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Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line

Transformers News: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line

Monday, April 10th, 2017 11:41PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: WreckerJack   Views: 53,644

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TFW2005 user catz has shared an order form which claims that a new item will be similar to AD 31 Armor Knight Optimus Prime from the Takara version of the Age of Etinction Line called Movie Advanced. AD 31 is Takara's retool of the AOE Leader Optimus. We already know hat Hasbro is re-releasing AOE Leader Optimus Prime in the Transformers The Last Knight movie line with a new deco. We can guess that Takara would be doing the same with their toyline but using their retool instead. The price matches up as well since the MSRP shown here is 8,000 yen, around the same MSRP as AD 31 Armor Knight Optimus Prime. Stay tuned!

Transformers News: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime
Credit(s): catz from

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Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1873700)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 11th, 2017 @ 11:09am CDT
AD31 sure was purdy. Any chance to see him again would be nice.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1873705)
Posted by Emerje on April 11th, 2017 @ 11:29am CDT
Pretty unusual for Takara Tomy release the same exact figure under two different toy lines or with two different product numbers. If it's exactly the same figure they'd probably just reissue the original AD31 straight up. I'm guessing this one will be painted differently, probably based on the purple-eyed version from the movie.

Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1873742)
Posted by william-james88 on April 11th, 2017 @ 1:34pm CDT
Emerje wrote:Pretty unusual for Takara Tomy release the same exact figure under two different toy lines or with two different product numbers. If it's exactly the same figure they'd probably just reissue the original AD31 straight up. I'm guessing this one will be painted differently, probably based on the purple-eyed version from the movie.


I too think it will be a redeco of that mold.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1874690)
Posted by william-james88 on April 15th, 2017 @ 8:49pm CDT
Takara's TLK Transformers the Last Knight toys will be released on April 29th in Japan. To make this extra special, there will be a promotion at Toysrus with a gift for the first 6000 customers to spend more than 2000 Yen at a Japanese ToysRUs. Those people will get the Temenos Sword, which is a highly detailed version of Leader Optimus Prime's sword. There was a similar promotion for the previous movie toyline with the same sword. We know this from a tweet from @07groundprime which has images from a Japan Toysrus flyer.


Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1874705)
Posted by TimothyR on April 15th, 2017 @ 10:21pm CDT
Pretty pathetic when 5 of the 9 figures on a promo for a new toy line are repaints.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1874710)
Posted by william-james88 on April 15th, 2017 @ 10:56pm CDT
TimothyR wrote:Pretty pathetic when 5 of the 9 figures on a promo for a new toy line are repaints.

And they even happen to be the same as the hasbro releases, giving even less variety to this line.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1875176)
Posted by william-james88 on April 18th, 2017 @ 8:43am CDT
Were any of you dissapointed to find out that Takara's TLK Voyager Optimus was the same as Hasbro's? Well, Takara is releasing a special limited redeco of this figure as part of an advanced ticket sale for Transformers The Last Knight in Japan. It is very blurry, but the Snakas Blog this picture was found on states that they can make out purple eyes so this may be Takara's take on the "shadow spark prime" deco. This figure now joins a long line of advance ticket sales exclusives in Japan like the Darkside Optimus Prime for DOTM and G1 color Grimlock for AOE.

Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1875741)
Posted by Prowl4 on April 20th, 2017 @ 7:11am CDT
What's the difference between hasbro and takara berserker and hasbro and takara barricade?
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1875742)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 20th, 2017 @ 7:12am CDT
Prowl4 wrote:What's the difference between hasbro and takara berserker and hasbro and takara barricade?

Nothing really. The wave 1 Hasbro guys are pretty much identical to their Takara counterparts
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1875744)
Posted by Prowl4 on April 20th, 2017 @ 7:20am CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
Prowl4 wrote:What's the difference between hasbro and takara berserker and hasbro and takara barricade?

Nothing really. The wave 1 Hasbro guys are pretty much identical to their Takara counterparts

Is there any visible differences at all?
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1875746)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 20th, 2017 @ 7:31am CDT
Prowl4 wrote:
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
Prowl4 wrote:What's the difference between hasbro and takara berserker and hasbro and takara barricade?

Nothing really. The wave 1 Hasbro guys are pretty much identical to their Takara counterparts

Is there any visible differences at all?

I think Beserker has a bit of red hue in the legs that the Hasbro one doesn't have, but I think that's the only real visible difference
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1875752)
Posted by william-james88 on April 20th, 2017 @ 8:28am CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
Prowl4 wrote:
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
Prowl4 wrote:What's the difference between hasbro and takara berserker and hasbro and takara barricade?

Nothing really. The wave 1 Hasbro guys are pretty much identical to their Takara counterparts

Is there any visible differences at all?

I think Beserker has a bit of red hue in the legs that the Hasbro one doesn't have, but I think that's the only real visible difference

Yup, the only difference in all of wave 1 is a few red bits on the legs of Berserker. Everything else is the same.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1875768)
Posted by Bumblebee21 on April 20th, 2017 @ 9:27am CDT
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1875825)
Posted by Va'al on April 20th, 2017 @ 2:09pm CDT
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1876139)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on April 21st, 2017 @ 12:55pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
Prowl4 wrote:What's the difference between hasbro and takara berserker and hasbro and takara barricade?

Nothing really. The wave 1 Hasbro guys are pretty much identical to their Takara counterparts

Which sucks. But at least in let's me feel better about getting the cheaper alternative and doing some customizing magicssss!
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1876498)
Posted by WreckerJack on April 22nd, 2017 @ 11:29pm CDT
TakaraTomy has posted on their website with the latest info on exclusive Transformers: The Last Knight giveaways! The first giveaway is the silver Temenos Sword, which will be exclusive to ToysRus stores in Japan.

Optimus Prime's Age Of Extinction shield will also be a giveaway item later in the Summer. If you are lucky enough to get one of these swords make sure you keep the ticket that comes with it. Those who do will be able to obtain a "Clear File" which is a clear plastic file folder featuring Transformers artwork on it.

In the Fall Optimus' Dark of the Moon axe will become a promotional item, a bonus for those who got the shield. Make sure to keep those tickets someplace safe so you won't miss out!

Unfortunately, these giveaways are only for Japan. If you live in the US the new Transformers The Last Knight toys will hit stores Monday, April 24th!

Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1876578)
Posted by Overcracker on April 23rd, 2017 @ 10:06am CDT
WreckerJack wrote:... If you live in the US the new Transformers The Last Knight toys will hit stores Monday, April 29th!


The 29th is Saturday. Monday is May First. Unless you are talking about some other year. :lol:
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1876583)
Posted by Va'al on April 23rd, 2017 @ 10:13am CDT
Overcracker wrote:
WreckerJack wrote:... If you live in the US the new Transformers The Last Knight toys will hit stores Monday, April 29th!


The 29th is Saturday. Monday is May First. Unless you are talking about some other year. :lol:

Actually we meant 24th. Typo!
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1876586)
Posted by Overcracker on April 23rd, 2017 @ 10:58am CDT
Actually we meant 24th. Typo!

Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877049)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 25th, 2017 @ 5:13am CDT
Well, this is it. The TAKARA 1-steps are exactly the same POS as the Hasbro ones:





They are pretty much the same price as the US or Canada. That's not counting shipping, obviously.

Sigh... Guess I'll wait for a clearance sale for Hound.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877052)
Posted by Va'al on April 25th, 2017 @ 5:23am CDT
Fellow Seibertronian -Kanrabat- has spotted four new figures from the upcoming live-action movie Transformers: The Last Knight over on, as part of the related Takara Tomy line of toys. Where Hasbro has One-Step Changers, we now see the Speed Change TLK-06 Bumblebee, TLK-07 Optimus Prime, TLK-08 Hound and TLK-09 Barricade!

Check out images below of the two modes and the transformation sequence, and let us know what you think of this initial Japanese offering in their striking similarity to the Hasbro version of the same toys.











Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877066)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 25th, 2017 @ 7:09am CDT
It's still a bit hilarious and sad how little paint these guys have. Takara = Hasbro here
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877249)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 25th, 2017 @ 4:25pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:It's still a bit hilarious and sad how little paint these guys have. Takara = Hasbro here

That's usually the case with the initial waves. It's a bit later down the line that TakaraTomy offers "premium decos".
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877292)
Posted by william-james88 on April 25th, 2017 @ 6:45pm CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:It's still a bit hilarious and sad how little paint these guys have. Takara = Hasbro here

That's usually the case with the initial waves. It's a bit later down the line that TakaraTomy offers "premium decos".

But their AOE line had different/superior decos to Hasbro's from the get go.
It looks like they are going back to the method of the first film where both companies released the same toys.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877294)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 25th, 2017 @ 6:54pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:It's still a bit hilarious and sad how little paint these guys have. Takara = Hasbro here

That's usually the case with the initial waves. It's a bit later down the line that TakaraTomy offers "premium decos".

But their AOE line had different/superior decos to Hasbro's from the get go.
It looks like they are going back to the method of the first film where both companies released the same toys.
Some of the movie 1 toys had differences between the Hasbro and Takara versions. Most notably the normal Leader class Optimus Prime toy.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877298)
Posted by william-james88 on April 25th, 2017 @ 7:05pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:It's still a bit hilarious and sad how little paint these guys have. Takara = Hasbro here

That's usually the case with the initial waves. It's a bit later down the line that TakaraTomy offers "premium decos".

But their AOE line had different/superior decos to Hasbro's from the get go.
It looks like they are going back to the method of the first film where both companies released the same toys.
Some of the movie 1 toys had differences between the Hasbro and Takara versions. Most notably the normal Leader class Optimus Prime toy.

Some, sure. But not most. Which was totally reversed for AOE.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877318)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 25th, 2017 @ 8:40pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:It's still a bit hilarious and sad how little paint these guys have. Takara = Hasbro here

That's usually the case with the initial waves. It's a bit later down the line that TakaraTomy offers "premium decos".

But their AOE line had different/superior decos to Hasbro's from the get go.
It looks like they are going back to the method of the first film where both companies released the same toys.
Some of the movie 1 toys had differences between the Hasbro and Takara versions. Most notably the normal Leader class Optimus Prime toy.

Some, sure. But not most. Which was totally reversed for AOE.

The first few waves were generally speaking identical. It's the later redecos and retoolings that sported the differences from what I can tell. AoE and Lost Age were exceptions, I'll give you that.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877400)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 26th, 2017 @ 9:56am CDT
Thanks to the Transformers Never Die Facebook Page we have some new images of the upcoming wave 1 figures from Takara's The Last Knight toyline. The 5 figures in wave 1 are Deluxe Bumblebee, Barricade, Berserker, and Slash, along with voyager Grimlock. The figures deco differs only slightly from their Hasbro counterparts, which have started to show up across the world. Check out the Takara packaging images, or their stickers, at least, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!





Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877411)
Posted by william-james88 on April 26th, 2017 @ 11:22am CDT
Holy SHIT!

Its 2007 all over again with how japan is releasing the same exact toy package and all with a sticker for the japanese text. I didnt think we would get back to that. And I didnt know that meant we were seeing the final packaging at the Tokyo toy show.

Well, technically, since Takara did the engineering on these toys and its the same deco for takara, all of us who own any The last Knight figure now owns a Takara toy and vice versa.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877416)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 26th, 2017 @ 11:37am CDT
I just don't get how Takara can be ok releasing that Bumblebee redeco. Bad enough for Hasbro but Takara who usually go the extra mile? May as well have re-released the far more beautiful AoE version where the Hasbro version was good, the Takara version even better and both far lovelier than this TLK release.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877421)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 26th, 2017 @ 12:05pm CDT
Anyone else notice that the Japanese logo for the movie doesn't have any Katakana in its subheading?

Of the previous four films, all three of the sequels were given different names from the English ones for their respective Japanese releases, but whose subheadings were all still foreign word names rendered in Katakana:

ROTF: トランスフォーマー リベンジ Toransufōmā Ribenji, "Transformers: Revenge"
DOTM:トランスフォーマー ダークサイド・ムーン Toransufōmā Dākusaido Mūn, "Transformers: Darkside Moon"
AOE:トランスフォーマー ロストエイジ Toransufōmā Rosuto Eiji, "Transformers: Lost Age"

Here, however, the title's subheading is instead rendered in Kanji (along with a の Hiragana):

トランスフォーマー最後の騎士王 Toransufōmā Saigo no Kishi-ō, which means "Transformers: The Last Knight King"

This sounds to me like it could give a bit more context as to who the titular knight is. He's not just a knight, but the king of the knights.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877451)
Posted by Va'al on April 26th, 2017 @ 1:51pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Anyone else notice that the Japanese logo for the movie doesn't have any Katakana in its subheading?

Of the previous four films, all three of the sequels were given different names from the English ones for their respective Japanese releases, but whose subheadings were all still foreign word names rendered in Katakana:

ROTF: トランスフォーマー リベンジ Toransufōmā Ribenji, "Transformers: Revenge"
DOTM:トランスフォーマー ダークサイド・ムーン Toransufōmā Dākusaido Mūn, "Transformers: Darkside Moon"
AOE:トランスフォーマー ロストエイジ Toransufōmā Rosuto Eiji, "Transformers: Lost Age"

Here, however, the title's subheading is instead rendered in Kanji (along with a の Hiragana):

トランスフォーマー最後の騎士王 Toransufōmā Saigo no Kishi-ō, which means "Transformers: The Last Knight King"

This sounds to me like it could give a bit more context as to who the titular knight is. He's not just a knight, but the king of the knights.

I swear we've had this conversation before. :-?
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877454)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 26th, 2017 @ 1:54pm CDT
Va'al wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Anyone else notice that the Japanese logo for the movie doesn't have any Katakana in its subheading?

Of the previous four films, all three of the sequels were given different names from the English ones for their respective Japanese releases, but whose subheadings were all still foreign word names rendered in Katakana:

ROTF: トランスフォーマー リベンジ Toransufōmā Ribenji, "Transformers: Revenge"
DOTM:トランスフォーマー ダークサイド・ムーン Toransufōmā Dākusaido Mūn, "Transformers: Darkside Moon"
AOE:トランスフォーマー ロストエイジ Toransufōmā Rosuto Eiji, "Transformers: Lost Age"

Here, however, the title's subheading is instead rendered in Kanji (along with a の Hiragana):

トランスフォーマー最後の騎士王 Toransufōmā Saigo no Kishi-ō, which means "Transformers: The Last Knight King"

This sounds to me like it could give a bit more context as to who the titular knight is. He's not just a knight, but the king of the knights.

I swear we've had this conversation before. :-?
Not with me. Image
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877457)
Posted by Va'al on April 26th, 2017 @ 2:13pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Va'al wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Anyone else notice that the Japanese logo for the movie doesn't have any Katakana in its subheading?

Of the previous four films, all three of the sequels were given different names from the English ones for their respective Japanese releases, but whose subheadings were all still foreign word names rendered in Katakana:

ROTF: トランスフォーマー リベンジ Toransufōmā Ribenji, "Transformers: Revenge"
DOTM:トランスフォーマー ダークサイド・ムーン Toransufōmā Dākusaido Mūn, "Transformers: Darkside Moon"
AOE:トランスフォーマー ロストエイジ Toransufōmā Rosuto Eiji, "Transformers: Lost Age"

Here, however, the title's subheading is instead rendered in Kanji (along with a の Hiragana):

トランスフォーマー最後の騎士王 Toransufōmā Saigo no Kishi-ō, which means "Transformers: The Last Knight King"

This sounds to me like it could give a bit more context as to who the titular knight is. He's not just a knight, but the king of the knights.

I swear we've had this conversation before. :-?
Not with me. Image

I swear this conversation has been had on the site before. :-?
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877582)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 27th, 2017 @ 12:51am CDT
The Planet Iacon Facebook Page has found some new images of the upcoming Limited Edition The Last Knight Voyager Prime! This version of Prime, teased about 2 weeks ago features some new paint decals, purple eyes, a purple sword, and the title "Dark Optimus Prime." This figure is available as part of a deal with advanced tickets to see the movie in Japan. Check out the images, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!



Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877586)
Posted by Autobot Roadburn on April 27th, 2017 @ 1:39am CDT
Well dang, that looks near perfect as far as this mold goes! I'd hope there'll be a way to get him stateside, but I doubt he'll come cheap.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877590)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 27th, 2017 @ 2:12am CDT
That is very nice. Reckon I can get the regular Hasbro release looking almost as nice with a bit of paint with flames provided by Toyhax/Reprolabels who I hope are working on a sticker set.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877591)
Posted by Autobot Roadburn on April 27th, 2017 @ 2:15am CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:That is very nice. Reckon I can get the regular Hasbro release looking almost as nice with a bit of paint with flames provided by Toyhax/Reprolabels who I hope are working on a sticker set.

Good point, I honestly completely forgot about Reprolabels! I'll probably start painting my Prime in a couple days, I'm excited to see how accurate I can make him.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877592)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 27th, 2017 @ 2:22am CDT
Autobot Roadburn wrote:
Carnivius_Prime wrote:That is very nice. Reckon I can get the regular Hasbro release looking almost as nice with a bit of paint with flames provided by Toyhax/Reprolabels who I hope are working on a sticker set.

Good point, I honestly completely forgot about Reprolabels! I'll probably start painting my Prime in a couple days, I'm excited to see how accurate I can make him.

Yeah me too (when I get my figure). Hm, that Dark Optimus Prime's truck flames are much better than the ones Hasbro actually did bother do to. That might be a harder thing to 'fix'. But the robot mode shouldn't be too difficult.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877934)
Posted by Diem on April 28th, 2017 @ 9:09am CDT
Me: Alright, I can probably skip all the recurring characters and just grab any new characters or any figures that get exemplary reviews.

Also me, noticing that Barricade comes with a 5mm-compatible truncheon: ffffffffffffffff
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1877994)
Posted by Va'al on April 28th, 2017 @ 12:06pm CDT
Via Dengeki Hobby once more, we have some new official photography of a Takara Tomy Transformers: The Last Knight (King) toyline figure: TLK-02 Deluxe Barricade! Check out the images below, and compare to our various in-hand takes of the Hasbro Decepticon toy to spot the differences - which doesn't seem many at all.


Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1878228)
Posted by RAR on April 29th, 2017 @ 3:58pm CDT
Is there any more Limited Editions (like scruffy Bumblebee and Evil Optimus ?) - I heard there was a Barricade Limited Edition (possibly Black instead of blue) - but I've yet to see it ?
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1878330)
Posted by primalxconvoy on April 30th, 2017 @ 6:38am CDT
There aren't any differences between this and the USA version because it IS the USA version. Takara slapped a few stickers on the USA/European boxes and called it a day. I just saw Barricade, BB, Grimlock, the Predator thing, etc for sale in Aeon Mall in Japan, alongside the Japanese versions of Grimlock.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1881490)
Posted by Va'al on May 14th, 2017 @ 4:10am CDT
Via Twitter account TokuToku Scans, we have some promotional material for Japanese audiences for Transformers: The Last Knight (King), in the form of a spread featuring one steps, Turbo Changers, Legion class Optimus Prime and Bumblebees! Check out the image below, from Terebi-kun a younger readers TV magazine.

Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1882986)
Posted by Va'al on May 20th, 2017 @ 10:53am CDT
From the official Twitter account for Takara Tomy Transformers, we have news - with two images - of a limited edition TLK-EX Dark Optimus Prime, which appears to use the Voyager mold of the figure. The figure will be release in conjuction with retailer 7eleven's online service Omni7 and their advance tickets for the movie, due out in June (the listing however mentions July and the DVD category, so we may need some better translations here..). Check out the images below!






Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1882987)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on May 20th, 2017 @ 11:53am CDT
Better than the regular version but still missing a lot of painted areas and I'm happier with the way my custom is turning out even with my lousy paint skills. :)
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1883068)
Posted by Emerje on May 20th, 2017 @ 10:32pm CDT
Revealed? The first three regular images were uploaded to on 4/27. I thought they had already been posted here so I didn't say anything. Just a week or so ago I was hoping to order one off of the Omni7 site, only to find out these are only available in 7eleven stores, they're just reserved on the site. :(

The advance ticket release is 7/25 while the non-ticket release is 9/29. What's the Japanese release date, I can't find it anywhere? it's strange that the advance ticked would come out after the the movie has already been in theaters a month. People seem to think the September non-ticket release is for the BR/DVD release.

Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1883115)
Posted by BERSEKAEL on May 21st, 2017 @ 10:39am CDT
hmm I wonder if this is the legion class reference
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1883117)
Posted by Va'al on May 21st, 2017 @ 11:28am CDT
Emerje wrote:The advance ticket release is 7/25 while the non-ticket release is 9/29. What's the Japanese release date, I can't find it anywhere? it's strange that the advance ticked would come out after the the movie has already been in theaters a month. People seem to think the September non-ticket release is for the BR/DVD release.


It's also June, which is why the dates listed are confusing.
Re: Possible Takara Tomy AD 31 Optimus Prime Re-issue as Part of TLK Line (1884779)
Posted by william-james88 on May 28th, 2017 @ 8:33am CDT
It's about time we saw something different from Takara's TLK line for Transformers: The Last Knight. Thanks to a tip from fellow Seibertronian bacem, we found new images of a further remold to Takara's Movie Advanced Knight Armour Optimus Prime, which was a retool of the Age of Extinction Leader Prime. This upcoming Leader Optimus Prime is called TLK-15 Caliber Optimus Prime and the backpack the Leader figure is known to have will be removeable to turn into a riot shield, similar to what Striker Prime had. He also comes with a new axe weapon. This figure is set to retail for 8,000 yen in July, 2017. While nothing is confirmed, it is likely that this will be a Japan exclusive toy replacing the Leader Optimus Prime reissue Hasbro is doing for their Transformers: The Last Knight toyline. These images were found on a Facebook page.



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