New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids
Saturday, January 22nd, 2011 7:26PM CST
Categories: Movie Related News,
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Posted by: DevastaTTor Views: 84,160
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New pictures of the all new version of deluxe Skids for Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon have been posted to by member b-o-t. This new version of Skids features the new, black paint scheme we've seen from the set pictures and is also noticeably smaller than the last figure from Revenge of the Fallen (and the
Hunt for the Decepticons line) as seen in the size comparison. The new figure also includes the latest Hasbro gimmick, Mech Tech, add on guns and weapon accessories that may or may not actually mimic what we'll see in the movie.
The Dark of the Moon toy line is expected to be released in May and be previewed next month at Toy Fair in New York. To see these latest pictures, click
Credit(s):, b-o-t
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Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172654)
Posted by
Anonymous on January 22nd, 2011 @ 7:34pm CST
im really iffy on all of these new tf dotm toys
i will hav to see a lot of reviews
although skids doesnt look too bad
ironhide i think looks the best so far
crossing my fingers for dotm toys
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172662)
Posted by
SKYWARPED_128 on January 22nd, 2011 @ 7:50pm CST
I see a slight improvement in proportions [IMO] in DOTM Skids--stockier than his ROTF toy, which makes the DOTM toy more accurate, I think. That said, the "raccoon eyes" effect from the black paint outlining his eyes looks goofy, making him look like some Cybertronian burglar along with his new black paint.
I dunno what to say about the mechtech gun. On one hand, it look nice on him, but that comical reticule on it just looks ridiculous.
All in all, he seems to be one of the better DOTM figs I've seen so far along with Ironhide.
Now where are those Leader class OP, Megs and Shockwave toys I've been waiting to see?
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172667)
Posted by
dirk2243 on January 22nd, 2011 @ 8:11pm CST
Ditto! Not so sure bout the gun, but I like him more so than the ROTF version
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172672)
Posted by
ProwlJazz on January 22nd, 2011 @ 8:26pm CST
SKYWARPED_128 wrote:...the "raccoon eyes" effect from the black paint outlining his eyes looks goofy, making him look like some Cybertronian burglar along with his new black paint.
It's probably just another case of the stereotypical persona there trying to give off with the twins. I do like that however.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172673)
Posted by
OptiMagnus on January 22nd, 2011 @ 8:26pm CST
He looks much better than the ROTF version. I must have him.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172678)
Posted by
Pr1meSuspect on January 22nd, 2011 @ 8:41pm CST
DOTM Skids looks pretty good but I'm still on the fence about getting any of the DOTM figures so far... I'd rather spend my money on RiS and Generations figures I guess.

Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172689)
Posted by
T-Macksimus on January 22nd, 2011 @ 9:05pm CST
His proportions do appear to be a little bit more even and at least now, from what I can tell, his teeth match. I'm not of fan of these gargantuan Mech-Tech abominations that they are using for weapons. I highly doubt that they are using these over-sized creations in the movie so I see no reason why they are necessary for the toys. If the toy can't sell on it's own merit and instead needs this eyesore of a gimmick, then maybe they should rethink putting the toy out there in the first place. I'm not trying to be jerk about this entire line like I have been in previous posts, I'm just asking that Hasbro make a choice; either sell the figure or sell the weapon because so far not a single weapon has been anywhere close to proportionate with the figure for which it's intended. Even kids are going to be pissed if they can't pose a figure with its gun in its hand because the gun instantly drops the arm down or makes the figure fall over.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172699)
Posted by
T-Macksimus on January 22nd, 2011 @ 9:32pm CST
All negatives aside, lose the green on the mirrors and I'll actually consider picking this one up (and the inevitable Mudflap) for it's vehicle mode. After taking a second look at the pics I have to admit that it does make for a sharp looking car. Having the pair displayed in vehicle mode would be something that I would not be entirely opposed to.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172704)
Posted by
bumble_bee_68 on January 22nd, 2011 @ 9:37pm CST
The whole line looks like crap.
Pass for me.
Sticking w/ Generations / Reveal the Shield lines.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172709)
Posted by
MINDVVIPE on January 22nd, 2011 @ 9:46pm CST
bumble_bee_68 wrote:The whole line looks like crap.
Pass for me.
Sticking w/ Generations / Reveal the Shield lines.

Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172738)
Posted by
bigwhitey21 on January 22nd, 2011 @ 10:52pm CST
It just looks like they are simplifying all the transformations which is really good for kids but really anoying for collectors like myself that enjoy the complex transformations. so far I havent seen anything I plan on buying except the new megatron. hopefully these are all just bad pictures of mistransformed toys. guess we'll have to wait and see...
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172739)
Posted by
Heckfire on January 22nd, 2011 @ 10:53pm CST
Kill it. With fire.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172742)
Posted by
Rated X on January 22nd, 2011 @ 11:05pm CST
Where's his bling ???
He needs a gold crown for his buck tooth and a iced out chevy chunk around his neck !!!
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172745)
Posted by
paul053 on January 22nd, 2011 @ 11:12pm CST
HFTD Skids is so much a shelf warmer now. Plus the Tuner Mudflap, why didn't Hasbro just give up on them?
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172751)
Posted by
GetRightRobot on January 22nd, 2011 @ 11:33pm CST

HA! More suck!!! Haha, where are all the hardcore movie fans at now? On the bright side, serious movieverse fans are setting up for an epic " I TOLD YOU SO!" if later designs improve. Goodluck with that.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172759)
Posted by
First-Aid on January 23rd, 2011 @ 12:07am CST
Have to admit, I kind like this mold. THe pictures were taken without enough light to show the details, but I am liking this incarnation. I'm looking forward to TOy Fare so we can get a better idea of the MechTech feature and see more figs from the line.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172797)
Posted by
ShardFenix on January 23rd, 2011 @ 3:34am CST
I still cant get over the stupid faces they have...its the worst thing ever.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172800)
Posted by
Galvatrondestroyer on January 23rd, 2011 @ 4:06am CST
MINDVVIPE wrote:bumble_bee_68 wrote:The whole line looks like crap.
Pass for me.
Sticking w/ Generations / Reveal the Shield lines.

Third pending that they continue Generations/Reveal The Shield while the movie line's out.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172808)
Posted by
SEXFIGHTER on January 23rd, 2011 @ 5:13am CST
I've seen that stupid face before, on a stupid character, in a stupid movie...looks like he's back to make the next one as stupid as possible.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172810)
Posted by
Mykltron on January 23rd, 2011 @ 5:36am CST
No matter how good they make a toy of Skids I don't think I want a second. The most screen accurate Skids ever is always going to look stoo-pid.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172814)
Posted by
SEXFIGHTER on January 23rd, 2011 @ 5:48am CST
why he was even called skids in the 1st place is beyond me.. probably because none of the creators of the movie have done ANY homework outside of Optimus and Bumblebee. What happened to Less dorky humour? if this idiots in it, then dorky humour shall prevail.

Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172846)
Posted by
TFBuyer on January 23rd, 2011 @ 9:29am CST
bumble_bee_68 wrote:The whole line looks like crap.
Pass for me.
Sticking w/ Generations / Reveal the Shield lines.
*sigh* They kill off Jazz, yet this character makes a triumphant return. Because if there's one thing the TF movie franchise needed, it was a Jar Jar Binks.

Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172877)
Posted by
GetRightRobot on January 23rd, 2011 @ 10:35am CST
SEXFIGHTER wrote:I've seen that stupid face before, on a stupid character, in a stupid movie...looks like he's back to make the next one as stupid as possible.

stupid...simple, but it really captures the whole vibe....
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172888)
Posted by
Mkall on January 23rd, 2011 @ 11:00am CST
Here in Vancouver, we have big black squirrels. That is what his face reminds me of.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172903)
Posted by
ShardFenix on January 23rd, 2011 @ 11:42am CST
TFBuyer wrote:bumble_bee_68 wrote:The whole line looks like crap.
Pass for me.
Sticking w/ Generations / Reveal the Shield lines.
*sigh* They kill off Jazz, yet this character makes a triumphant return. Because if there's one thing the TF movie franchise needed, it was a Jar Jar Binks.

If only it was Jar Jar Binks. No instead we have Jar Jar Binks and his equally stupid twin brother. Because one just wasnt enough for Mr. Bay.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172904)
Posted by
alexison on January 23rd, 2011 @ 11:43am CST
This is guy is looking good, but I'm not sure it is good enough to buy the character again. I'm pretty happy with my ROTF Skids so a good review is gonna have to win me over on this one.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172910)
Posted by
GetRightRobot on January 23rd, 2011 @ 11:54am CST
What really hurts about this line SO FAR, is that the other lines (RTS and GEN) will probally meet an early death to make room for DOTM figures. If I don't buy atleast one Transformer a week, I get sick, can't sleep and totally irritated. Which means I will probally buy most of this crap from lack of alternatives.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172925)
Posted by
ShardFenix on January 23rd, 2011 @ 12:19pm CST
GetRightRobot wrote:What really hurts about this line SO FAR, is that the other lines (RTS and GEN) will probally meet an early death to make room for DOTM figures. If I don't buy atleast one Transformer a week, I get sick, can't sleep and totally irritated. Which means I will probally buy most of this crap from lack of alternatives.
Order old stuff you missed online. Thats what I plan do to if DOT becomes the only line. I have plenty of figures i still need.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1172926)
Posted by
GetRightRobot on January 23rd, 2011 @ 12:22pm CST
ShardFenix wrote:GetRightRobot wrote:What really hurts about this line SO FAR, is that the other lines (RTS and GEN) will probally meet an early death to make room for DOTM figures. If I don't buy atleast one Transformer a week, I get sick, can't sleep and totally irritated. Which means I will probally buy most of this crap from lack of alternatives.
Order old stuff you missed online. Thats what I plan do to if DOT becomes the only line. I have plenty of figures i still need.
True. But it's hard not to swing down the toy aisle of Wal-mart....
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1173024)
Posted by
rpetras on January 23rd, 2011 @ 3:08pm CST
These guys were already practically scout class figures the first go around, and they made him (I'll assume them) SMALLER?
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1173025)
Posted by
--B-- on January 23rd, 2011 @ 3:08pm CST
More movie crap for me to pass on.
The figure is not bad until you get to that terrible head.
Alt mode looks pretty sharp.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1173752)
Posted by
SKYWARPED_128 on January 25th, 2011 @ 10:37pm CST
ProwlJazz wrote:SKYWARPED_128 wrote:...the "raccoon eyes" effect from the black paint outlining his eyes looks goofy, making him look like some Cybertronian burglar along with his new black paint.
It's probably just another case of the stereotypical persona there trying to give off with the twins. I do like that however.
Heheh, you just might be right. I wouldn't put anything past Bay at this point.
In any case, so much for his promise of "no more dorky humor". If the twins are back, you can expect more of the same nauseating jokes from ROTF.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1173761)
Posted by
First-Aid on January 25th, 2011 @ 11:02pm CST
SKYWARPED_128 wrote:In any case, so much for his promise of "no more dorky humor". If the twins are back, you can expect more of the same nauseating jokes from ROTF.
That depends on their screentime. Let's be frank, none of us saw the Twins on the Chicago set, did we? If that's the case, they don't make it to the end.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1174104)
Posted by
SKYWARPED_128 on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:58pm CST
First-Aid wrote:SKYWARPED_128 wrote:In any case, so much for his promise of "no more dorky humor". If the twins are back, you can expect more of the same nauseating jokes from ROTF.
That depends on their screentime. Let's be frank, none of us saw the Twins on the Chicago set, did we? If that's the case, they don't make it to the end.
Good point.
Personally, I don't really care if the twins actually die/go offline, just that we spend less time seeing them onscreen. To be honest, I don't actually hate them as much as the situations Bay/Kruger/Orci/Kurtzman creates with them in it. In fact, I was far more annoyed by the college scenes, Jetfire's old man persona and all that energon farting than any of the twins' antics.
And it's official; even Bay has recently admitted that ROTF sucked. Well, I guess someone up there must really like him if a movie that was universally panned by critics and generally agreed as a haphazardly put-together film could earn him billions of dollars.
Re: New Pictures Posted of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Skids (1174145)
Posted by
Genocide G2.0 on January 26th, 2011 @ 9:16pm CST
I got the ROTF skids Another is never gonna be in my collection not that i hate him theres just no need for two skids, in this movie am only getting shockwave and a select few i became a bit of a completist on the first two movies.