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New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron

Transformers News: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron

Thursday, February 22nd, 2024 2:07PM CST

Categories: Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 98,774

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Jtprime17 has two more Studio Series listings to share. Remember, we only had news of the voyagers and deluxes and now we know about two of the upcoming leaders.

They are:

Tra Gen Studio series Ldr 86 Galvatron
Product Number: G0481

Tra Gen Studio series Ldr 86 Megatron
Product Number: G0484

We do not know if Galvatron is a new mold or a redeco of the previous leader release.

Transformers News: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron

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Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176976)
Posted by Overcracker on February 22nd, 2024 @ 2:15pm CST
william-james88 wrote:Jtprime17 has two more Studio Series listings to share. Remember, we only had news of the voyagers and deluxes and now we know about two of the upcoming leaders.

They are:

Tra Gen Studio series Ldr 86 Galvatron
Product Number: G0481

Tra Gen Studio series Ldr 86 Megatron
Product Number: G0484

We do not know if Galvatron is a new mold or a redeco of the previous leader release.


Didn't we already know about Megs? The question remans, it will be a new mold, or some modified version of the Earthrise Megs.

Galvatron on the other hand is very interesting, Is it just the Kingdom mold in SS-86 packaging? The other 3 versions are still readily available.

Selects Galvy is down to Deluxe pricing now on Amazon, so just an another version of the same mold seems highly unnecessary.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176977)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on February 22nd, 2024 @ 2:28pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Which is a sad thought, yet another year to wait to see what they could do with a live action commander
For what it's worth, I agree with chuckdawg, the SS86 line will be finished in '26. We only have so many characters left to do (ASTROTRAIN!!!) and the live action films still have plenty to go.

Look at it on the bright side, if it's such: the engineering capabilities will improve even in 2 years, so the coming Bayverse SS figures we could have this year and next will only look and function that much better in another 2 years. I understand that it's probably small consolation.

As for the SS CC figure, who would it be?
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176979)
Posted by Triggerdick Megatron on February 22nd, 2024 @ 4:32pm CST
I really hope the SS86 Megatron transforms into a rifle, I would so buy it! It is waaaayyy too soon for another Galvatron.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176980)
Posted by o.supreme on February 22nd, 2024 @ 4:35pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:the SS86 line will be finished in '26.

Will it though? Unless Hasbro goes all-out for the films 40th anniversary, and every SS that year is SS86 (which live-action fans would lament given the last couple of years), then I'm not sure.

I used to have two sperate lists. One for SS86; and one for Generations mainline that were "good enough" to be SS86. It is apparent that Hasbro, at least for the time being, is intent on getting every character that appeared in TF:TM, a SS86 packaging release. No matter how minor, and no matter if just a slight repaint of a previous Generations release.

Think about every character that appeared in TF:TM that has received a "modern" mainline Generations release starting with Siege in 2019. Now imagine all of those getting a SS86 release, whether they are a whole new toy, slight retool, or just a repaint. That includes characters such as Gears which hasn't even been released yet. Also that 5 Autoboot Selects set coming out... 3 of those characters (Wheeljack, Hound, & Sunstreaker) were in TF:TM (that don't have a previous SS86 release), you can bet we'll see them yet again before ethe end of 2026, if that is truly the plan.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176981)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on February 22nd, 2024 @ 4:42pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:With the possibility of the Constructicons taking two years to complete, it actually gives some weight to my theory that the SS86 line will end with the 40th anniversary of the movie.

Rumor is the missing 2 Constructicons are the missing commander slot, and they will come with all the accessories ala Legacy Menasor, where there is a lot of faking it for cartoon accuracy.

Which is a sad thought, yet another year to wait to see what they could do with a live action commander

Two figures in one CC box? Interesting, I wonder who else they could've done like that *cough*Omega Prime*cough* :D

Rodimus Prime wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Which is a sad thought, yet another year to wait to see what they could do with a live action commander
For what it's worth, I agree with chuckdawg, the SS86 line will be finished in '26. We only have so many characters left to do (ASTROTRAIN!!!) and the live action films still have plenty to go.

Look at it on the bright side, if it's such: the engineering capabilities will improve even in 2 years, so the coming Bayverse SS figures we could have this year and next will only look and function that much better in another 2 years. I understand that it's probably small consolation.

As for the SS CC figure, who would it be?

Amen I say to you today you will be with me in paradise. I think it just makes sense and thematically would be cool to end the movie homage line with the 40th anniversary, off that was hard to type.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176982)
Posted by Triggerdick Megatron on February 22nd, 2024 @ 4:46pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:As for the SS CC figure, who would it be?

ROTB Stratosphere? That could work, assuming the CC will be a live action TF. If 1986 movie then I have no idea. I can't really see it being 2 characters in 1 set.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176983)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 22nd, 2024 @ 4:48pm CST
Our Studio Series September 2022 Top 16 is finally getting some progress! Curious to see how this year's tournament will look.

2022 Top 16.png
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176984)
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 22nd, 2024 @ 5:43pm CST
As much as I prefer a tank mode for Megs, I think it'd be cool if they tried to at least go for some generic pistol with an orange plug blast effect or maybe even a more legal-friendly sci-fi blaster for this release, especially with the boost of a Leader price point.
Maybe it'll end up as just a retool or something of the Earthrise mold, or based on it, but hey, would be an interesting way to try and make it more accurate to his classic alt-mode.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176985)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on February 22nd, 2024 @ 5:48pm CST
I'm not at all opposed to SS86 Hook and Long Haul being part of a Commander Class release.
One reason I'd be in favor of it is because then it really would be possible to get all six in the same calendar year... Honestly that would be incredibly cool. With Hastak's release track record it would be surprising, but I'd be all for it.
There has been very recent talk about how Commander Class figures don't seem to regularly show-up in brick and mortar stores... I can say this is true for my metro area. Until Hastak decides to release another set in G2 deco, there's really no re-using/repainting/retooling a set of Hook and Long Haul. All this to say, seems like a somewhat risky call to make 2/6 in a set that is only readily available online.
Obviously not for anyone here or adult collectors in general. I would just think that if a CC release like this one isn't on shelves in Targets and Walmarts, it's not going to sell as well. It may sell fine, but not well.
I think the CC cost can be justified in this supposed set:
2 voyagers that need increased engineering to basically be triple changers = $70-$80.
Two individual weapons, all necessary combining parts, and a large blaster = $10-$20...
It does make sense.

I emailed a friend about this last night... Hastak has earned my confidence to the point I'm already sold and have no doubt this is going to be a great release. It's going to be interesting to see what the combining system is and how that will work with the two arm bots being deluxe class.
But I believe Hastak wouldn't be releasing this if it weren't done right.
I think the individual bots, the combining system, the combined form stability and articulation will all be up to current standards.

I'm already telling myself I'm getting two sets... Man, I have always wanted to have these 6 characters displayed together as individual bots. After Soundwave and Megatron, they're my favorites.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176986)
Posted by Tyrannacon on February 22nd, 2024 @ 5:50pm CST
While I'm excited about the recent news as a Megatron fanboy, I am concerned that the leader class will only be a modified Earthrise version of the WFC mold. Then again, collectively right now we know next to nothing about the figure other than the fact it is just planned. I hope just maybe, it won't be a redeco of the Earthrise mold because I was left a bit disappointed with the figure when I got it.

I am admittedly a bit fatigued with the WFC mold, it's not bad, but I have seen it repurposed a few times with like the Miner Megatron (which I still need) and think is the best-repurposed version of it. Shattered Glass Generations just is...yeah for me though... Oof

I am guessing they're going to keep going with that mold due to consistency reasons and that's fine. I just hope some improvements are made to it. One of the things I didn't like about the Siege/Earthrise version though is how they did the cannon piece for it and how it connects into two weapons for him. I kinda wish they'd just make the barrel extend or set it up so he's got his turret on his back that it connects to as a barrel extension of some kind to make the turret complete that way. It would make it a bit closer to the animation model at least.

I look forward to seeing new pics when they come out.

As for Galavatron, I feel like the WFC Kingdom mold is decent enough, just annoyed about the shoulder thing as everyone pointed out. One of those "do it right the first time" with better quality control. We'll see how that comes out too.

I'm also still awaiting my Bumblebee Concept Megatron. Amazon delayed it until the 29th, which is ugh. Make up your bloody mind! I say. XD
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176987)
Posted by Rtron on February 22nd, 2024 @ 6:20pm CST
Tyrannacon wrote:While I'm excited about the recent news as a Megatron fanboy, I am concerned that the leader class will only be a modified Earthrise version of the WFC mold. Then again, collectively right now we know next to nothing about the figure other than the fact it is just planned. I hope just maybe, it won't be a redeco of the Earthrise mold because I was left a bit disappointed with the figure when I got it.

I am admittedly a bit fatigued with the WFC mold, it's not bad, but I have seen it repurposed a few times with like the Miner Megatron (which I still need) and think is the best-repurposed version of it. Shattered Glass Generations just is...yeah for me though... Oof

I am guessing they're going to keep going with that mold due to consistency reasons and that's fine. I just hope some improvements are made to it. One of the things I didn't like about the Siege/Earthrise version though is how they did the cannon piece for it and how it connects into two weapons for him. I kinda wish they'd just make the barrel extend or set it up so he's got his turret on his back that it connects to as a barrel extension of some kind to make the turret complete that way. It would make it a bit closer to the animation model at least.

I look forward to seeing new pics when they come out.

As for Galavatron, I feel like the WFC Kingdom mold is decent enough, just annoyed about the shoulder thing as everyone pointed out. One of those "do it right the first time" with better quality control. We'll see how that comes out too.

I'm also still awaiting my Bumblebee Concept Megatron. Amazon delayed it until the 29th, which is ugh. Make up your bloody mind! I say. XD

It's probably going to be a totally new mold. If Ultra Magnus, Arcee, Ironhide and Ratchet got new molds just a couple of years after Earthrise because their previous releases were considered subpar, there's no way Megatron won't get a new mold, 5 years after Earthrise.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176991)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on February 22nd, 2024 @ 7:18pm CST
Fingers crossed Megatron looks good
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176992)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on February 22nd, 2024 @ 7:33pm CST
Razorbeast88 wrote:Fingers crossed Megatron looks good

I'm still surprised there were so many who were good with the ER version...
That face and headsculpt were horrible. I also never understood why the details/colors of the lower torso were wrong.
But then I have to remind myself... Hastak doesn't really care when a character's likeness is off... There will be a new version to release sooner than later.
Thankfully this has changed in the last few years and some definitive versions have happened.

Hastak caught my vibe-- I thought there would be minimal (as in <$200 worth) for me to buy in '25... But I'll be all in for the Constructions. Probably two sets.
And now there's a promising Megatron. And if Galvatron is a new mold, I'll probably bite on that as well.
No joke, not because of the price, but I'm bracing for leaked word of a SS86 Bumblebee.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176994)
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 22nd, 2024 @ 8:11pm CST
I didn't hate the ER version at all tbh, sure I thought the Siege version was more pleasing with the extra sculpted detail, but I still thought it was a neat figure. That being said...I only have the G2 redeco of it, which I think makes it look more palpable. The standard version just did not look appealing to me...
I got it as a gift, though, so I can't complain about that either heh!
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176995)
Posted by Starseeker on February 22nd, 2024 @ 8:18pm CST
If Coronation Starscream is anything to go off of, I could see Megatron being the Earthrise mold in movie accurate deco with some articulated hands and a couple accessories like the lightsaber and the pistol he uses in his epic fight with Optimus to try to justify the leader class price point. But you never know. I'll just hope for the best. If they can't make the main figure transform into a gun, I hope they include a smaller version of the gun mode that Starscream can hold.

I'm perfectly fine with Legacy Galvatron. No need for another one unless they totally blow me away.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176997)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on February 22nd, 2024 @ 8:54pm CST
I can't see Megatron being the Earthrise mold. Think on it.

They're redoing Prime and Springer. They've redone Ironhide/Ratchet, Rumble/Frenzy, Arcee (partially), and Ultra Magnus.

Plus ER Megatron was a disaster. I just don't see what they can save there. Stascream has a cape, a throne, and a few new parts to his robot mode to accommodate some poses. Just barely enough to call it a leader. Megatron could come with his lightsaber and purple gun, okay, but that's not quite enough to get anyone to pay Leader class prices.

Galvatron. The Galvatron enthusiast in me hopes he is a new mold. Not because the current one in any way leaves me wanting, but because I just like Galvatron. I honestly can't see how they can improve him.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2176999)
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 22nd, 2024 @ 9:13pm CST
Perhaps Megs will get a new mold and Galvy will be the one that reuses a mold? I can see them maybe changing up some accessories to more suit the film-accuracy nature, such as swapping out the mini ships and Matrix bling for some Starscream-disintegrating blast effects, heh!
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177000)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on February 22nd, 2024 @ 9:16pm CST
Gauntlet101010 wrote:I can't see Megatron being the Earthrise mold. Think on it.

They're redoing Prime and Springer. They've redone Ironhide/Ratchet, Rumble/Frenzy, Arcee (partially), and Ultra Magnus.

Plus ER Megatron was a disaster. I just don't see what they can save there. Stascream has a cape, a throne, and a few new parts to his robot mode to accommodate some poses. Just barely enough to call it a leader. Megatron could come with his lightsaber and purple gun, okay, but that's not quite enough to get anyone to pay Leader class prices.

I could be wrong on this, but I have a feeling the new versions for both Springer and OP will be slightly larger. With this, Megatron should be as well, and a new version would help keep him in scale with these larger characters.
The 3 word "slogan" on the back of SS86 packaging (minus core class) is Detail, Scale, Backdrop... Not sure if this will hold true for the new Constructicons.
But I'm with ya, I think this Megatron will be a new mold. It's time to replace the Siege/ER versions.

Gauntlet101010 wrote:Galvatron. The Galvatron enthusiast in me hopes he is a new mold. Not because the current one in any way leaves me wanting, but because I just like Galvatron. I honestly can't see how they can improve him.

This is one that I don't know how they could realistically improve enough to justify a new mold... If I'm right about the new versions of Springer and Prime, this current version will already be in scale. My gut is telling me the only change will be the colors are more movie-accurate.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but that may be enough for me to bite.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177001)
Posted by trailbreaker on February 22nd, 2024 @ 9:31pm CST
Will Megatron ever be a gun again?
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177002)
Posted by Rtron on February 22nd, 2024 @ 9:33pm CST
trailbreaker wrote:Will Megatron ever be a gun again?

Outside of 100% Takara initiated projects that are developed exclusively for Japanese markets? No, never, ever.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177003)
Posted by william-james88 on February 22nd, 2024 @ 9:42pm CST
trailbreaker wrote:Will Megatron ever be a gun again?

Sure, Takara still makes em. I’m looking at my « recent enough » MP Megs which turns into a gun.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177004)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 22nd, 2024 @ 9:54pm CST
Yeah, in a previous Hasbro livestream, Evan basically said "Gun Megatron isn't happening."

But while that means Hasbro can't make one, that doesn't mean Takara can't make a Japanese-market-exclusive one on their own completely separate from Hasbro. It just means Hasbro can't sell it in their markets at mass retail. Because doing so would be against the law.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177006)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on February 22nd, 2024 @ 10:04pm CST
I'd be down for a turret Megatron or "submarine" or something
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177008)
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 22nd, 2024 @ 10:25pm CST
I'm still hoping they'll be really funny and give him some sort of generic pistol mode with a big orange cap blast effect, heh. Probably won't happen, but hey, maybe the Leader Class price point might add some more transformation joints to have a "ship" mode that one could "mistransform" into a gun mode...
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177011)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 22nd, 2024 @ 10:35pm CST
SpaceEagle wrote:I'm still hoping they'll be really funny and give him some sort of generic pistol mode with a big orange cap blast effect, heh. Probably won't happen, but hey, maybe the Leader Class price point might add some more transformation joints to have a "ship" mode that one could "mistransform" into a gun mode...
That's our best hope, like how Siege Soundwave was officially a spaceship but could unofficially be converted into his lamppost mode. ;)
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177012)
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 22nd, 2024 @ 10:39pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:
SpaceEagle wrote:I'm still hoping they'll be really funny and give him some sort of generic pistol mode with a big orange cap blast effect, heh. Probably won't happen, but hey, maybe the Leader Class price point might add some more transformation joints to have a "ship" mode that one could "mistransform" into a gun mode...
That's our best hope, like how Siege Soundwave was officially a spaceship but could unofficially be converted into his lamppost mode. ;)

Hmmm, honestly, now I can see them satisfying both crowds by giving him a tank mode one could "mistransform" into a gun mode...maybe grooves on the "pistol grip" could act as treads, and seeing how the Siege mold's tank cannon split into two weapons, maybe the new mold could have a cannon that happens to split into a "gun barrel" and a "scope"...
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177015)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on February 23rd, 2024 @ 12:44am CST
Well, part of SS86 is supposed to be scale, and a leader class Megatron can't turn into a gun small enough for a voyager Starscream to hold, so I say **** it. Just make him a non-transforming action figure that's worth $55.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177016)
Posted by Emerje on February 23rd, 2024 @ 12:50am CST
I honestly don't care what Megatron turns into as long as his bot mode is accurate. No armored panels on the legs, no backpack, make the most of that higher price point and really hide the alt mode, be it tank treads or wings.

And yeah, he definitely won't turn into a gun, not after we got two very obvious unrealistic gun characters that became a submarine and a space battleship.

Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177018)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on February 23rd, 2024 @ 1:55am CST
Sabrblade wrote:
SpaceEagle wrote:I'm still hoping they'll be really funny and give him some sort of generic pistol mode with a big orange cap blast effect, heh. Probably won't happen, but hey, maybe the Leader Class price point might add some more transformation joints to have a "ship" mode that one could "mistransform" into a gun mode...
That's our best hope, like how Siege Soundwave was officially a spaceship but could unofficially be converted into his lamppost mode. ;)

I would say the lamppost mode was official since it was shown, albeit hidden, on the packaging, and there were extra tabs and slots for things to peg in, in said mode. Maybe they can do the same for Megatron.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177019)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 23rd, 2024 @ 3:19am CST
Rtron wrote:
trailbreaker wrote:Will Megatron ever be a gun again?

Outside of 100% Takara initiated projects that are developed exclusively for Japanese markets? No, never, ever.

:HASBRO: keep surprising us since Siege.
So, no. I'll never say "never". :-?
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177021)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 23rd, 2024 @ 5:13am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Rtron wrote:
trailbreaker wrote:Will Megatron ever be a gun again?

Outside of 100% Takara initiated projects that are developed exclusively for Japanese markets? No, never, ever.

:HASBRO: keep surprising us since Siege.
So, no. I'll never say "never". :-?
Sabrblade wrote:Yeah, in a previous Hasbro livestream, Evan basically said "Gun Megatron isn't happening."

But while that means Hasbro can't make one, that doesn't mean Takara can't make a Japanese-market-exclusive one on their own completely separate from Hasbro. It just means Hasbro can't sell it in their markets at mass retail. Because doing so would be against the law.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177023)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on February 23rd, 2024 @ 6:30am CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:As for the SS CC figure, who would it be?

WE have actually had this discussion in this thread multiple times. options include RotB Stratosphere, TLK Infernocus, a re-do of Demolishor for more scale accurate appearance, the Dinobots (or at least a couple of them), even the Driller if they weren't brave enough to attempt leader scale.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177024)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 23rd, 2024 @ 6:43am CST
Sabrblade wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Rtron wrote:
trailbreaker wrote:Will Megatron ever be a gun again?

Outside of 100% Takara initiated projects that are developed exclusively for Japanese markets? No, never, ever.

:HASBRO: keep surprising us since Siege.
So, no. I'll never say "never". :-?
Sabrblade wrote:Yeah, in a previous Hasbro livestream, Evan basically said "Gun Megatron isn't happening."

But while that means Hasbro can't make one, that doesn't mean Takara can't make a Japanese-market-exclusive one on their own completely separate from Hasbro. It just means Hasbro can't sell it in their markets at mass retail. Because doing so would be against the law.

Even with the good ol' orange cap ?

Regardless, if they pull off a perfect tank mode with a bot that is 100% show accurate with most if not all tank kibble invisible, I'd be happy.

That is, unless Megatron have a "submarine mode." ;)
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177026)
Posted by Rtron on February 23rd, 2024 @ 6:54am CST
Emerje wrote:I honestly don't care what Megatron turns into as long as his bot mode is accurate. No armored panels on the legs, no backpack, make the most of that higher price point and really hide the alt mode, be it tank treads or wings.

And yeah, he definitely won't turn into a gun, not after we got two very obvious unrealistic gun characters that became a submarine and a space battleship.


I really hope this is the way they choose to go.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177027)
Posted by Hairball178 on February 23rd, 2024 @ 8:14am CST
Watch, it'll be a R.E.D. series repack. It could come with a small version of his gun mode compatible with regular figures & the sword and pistol. Maybe even swappable battle damage pieces to reach the Leader class price point.Throw in Laserbeak to perch on his arm, and a huge blast effect for turning Ironhide's head into a canoe.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177049)
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 23rd, 2024 @ 1:13pm CST
I think the most realistic answer is that it'll be a Megs that has a tank mode but with the 'bot mode looks more like his 'toon self with more accurate proportions and kibble placement (such as the barrel on his back.) Seeing as Studio Series is billed as a collector's line, and him getting the Leader Class budget, it'll likely use that to have a bit more complex of a transformation to make him look more screen accurate. And I'm pretty sure they'll chuck in a tiny gun mode Megs as an accessory, much like the one in that one accessory Selects bundle and the tiny Legacy Megs.

But hey, I am pretty interested to see what they'll do, at worst it'll be a more screen accurate ER reuse with the Laserbeak from Netflix Soundwave thrown in or something.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177065)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on February 23rd, 2024 @ 5:52pm CST
Ya know, I'll just throw this out, but with the scope, stock, and extension Megs really doesn't look like a real gun, especially in the animation style. As long as everything is integrated, they might be able to pull it off.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177069)
Posted by Emerje on February 23rd, 2024 @ 8:11pm CST
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Ya know, I'll just throw this out, but with the scope, stock, and extension Megs really doesn't look like a real gun, especially in the animation style. As long as everything is integrated, they might be able to pull it off.

Again, being realistic has absolutely nothing to do with it. If unrealistic laser guns like Six Shot and Shockwave couldn't have gun modes then slightly realistic Megatron stands no chance.

Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177070)
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 23rd, 2024 @ 8:14pm CST
Yeah, Six Shot's gun mode is probably one of the least realistic ones possible, even some of those Nerf guns are more believable. Yet, still not allowed to be sold as a gun. C'est la vie!
I'm still betting on this Megs becoming a tank, though, I am still hoping they'll do something like having him be a tank that could just-so-happen to become a gun if you "mistransform" it...
Though I'd also be cool with the past UNCLE add-ons instead being reimagined as an artillery piece that Megs tows around in tank mode.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177072)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on February 23rd, 2024 @ 8:49pm CST
Emerje wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Ya know, I'll just throw this out, but with the scope, stock, and extension Megs really doesn't look like a real gun, especially in the animation style. As long as everything is integrated, they might be able to pull it off.

Again, being realistic has absolutely nothing to do with it. If unrealistic laser guns like Six Shot and Shockwave couldn't have gun modes then slightly realistic Megatron stands no chance.


Was that because of the law or because Hasbro was playing it safe? If Hasbro can sell gel blasters and now half length pro blasters that almost shoot as hard and fast as real steel, I don't see a problem with Six Shot or Shockwave. Megs might be harder but still.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177076)
Posted by Emerje on February 23rd, 2024 @ 9:15pm CST
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
Emerje wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Ya know, I'll just throw this out, but with the scope, stock, and extension Megs really doesn't look like a real gun, especially in the animation style. As long as everything is integrated, they might be able to pull it off.

Again, being realistic has absolutely nothing to do with it. If unrealistic laser guns like Six Shot and Shockwave couldn't have gun modes then slightly realistic Megatron stands no chance.


Was that because of the law or because Hasbro was playing it safe? If Hasbro can sell gel blasters and now half length pro blasters that almost shoot as hard and fast as real steel, I don't see a problem with Six Shot or Shockwave. Megs might be harder but still.

A little bit of both. I think they're worried that someone might buy it for their kid not realizing it turns into a gun, especially if it has other stuff going on. The very last gun Megatron, or any character for that matter, at all we got was the 2016 Platinum Edition which looked like this:


And he was based on an actual Nerf gun.

The design team has made it pretty clear they'll never do another transforming gun again.

Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177120)
Posted by o.supreme on February 24th, 2024 @ 2:41pm CST
I spotted gamer edition Starscream & Scrapheap at Target yesterday, they actually had quite a few. But one thing I noticed was the packaging was solid on those new figures. Props to Hasbro, while the windows are still open, at least those toys are in good solid boxes (unlike the flimsy voyager and Leader SS of the last couple of years).
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177121)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 24th, 2024 @ 2:47pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Very nice! Well done!

Thank you very much!

Just finished work on my latest custom, Battletrap! 3D printed a gun for him that's a bit larger than intended but I think still looks cool xD

Battletrap bot 5.jpg

Battletrap bot 4.jpg

Battletrap alt main.jpg
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177137)
Posted by First-Aid on February 24th, 2024 @ 11:10pm CST
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Very nice! Well done!

Thank you very much!

Just finished work on my latest custom, Battletrap! 3D printed a gun for him that's a bit larger than intended but I think still looks cool xD

Battletrap bot 5.jpg

Battletrap bot 4.jpg

Battletrap alt main.jpg

Great work, as always dude. I wish I had the talent or the time to even attempt this type of thing. As it is, the lockdowns during Covid destroyed everyone's immune systems and they are still trying to recover so I've been busy trying to keep people healthy. Clinic hours wait for no man.... :BOOM:

I can't say how much I personally appreciate your work, bro. If we ever meet, the first round is on me. And probably the second and the third.

Unless you're from Wisconsin you won't last more than three... 8-}
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177144)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 25th, 2024 @ 6:58am CST
First-Aid wrote:Great work, as always dude. I wish I had the talent or the time to even attempt this type of thing. As it is, the lockdowns during Covid destroyed everyone's immune systems and they are still trying to recover so I've been busy trying to keep people healthy. Clinic hours wait for no man.... :BOOM:

I can't say how much I personally appreciate your work, bro. If we ever meet, the first round is on me. And probably the second and the third.

Unless you're from Wisconsin you won't last more than three... 8-}

Thank you so much! I've lived all over but Wisconsin hasn't been one of them, at least not yet!

And I know what you mean about clinic hours! I still get weekends (usually) to work on these in med school, but once I hit residency It's gonna be a little trickier to find the time to work on these xD
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177145)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on February 25th, 2024 @ 10:35am CST
That Battletrap is a great piece of work! I probably don't comment as often as I should, but I also enjoy looking at all your customs, they're beautiful. Hasbro should definitely take some hints.
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177146)
Posted by First-Aid on February 25th, 2024 @ 11:11am CST
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:
First-Aid wrote:Great work, as always dude. I wish I had the talent or the time to even attempt this type of thing. As it is, the lockdowns during Covid destroyed everyone's immune systems and they are still trying to recover so I've been busy trying to keep people healthy. Clinic hours wait for no man.... :BOOM:

I can't say how much I personally appreciate your work, bro. If we ever meet, the first round is on me. And probably the second and the third.

Unless you're from Wisconsin you won't last more than three... 8-}

Thank you so much! I've lived all over but Wisconsin hasn't been one of them, at least not yet!

And I know what you mean about clinic hours! I still get weekends (usually) to work on these in med school, but once I hit residency It's gonna be a little trickier to find the time to work on these xD

Med school? Nice. I'm an NP, but only because I had self-esteem issues in college and didn't think I could do the doctor thing. Kind of feel foolish now...

What specialty or are you going FP/IM?
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177148)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 25th, 2024 @ 1:53pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:That Battletrap is a great piece of work! I probably don't comment as often as I should, but I also enjoy looking at all your customs, they're beautiful. Hasbro should definitely take some hints.

Thank you very much!

First-Aid wrote:
Med school? Nice. I'm an NP, but only because I had self-esteem issues in college and didn't think I could do the doctor thing. Kind of feel foolish now...

What specialty or are you going FP/IM?

Not too sure yet, thinking maybe anesthesia or family practice!
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177155)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on February 26th, 2024 @ 6:09am CST
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Very nice! Well done!

Thank you very much!

Just finished work on my latest custom, Battletrap! 3D printed a gun for him that's a bit larger than intended but I think still looks cool xD

Battletrap bot 5.jpg

Battletrap bot 4.jpg

Battletrap alt main.jpg

Well done!

And if you ask me, Battletrap's gun was undersized in the movie proper, this works much better
Re: New listings for Studio Series 86 Leaders Megatron and Galvatron (2177160)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on February 26th, 2024 @ 7:56am CST
Dr. Caelus wrote:Well, part of SS86 is supposed to be scale, and a leader class Megatron can't turn into a gun small enough for a voyager Starscream to hold, so I say **** it. Just make him a non-transforming action figure that's worth $55.

This was my thinking. A larger, highly detailed new RED mould for Megs. With a Gun Mode accessory that fits in '86 Starscream's hand. That is the easiest and most onscreen accurate way they could release Megatron in the SS'86 line.

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