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More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More!

Transformers News: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More!

Saturday, February 19th, 2011 11:39PM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News
Posted by: Blurrz   Views: 114,919

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Previewed at ToyFair 2011 and a couple of other characters you might have interest in, we've got some sweet looks at Deluxe Topspin, Ratchet, Roadbuster, Jolt and Bumblebee. They are joined by Voyager Shockwave and Skyhammer. Topspin and Roadbuster fill our two-thirds of the Nascar group, the Wreckers. Ratchet, Bumblebee and Jolt feature brand new molds. Shockwave and Skyhammer are both Voyager class, and we get more looks of the Decepticon villain, and an alternate mode look at the sleek Helicopter. Check them out below!


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Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184463)
Posted by Galvatrondestroyer on February 19th, 2011 @ 11:45pm CST
why is it both wreckers peaugh put it "typical redneck" in the face? and why is that jolt so...*buuuuggghhh* ugly lookin? at least the new ratchet looks decent, plus shockwave looks great
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184464)
Posted by Rated X on February 19th, 2011 @ 11:47pm CST
I think ill just buy Shockwave and call it a day. Not so much liking the Nascars, but I do like that real advertising is used on the cars like G1 Mirage and Jazz. It's about time Hasbro got smart and got paid sponsers ads to make the figures look more real, instead of using flames or something dumb for graphics.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184465)
Posted by T-Macksimus on February 19th, 2011 @ 11:51pm CST
Warming up to Topspin but what is up with Roadbuster? Is there a reason why the toy looks very little like the version that we are going to see on-screen and at the start of the Daytona 500? It's a plain race car with a goofy gun dropped on the roof.
Also warming up to the helicopter a bit but still have that whole rotor placement thing to get past. Not very fond of how they did that one but the alt mode is definitely sweet and might be the selling point for me.
So that makes for 2 very strong 'Maybe' votes which is up from last month for me. I'll leave it at that since the rest would all be derisive.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184469)
Posted by alexison on February 20th, 2011 @ 12:01am CST
Really like Topspin's alt mode. His robot mode is growing on me. Roadbuster looks ok but the lack of paint apps kills the detail in the mold.

I think the new deluxe mold for Rathet is pointless.

I'm glad to see forearm/wrist swivels on BB.

I actually really like Jolt. The feet are a little off but I'm loving the rest.

Shockwave and the Helicopter are buys as well.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184480)
Posted by New Guy on February 20th, 2011 @ 12:19am CST
Am I the only one who thinks that Bumblebee looks sweet. Also Ratchet's weapon looks like a tommy gun with an oversized clip (that is awesome) :grin:
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184482)
Posted by OptiMagnus on February 20th, 2011 @ 12:29am CST
These all keep looking better and better in every new picture.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184488)
Posted by Megazarak on February 20th, 2011 @ 1:05am CST
A good number of those are pretty cool. I really like the aesthetic look of Topspin, though not as fond as his green buddy. Ratchet looks alright. I also think Jolt looks great (albeit, different). The new look (in general and being white) is pretty cool and suits him quite well, though I think the blue was a good colour for him. I am sad that he lacks his whips though, and it would have been pretty cool if his MechTech weapon was at least a whip. And of course Shockwave and Skyhammer looking good as always.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184490)
Posted by lbullock7 on February 20th, 2011 @ 1:18am CST
So my question is why doesn't the green wrecker car have all that cool armor stuff in car mode like the blue one has and like the pictures we saw of him from the new movie? :-? Hmmm..... He just looks like an ordinary nascar dissapointment........ :-(
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184511)
Posted by Pr1meSuspect on February 20th, 2011 @ 2:56am CST
I definitely want topspin, skyhammer and Shockwave but I need more pictures of skyhammer he looks great!!
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184520)
Posted by OlivusPrime on February 20th, 2011 @ 5:17am CST
Topspin looks awesome, Roadbuster looks great although its a shame the side Mechtech ports don't work - prevents me from shoving all of the crap weapons on him to beef him up. Like everyone else I don't particularly like the lack of paint on robot mode, but the detail of the mold negates that for me. I wonder if Leadfoot will be beefed up or a regular NASCAR car?
Bumblebee looks pretty rubbish, I really don't like that gun, and how they've taken away his BB axe and arm cannon. Also the lack of paint on his feet kind of puts me off. A shame, because his vehicle mode is starting to look really good.
I'll get Ratchet if his robot is of reasonable size. Quite disappointed that it isn't Voyager though. Jolt looks thorougly awesome, but if he isn't in the film, its a miss for me purely because of the paint job :-(
Do you even need to hear my opinion on Shockwave and Skyhammer? Wonder if the latter will be in the film.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184523)
Posted by Mykltron on February 20th, 2011 @ 5:35am CST
I don't need the new BB but I like the other cars. Makes me wish I hadn't bought the other deluxe Ratchet though :-x
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184527)
Posted by prowl123 on February 20th, 2011 @ 6:26am CST



Possibly Roadbuster.

Need more info on Skyhammer

The rest are bull.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184528)
Posted by griftimus prime on February 20th, 2011 @ 6:30am CST
roadbuster is the best figure in this line so far.

very sexy.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184529)
Posted by Genocide G2.0 on February 20th, 2011 @ 6:40am CST
Blue nascar is a buy for me it's the only mechtech figure i realy like.

green nascar is lacking so much colour and his weopon is pointless but i'll probly buy when it's cheaper.

Shockwave is a buy.

Sky Hammer is a buy i must be the only person who likes the rotor on his chest,I love moulds that are totally changed, I bet people would be more pissed if it was a Blackout/Grindor mould again.

Ratchet,BumbleBee and Jolt YAAAWWWNNN! either seen it a million times(BB)or just pointless (Jolt looks crap ).
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184551)
Posted by Fenrir Prime on February 20th, 2011 @ 8:59am CST
I love Roadbuster and Topspin's robot mode is growing on me. To be honest I wouldn't mind the redneck thing as long as they are the trigger-happy kinda redneck or even like the Dukes of Hazard. With our luck we will get the blue collar comedy tour though.

Shockwave looks better and better every time I see him and I personally love Skyhammer in both modes
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184561)
Posted by Shokwayve on February 20th, 2011 @ 9:56am CST
Not too many of the movie figures are really impressing me. The only ones that intrigue me are Shockwave, Sentinel Prime, Skyhammer, and Powerglide. Everything else is whatever. Do wish the Nascars were the Stunticons though and there was a Motormaster to contend w/ Prime.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184564)
Posted by GetRightRobot on February 20th, 2011 @ 10:09am CST
I was really hoping this Skyhammer guy was gonna be Whirl!!! I like him though, as Whirl!! The BB alt mode sure looks smooth, other than that plastic turd atop his roof. I'm not sure how I feel about the Wreckers, but I recommend you buy these guys. God knows rednecks love there Die-cast model racecars, they will probally buy these. Won't be able to transform, but whatever. I will get them to pawn at a later date for G1 retro badassedness!!! :twisted:
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184565)
Posted by DMSL on February 20th, 2011 @ 10:10am CST
I don't like the new Jolt, he looks so plain and downright boring.

Don't care for Ratchet either, about time Hasbro gave us a new voyager Ratchet that looked good. The one from the first movie while nice looked a bit meh.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184594)
Posted by Optimus1138 on February 20th, 2011 @ 11:25am CST
Topspin looks pretty good, but unfortunately it doesn't look like he'll be able to have an unarmed vehicle mode, and I still don't like the lime green on his robot mode. Roadbuster looks really plain in both modes, however. Ratchet looks okay, but I'm not a fan of the robot mode. Shockwave looks great, but I'll only get the Voyager one if we get word form Hasbro that there will be no Leader figure of him. I'll definitely be getting Skyhammer to use as Whirl for my Classics Wreckers.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184636)
Posted by Twitchythe3rd on February 20th, 2011 @ 12:39pm CST
Don't really like "drop a giant gun on top of the car" thing. Granted i'll likely pick up the Wreckers just because they're Nascars. Specifically Roadbuster since the 88 car happens to be my favorite.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184673)
Posted by Noideaforaname on February 20th, 2011 @ 1:51pm CST
Interesting how in both the Legends and Deluxe Classes, we got two of the Wreckers, one with all the guns and the other without. IIRC, there will be two Wreckers for HA, so, judging by the pattern, quite possibly we'll get a 'clean' Leadfoot and a gun-happy Roadbuster.

While I'd imagine we'll get all three Wreckers in all three classes, I doubt we'll get both the clean and attack versions of each character in even just one class. That would just take up all the shelve space way too quickly.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184681)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 20th, 2011 @ 2:01pm CST
I want all of them. Now. I really hope I got a crapload of money when these come out.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184756)
Posted by shadowynne on February 20th, 2011 @ 4:55pm CST
hmmm just shockwave for me thanks...
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184796)
Posted by SKYWARPED_128 on February 20th, 2011 @ 6:55pm CST
Is it just me, or does Bumblebee look like he's got the same uglier bloated head from the ROTF preview version? His body seems to be a slightly retooled version of Battle Blades BB. Why can't they give him the better looking head too?

Wait, let me guess; the BB BB head has a face-plate, which had to be taken out to save costs for the stupid mechtech gimmick.

The wreckers are looking good, especially the blue one.

Shockwave's a keeper, unless they come up with a leader class.

Jolt's not bad, but I'm not sure if I'll be picking him up.

I'd like to see more pics of the chopper [Topspin?]
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184802)
Posted by OptiMagnus on February 20th, 2011 @ 7:11pm CST
SKYWARPED_128 wrote:Is it just me, or does Bumblebee look like he's got the same uglier bloated head from the ROTF preview version? His body seems to be a slightly retooled version of Battle Blades BB. Why can't they give him the better looking head too?

Wait, let me guess; the BB BB head has a face-plate, which had to be taken out to save costs for the stupid mechtech gimmick.

The wreckers are looking good, especially the blue one.

Shockwave's a keeper, unless they come up with a leader class.

Jolt's not bad, but I'm not sure if I'll be picking him up.

I'd like to see more pics of the chopper [Topspin?]

Bumblebee has a totally new movie-accurate headsculpt to my knowledge. It looks similar to the BB BB head but I'm not sure if it's the same one or a new one.

And the helicopter is Skyhammer. Topspin is the blue gun-loaded stock car.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1184826)
Posted by SKYWARPED_128 on February 20th, 2011 @ 7:54pm CST
OptiMagnus10 wrote:
SKYWARPED_128 wrote:Is it just me, or does Bumblebee look like he's got the same uglier bloated head from the ROTF preview version? His body seems to be a slightly retooled version of Battle Blades BB. Why can't they give him the better looking head too?

Wait, let me guess; the BB BB head has a face-plate, which had to be taken out to save costs for the stupid mechtech gimmick.

The wreckers are looking good, especially the blue one.

Shockwave's a keeper, unless they come up with a leader class.

Jolt's not bad, but I'm not sure if I'll be picking him up.

I'd like to see more pics of the chopper [Topspin?]

Bumblebee has a totally new movie-accurate headsculpt to my knowledge. It looks similar to the BB BB head but I'm not sure if it's the same one or a new one.

And the helicopter is Skyhammer. Topspin is the blue gun-loaded stock car.

Yeah, I rechecked the pic, and it looks like a new sculpt. The face-plate looks like its gone, as the black painted-on "eye-guards" aren't there any more. Then again, the fig looks like a prototype, with missing paint apps all over. At least I HOPE it's a prototype; the leg parts that are supposed to be metal [gray] are unpainted yellow.

And thanks for the heads-up on Skyhammer.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1185157)
Posted by Predaprince on February 21st, 2011 @ 2:23pm CST
Shockwave looks superb!!! It is the first "Bay"former that I truly like the look of it.
Re: More Images of Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Topspin, Roadbuster, Ratchet and Much More! (1186439)
Posted by Doubledealer93 on February 24th, 2011 @ 6:24am CST
BB, ratchet and jolt are trash. the rest are buys! i cant wait for skyhammer! but i might get the deluxe ratchet for the weapon and mod it to fit my voyager ratchet.

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