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Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version

Transformers News: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version

Monday, March 15th, 2010 8:56AM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: Mach   Views: 17,139

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e-hobby Japan has updated the pre-order page for Takara version Masterpiece MP-03G Starcsream Ghost Version. We now get to see a new image of the front & rear package box art.

Similar to the MP-01B Convoy Black version, the MP-03G will also come with a comic penned by Yoshioka Hidetsugu.


Check out e-hobby Japan pre-order page for MP-03G here.

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Credit(s): e-hobby

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Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054633)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on March 15th, 2010 @ 9:00am CDT
Masterpiece boxes are masterpieces unto themselves!!
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054639)
Posted by SJ21 on March 15th, 2010 @ 9:22am CDT
Oh man, I can't wait till this shows up at my door!
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054661)
Posted by UltraPrimal on March 15th, 2010 @ 10:40am CDT
I think they should have used clear packaging. :P
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054665)
Posted by Razorclaw0000 on March 15th, 2010 @ 11:11am CDT
I still don't know how I feel about this figure. I'd rather have a Hasbro Thundercracker.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054699)
Posted by Dread_Wing on March 15th, 2010 @ 1:23pm CDT
I think this is a pass for me. That clear plastic is too brittle to be used for some rather important parts of this mould. And even if it was kept for display, it seems to be missing a few 'paint' apps that should be translucent blue, his hands and shin guard things. The clear hands just look odd.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054734)
Posted by ang3l3s on March 15th, 2010 @ 2:59pm CDT
I also hope that those hands are fixed, how brittle will it be, henkei GHOST SS is fine.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054736)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on March 15th, 2010 @ 3:01pm CDT
What do some of you guys do with your tranformers? Everyone always talks about how brittle this mold is. I've transformed all of my MP Seekers several times and not had a problem. They mainly stay on the shelf a day or two after I buy them. I don't think brittleness is something to worry about unless you're reenacting Galvatron turning Starscream into a ghost.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054743)
Posted by DevastaTTor on March 15th, 2010 @ 3:34pm CDT
Nice, but predictable.

I don't know why, but this figure does nothing for me. Agree with comment above-let's have a Hasbro Thundercracker release.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054755)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on March 15th, 2010 @ 4:14pm CDT
DevastaTTor wrote:Nice, but predictable.

I don't know why, but this figure does nothing for me. Agree with comment above-let's have a Hasbro Thundercracker release.

Well, 2 things. You'll have to wait until after MP Grimlock. And Takara releasing this has no bearing on Hasbro releasing Thundercracker. That being said, I'd like a hasbro release of thundercracker too. They need to fix his chest.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054766)
Posted by Dread_Wing on March 15th, 2010 @ 4:58pm CDT
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:What do some of you guys do with your tranformers? Everyone always talks about how brittle this mold is. I've transformed all of my MP Seekers several times and not had a problem. They mainly stay on the shelf a day or two after I buy them. I don't think brittleness is something to worry about unless you're reenacting Galvatron turning Starscream into a ghost.

I have never had a problem with my Takara MP Skywarp, but the US edition MP Starscream? The wings snapped off the first time I transformed it. The black double hinge was far far too tight, and the white plastic that it attached to far too brittle. I removed the black piece and loosened it, and fabricated a replacement end for the white parts that had snapped from aluminium. Fixed, but what a lot of work.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054810)
Posted by Kibble on March 15th, 2010 @ 8:52pm CDT
Dread_Wing wrote:I have never had a problem with my Takara MP Skywarp, but the US edition MP Starscream? The wings snapped off the first time I transformed it. The black double hinge was far far too tight, and the white plastic that it attached to far too brittle. I removed the black piece and loosened it, and fabricated a replacement end for the white parts that had snapped from aluminium. Fixed, but what a lot of work.

Sounds more like a QC issue. My SS is fine...

I, for one, am excited about this figure. I don't quite get how Henkei Ghost Starscream caused stiffies galore, yet there's an utter lack of excitement for this... For the price (and the superior mold to boot) this is WAAAAAY more exciting to me.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054818)
Posted by Rated X on March 15th, 2010 @ 9:31pm CDT
Can anyone confirm if the dealers will be selling this thing at Botcon ???
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054830)
Posted by Mkall on March 15th, 2010 @ 10:17pm CDT
Rated X wrote:Can anyone confirm if the dealers will be selling this thing at Botcon ???

Dealers will be selling EVERYTHING at Botcon.

I figured that before people are let into the dealer room, that one of every TF figure could be found in that room.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054873)
Posted by Rated X on March 16th, 2010 @ 5:51am CDT
Mkall wrote:
Rated X wrote:Can anyone confirm if the dealers will be selling this thing at Botcon ???

Dealers will be selling EVERYTHING at Botcon.

I figured that before people are let into the dealer room, that one of every TF figure could be found in that room.

Cool, I hope to snag this guy...even better if somebody is selling one out the box for a little cheaper.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1054888)
Posted by GEEWUN on March 16th, 2010 @ 7:00am CDT
I wish I could go to a Bot Con :-(
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1055003)
Posted by Praxus Prime on March 16th, 2010 @ 2:55pm CDT
GEEWUN wrote:I wish I could go to a Bot Con :-(

SOMEDAY, when I can, I'll drive us to Bot Con in my Jeep. Now, we just have to wait a couple years... :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1055009)
Posted by Praxus Prime on March 16th, 2010 @ 3:01pm CDT
Dread_Wing wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:What do some of you guys do with your tranformers? Everyone always talks about how brittle this mold is. I've transformed all of my MP Seekers several times and not had a problem. They mainly stay on the shelf a day or two after I buy them. I don't think brittleness is something to worry about unless you're reenacting Galvatron turning Starscream into a ghost.

I have never had a problem with my Takara MP Skywarp, but the US edition MP Starscream? The wings snapped off the first time I transformed it. The black double hinge was far far too tight, and the white plastic that it attached to far too brittle. I removed the black piece and loosened it, and fabricated a replacement end for the white parts that had snapped from aluminium. Fixed, but what a lot of work.

I bought a US version of MP Skywarp, and it's a lot tougher than I thought it would be. I agree about Starscream being kinda fragile, because my friend (GEEWUN, who also posted here) has one, and he seems a less durable. He seemed somewhat... floppy compared to Skywarp. That is a pretty cool ghost Starscream figure by the way.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1055504)
Posted by GEEWUN on March 18th, 2010 @ 6:28am CDT
Praxus Prime wrote:
Dread_Wing wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:What do some of you guys do with your tranformers? Everyone always talks about how brittle this mold is. I've transformed all of my MP Seekers several times and not had a problem. They mainly stay on the shelf a day or two after I buy them. I don't think brittleness is something to worry about unless you're reenacting Galvatron turning Starscream into a ghost.

I have never had a problem with my Takara MP Skywarp, but the US edition MP Starscream? The wings snapped off the first time I transformed it. The black double hinge was far far too tight, and the white plastic that it attached to far too brittle. I removed the black piece and loosened it, and fabricated a replacement end for the white parts that had snapped from aluminium. Fixed, but what a lot of work.

I bought a US version of MP Skywarp, and it's a lot tougher than I thought it would be. I agree about Starscream being kinda fragile, because my friend (GEEWUN, who also posted here) has one, and he seems a less durable. He seemed somewhat... floppy compared to Skywarp. That is a pretty cool ghost Starscream figure by the way.

Don't insult my starscream......
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1055712)
Posted by Praxus Prime on March 18th, 2010 @ 7:13pm CDT
GEEWUN wrote:
Praxus Prime wrote:
Dread_Wing wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:What do some of you guys do with your tranformers? Everyone always talks about how brittle this mold is. I've transformed all of my MP Seekers several times and not had a problem. They mainly stay on the shelf a day or two after I buy them. I don't think brittleness is something to worry about unless you're reenacting Galvatron turning Starscream into a ghost.

I have never had a problem with my Takara MP Skywarp, but the US edition MP Starscream? The wings snapped off the first time I transformed it. The black double hinge was far far too tight, and the white plastic that it attached to far too brittle. I removed the black piece and loosened it, and fabricated a replacement end for the white parts that had snapped from aluminium. Fixed, but what a lot of work.

I bought a US version of MP Skywarp, and it's a lot tougher than I thought it would be. I agree about Starscream being kinda fragile, because my friend (GEEWUN, who also posted here) has one, and he seems a less durable. He seemed somewhat... floppy compared to Skywarp. That is a pretty cool ghost Starscream figure by the way.

Don't insult my starscream......

I wasn't insulting him, I was merely stating that Skywarp seems more durable.
Re: Package Image of MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version (1058613)
Posted by Mach on March 27th, 2010 @ 7:10am CDT
e-hobby Japan has updated the pre-order webpage for MP-03G Starscream Ghost Version with an excerpt of the 12-page comic that included in the package.
Same as MP-01B, the comic story is written by Naoto Saiki & art by Higetsugu Yoshioka.


Check out the e-hobby MP-03G pre-order page here: ... code=mp_3g

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