New Transformers 3 Decepticon Villain Revealed!
Thursday, June 10th, 2010 7:04PM CDT
Category: Movie Related NewsPosted by: Cyber Bishop Views: 40,597
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Michael Bay has told USA Today that Shockwave will be in Transformers 3 and also it will be in 3D as well.
Everyone should check out this article.
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Posted by Cyber Bishop on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:10pm CDT
Posted by sabrigami on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:14pm CDT
Posted by Zeds on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:18pm CDT

Posted by Lastjustice on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:19pm CDT
Posted by ShadowGinrai on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:21pm CDT

Posted by JazZeke on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:23pm CDT
I just hope this really IS Shockwave we'll see and not some generic one eyed villain with no character. Shockwave has some very distinct traits, I hope the writers don't try to reinvent the wheel like they did with Jetfire.
Posted by vectorA3 on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:28pm CDT
Not happy about 3D. Really not happy, it will more than most likely be post-converted & will look like s&*t (think Clash of the Titans). They've already started filming now & I doubt they're using the Fusion Camera system that Cameron used for Avatar. If TF3 were actually filmed in 3D, then I'd be excited, but as of now, I think they'll go cheap & post-convert it. Just an attempt at a cash grab. F that. I'll see it in Imax, but not feelin the 3D esp. if it's post-converted.
Posted by Noideaforaname on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:33pm CDT
I REALLY hope this isn't a lie...
Posted by Galvatron X on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:45pm CDT
Lastjustice wrote:Hopefully Corey Burton got the job then.
Man, I hope so too. I was disappointed by Frank Welker's "un-digitized" voice in ROTF, but there's NO reason why they can't duplicate Corey's Shockwave in TF3.
Posted by JeffX on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:46pm CDT
Posted by KingEmperor on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:49pm CDT
Posted by Autobot032 on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:53pm CDT
1.) It's the end of the movie series, apparently. (Where does that leave us after 2011?)
2.) It had better be in 2-D as well as 3-D because I won't go watch it in 3-D, no thank you.
3.) The first movie was lackluster, the second one was good, but I don't want it to be the highpoint of the trilogy.
I like that Shockwave's going to be the villain, but seriously? None of the rest of the news sounds good.

I do worry about what the future holds in terms of TFs. Once the movies aren't there to bring in an audience, I wonder what Hasbro will do.
Posted by Cheetron on June 10th, 2010 @ 7:57pm CDT
2- Shockwave was in the first movie game, at least in the ps2 version. I hope they don't just copy that form.
Posted by Cyber Bishop on June 10th, 2010 @ 8:06pm CDT
Autobot032 wrote:I do worry about what the future holds in terms of TFs. Once the movies aren't there to bring in an audience, I wonder what Hasbro will do.
A reboot of the series with more accurate G1 looking bots..
Hell they seem to like to reboot everything (upcoming Spider Man, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Hulk, Captain America {yes, there was a low budget late 80's movie}, etc..) so once Bayformers are done, someone else takes the reigns and gives us some G1 goodness..
Hey, it could happen.. TF has been around this long so it has staying power.
Posted by FanimusMaximus on June 10th, 2010 @ 8:08pm CDT

Posted by UltraPrimal on June 10th, 2010 @ 8:09pm CDT
Posted by i am Dj fLiP on June 10th, 2010 @ 8:11pm CDT
but what about megatron? i mean he's alive and i think they'should make him galvatron!
hmm i have so much in my mind but i'll let it be, let's just hope this movie turns out to be the best out of the 3!

Posted by DeathBlast on June 10th, 2010 @ 8:14pm CDT
Posted by Autobot032 on June 10th, 2010 @ 8:22pm CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:Autobot032 wrote:I do worry about what the future holds in terms of TFs. Once the movies aren't there to bring in an audience, I wonder what Hasbro will do.
A reboot of the series with more accurate G1 looking bots..
Hell they seem to like to reboot everything (upcoming Spider Man, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Hulk, Captain America {yes, there was a low budget late 80's movie}, etc..) so once Bayformers are done, someone else takes the reigns and gives us some G1 goodness..
Hey, it could happen.. TF has been around this long so it has staying power.
Oh, I'm certain we're destined for a reboot. Problem is, when it's time to do so, will anyone care? The better option is to have an ending that could tie up loose ends, but still leave a door open. That way a new director could step in and continue the story. Keep the same bots, add new ones, and change the humans.
And I saw the '80s Captain America. It was terrible. lol Ned Beatty was the only highlight of that film.
I'm not sure I want a straight G1 revival in the movies. I actually do like the universe the Bay movies have made, but I would like the heart and sweetness of G1 in the movies.
Optimus was a hero, Bumblebee was the plucky little hero who fought against impossible odds, etc.
This set of movies was more realistic, the world's response would be as Bay has shown us, but I kinda want fantasy.
I want the fantastical. That's what makes TFs tick.
Posted by JazZeke on June 10th, 2010 @ 8:23pm CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:Autobot032 wrote:I do worry about what the future holds in terms of TFs. Once the movies aren't there to bring in an audience, I wonder what Hasbro will do.
A reboot of the series with more accurate G1 looking bots..
Hell they seem to like to reboot everything (upcoming Spider Man, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Hulk, Captain America {yes, there was a low budget late 80's movie}, etc..) so once Bayformers are done, someone else takes the reigns and gives us some G1 goodness..
Hey, it could happen.. TF has been around this long so it has staying power.
Pretty much what I've been hoping for.
Posted by Solrac333 on June 10th, 2010 @ 8:32pm CDT

Posted by SlyTF1 on June 10th, 2010 @ 8:39pm CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:Autobot032 wrote:I do worry about what the future holds in terms of TFs. Once the movies aren't there to bring in an audience, I wonder what Hasbro will do.
A reboot of the series with more accurate G1 looking bots..
Hell they seem to like to reboot everything (upcoming Spider Man, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Hulk, Captain America {yes, there was a low budget late 80's movie}, etc..) so once Bayformers are done, someone else takes the reigns and gives us some G1 goodness..
Hey, it could happen.. TF has been around this long so it has staying power.
I dont want no damn G1 movie! LOL! It would just be the same things from G1 in movie form, nothing will be exciting and we'd know how everything ends. Besides, the G1 vehicle forms dont really exist now adays and since these movies are probobly going to be around for another 10 years those cars will be no more. And I dont think transforming robots would look that blocky in the real world, they have to have car parts haning off of them like an engine or somthing thats covered by a car piece.
Posted by Dinobot Prime on June 10th, 2010 @ 9:01pm CDT
Autobot032 wrote:3.) The first movie was lackluster, the second one was good, but I don't want it to be the highpoint of the trilogy.
Seriously? You found the first movie to be lackluster compared to the second? You have it SO backwards. The second was complete rubbish, utterly devoid of plot and sense.
More on-topic though, if precedence is any indicator, we'll just see a character with the name of Shockwave that shares some basic traits. I'm thinking one eye, transforms into something that can shoot. Will it be purple? Definitely not. Will it be the cold, calculating, logical robot we all know and love? Similarly not. Just like all of Bay's other decepticons, "Shockwave" here will be a bland killing machine.
I call this the "Sideswipe Effect."
Step 1: Apply name to a character to please the fans.
Step 2: Make sure to include some basic superficial similarities between original and new namesakes (Sideswipe was a sports car, Jazz had a visor)
Step 3: Either completely disregard established character traits, or make sure the character has only three seconds of screen time so that the character traits can't be revealed.
Honestly, I would much prefer a movie full of Jolt-like characters. Completely new characters that may or may not reuse names from extremely minor third- and fourth-tier robots from Energon or Machine wars, and have completely new looks and personalities. I want to be able to connect to completely new characters, not be disappointed when the new version of the character doesn't match up to the old one.
Posted by WarzoneBeta on June 10th, 2010 @ 9:02pm CDT
I love Ol'One Eye XD
Posted by CybertronHotShot on June 10th, 2010 @ 9:05pm CDT
Oh, God, PLEASE!!!omega666 wrote:Corey Burton for Shockwave!

Posted by CybertronHotShot on June 10th, 2010 @ 9:07pm CDT
Zeds wrote:Holding my glee until I see what Shocky looks like. Promising though...
Maybe he look like the 2007 game version.

Posted by YRQRM0 on June 10th, 2010 @ 9:10pm CDT
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 10th, 2010 @ 9:18pm CDT
Dinobot Prime wrote:Autobot032 wrote:3.) The first movie was lackluster, the second one was good, but I don't want it to be the highpoint of the trilogy.
Seriously? You found the first movie to be lackluster compared to the second? You have it SO backwards. The second was complete rubbish, utterly devoid of plot and sense.
I get so damn tired of repeating myself over and over again. ROTF was not devoid of plot. The first movie was devoid of plot! Robots looking for glasses on ebay compared to a boy realizing his destiny, fighting impossible odds to try to protect what he feels is right. Yeah, because that plot makes no sense at all.

When everyone said that the first movie had a bad plot I agreed, not that it took anything out of the movie for me, but with ROTF, seriously, where do you guys get this bullshit from? The critics? Because they're scared to admit that a Michael Bay movie has a plot, symbolism, and good camera work? Some of the people who talk shit about ROTF realized that it wasnt shit after I told them that they're minds are just controlled by scared critics.
Sure ROTF had bad jokes, but the first one didnt? Every one acts like the first movie was a masterpiece with an award winning story and amazing special effects. The only thing that movie deserved is amazing CG. Not that thats a bad thing. ROTF in all honestly is THE most unfairly critisised movie I have ever seen in my life. Some of these things that the critics come up with is total ass. Like "Why didnt they use the Allspark on Optimus?" Because they dont know shit about the Allspark! All they know is that it makes life, they dont know it brings things BACK to life. Besides where would they get parts from to rebuild him? You saw what the Decepticons did just to bring Megatron back to life.
I just wish people would realize this and stop being brainwashed by these damn critics and let me stop repeating myself all of the damn time! To not like the movie is one thing, but to say that ROTF is devoid of plot is stupid, outlandish, not true, a lie, get it. ROTF has a plot get over yourself and admit that a Michael Bay movie has a plot! ADMIT IT!
Posted by Jacob P. Galvatron on June 10th, 2010 @ 9:32pm CDT

Anyway, I'd wanted to scream out "Continuity Error!!" but then I realized that Shockwave was only in the game, which has it's own continuity.
Also, I love the design from that game, so I hope they use it, or something similar.
Posted by Burn on June 10th, 2010 @ 9:53pm CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:I get so damn tired of repeating myself over and over again.
So don't. If someone has an opinion differing to yours it doesn't mean you need to keep harping on about it.
Let people think what they want about a movie and move on.
As far as this news goes, i'm annoyed about the whole 3D thing. Wearing glasses makes it hard to watch a 3D movie (hard, not impossible) and cinemas tend to show more 3D versions than normal versions these days, and when you have to drive over an hour to the nearest cinema that doesn't exclusively show 3D, it gets even more annoying.
Posted by zenosaurus_x on June 10th, 2010 @ 10:40pm CDT
Oh wait that isn't fitting.....but you must's only logical to choose ShockWave...
Ok I'm done....
And Slytf1:Eh, you aren't the only one who liked ROTF...I liked it, just nowhere near as much as I love the first one.
With the First one, I'll watch it over...and...over....and over....and over...I just like nearly every aspect of it. The Robots despite being shown less seemed more likable....and the villains were pretty awesome to me. BoneCrusher vs Optimus was amazing as well as Megatron vs Optimus....
ROTF while it was good, the bad parts of it happened to be extremely annoying to me. TO date I've only watched it start to finish 3 times. I can only take the bad parts so much.'s good parts I will go and watch many many times. Forest Fight...yay!
Posted by First-Aid on June 10th, 2010 @ 11:56pm CDT
Other news, from Tformers, is that James Avery will be voicing Silverbolt in TF3. He apparently had to say something as someone started a rumor that he was dead, and he didn't think it was too funny. Here's the post from Tformers (credit where it's due): wrote:In probably the oddest way to confirm a role in an upcoming film, a representative of James Avery has confirmed that he will voice Silverbolt in Transformers 3, but did so to confirm that he was not dead, reports The Examiner Fort Worth.
This past weekend, people on Twitter started to spread an unsubstantiated rumor that Mr. Avery was dead, tweeting, "RIP, James Avery (aka Uncle Phil) So Sad!" reports E! Online.
Fortunately, a representative of Mr. Avery, 61, confirmed that he is alive and well and will lend his voice to the third installment of the giant robot franchise.
Mr. Avery was not too pleased at the hoax, though, telling CNN that he was "pissed." Speaking at the premiere of The Karate Kid starring co-star Will Smith's son Jaden Smith, he said, "Pissed me off, I know that. I mean, really, they're going to take away what little career I have left."
As for a G1, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no. I want to remember G1 as it was: campy, bad animation, horrid writing, annoying humans, and cheesy robots who looked nothing like the toys they were drawn to emulate. Leave the dead horse alone...
Corey Burton, maybe. I don't think he has a menacing enough voice for a true movie villain. Alan Rickman might work. Fred Tatasciore, Rick Wasserman, or Kevin Michael Richardson would also be good. Or...if you really want cold, calculating, and diabolical...David Kaye...yesssss....
Posted by kirbenvost on June 11th, 2010 @ 12:17am CDT
Posted by SoooTrypticon on June 11th, 2010 @ 12:41am CDT
1)Good riddance. Can't wait for this to be over. Then I can go buy toys again.
2) Shockwave will turn out just as well as Soundwave and the Fallen did- as in they won't even be in the movie. Instead you'll get some over-designed looking robot with spikes/tentacles and a passing resemblance to the namesake (likely one eye).
3) Notice how Bay's story is about Shia and how he'll grow up or something. Yes, this is what people want to hear about in a movie full of alien robots. Clearly they came for the human element.
This is the koolaid, and Bay is busting through the wall shouting drink it.
Other franchises get treated with more respect than this by Fox, a company that revels in destroying comic/cartoon properties- some of which are (gasp) even older and sell even fewer toys. Did you notice how the Fantastic Four movies, as terrible as they were, still managed to have their characters look like the ones invented more than forty years ago? Or how about Iron-man? He looks pretty much the same to me. No need to remake the wheel there...
And what about Batman? Or the X-men? No one's giving them fangs or crazy insect eyes so they seem more believable... Wolverine still has his hair and claws- they just changed the color of his suit. Heck, he even smokes still.
What made transformers cool, was that it was a dumb space opera about robots who did amazing things like change sizes and build intergalactic bridges and turn into city sized dinosaurs (ahem). It was cool because it was crazy, and imaginative, and fantastical. It had stories that were about the robots- not ebay, not going to college, not how some dork gets to become a man by helping with the space race or whatever technology Bay is ogling this time.
And if we have to have dumb people in it- why not actually use the characters that already exist? Why can't Sam (Spike) be the character he was invented as. Why couldn't his dad? Why couldn't his girlfriend get horribly injured by the Decepticons and become Circuit-breaker? (Look her up on the tfwiki). Then there could be some real human drama there- that actually had to do with robots... not the freakin space race.
With the wildly positive response given to “War For Cybertron” I hope Hasbro is signaling a change in direction- where they honor their toy's roots, while looking ahead with smart designs and robot driven stories.
I know I would be happy- and I bet most of the public wouldn't even care- as long as there were plenty of 'splosions.
Posted by YankeeSR23 on June 11th, 2010 @ 1:16am CDT
I would love to see Corey Burton get the job and bring another G1 voice back to the movie series. Though knowing Bay Shockwave will turn into a tank or something. He didn't like Megatron as a gun so why allow it now? Maybe he'll be a cannon so he can keep some of his design.
Now for the series concluding with this movie I would be a little upset. I know Bay doesn't like the Dinobots but it would be nice to see them in a movie. Also does it seem like Unicron will ever be mentioned in a movie or is that just too big of an idea to realistically put on film?
So my hopes are even if Bay concludes this series they hire someone that can make another trilogy and give the fans some of the stuff we don't get with Bay. A good idea would be to use the cartoon movie stuff in a new trilogy.
Oh, btw has there been any word on who the red sports car is playing? The obvious choice would either be Hot Rod or Rodimus (if they use that name) Though personally I would think to make Hot Rod you take an import tuner like the Eclipse, paint it maroon and add the flames as a vinyl graphic. Just my thought there.
Posted by Rodimus2006 on June 11th, 2010 @ 1:41am CDT
This could be an interesting spin on it if they do it right and make a good story about this.
Also it looks like my theory on no major villians in TF 3 are looking more realisitic than before and I dont see Unicron happening, being see or even mentioned.
But I do see something happening with Decipticons with Shockwave trying to replace Megatron or kills Megatron and takes over them.
Also Shockwave could be one of the Transformers that assasinated Humans but the Autobots get framed for it instead hint the whole Autobot go home deal such as with the Trashcan lid with the Autobot symbol marked out.
This could be a really cool movie if it is done good, written well, have good character 1 or 2 new combiners and some new characters not just humans.
If Silverbolt is in this movie then their is a good chance the Aeiral Bots will all be in it as well as combining into Superion remember Silverbolt is the Leader of them.
Maybe some of the Aerail Bots will be the Predator Drone.
Shockwave will not be is Shock Cannon or Gun but instead some sort of cool car, military vehicle or Jet.
There has been reports of a Black Dodge Decepticon wonder if this could be Shockwave however I do believe he will be somwewhat similar and have that G1 feeling and have a weapon similar to G1.
Transformers 3 - Revelations
Transformers 3 - The Human Conflict
Transformers 3 - End Game
Transformers 3 - Vengeance
Transformers 3 - Cybertron Bound
Transformers 3 - Till All Are One
Transformers 3 - Decpticon
Transformers 3 - Nemesis
Posted by SEXFIGHTER on June 11th, 2010 @ 2:43am CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:Dinobot Prime wrote:Autobot032 wrote:3.) The first movie was lackluster, the second one was good, but I don't want it to be the highpoint of the trilogy.
Seriously? You found the first movie to be lackluster compared to the second? You have it SO backwards. The second was complete rubbish, utterly devoid of plot and sense.
I get so damn tired of repeating myself over and over again. ROTF was not devoid of plot. The first movie was devoid of plot! Robots looking for glasses on ebay compared to a boy realizing his destiny, fighting impossible odds to try to protect what he feels is right. Yeah, because that plot makes no sense at all.![]()
When everyone said that the first movie had a bad plot I agreed, not that it took anything out of the movie for me, but with ROTF, seriously, where do you guys get this bullshit from? The critics? Because they're scared to admit that a Michael Bay movie has a plot, symbolism, and good camera work? Some of the people who talk shit about ROTF realized that it wasnt shit after I told them that they're minds are just controlled by scared critics.
Sure ROTF had bad jokes, but the first one didnt? Every one acts like the first movie was a masterpiece with an award winning story and amazing special effects. The only thing that movie deserved is amazing CG. Not that thats a bad thing. ROTF in all honestly is THE most unfairly critisised movie I have ever seen in my life. Some of these things that the critics come up with is total ass. Like "Why didnt they use the Allspark on Optimus?" Because they dont know shit about the Allspark! All they know is that it makes life, they dont know it brings things BACK to life. Besides where would they get parts from to rebuild him? You saw what the Decepticons did just to bring Megatron back to life.
I just wish people would realize this and stop being brainwashed by these damn critics and let me stop repeating myself all of the damn time! To not like the movie is one thing, but to say that ROTF is devoid of plot is stupid, outlandish, not true, a lie, get it. ROTF has a plot get over yourself and admit that a Michael Bay movie has a plot! ADMIT IT!
Glad to hear bout Shockwave, after all that resising he's been TOLD to go with 3D ...yawn. I like your unwavering loyalty to ROTF, I like a lot of so called 'bad' films myself,however i must take issue with the old critic comment. I had no pre-conceived idea of the ROTF until i got in there... i can honestly say, in all truthfulness, i felt like gettin up and walkin out after 40 minutes. It was a direct assault on my brain... and it hurt...BAD.

Posted by Prime Riblet on June 11th, 2010 @ 4:35am CDT
Posted by Cyber Bishop on June 11th, 2010 @ 7:04am CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:I dont want no damn G1 movie! LOL! It would just be the same things from G1 in movie form, nothing will be exciting and we'd know how everything ends. Besides, the G1 vehicle forms dont really exist now adays and since these movies are probobly going to be around for another 10 years those cars will be no more. And I dont think transforming robots would look that blocky in the real world, they have to have car parts haning off of them like an engine or somthing thats covered by a car piece.
Not a movie based off the EXACT timeline of G1.. Jeez, it could be G1 as far as the bot designs and take some sort of new approach to the TF universe.
Posted by cannonfodder4000 on June 11th, 2010 @ 7:31am CDT
Posted by Mechastrike on June 11th, 2010 @ 8:36am CDT
Posted by SEXFIGHTER on June 11th, 2010 @ 8:39am CDT
Mechastrike wrote:i don't care what Shockwave looks like. i just hope the MOVIE is worth it.
Well id just like him to look and act like Shockwave..jetfire was a disgrace.
Posted by paul053 on June 11th, 2010 @ 9:33am CDT
Posted by Evil_the_Nub on June 11th, 2010 @ 10:10am CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:SlyTF1 wrote:I dont want no damn G1 movie! LOL! It would just be the same things from G1 in movie form, nothing will be exciting and we'd know how everything ends. Besides, the G1 vehicle forms dont really exist now adays and since these movies are probobly going to be around for another 10 years those cars will be no more. And I dont think transforming robots would look that blocky in the real world, they have to have car parts haning off of them like an engine or somthing thats covered by a car piece.
Not a movie based off the EXACT timeline of G1.. Jeez, it could be G1 as far as the bot designs and take some sort of new approach to the TF universe.
G1 bot designs would look awful in live action. One thing people don't realize about the blocky design is it makes moving very difficult. Think of it like you're wearing a suit made of cardboard boxes, it would severely limit your range of motion.
Posted by Stockade on June 11th, 2010 @ 10:20am CDT
Great news about Shockwave, i still hope Megatron and SS still have plenty of screen time together!
Does anyone know who might be the Decepticon car bot might be? He' suppose to be a black Dodge Charger SRT-8 model. I'm thinking either a new alt mode for Barricade since most police force is having Chargers for patrol cars or maybe Dead end? A small or big entrance for one of the Stunticons. Again, more food for thought.
Posted by HECTOR on June 11th, 2010 @ 10:31am CDT
If the time comes, I think a reboot could do great things. We probably won't have to wait long for it either. It seems that reboots no longer require time to pass in between. Sam Raimi's Spiderman 4? Eff it! Let's just reboot that sh*t instead! Fantastic 4? Those sucked. Reboot immediately!
G1 bot designs would look awful in live action. One thing people don't realize about the blocky design is it makes moving very difficult. Think of it like you're wearing a suit made of cardboard boxes, it would severely limit your range of motion.
Haha I know right? There's no way around it, they'd have to detail and redesign quite a bit. Personally I think movie characters like Optimus and even Jazz look great! Super detailed redesign but still retain a lot of their G1 look. Also the current IDW comic series 'Ongoing' features the robots drawn in super detail. They look distinctly G1 but with movie level detail. They're not very popular for the comics but would probably look pretty cool in photo-realistic CG.
Posted by First-Aid on June 11th, 2010 @ 10:33am CDT
Evil_the_Nub wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:SlyTF1 wrote:I dont want no damn G1 movie! LOL! It would just be the same things from G1 in movie form, nothing will be exciting and we'd know how everything ends. Besides, the G1 vehicle forms dont really exist now adays and since these movies are probobly going to be around for another 10 years those cars will be no more. And I dont think transforming robots would look that blocky in the real world, they have to have car parts haning off of them like an engine or somthing thats covered by a car piece.
Not a movie based off the EXACT timeline of G1.. Jeez, it could be G1 as far as the bot designs and take some sort of new approach to the TF universe.
G1 bot designs would look awful in live action. One thing people don't realize about the blocky design is it makes moving very difficult. Think of it like you're wearing a suit made of cardboard boxes, it would severely limit your range of motion.
THANK YOU FOR COMMON SENSE! What is amazing is that Transformers is about CHANGE more than anything...whether it's changing modes or changing looks, it's change that has been and will always be the primary component of Transformers. The toys evolve, the stories evolve. Let them. Enjoy it for what it is. Don't be an idiot an pine for something that will NEVER HAPPEN.
Posted by Cyber Bishop on June 11th, 2010 @ 10:43am CDT
First-Aid wrote:Don't be an idiot an pine for something that will NEVER HAPPEN.
Excuse me?
I can have an opinion you know. Just because you don't respect mine does not give you the right to insult.
Posted by Megatron Wolf on June 11th, 2010 @ 11:44am CDT
Posted by First-Aid on June 11th, 2010 @ 4:01pm CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:First-Aid wrote:Don't be an idiot an pine for something that will NEVER HAPPEN.
Excuse me?
I can have an opinion you know. Just because you don't respect mine does not give you the right to insult.
No insult intended. I just don't see the point of begging for something that is never going to happen. I understand growing up with the toys and the cartoon. I did it too. But the toy line has grown up. To regress into something from the past is tantamount to repeating history. And we all know what happens when we repeat history...G1 nearly destroyed itself in the late 80's. It took something completely and utterly different- Beast Wars- to rescue the line from extinction. And how was THAT received when it began? The whole Trukk not Monkey thing...It's disappointing to see people not appreciating the fact that we still have the toys today, even though they are nothing like the ones we had a kids. One would think that as adults we would be more open minded to change. But, as the parents brought up in the TF: Cybertron series, adults aren't like that often. We want things to stay status quo. It's not going to happen...change WILL happen. As far as I'm concerned it's a heck of a lot easier to roll with the changes (REO FTW) and enjoy what we get than to rail against the course of progress.
And if I came across a little harsh, again, I apologize. We've talked private a few times and I think you know I'm not that type of person, CB. I will mention though that I was a few tequillas in to the evening...