More Botcon Add-On Package Rumors + 7:7 Bot / Con Ratio Confirmed
Friday, March 7th, 2008 11:39AM CST
Categories: Toy News, Event News, Rumors, CollectablesPosted by: Tigertrack Views: 43,230
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Please ignore this if you do not want to possibly be spoiled...continue on at your own risk.
'Darthconvoy', a source that posts on another site --A source who also just happens to have had CORRECTLY predicted all the molds, and color styles for the 5 piece boxed set for Botcon 2008-- reports that the two molds that will be in the other add-on set are...
Toy Rumor 1 with grey and green color.
Toy Rumor 2 with remolded head.
Are these the actual toys? What characters could they be? Check out the galleries of these toys in their original forms by clicking above!
And in case you forgot, the other rumored add-on set is none other than CLASSICs Hot Rod with black paint job, and 'evil' mirrorverse goatee, and Energon Megatron, in heroic shades of blue, black and grey, possibly including a kinder, more compassionate remolded head.
Of course, it's a rumor until we see or hear more!
Join the already going thread here that gives a little more detail to the rumor...only a little.
New Update!
Pete@Botcon has stated on the club forums that this year's set is balanced as far as numbers are concerned with 7 Autobots and 7 Decepticons. So keep that in mind while speculating who these new characters are.
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Posted by --B-- on March 7th, 2008 @ 11:48am CST
Well, it will almost interesting to see what they look like, but how can you do better than last years set?
After last year, this year was bound to be a little more ho-hum.
But I would have to say it's at least on par with other sets past.
Posted by Counterpunch on March 7th, 2008 @ 12:00pm CST
Bot those molds have good detailing on them and with the extra paint aps BotCon stuff gets, they'll look awesome.
Posted by Liege Evilmus on March 7th, 2008 @ 12:11pm CST
Posted by Nekoman on March 7th, 2008 @ 12:14pm CST
Posted by First Gen on March 7th, 2008 @ 12:25pm CST
Posted by Archanubis on March 7th, 2008 @ 1:29pm CST
--B-- wrote:*Biggest Yawn ever*
I have to agree; this year's offerings, in my humble opinion, have been rather lackluster. Again, it could just be "mold fatigue" on my part.
Posted by Sylus on March 7th, 2008 @ 2:12pm CST

Posted by Autobot Jazz on March 7th, 2008 @ 2:24pm CST
Posted by Zeds on March 7th, 2008 @ 2:33pm CST
Liege Evilmus wrote:Will this be Armada WheelJacks first repaint?
Unfortunately yes. It is a mould that deserves much more respect. It should have been repainted and mass produced in place of others that were not as worthy IMHO!
Posted by Counterpunch on March 7th, 2008 @ 2:49pm CST
Zeds wrote:Liege Evilmus wrote:Will this be Armada WheelJacks first repaint?
Unfortunately yes.
Kind of...
See, the difference between the American and Japanese releases is kind of significant.
American release has large yellow stripes and markings on the figure. The base plastic color is a deep charcoal greay.
The Japanese release has smaller blue stripes and markings along with jet black base plastic.
They don't seem too different, but in person, the differences are striking.
Posted by Tigertrack on March 7th, 2008 @ 4:03pm CST
Counterpunch wrote:Zeds wrote:Liege Evilmus wrote:Will this be Armada WheelJacks first repaint?
Unfortunately yes.
Kind of...
See, the difference between the American and Japanese releases is kind of significant.
American release has large yellow stripes and markings on the figure. The base plastic color is a deep charcoal greay.
The Japanese release has smaller blue stripes and markings along with jet black base plastic.
They don't seem too different, but in person, the differences are striking.
I guess I should open my Micron Legend Rampage with Energon Saber set then, cause they looked very similar to me.
Posted by UltraPrimal on March 7th, 2008 @ 7:02pm CST

Posted by Windracer on March 7th, 2008 @ 7:10pm CST
Shame this toy will be in a color scheme and at a price range I probably won't bother with. :[
As for the differences between the Micron Legend and Armada versions of Wheeljack, I did take a shoddy picture a few months ago of both figures for those that are curious... Wish the URLs and IMG tags would work in news comments though. XD;
Posted by nolga supreme on March 7th, 2008 @ 7:46pm CST

Posted by UltraPrimal on March 7th, 2008 @ 8:11pm CST
nolga supreme wrote:If we attend the convention how do we find these? Are limited to first come or part of the packages?
You can buy them after you pick-up your package at 6PM on Thursday. If you're in any of the classes or tours, you get to pick up your registration early and can just go staight to the Club Store line to buy the add-ons at 6PM. There is a limited number of them, but I don't think they are so limited that they'll sell out the first night. And I believe that only Primus package holders can buy them.
Posted by Bed Bugs on March 7th, 2008 @ 9:19pm CST
Here's my estimation as to how the exclusive set will look this year.
1 Optimus Prime
2 Grimlock
3 Jazz
4 Ricochet
5 Goldbug
6 Rodimus
7 Blurr Remold (Most likely Tracks)
1 Megatron
2 Starscream
3 Razorclaw Minicon
4 Armada Wheeljack Repaint
5 Minicon Windsheer Repaint
6 Unknown Minicon from Rodimus/Meg's 2 Pack (Divebomb or Laserbeak)
7 Unknown Minicon Repaint (Probably Ravage)
Posted by Firebird on March 7th, 2008 @ 9:38pm CST
Armada Wheeljack I guess could be a Good Sideswipe. (maybe he decided to switch sides for some reason)
Good choices for molds, but I would have loved a Energon Downshift as a mad scientist version of G1 Wheeljack.
Posted by Blurrz on March 7th, 2008 @ 10:13pm CST
Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back! Blurr is back!
Anyways, um yeah. This technically is Armada Wheeljack's first official repaint, but he was actually supposed to be repainted in the Universe lineup under the name of Drench. It was one of the best repaints I've seen in my lifetime, but unfortunately, life throws a fastball and the idea got scratched. You can find the pics of the unreleased figure here:
Armada Wheeljack is the best Armada Deluxe IMO, and the fact that there's another Blurr repaint just makes me incredibly happy. Who is Tracks? And what colour is he? Isn't he that Metrosexual one?
Posted by Blurrz on March 7th, 2008 @ 10:18pm CST
Posted by Firebird on March 7th, 2008 @ 11:18pm CST
Blurrz wrote: Who is Tracks? And what colour is he? Isn't he that Metrosexual one?
you know Tracks, and he isn't that metrosexual...
he just really likes taking care of chassis, and hanging out with his buddy Raul

Posted by Blurrz on March 7th, 2008 @ 11:23pm CST
Posted by Firebird on March 7th, 2008 @ 11:27pm CST
Blurrz wrote:Wow... that's going to ruin the name of Armada Blurr big time.
How so? Tracks is awesome!
Posted by Blurrz on March 7th, 2008 @ 11:33pm CST
Posted by emeraldbeacon on March 8th, 2008 @ 12:43am CST
Optimus Prime - Confirmed Base Set
Goldbug - Comfirmed Base Set
Grimlock - Comfirmed Base Set
Jazz - Comfirmed Base Set
Ricochet - Comfirmed Free Fig
Hot Rod - Assumed Add-On
????? - Assumed Add-On
Starscream - Confirmed Base Set
Razorclaw (minicon) - Confirmed Base Set
Megatron - Assumed Add-On
repaint of Armada Wheeljack - Assumed Add-On
minicon for Armada Wheeljack - Assumed Add-On
repaint of Armada Blurr - Assumed Add-On
minicon for Armada Blurr - Assumed Add-On
Missing anything?
Posted by Hard Hacker on March 8th, 2008 @ 5:43am CST
Windracer wrote:It's about time the A. Wheeljack mold gets some repainting love. (I always wondered why Hasbro abused the heck out of that A. Sideswipe mold but completely ignored some of the better figs in the line...)
Shame this toy will be in a color scheme and at a price range I probably won't bother with. :[
Not so much repainting "hate", it just seems to be that they were willing to redeco what would seem like a dull mould. The thing is that Wheeljack just seems like too dull a toy to redeco. Its Powerlinx feature was rather Powermasteresque: Hook on the Mini-con of your choosing, and the doors open up, and the transformation can begin. Chances are children would miss out hooking on the Mini-con part as well.
However, Sideswipe would seem like the better/more logical toy to redeco (A nasty thought to fathom, I know) because in terms of play quality, it had much more. A "Punching action" and an extending car mode, which would appeal more to children then adults. Then again, you also have to remember the target audience: Children. If they could buy a fun looking toy, and don't even care about articulation or paint applicaitions, then Hasbro would make more money from the toy because children would want to play with it.
Then again, it's down to what you define as better. I'd like to see more Cybertron moulds in this line to be honest. Armarda was rather limited in decent moulds (In terms of collectables, which these figures seem to be).
Posted by Tigertrack on March 8th, 2008 @ 6:17am CST
nolga supreme wrote:If we attend the convention how do we find these? Are limited to first come or part of the packages?
FUn Pub/Collector's Club are usually set up outside the dealer room doors, or directly inside of them, selling their exclusives for the con as well as, club exclusives not sold out yet like Air Razor and Astrotrain.
Posted by nolga supreme on March 8th, 2008 @ 8:26pm CST
1st Bot Con. Woo Hoo.

Posted by Tigertrack on March 8th, 2008 @ 8:34pm CST
nolga supreme wrote:Thanks tiger tracks and ultra primal. I wil have to get there by 6 then. I guess I am taking 2 days of work.
1st Bot Con. Woo Hoo.
You should have a good time. If you want exclusives for the con, you certainly have to try to show up to get in line before the dealer room opens. Look for the schedule when it pops up on, and see when is the earliest time you can show up on Friday before the dealer room opens. You'll want to get in line at least an hour to an hour and a half early. Well, unless you want to take the chance of them selling out.

Good luck!
Posted by bvzxa on March 9th, 2008 @ 12:51am CST

Posted by Maniac23 on March 9th, 2008 @ 12:27pm CDT
bvzxa wrote:yeah the Micron Legend version is nice.
WHAT!!!! Would this be an image of the Micron Legend Rampage that you screwed me on over ebay? I know i got the money back but jeez man, you actually have the gall to come back here and post an image of it.