Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics
Wednesday, January 26th, 2011 6:30PM CST
Category: Toy News
Posted by: TCracker Views: 38,430
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Actoys member 憨豆 have provided a small picture of what might possibly be Generations or Reveal the Shield Warpath.
There have been asserted that it is a deluxe figure.
Details are scant at the moment, but we will post up any updates as and when we receive them.
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Source from Actoys. Link as below:
Credit(s): Actoys member 憨豆
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Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174066)
Posted by
Mkall on January 26th, 2011 @ 6:43pm CST
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174069)
Posted by
bluecatcinema on January 26th, 2011 @ 6:48pm CST
Interesting. I think I'll wait to see the robot mode before committing, though.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174070)
Posted by
kirbenvost on January 26th, 2011 @ 6:51pm CST
Oh wow, that looks potentially really awesome, I hope it's true!
Very interesting how the general shape looks the same as the Legends version. It's almost as if the Legends thus far have been teasers for what's in store. Haha, now of course I won't be needing my Legends Warpath if this turns out to be legit.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174071)
Posted by
RK_Striker_JK_5 on January 26th, 2011 @ 6:53pm CST
Ooh, nice! I hope this
is Warpath.

Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174073)
Posted by
Bumblevivisector on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:02pm CST
I hope it's true too. Does anyone else think this looks a bit like the tank half of Flywheels?
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174075)
Posted by
Pr1meSuspect on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:05pm CST
Ha! I knew it ever since I saw him in the Rodimus vs Cyclonus comic. He was in a picture with RTS Grapple, Lugnut, Frenzy, and Generations Tracks. What I'm wondering is that in the same picture is Devestator... And since everyone else has gotten a toy version... Hm...
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174077)
Posted by
BATTOUSAIXD on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:09pm CST
Cool, looks kind of like Armada Megatron!
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174085)
Posted by
Genocide G2.0 on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:25pm CST
WOW its almost too much to handle a warpath is a must have for me, rts and gen are outstanding its like a dream come true as this is the first time ive had chance to collect a line well 2 lines from the get go thats not movie and what a selection so far for g1 charactors, PLEASE BE TRUE.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174088)
Posted by
Cyber Bishop on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:39pm CST
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174094)
Posted by
Megatron Wolf on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:45pm CST
Hopefully this warpath will be given a better release than the legends one got, that entire wave just never showed up over here. Im hoping bot mode looks just as good as alt mode, i really want a warpath.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174099)
Posted by
Turbobungle on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:50pm CST
are those 5mm weapon clip points I see?

Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174101)
Posted by
Vicalliose on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:50pm CST
It's legit...
It's also a deluxe unfortunately. See the 5mm clip on locations?Turbobungle wrote:are those 5mm weapon clip points I see?

What he said.
Ok this just makes me mad. I know that releasing nothing but deluxe figures is
easier for them. But couldn't they just
please cut back a little? Seriously what they did to Thunderwing was bulls**t, and now they're breaking their Micromaster formula of being
stupidly huge!
really wanted a voyager warpath. *sigh*

Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174102)
Posted by
Ungie on January 26th, 2011 @ 7:56pm CST
I smell a Guzzle repaint after this...
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174110)
Posted by
SKYWARPED_128 on January 26th, 2011 @ 8:06pm CST
Well, if it IS Warpath, it's probably an Earth mode version, as it looks nothing like the WFC Cybertronian version; I can tell even from the canon barrel.
Ether way, if it looks good, I'll buy it nonetheless.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174119)
Posted by
Astronopolis on January 26th, 2011 @ 8:21pm CST
well off the bat i can tell that the turret is pointed in the wrong direction. i think i can make out the back of the head on top of the turret, and those silver bits on the sides of the turret look like joint covers for where the arms attach. the tank treads on the right side of the image look like they form the legs, and the bigger treads on the left side look like they swing up to the position of the silver parts of the turret to become the shoulders. basically it looks like the transformation is pretty similar to animated shockwave, with the exception of the turret forming the chest. lots of 3mm clip spots, i see at least 4, one on each of what i believe form the limbs.

this looks to be pretty cool, i just hope the color is a tad brighter for the final release, but honestly i wouldnt care, hes bought. besides, how many maroon transformers do we have?
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174121)
Posted by
sancho's revenge on January 26th, 2011 @ 8:23pm CST
I hope this is true. Now for that arcee and SS.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174122)
Posted by
shin shinobi on January 26th, 2011 @ 8:27pm CST
Is it only me or the mold of Warpath in the pic looks like a deluxe or voyager?
If it does, it's another case of a minibot turned into oversized just like Powerglide

Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174140)
Posted by
alexison on January 26th, 2011 @ 9:00pm CST
If this is legit, I love it.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174147)
Posted by
Mr. Morado on January 26th, 2011 @ 9:21pm CST
he better be detailed to all hell, since warpath really doesnt need a hand held weapon. That cost should be allocated some where else, like better articulation for example.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174149)
Posted by
T-Macksimus on January 26th, 2011 @ 9:24pm CST
Mkall wrote:Giggidy
I will second that sentiment...whole-heartedly!
I'm actually glad that this one appears to be done in Deluxe sizing. For one thing, that makes it cheaper and for another it leaves it closer to it's prior incarnations and therefore a bit more recognizable (hopefully). My own kids have been enjoying the fact that a lot of the G1 stuff is being redone but they really only show the most interest in the ones that actually closely resemble the originals. They love how the Seekers and Coneheads turned out and are excited to get their hands on Wheeljack but Powerglide was a snooze for them and Seaspray was so-so and it was mostly due to size. I have the original Warpath and the new Legends class one and my kids love how the new one is updated style but same size as the G1 version. They'll go for a deluxe size (as will I) but after that, no deal.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174158)
Posted by
synthetik on January 26th, 2011 @ 9:54pm CST
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174184)
Posted by
Trikeboy on January 26th, 2011 @ 10:52pm CST
Please let this be Warpath, it looks awesome. Though, does anybody else get the feeling the turrent is pointing in the wrong direction?
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174186)
Posted by
It Is Him on January 26th, 2011 @ 10:55pm CST
And I was beginning to wonder why I haven't seen him yet. Nice to know this is still happening.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174218)
Posted by
Oilspill on January 27th, 2011 @ 3:17am CST
Nice, I loves me some Warpath. He shall displayed next to Legends Mini-me Warpath.
Not sure that he's a good candidate for a Guzzle repaint though, since Guzzle distinctively has his barrel mounted on his back (like Brawl, or Bombshock). Unless it's detachable using the 3mm system? That could be cool to allow for alternate transformations.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174262)
Posted by
Soundwave__Superior on January 27th, 2011 @ 6:10am CST
If this is true, this will make all of those people who never found Classics 2.0 Legends Warpath ,due to Hasbro's crap timing of release for that figure, very happy.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174289)
Posted by
It Is Him on January 27th, 2011 @ 8:11am CST
MegatronTheGreat wrote:If this is true, this will make all of those people who never found Classics 2.0 Legends Warpath ,due to Hasbro's crap timing of release for that figure, very happy.
Hate to break it to you, but the exact same thing will likely happen to Warpath and Arcee again, as these are also late-wave toys. These could be the next Evac and Red Rampage, and 2009's Hot Shot and Ratchet.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174313)
Posted by
Rated X on January 27th, 2011 @ 9:21am CST
Happy to get a Warpath. But sad to see them using the half ass legends tank mode with the big open gaps. Looks stupid. Why couldnt they have created a more conventional WWII tank mode like G1 warpath since it was a new mold ???
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174342)
Posted by
Sodan-1 on January 27th, 2011 @ 10:33am CST
Hmm. Would definately have to face the turret the other way as such a front-heavy tank looks rediculous. Not too bad looking at all, although I dislike the way the limbs just form four modules on the side.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174379)
Posted by
g2grimmy64 on January 27th, 2011 @ 12:14pm CST
I smell an Armada Megatron retool/repaint...
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174396)
Posted by
Jelze Bunnycat on January 27th, 2011 @ 12:42pm CST
g2grimmy64 wrote:I smell an Armada Megatron retool/repaint...
Nope, Armada Megatron is too big (Ultra, a scale no longer in use). Plus, the tank barrel doesn't match, nor does the rest of the tank body. The only thing they have in common that they're H-shaped.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174402)
Posted by
Joker'sRequiem on January 27th, 2011 @ 1:07pm CST
Hopefully this turns out to be true. I'd love a Warpath figure to add to my collection. Although, I wouldn't mind him being a Voyager, as I like the upsized versions of Powerglide and Sea Spray.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174470)
Posted by
NTESHFT on January 27th, 2011 @ 3:39pm CST
I do hope he is voyager class. He would look awesome standing with my Powerglide and Seaspray....
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174487)
Posted by
RK_Striker_JK_5 on January 27th, 2011 @ 4:19pm CST
shin shinobi wrote:Is it only me or the mold of Warpath in the pic looks like a deluxe or voyager?
If it does, it's another case of a minibot turned into oversized just like Powerglide

I'd rather have it be a bit big than too small.
Re: Possible Generations / Reveal The Shield Warpath Tank pics (1174489)
Posted by
Rodimus Minor on January 27th, 2011 @ 4:23pm CST
Wow he looks sweet