IDW Publishing's Editor-in-Chief Chris Ryall ahs updated his blog
RyallTime with two pages of interior art from the soon to be released book "I Am Optimus Prime".
Written by Chris Ryall, and illustrated by the Sharp Brothers "I Am Optimus Prime" is aimed as younger readers aged 4-7 years old, with art based on the Robot Heroes line of figures, which you can
see here.
While showcasing many character that have already received the Robot Heroes treatment, like
Optimus Prime,
Soundwave and
Arcee, we also get what could be considered our first look at Robot Heroes Ratchet
You can check out the four pages (2 images) of interior art below, or head on over to Ryall's blog, by
clicking here.

Credit(s): Chris Ryall
Re: New Interior Art from "I Am Optimus Prime" (893109)
Posted by
mattyc1007 on March 3rd, 2009 @ 3:51pm CST
aw look at the little kitty cat

Re: New Interior Art from "I Am Optimus Prime" (893128)
Posted by
Hip-Hoptimus Rime on March 3rd, 2009 @ 4:36pm CST
That's so cool! My daughter is 4, she might be up for this, but the violence gives me pause, cartoonish as it may be. I'm trying to keep that sort of thing away from her as long as I realistically can, you know? But she's becoming quite the little fan-kid- loves her Animated Bumblebee and Optimus PJs.
*will prob buy anyway*
Re: New Interior Art from "I Am Optimus Prime" (893157)
Posted by
JazZeke on March 3rd, 2009 @ 5:40pm CST
YES! Now we can inundate the next generation with the TRUTH about Ratchet's helmet color. You white-helmet-ers with soon DIE OUT! It is only inevitable! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Re: New Interior Art from "I Am Optimus Prime" (893166)
Posted by
soundwave13c on March 3rd, 2009 @ 5:54pm CST
looks interesting

I should actually invest more in the literature of TFs.
Re: New Interior Art from "I Am Optimus Prime" (893199)
Posted by
TRANS+CRAZY on March 3rd, 2009 @ 7:28pm CST
I don't care if the book's aimed at young readers, I'm so going to buy that book. If anyone asks, I'm going to say that I bought it so that when I have kids, I can tell them Transformers bedtime stories.
Re: New Interior Art from "I Am Optimus Prime" (893262)
Posted by
typh0id on March 3rd, 2009 @ 9:59pm CST
I've already preordered this for my son...He will flip when he finds out I have a TF book to read to him before bedtime...I've never bought any of the 8x8 TFA storybooks because I really can't stomach those types of books...But this one looks top-notch

Re: New Interior Art from "I Am Optimus Prime" (893281)
Posted by
AutobotJazz on March 3rd, 2009 @ 10:30pm CST
that actually looks pretty cool.
Re: New Interior Art from "I Am Optimus Prime" (893302)
Posted by
ponycorn on March 3rd, 2009 @ 10:57pm CST
These two pictures alone make me dream of an entire children's product like with this art. I'll take 1 sheet set, 1 bathroom coordinates set, coasters, cups and plates, and some of those "flypaper" static cling wall decorations. Oh yeah, and posters too.
Definitely picking this book up. Putting it down might be a challenge though.