the Shrek movies, enjoyed Van Helsing, laughed at Jar Jar Binks, and thought that virtually any action movie with a large explosion in it was good.

Should I thank Michael Bay for this? No. But at least I can thank him for not wanting to make a fourth.

Here's hoping the wrights get bought from Paramount.

Midnight_Fox wrote:He's being given another well known 80's Franchise: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Michael Bay seems to realize that he makes the most money off of large, split fanbases.

Of course, that may be giving him a little too much credit. :-?
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1098974)
Posted by AutobotTrainer on July 16th, 2010 @ 11:16am CDT
Di Bonaventura added that he thinks "Transformers 3" will likely be the last Bay-helmed installment of the series, which put a lot of bums in seats but never made the critics happy. Paramount and the toy company Hasbro might continue with a new series of movies with another director.

"It may not be the end of the line of "Transformers" for Hasbro and Paramount," he said. " (For) Michael, I'm sure it is. He's spent a lot of years working on one thing."

This has made my weekend! Greatest thing I've heard all day, nay, all week!

Here's to hope for the future!
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1099105)
Posted by Joshua Vallse on July 16th, 2010 @ 5:00pm CDT
kookaburra wrote:Also: It's very interesting that the people who have been griping the loudest about Fox's acting skills are totally mum about her being replaced with someone who is not an actress.

Hey thats my line! :lol: ;)

yellow Camaro wrote:
Joshua Vallse wrote:I still say I prefer Megan over the new girl only because Rosie and Shia look really miss matched. I mean, seriously miss matched. Megan and Shia at least clicked and even looked compatable age wise. Shia and Rosie though...just, I don't wat to say cougar but.....she just looks too mature for him. Simple as that. Unless this girl has a seriously highschool pitched voice or something....she'll just continue to look like Shias college professor or something.


I also prefer Megan for that reason. And I still believe she doesn't act so bad, I like her especially in the first movie in which the plot is better and she has better lines than in RotF. I mean, she isn't a super-skillful actress but she was a likely character, which in my opinion is the important thing in an movie title mainly focused on entartainment.

I don't want to judge Rosie before having seen the 3rd movie, but her kind of beauty seems to be out of place and she and Shia look really miss matched.

Yeah, which has me speculaing their romantic relationship is fully desolved during the duration of this thrid film. Still, the added bonus that she was caught on film with drug possession According to Burn, and is now in a film franchise with a target audience of children, has me totally in line for this movie now. Be it for the wrong reasons ha ha ha

I like how this thread had a slight turn from Megan Fox to who has a high I.Q. Ah, life.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1099111)
Posted by Midnight_Fox on July 16th, 2010 @ 5:29pm CDT
Joshua Vallse wrote:
I like how this thread had a slight turn from Megan Fox to who has a high I.Q. Ah, life.

Magic of the intarwebs.

It's like one giant free writing experiment.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1099211)
Posted by Prime Riblet on July 17th, 2010 @ 1:39am CDT
kookaburra wrote:
Prime Riblet wrote:So it is wrong for Bay to do things that actually sell tickets? I don't think Bay has ever lied about that!

So you're saying that men are actively repulsed by quality female characters, and stay away from movies that include them? You don't have a high opinion of men, do you?

Also: It's very interesting that the people who have been griping the loudest about Fox's acting skills are totally mum about her being replaced with someone who is not an actress.

You read a lot more into my statement than was actually there. However, since you brought it up, the statement has nothing to do with opinions of men, women, boys, girls, cat, dogs, etc. It is a fact that if you have a pretty human as opposed to an ugly human in a Hollywood film, the likelihood of the movie with the pretty human making money is statistically greater. If you don't believe that, then you are very mistaken. For the record, I could care less. Bay could have asked Kathy Bates to be a love interest of Sam W and it wouldn't make a difference to me. This is a TF movie, not The English Patient.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1099385)
Posted by craggy on July 17th, 2010 @ 2:37pm CDT
I think it's funny that people purporting to be geniuses are failing to realise that no matter how smart a person may or may not be, it has little to do with what type of entertainment they enjoy. It's like assuming that two people with a similar IQ are going to like the same food, or have similar taste in music.

Now, since we're on the subject of smarts, it's pretty obvious Bay and Fox have fallen out whilst discussing the merits of matrix string theory vs perturbative string theory. Shia's safe, because he stayed out of it, laughing at them because he's a kaluza-klein type of guy.

(and yeah, I just skim-read a wiki page)
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1099393)
Posted by Falkorich on July 17th, 2010 @ 3:07pm CDT
Maybe when Bay leaves, Fox will be back for T4. Maybe Sam will be a two-women kind of man. triangle. LOL
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1099410)
Posted by shadowsfm on July 17th, 2010 @ 4:59pm CDT
maybe the new girl is a robot, like a pretender or hologram. maybe shes arcee
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1099478)
Posted by God Thundercracker on July 17th, 2010 @ 11:11pm CDT
I'm one of the few people who will actually miss Megan Fox. She's not a great actress, but she did all right for a blockbuster action movie. And this new girl seems pretty tacky, smoking a cigarette on the set. :roll: I don't get why so many people hate Megan, she's certainly not as obnoxious as Lindsey Lohan. :SICK:
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1100894)
Posted by amtm on July 20th, 2010 @ 8:02pm CDT
AutobotTrainer wrote:
Di Bonaventura added that he thinks "Transformers 3" will likely be the last Bay-helmed installment of the series, which put a lot of bums in seats but never made the critics happy. Paramount and the toy company Hasbro might continue with a new series of movies with another director.

"It may not be the end of the line of "Transformers" for Hasbro and Paramount," he said. " (For) Michael, I'm sure it is. He's spent a lot of years working on one thing."

This has made my weekend! Greatest thing I've heard all day, nay, all week!

Here's to hope for the future!

Yeah, just another example of how the important stuff doesn't make the headlines. ;) I couldn't care less about Megan Fox or whether there's even a female character in the movie at all, but a new director and a new direction for the movie franchise would be great. I sure hope whoever takes over understands that simplicity is a key component of good art and design.
Re: Megan Fox vs Michael Bay - What Happened? (1101157)
Posted by 5150 Cruiser on July 21st, 2010 @ 1:18pm CDT
Prime Riblet wrote:
kookaburra wrote:Team Megan!

She's well rid of that asshole.

Also: replacing her with a VS model? Way to not even PRETEND your female characters aren't just there for eye-candy, Bay. :BANG_HEAD:

So it is wrong for Bay to do things that actually sell tickets? I don't think Bay has ever lied about that!

Exactly. If the movie hadn't done as well as the had finacialy, then we wouldn't have a third, or second movie for that matter.

I don't know whay people are complaining about the new chick's acting ability anyways. Aren't peoples biggest complaints about there being to much human envolvment anyways? Also, less known actors get paid less than big name ones. Whitch means more money to CGI department for more robot time, action scenes etc.

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