New Official Images of PCCs Doubleclutch & Mudslinger Combined
Wednesday, May 5th, 2010 8:11AM CDT
Category: Toy NewsPosted by: Down_Shift Views: 40,126
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Rallybots with Doubleclutch
Mudslinger with Destructicons
Stay tuned as more images are expected to surface throughout the day.
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Posted by Mkall on May 5th, 2010 @ 8:17am CDT
I'll get 'em
Posted by Ironhide516 on May 5th, 2010 @ 8:22am CDT
Posted by Down_Shift on May 5th, 2010 @ 8:27am CDT
Mkall wrote:These two look way better than the previous two.
I'll get 'em
I'm still on the fence. Doubleclutch, when combined looks a lot like Zig Zag. I think it'll be a case of how they look in hand over how they look in an official image which we all know look 100% better then in rear life.
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on May 5th, 2010 @ 8:33am CDT
Posted by Razorclaw0000 on May 5th, 2010 @ 8:36am CDT
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:This is looking good, with the exception of the arielbots styled combiner, these are all looking rather awesome and I think I'll have to grab them when I see them. They'll probably be about the same price as a voyager size toy right?
$20 is the MSRP for the five packs.
I really like PCC quite a bit.
Posted by Prime Evil on May 5th, 2010 @ 8:45am CDT
Posted by Down_Shift on May 5th, 2010 @ 8:54am CDT
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:This is looking good, with the exception of the arielbots styled combiner, these are all looking rather awesome and I think I'll have to grab them when I see them. They'll probably be about the same price as a voyager size toy right?
A little more then a deluxe, but less then a voyager.
In Canada I think they'll be around $20.
Posted by Prowl1529 on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:02am CDT
Posted by kirbenvost on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:04am CDT
Posted by Tigertrack on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:10am CDT
Posted by --B-- on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:15am CDT
Posted by Black Bumblebee on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:17am CDT
The other way is to have them as "drone" units... but that means you'll have at least 4 drones taking up space on screen... who do nothing and have no personality.
Don't get me wrong--I think the concept is neat toy wise and all... but I don't see any "good" fiction coming out of this. I fear they'll go the whole "human driver" way and we'll have some sort of Power Rangers crud.
Back in the 1980s, combiners were individual robots. Yes, they were bricks, but this is 25 years later. We know about ball sockets and stuff.
Put your vote with your money.
Posted by Diem on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:38am CDT
Black Bumblebee wrote:I'm sorry, I just don't understand how you can have Transformers that don't turn into robots. I don't see how you can have any sort of fiction that would give the non-robot vehicles any personality other than being talking cars... which is pretty lame.
The other way is to have them as "drone" units... but that means you'll have at least 4 drones taking up space on screen... who do nothing and have no personality.
Don't get me wrong--I think the concept is neat toy wise and all... but I don't see any "good" fiction coming out of this. I fear they'll go the whole "human driver" way and we'll have some sort of Power Rangers crud.
Back in the 1980s, combiners were individual robots. Yes, they were bricks, but this is 25 years later. We know about ball sockets and stuff.
Put your vote with your money.
It's entirely possible that only the scout will be an individual and the other four will be considered armour only...a bit like Menasor's car breastplate. If there is fiction surrounding these characters I strongly suspect the parts will just magically appear from subspace.
Posted by SEXFIGHTER on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:42am CDT
Black Bumblebee wrote:I'm sorry, I just don't understand how you can have Transformers that don't turn into robots. I don't see how you can have any sort of fiction that would give the non-robot vehicles any personality other than being talking cars... which is pretty lame.
The other way is to have them as "drone" units... but that means you'll have at least 4 drones taking up space on screen... who do nothing and have no personality.
Don't get me wrong--I think the concept is neat toy wise and all... but I don't see any "good" fiction coming out of this. I fear they'll go the whole "human driver" way and we'll have some sort of Power Rangers crud.
Back in the 1980s, combiners were individual robots. Yes, they were bricks, but this is 25 years later. We know about ball sockets and stuff.
Put your vote with your money.
I was gonna praise these new toys til you pointed that out...non transformable parts? this aint Voltron.
Posted by Warbreaker on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:48am CDT
@Black Bumblebee: They are drone units. Mindless, unthinking, and to be used by their assigned leader (the robot forming the chest) as remote-controlled extensions, extra firepower and combiner limbs (coming from Cloudburst and Bombshock's bios). Toy bios aside, I don't think they're going to expand on PCCs with cartoons. You only need fear 'Transformers: Prime' doing said 'human-driver' thingy IMO.
Posted by Prime Evil on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:58am CDT
Black Bumblebee wrote:I'm sorry, I just don't understand how you can have Transformers that don't turn into robots. I don't see how you can have any sort of fiction that would give the non-robot vehicles any personality other than being talking cars... which is pretty lame.
The other way is to have them as "drone" units... but that means you'll have at least 4 drones taking up space on screen... who do nothing and have no personality.
Don't get me wrong--I think the concept is neat toy wise and all... but I don't see any "good" fiction coming out of this. I fear they'll go the whole "human driver" way and we'll have some sort of Power Rangers crud.
Back in the 1980s, combiners were individual robots. Yes, they were bricks, but this is 25 years later. We know about ball sockets and stuff.
Put your vote with your money.
I forget that most of the fandom DOESN'T get the TFclub newsletter.
The story behind PCC is that they precede Gestalt technology and is actually a lost concept only until recently re-discovered via the Matrix and some human ingenuity. So these characters are NOT the same Aerialbot teams/Combaticon teams that we know of. This PCC tech enables the "commander" to control their drones and also download some of their personality into each drone, letting them effectively be in 5 places at one time. I wasn't thrilled with the look of them either, but the story behind them makes sense to me. So yes, gestalt combiners do exist and this is just another type of combiner in the TF lore.
That's the "short-ram-down-your-throat" version.
Posted by rpetras on May 5th, 2010 @ 10:07am CDT
Black Bumblebee wrote:I'm sorry, I just don't understand how you can have Transformers that don't turn into robots. I don't see how you can have any sort of fiction that would give the non-robot vehicles any personality other than being talking cars... which is pretty lame.
The other way is to have them as "drone" units... but that means you'll have at least 4 drones taking up space on screen... who do nothing and have no personality.
Don't get me wrong--I think the concept is neat toy wise and all... but I don't see any "good" fiction coming out of this. I fear they'll go the whole "human driver" way and we'll have some sort of Power Rangers crud.
Back in the 1980s, combiners were individual robots. Yes, they were bricks, but this is 25 years later. We know about ball sockets and stuff.
Put your vote with your money.
I'm totally OK with drone units.
In fact, I think it makes a lot of sense.
If the Transformers transform into stuff on Cybertron, it stands to reason that they would transform into items that are common. Since there are no people on Cybertron, but the transformers commonly transform into vehicles, I would think that what they would be transforming into would be the guise of lesser "drone" type robots.
If that's not the case, the whole robots in disguise thing doesn't make a lot of sense on their own home world.
Starscream: Look it's Optimus!
Optimus: Oh $#!+ (runs around a corner & transforms)
Starscream: He's gone! Nothing but this big red & blue truck looking thing. Where could he have disappeared to so quickly?
Yea, just not buying that.
Posted by Warbreaker on May 5th, 2010 @ 10:20am CDT
Posted by Liftgate on May 5th, 2010 @ 10:34am CDT
The tiny bit of fiction they've gave us so far might seem to contradict that a little, but who knows what they'll come up with.
Posted by Prime Evil on May 5th, 2010 @ 10:43am CDT
Liftgate wrote:What if these drones arn't actually transformers at all, but rather regular vehicles that the core robot can somehow attach to their body? I don't know, via a special Allspark touch or something? We've already seen the Allspark give life to earth technology, and the blue blocks on the combiner cores do look allspark-ish, so....
The tiny bit of fiction they've gave us so far might seem to contradict that a little, but who knows what they'll come up with.
Nope, backstory has them as drones created specifically for PCC bots.
They had the option to go with the faulty Gestalt process or stay as incomplete individual bots. From what I understand, this will be very natural for them to be linked up via PCC style.
Posted by Skullcrunchberries on May 5th, 2010 @ 10:58am CDT
Also, the Rallybots vaguely remind me of those Road Kaiser and Puzzler combiners I'll never own...
Posted by Overcracker on May 5th, 2010 @ 11:02am CDT
Looks fairly interesting. The Drone angle is not too bad.
Posted by ArmadaPrime on May 5th, 2010 @ 11:24am CDT
Posted by Liftgate on May 5th, 2010 @ 11:34am CDT
the fiction you're referring to is only a couple paragraphs long and says very little. It also says that "commanders are also often given control of a specially constructed team of drone vehicles", which is kinda ambiguous and leaves the door open to what I suggested. It says *often* given control, so what are they using when they arn't? This is just a thought, there is nothing to back up, or completely dismiss the idea yet.
Posted by ZenPrime on May 5th, 2010 @ 11:42am CDT
Posted by Editor on May 5th, 2010 @ 11:55am CDT
This concept isn't even new to Transformers as it has the same concept (as pointed out above by zenprime) as Energon Optimus Prime. And from what we have seen so far, they won't have any real effect on fiction as this is something Hasbro is releasing outside of the movie line (so they aren't about to show in the third movie) or upcoming shows (just as they placed War for Cybertron under the classics line extension) These are effectively an extra line, with a nifty play gimmick.
Yes we all would likely prefer proper gestalts (even thou Fans Projects has outdone themselves, and made has/tak look like chumps) But PCC are what they are, buy either the commander pack with a bot and 4 drones, of a single pack with a mini-con, mix, match, and have fun.
The answer is a simple as looking at what is being released in the line. When they don't have have a drone team, they are like Chopster and are packed with a Mini-con instead, there are only so many drone units to go around. Hence PCC capable bots are only "OFTEN" given control of teams.Liftgate wrote:It also says that "commanders are also often given control of a specially constructed team of drone vehicles", which is kinda ambiguous and leaves the door open to what I suggested. It says *often* given control, so what are they using when they arn't?
Posted by Prime Evil on May 5th, 2010 @ 11:59am CDT
Liftgate wrote:Prime Evil,
the fiction you're referring to is only a couple paragraphs long and says very little. It also says that "commanders are also often given control of a specially constructed team of drone vehicles", which is kinda ambiguous and leaves the door open to what I suggested. It says *often* given control, so what are they using when they arn't? This is just a thought, there is nothing to back up, or completely dismiss the idea yet.
So far the way I'm interpreting this, is that they have created these drones, not saying for a specific bot or con, and these drones are created for the purpose of being PCC. But I think they can of course mix and match limbs like the Scramble city episodes. And I don't really know if they are considered transformers as well since they don't have a personality of their own from the read, and I guess moreso that they were partially created with the help of humans. But you're right though, nothing is solid in this toyline. I guess prior to Tuesday, Rumble and Frenzy weren't minicons to me.
Posted by Tigertrack on May 5th, 2010 @ 12:00pm CDT
Overcracker wrote:Reminds me of Puzzler for some reason.
Looks fairly interesting. The Drone angle is not too bad.
Minus the middle age belly, or endowment of course, but yes, it does.
But they had robot modes too...
I know, I know, drones...drones.
Posted by cannonfodder4000 on May 5th, 2010 @ 1:23pm CDT
doubleclutch is just too cool and chubby to pass up!
Posted by ang3l3s on May 5th, 2010 @ 1:28pm CDT
Posted by craggy on May 5th, 2010 @ 1:40pm CDT
The mini vehicles look pretty good as vehicles, but that's not really hard to do. The Desctructicons (cool name at least) remind me of Ork vehicles from Warhammer 40,000, or, I suppose, evil Junkions. Either way, a nice idea. If Mudslinger had a colour scheme more like his drones, I might like that better, it's that which primarily puts me off that set. Doubleclutch I'm not a fan of in either solo robot or combined robot mode.
I do like the look of Smoulder and what I can remember of the other 2 pack PCCs, but that's possibly because I feel it's more play value for the money with the various transformations the Mini-con blokes have. I could see me getting a few of them.
As has been said in this thread by others and by me a long time ago, combiners really should be a lot better now, yet even removing the individual robot modes from the smaller bots hasn't resulted in anything close to resembling something as good as some of the various 3rd parties have been doing with nothing more than add-ons to existing toys.
Posted by Supreme Convoy on May 5th, 2010 @ 2:11pm CDT
Mudslinger, not so much.
Posted by Mindmaster on May 5th, 2010 @ 2:49pm CDT
Posted by Joetx on May 5th, 2010 @ 3:57pm CDT
tigertracks 24 wrote:It might just be me, but Double Clutch looks Omnibot inspired. Like he has aspects of all three to a degree.
Agreed, although he looks more like the grey RX-7 (Camshaft?) to me.
Posted by Joetx on May 5th, 2010 @ 4:06pm CDT
ZenPrime wrote:so these are akin to Energon Optimus Prime super mode?
Sure seems like it. I hated those numbered limbs. My TFE OP is combined w/ Wing Saber in super mode.
Re: the limbs being mere drones, if I remember the Energon cartoon correctly, weren't the limbs of the TFE gestalts w/o personalities, despite having names & having robot modes?
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on May 5th, 2010 @ 4:16pm CDT
txex97 wrote:ZenPrime wrote:so these are akin to Energon Optimus Prime super mode?
Sure seems like it. I hated those numbered limbs. My TFE OP is combined w/ Wing Saber in super mode.
Re: the limbs being mere drones, if I remember the Energon cartoon correctly, weren't the limbs of the TFE gestalts w/o personalities, despite having names & having robot modes?
The Energon Combiner limbs never transformed in the cartoon either.
Posted by adamassc on May 5th, 2010 @ 4:24pm CDT
I like the Rallybot drones, but less so Doubleclutch. This is great since I planned on replacing him with Huffer and painting them like the Stunticons.
Posted by Leviathan on May 5th, 2010 @ 4:43pm CDT
Posted by Evil_the_Nub on May 5th, 2010 @ 5:33pm CDT
ang3l3s wrote:They take away the robot and can't add on decent hands!!! JM2CENTS
My thoughts exactly, if they were going to ditch individual robots they should have made the combined mode awesome. It looks like they didn't even get the articulation right.
Posted by ReenCity on May 5th, 2010 @ 5:58pm CDT
Posted by ShinkenPrime on May 5th, 2010 @ 6:04pm CDT
If you don't like the look, that's one thing. But let's be honest...saying it's gone too far just because the car only change into robotic limbs instead of robots as well...that's just silly.
Hell, at least they wrote the reason why into the story this time, compared to the whole Devestator fiasco.
But to me, the Transformers line has become so insane over the years that I look at it as a simple "Do I like the toy?" over a "Does this even make sense?" Cause if I did that, I'd probably have tasted the sweet tang of a metallic bullet by now.
Posted by Dr. Caelus on May 5th, 2010 @ 6:48pm CDT
Liftgate wrote:What if these drones arn't actually transformers at all, but rather regular vehicles that the core robot can somehow attach to their body? I don't know, via a special Allspark touch or something? We've already seen the Allspark give life to earth technology, and the blue blocks on the combiner cores do look allspark-ish, so...
I was actually thinking that would have been a neat explanation - it seems like there was an Armada comic where some minicons did something like that - essentially used technopathic abilities to transform a human car engine into a cannon.
Posted by Blurrz on May 5th, 2010 @ 7:48pm CDT
Posted by Geekee1 on May 5th, 2010 @ 9:16pm CDT
Overcracker wrote:Reminds me of Puzzler for some reason.
Looks fairly interesting. The Drone angle is not too bad.
That's exactly what I was thinking! And because of that I may end up buying it. I think the idea behind the PCC's is great, but the execution is quite lacking, but I may make an exception for this one.
Posted by DreadwindsGhost on May 6th, 2010 @ 8:16am CDT
This is a good thing.
Posted by atomic1fire on May 6th, 2010 @ 11:04pm CDT
Posted by Editor on May 6th, 2010 @ 11:28pm CDT
It's weird, I'm liking the PCC concept, and I like the look of them, but I'm just not sure if i'll be buying any of them yet.
that said Huffer and Smolder are good candidates.