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New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour

Transformers News: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017 8:31AM CDT

Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 16,196

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As fellow Seibertronian Clockwork Animations rightly points out, it looks like Paramount may be trying for the 50 clips prior to worldwide release for Transformers: The Last Knight! The latest one, embedded below, features Cogman playing the organ, alongside old footage. But there are also three more, featuring Hot Rod (with Omar Sy's voice), Drift, Hopkins and Haddock and Wahlberg, more Cogman and general Bayhem, bringing us up to 46 or 47 clips by now - check them all out below!


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Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890786)
Posted by WreckerJack on June 20th, 2017 @ 10:09am CDT
Might go see TLK tonite. Last I heard my theater was playing it tomorrow. Guess it depends on what my friends would like to do really. (But if no one communicates then I am gonna go, no time to waste on people being indecisive!)

Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890865)
Posted by robotcaveman on June 20th, 2017 @ 1:50pm CDT
A friend of mine heard from somewhere that there's going to be a total of 14 tf movies. But the tv spots for t5 have been saying "experience the final chapter". I'm confused. Will there be anymore movies after the Bumblebee spin-off?
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890924)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 20th, 2017 @ 3:44pm CDT
robotcaveman wrote:A friend of mine heard from somewhere that there's going to be a total of 14 tf movies.
That's false. 14 ideas for the fifth movie were proposed by the writers' room, not 14 movies.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890925)
Posted by Deadput on June 20th, 2017 @ 3:46pm CDT
robotcaveman wrote:A friend of mine heard from somewhere that there's going to be a total of 14 tf movies. But the tv spots for t5 have been saying "experience the final chapter". I'm confused. Will there be anymore movies after the Bumblebee spin-off?

There is not going to be 14 movies whoever told you this is either lying or misinformed.

The only actually planned movies we know of are the two spin off films (The bumblebee movie, and Transformers one which is an animated prequel set on Cybertron presumably during the war) and the sequel to this movie Transformers 6 (7?)

The final chapter thing probably means either the fact this is Bay's last movie or that the next film is part 2 of TLK and that is the last movie not including spin offs.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890926)
Posted by Deadput on June 20th, 2017 @ 3:48pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
robotcaveman wrote:A friend of mine heard from somewhere that there's going to be a total of 14 tf movies.
That's false. 14 ideas for the fifth movie were proposed by the writers' room, not 14 movies.

And two of those ideas were "crash combined" into TLK. (I think the two ideas were War world 2 and knights but I'm not sure)

Thanks Lorenzo. :HEADHURTS:
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890936)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 20th, 2017 @ 4:04pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
robotcaveman wrote:A friend of mine heard from somewhere that there's going to be a total of 14 tf movies.
That's false. 14 ideas for the fifth movie were proposed by the writers' room, not 14 movies.

And two of those ideas were "crash combined" into TLK. (I think the two ideas were War world 2 and knights but I'm not sure)

Thanks Lorenzo. :HEADHURTS:
Three ideas: King Arthur, WWII, and a continuation of AOE's Creators/Knights subplot.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890942)
Posted by Deadput on June 20th, 2017 @ 4:18pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Three ideas: King Arthur, WWII, and a continuation of AOE's Creators/Knights subplot.

I mean isn't the first and the last one the same thing. :lol:
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890946)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 20th, 2017 @ 4:34pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Three ideas: King Arthur, WWII, and a continuation of AOE's Creators/Knights subplot.

I mean isn't the first and the last one the same thing. :lol:
Quintessa is King Arthur? :P
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890953)
Posted by Deadput on June 20th, 2017 @ 4:49pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Deadput wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Three ideas: King Arthur, WWII, and a continuation of AOE's Creators/Knights subplot.

I mean isn't the first and the last one the same thing. :lol:
Quintessa is King Arthur? :P

I thought she was the lady of the lake eh? :DANCE:

Apparently there is this unnamed excavator Autobot at the junkyard who doesn't speak and has less screen time then Jolt in ROTF... but why does he even exist?
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890958)
Posted by Kurona on June 20th, 2017 @ 4:57pm CDT
While 14 movies was confirmed as miscommunication and misunderstanding of there being 14 ideas, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if we ended up with 14 or more. We're already at 9 and these movies keep getting made with no sign of stopping...
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890961)
Posted by Deadput on June 20th, 2017 @ 5:02pm CDT
Kurona wrote:While 14 movies was confirmed as miscommunication and misunderstanding of there being 14 ideas, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if we ended up with 14 or more. We're already at 9 and these movies keep getting made with no sign of stopping...

What's the 9'th?

I mean It's possible and we are definitely at 6 since Bee movie is probably already far in production but Transformers one and transformer 6 (7) could always be canned because the movie bombs and with the way reviews are going it seems that TLK might bomb.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1890964)
Posted by Kurona on June 20th, 2017 @ 5:08pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Kurona wrote:While 14 movies was confirmed as miscommunication and misunderstanding of there being 14 ideas, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if we ended up with 14 or more. We're already at 9 and these movies keep getting made with no sign of stopping...

What's the 9'th?

I mean It's possible and we are definitely at 6 since Bee movie is probably already far in production but Transformers one and transformer 6 (7) could always be canned because the movie bombs and with the way reviews are going it seems that TLK might bomb.

We don't know anything about the 9th yet - considering how far away it'd be, I'd be surprised if we had anything at all - but I remember it being confirmed that there are four movies confirmed to be coming after TLK.

These movies get negative reviews all the time - didn't stop all of them from breaking box office records. Maybe 5th time's the charm, but I doubt negative reviews will culminate in TLK bombing.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891008)
Posted by Deadput on June 20th, 2017 @ 7:32pm CDT
So this movie has a 13 percent on RT right now which is lower from ROTF and AOE's 19 and 18 percent.

I'm calling Bull since everyone believes Bay's the god damn devil.

Why do people expect more out of transforming robot action movie Transformers as an idea will never be good only entertaining just like how every cartoon has been objectively bad but entertaining even if Bay and every other person left the film or if Disney made them they would still be the same!

It god damn bombed and with the lackluster mostly unknown Rid cartoon and the dwindling comic sales this franchise is going to crash and burn and end just like GI Joe and every other "franchise" Hasbro has made into films.

And people think the Star Wars films are "good" instead of just simply entertaining.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891011)
Posted by Kurona on June 20th, 2017 @ 7:57pm CDT
Is it true that Optimus takes up the mantle of The Fallen/Shockwave/Dinobots in this movie? Pulls in short appearance(s) in the start or middle of the movie but mostly appears at the end?
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891012)
Posted by Deadput on June 20th, 2017 @ 8:00pm CDT
Kurona wrote:Is it true that Optimus takes up the mantle of The Fallen/Shockwave/Dinobots in this movie? Pulls in short appearance(s) in the start or middle of the movie but mostly appears at the end?

He's in the film for like 10-15 minutes but with his role what else would he do.

He's not even on Earth as far as I know so any character in his place would have a shorter role.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891020)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 20th, 2017 @ 9:47pm CDT
This is the spoiler-free thread for the movie. This is the spoiler thread.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891035)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 20th, 2017 @ 10:29pm CDT
Just saw TLK. I never thought I'd see the day. I never thought I'd see the goddamn day where I walk out of a Transformers movie, not only disappointed, but pissed the **** off. I don't know. Maybe I'm going insane. Maybe I'm just being conformed to be just like everyone else on this stupid ass planet. I don't know. I'm going to need to sleep on this before I just start going off.

For reference, the first 2/3's of this movie were brilliant. Everything I ever wanted in a TF movie. But that last act... goddamn, did the writers and producers just stop giving a shit. I'm sorry, but I need to sleep on what I just saw. I feel broken and empty right now, and I just can't wrap my head around it at the moment.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891038)
Posted by william-james88 on June 20th, 2017 @ 10:37pm CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:Just saw TLK. I never thought I'd see the day. I never thought I'd see the goddamn day where I walk out of a Transformers movie, not only disappointed, but pissed the **** off. I don't know. Maybe I'm going insane. Maybe I'm just being conformed to be just like everyone else on this stupid ass planet. I don't know. I'm going to need to sleep on this before I just start going off.

For reference, the first 2/3's of this movie were brilliant. Everything I ever wanted in a TF movie. But that last act... goddamn, did the writers and producers just stop giving a ****. I'm sorry, but I need to sleep on what I just saw. I feel broken and empty right now, and I just can't wrap my head around it at the moment.

Just remember that you have people here that care about you and can share in your misery. Rest well!
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891042)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 20th, 2017 @ 10:47pm CDT
With the movie now upon us, Deadline Hollywood has uploaded a new story highlighting what they think will happen money-wise with The Last Knight. While the United States don't appear to be holding a strong torch at the moment, with an estimated 5 day total of $70 million, down from $100 million for Age of Extinction, it is expected that international markets will push this movie to be a hit overall. You can find some of the highlighted text below, and you can read up on the whole story by following the above link.

In what looks to be another case of summer franchise fatigue at the domestic box office, Paramount’s Transformers: The Last Knight opens tonight in the U.S. and it’s projected to be the lowest opening in the Hasbro cinematic series with a five-day take of $70 million at 3,800 theaters.


Age Of Extinction per Deadline’s film finance sources, minted a profit of $250M after all ancillaries with an estimated $30M in revenue coming from merchandising — the real reason why studios continue to keep these dusty franchises in business, particularly with the wane of home entertainment monies. Age Of Extinction and 2011’s Dark Of The Moon cleared $1.1 billion and $1.12B at the global box office, respectively, and the trick for Paramount is getting Last Knight to that same result.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891053)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 20th, 2017 @ 11:54pm CDT
Honestly, I think that the fact that it was so heavily promoted, and having a shorter run-time, as well as opening in nearly 4,000 theaters, it will hit 100 million bucks in 5 days. Probably get to a billion as well by the time it's through.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891065)
Posted by dabattousai on June 21st, 2017 @ 2:27am CDT
Just got back from seeing the movie and was disappointed with a lot of the concepts, one of them being a spoiler so I will not say. I really hope Michael Bay is done after this...
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891067)
Posted by Burn on June 21st, 2017 @ 2:48am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Just saw TLK. I never thought I'd see the day. I never thought I'd see the goddamn day where I walk out of a Transformers movie, not only disappointed, but pissed the **** off. I don't know. Maybe I'm going insane. Maybe I'm just being conformed to be just like everyone else on this stupid ass planet. I don't know. I'm going to need to sleep on this before I just start going off.

For reference, the first 2/3's of this movie were brilliant. Everything I ever wanted in a TF movie. But that last act... goddamn, did the writers and producers just stop giving a ****. I'm sorry, but I need to sleep on what I just saw. I feel broken and empty right now, and I just can't wrap my head around it at the moment.

Just remember that you have people here that care about you and can share in your misery. Rest well!

Heck no! He's given us 8 years of misery, 8 years of abuse, 8 years of condescension, he can suffer in his jocks on his own!
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891068)
Posted by Blackstreak on June 21st, 2017 @ 3:02am CDT
Having seen the first showing for the Cincinnati area I don't see why The Last Knight can't do what it's predecessor did. The only thing I would have liked to see was more Dinobot action.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891088)
Posted by Va'al on June 21st, 2017 @ 4:49am CDT
The official Steve Jablonsky Facebook page has posted an update from the Transformers music composer - including for The Last Knight - confirming his presence this Friday 23 June in LA, for the Score: A Film Music Documentary, for a Q&A and more!

Hey if you're in LA this coming Friday and want to come say hi and ask me stuff.....maybe questions like "how did you get to be so awesome?" or "is it difficult being so awesome?".....I'll be hanging out at this ArcLight Cinema for a screening of Score: A Film Music Documentary. Hope to meet some of you there!

But if you're here for The Last Knight news, as you probably are, we have a non-update on the full score for the movie, thanks to Jablonsky himself on Twitter. We'll just have to keep waiting for now...

Don't have an official release date yet but it's currently sitting on my desktop

Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891089)
Posted by Va'al on June 21st, 2017 @ 4:56am CDT
Notified by a Hasbro Twitter update, we have images of another type of screening for Transformers: The Last Knight, featuring both cast member Mark Wahlberg and Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner - a charity screening for the Mark Wahlber Youth Foundation! Check out the images featuring the two below, and let us know if you attended any special screenings by you in the Energon Pub!

Have spoilers or want to discuss the movie itself with other fans who've seen it? Head to our spoiler thread for TLK - right here!

IMAGE DISTRIBUTED FOR HASBRO - TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT star, Mark Wahlberg talks to the crowd during the pre-screening festivities at the TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT Charity Premiere with the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation at Showcase LIVE, Patriot Place in Foxborough, Mass., Monday, June 19, 2017. (Photo by Stew Milne/Invision for Hasbro/AP Images)




Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891106)
Posted by TurboMMaster on June 21st, 2017 @ 7:13am CDT
Burn wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Just saw TLK. I never thought I'd see the day. I never thought I'd see the goddamn day where I walk out of a Transformers movie, not only disappointed, but pissed the **** off. I don't know. Maybe I'm going insane. Maybe I'm just being conformed to be just like everyone else on this stupid ass planet. I don't know. I'm going to need to sleep on this before I just start going off.

For reference, the first 2/3's of this movie were brilliant. Everything I ever wanted in a TF movie. But that last act... goddamn, did the writers and producers just stop giving a ****. I'm sorry, but I need to sleep on what I just saw. I feel broken and empty right now, and I just can't wrap my head around it at the moment.

Just remember that you have people here that care about you and can share in your misery. Rest well!

Heck no! He's given us 8 years of misery, 8 years of abuse, 8 years of condescension, he can suffer in his jocks on his own!
No this long here, but I agree. To be honest, If Sly liked DOTM, witch was a terrible movie for me, then maybe we should take dis disappointment as a good coin :-? ?

And considering Author, no doubt about soundtrack in this one. He never dissapoints.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891135)
Posted by dragons on June 21st, 2017 @ 9:24am CDT
I liked movie compare what we get in cartoons and comics it kind matched up good little girl parts where little slow hope we get sequel not reboot to see unicron in sequel some new directors are good on series and some new directors are bad where series had left new director picking up gi joe retaliation better than first, batman forever and batman robin bad bat nipples on guy costumes and no bat nipples on batgirl costume costumes don't need nipples but guys get them not female, and city was to colorful,.

If we get sequel by new director it could be bad or good
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891137)
Posted by robotcaveman on June 21st, 2017 @ 9:27am CDT
Just saw the movie last knight. BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891146)
Posted by Big Grim on June 21st, 2017 @ 10:09am CDT
Whoa. The last few reviews of this film are freakin' savage. This film is worse that AoE? That's hard to imagine.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891150)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 21st, 2017 @ 10:18am CDT
TurboMMaster wrote:
Burn wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Just saw TLK. I never thought I'd see the day. I never thought I'd see the goddamn day where I walk out of a Transformers movie, not only disappointed, but pissed the **** off. I don't know. Maybe I'm going insane. Maybe I'm just being conformed to be just like everyone else on this stupid ass planet. I don't know. I'm going to need to sleep on this before I just start going off.

For reference, the first 2/3's of this movie were brilliant. Everything I ever wanted in a TF movie. But that last act... goddamn, did the writers and producers just stop giving a ****. I'm sorry, but I need to sleep on what I just saw. I feel broken and empty right now, and I just can't wrap my head around it at the moment.

Just remember that you have people here that care about you and can share in your misery. Rest well!

Heck no! He's given us 8 years of misery, 8 years of abuse, 8 years of condescension, he can suffer in his jocks on his own!
No this long here, but I agree. To be honest, If Sly liked DOTM, witch was a terrible movie for me, then maybe we should take dis disappointment as a good coin :-? ?

And considering Author, no doubt about soundtrack in this one. He never dissapoints.

I think I still liked TLK more than DOTM. I never really cared for the first half of DOTM, whereas only the last act of TLK retroactively ruined the rest of the movie. It was like they were building up a bunch of interesting concepts that either just never went anywhere, or just completely fell apart. AOE is still my favorite.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891158)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 21st, 2017 @ 10:55am CDT
Big Grim wrote:Whoa. The last few reviews of this film are freakin' savage. This film is worse that AoE? That's hard to imagine.

I don't think that is really the case, but we will cover that in some spoiler reviews later!
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891160)
Posted by Big Grim on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:16am CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
Big Grim wrote:Whoa. The last few reviews of this film are freakin' savage. This film is worse that AoE? That's hard to imagine.

I don't think that is really the case, but we will cover that in some spoiler reviews later!

We'll see in time, sure. I mean, these reviews are not from TF sites.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891161)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:21am CDT
What hurts me the most about this movie is that I feel like I'm betraying the movie franchise by being disappointed by TLK. I've been the only person willing to defend these movies to the death, but now I don't feel like I can't do that with this one. I wanted to like it much more than I do, but I can't, and I truly feel like I'm betraying something here.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891163)
Posted by Deadput on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:33am CDT
Have not seen the movie myself yet (But will today) I heard the first hour is the best part.

Keeping my expectations low especially since Sly himself is disappointed which worries me as someone who is a fan who can accept and overlook the flaws of the previous films.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891164)
Posted by G1OPT1MU5PR1M3 on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:36am CDT
I saw this movie at a fan screening last night...This movie has destroyed any chance of me caring of any transformer movie moving forward into the future of Michael bay films. I can't believe no one was on deck to tell him to trash this movie.
So sad...
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891166)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:51am CDT
Deadput wrote:Have not seen the movie myself yet (But will today) I heard the first hour is the best part.

Keeping my expectations low especially since Sly himself is disappointed which worries me as someone who is a fan who can accept and overlook the flaws of the previous films.

I'd say the first hour and a half are great. There's a moment halfway through one particular fight scene where you can tell the writers just stopped giving a shit. Even the quality of the dialogue dropped exponentially, and it stayed that way through the rest of the movie.

I was fine with AOE's shitty dialogue, because it was throughout the entire movie. That was its style. But here, some of the best dialogue that's ever been uttered in the entire franchise permeated the first half, while the second half dropped even below AOE's standards. And it's not just the dialogue that drops. You'll just have to see for yourself.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891167)
Posted by william-james88 on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:52am CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:What hurts me the most about this movie is that I feel like I'm betraying the movie franchise by being disappointed by TLK. I've been the only person willing to defend these movies to the death, but now I don't feel like I can't do that with this one. I wanted to like it much more than I do, but I can't, and I truly feel like I'm betraying something here.

What makes this film so much worse than the rest?
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891170)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:55am CDT
G1OPT1MU5PR1M3 wrote:I saw this movie at a fan screening last night...This movie has destroyed any chance of me caring of any transformer movie moving forward into the future of Michael bay films. I can't believe no one was on deck to tell him to trash this movie.
So sad...

It's not Bay's fault at all. It was the producers that ruined it. They were going to make Bay shoot without a completed script. BAY is the one who had to force them to hire a team of writers. And this is what they gave him. That's why I think Bay wants out of the franchise after this movie. They gave him bullshit to work with, out of spite.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891174)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:57am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:What hurts me the most about this movie is that I feel like I'm betraying the movie franchise by being disappointed by TLK. I've been the only person willing to defend these movies to the death, but now I don't feel like I can't do that with this one. I wanted to like it much more than I do, but I can't, and I truly feel like I'm betraying something here.

What makes this film so much worse than the rest?

There were so many plot points that were brought up that were just glossed over. Even the knights and the creators, which was my absolute favorite part of AOE, the mystery behind them, was completely glossed over. Anything else, and I'd be getting into spoilers.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891195)
Posted by It Is Him on June 21st, 2017 @ 1:42pm CDT
Brands don't need you to defend them. They're not our friends, no matter how hard they try to ingratiate themselves into our lives. We can be vocal about fandom without justifying this one small part of it
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891203)
Posted by Dmhead on June 21st, 2017 @ 2:19pm CDT
The word of mouth for this film is quite bad. Could TLK perform well despiste being panned by the critics?
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891269)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 21st, 2017 @ 6:13pm CDT
Thanks to an Entertainment Weekly article, we have news that Steve Jablonsky has uploaded a full song for our enjoyment that is featured in Transformers: The Last Knight! Jablonsky, who has worked extensively with the music for the movies, created something new and special for the latest movie when he had to make some music for a medieval scene where the knights of the round table fight off barbarians. This new piece excited Jablonsky, and he allowed Entertainment Weekly to show off his song in their article! You can listen to the piece, titled "Merlin's Staff," by following the above link, and you can check some of his interview with Entertainment Weekly below!

Steve Jablonsky has written music for every one of Michael Bay’s Transformers films. But for the fifth installment, Transformers: The Last Knight, the composer had to take things back — way back — to Medieval times.


“I met with Michael before he started shooting Transformers: The Last Knight,” Jablonsky said in a press release. “He showed me some amazing concept art and explained how the story connects the history of Transformers all the way back to the times of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I loved the idea because it gave me the opportunity to explore new musical ideas…
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891301)
Posted by Dagon on June 21st, 2017 @ 8:20pm CDT
My wife and I just got back from seeing the movie. I have been disappointed by every live action ablution beside the first one, which was cool as a live action realization of the Transformers but plotless and boring otherwise.
I went in to this one with the lowest of expectations. I expected to see moving images and hear loud noises for two and a half hours. And I was still incredibly disappointed by this movie. I know there's a word filter that will block swear words, so there isn't a way I can express my feelings about this film. But this, like the last three movies, is a bad, bad, nonsensical and stupid movie.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891319)
Posted by Dagon on June 21st, 2017 @ 9:37pm CDT
Deadput wrote:So this movie has a 13 percent on RT right now which is lower from ROTF and AOE's 19 and 18 percent.

I'm calling Bull since everyone believes Bay's the god damn devil.

Why do people expect more out of transforming robot action movie Transformers as an idea will never be good only entertaining just like how every cartoon has been objectively bad but entertaining even if Bay and every other person left the film or if Disney made them they would still be the same!

It god damn bombed and with the lackluster mostly unknown Rid cartoon and the dwindling comic sales this franchise is going to crash and burn and end just like GI Joe and every other "franchise" Hasbro has made into films.

And people think the Star Wars films are "good" instead of just simply entertaining.

I think people expect a good movie. Not Citizen Kane, but a decent movie. That's not too lofty or unreasonable of an expectation. And, it's not impossible for TF fiction to be quality. The movies are just bad.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891343)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:08pm CDT
Deadput wrote:Why do people expect more out of transforming robot action movie Transformers as an idea will never be good only entertaining just like how every cartoon has been objectively bad but entertaining even if Bay and every other person left the film or if Disney made them they would still be the same!
As long as objectively good quality Transformers stories like "Code of Hero" exist, this argument will never ever be true.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891344)
Posted by Deadput on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:10pm CDT
Dagon wrote:I think people expect a good movie. Not Citizen Kane, but a decent movie. That's not too lofty or unreasonable of an expectation. And, it's not impossible for TF fiction to be quality. The movies are just bad.

I don't know man I just got back from the movie expecting a trash heap and I'm surprised to say...I enjoyed the whole movie besides three nitpicks!

The fact that Cogman's headmaster scenes were cut. (As well as many scenes from filming that are just gone like at least 20 minutes of it)

Topspin randomly having Leadfoot's head (Still enjoy the confirmation he is alive regardless)

That random Contructicon Autobot at the junkyard who is there for 10 seconds before never showing up again ( Did not hate it but I'm just confused on what the point of him was)

But honestly am I crazy, everyone else is, or do I just have a terrible sense of taste?
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891346)
Posted by Deadput on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:13pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Deadput wrote:Why do people expect more out of transforming robot action movie Transformers as an idea will never be good only entertaining just like how every cartoon has been objectively bad but entertaining even if Bay and every other person left the film or if Disney made them they would still be the same!
As long as objectively good quality Transformers stories like "Code of Hero" exist, this argument will never ever be true.

One offs that can't be repeated especially not in movie format unless the cast is incredibly small and has only one or two main characters as opposed to... well most Transformers media.

We have never gotten another Code of Hero or Last stand of the Wreckers even when people have attempted to (Hi Sins of the Wreckers as enjoyable as you were you were also disappointing)
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891350)
Posted by william-james88 on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:24pm CDT
Just came back from watching it. it wasnt good. So little time spent on bot on bot action they might as well not be in the film. Its just humans running away from explosions and trying to get a stick for 2.5 hours.

At least now i know Berserker was indeed in the film.
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891351)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:24pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Dagon wrote:I think people expect a good movie. Not Citizen Kane, but a decent movie. That's not too lofty or unreasonable of an expectation. And, it's not impossible for TF fiction to be quality. The movies are just bad.

I don't know man I just got back from the movie expecting a trash heap and I'm surprised to say...I enjoyed the whole movie besides three nitpicks!
Spoilers, man! This is the spoiler-free thread.

Deadput wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Deadput wrote:Why do people expect more out of transforming robot action movie Transformers as an idea will never be good only entertaining just like how every cartoon has been objectively bad but entertaining even if Bay and every other person left the film or if Disney made them they would still be the same!
As long as objectively good quality Transformers stories like "Code of Hero" exist, this argument will never ever be true.

One offs that can't be repeated especially not in movie format unless the cast is incredibly small and has only one or two main characters as opposed to... well most Transformers media.

We have never gotten another Code of Hero or Last stand of the Wreckers even when people have attempted to (Hi Sins of the Wreckers as enjoyable as you were you were also disappointing)
I was responding to your claim of "since no Transformers fiction has ever been objective good, the films shouldn't be either."[/paraphrasing]
Re: New Clips for Transformers: The Last Knight - It Begins, All Ends, Team Drift, Bonjour (1891354)
Posted by Deadput on June 21st, 2017 @ 11:37pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Spoilers, man! This is the spoiler-free thread.

What spoilers?

The only thing I can think of is nitpick number two and it had nothing to do with spoilers.

Nitpick number 1 wasn't in the movie and neither were things in the trailers.

Nitpick number 3 was about some completely pointless and unsignificant thing in the background in the first 30 minutes that had nothing to do with anything before or afterwards like honestly that's not a spoiler.

Edit: I went and spoil marked it anyways.

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